CruiseControl.NET force build not working from CCTray -

I really hope someone who is a CC.NET expert can help with this, because this problem is painful!
I have a remote build machine with CruiseControl.NET and CCTray running (version 1.5.7256.1)
On the local machine I have CCtray connecting through HTTP not .NET remoting.
When I configure the projects, I add a server through HTTP and use the following URL:
If I leave [Set to pre-1.5.0 server] UNCHECKED, then it fails to connect with this error:
Failed to connect to server: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
If I set to [Set to pre-1.5.0. server] CHECKED, then it succeeds and I can kick builds off from CCtray on the local machine fine.
Now, if I go back to another machine which I want to connect remotely, I follow same steps. Again, only pre-1.5.0 setting works. WHY?! CruiseControl.NET and CCTray are at 1.5.7256.1?!?
The 2nd problem and main problem which I think may be related to the previous; if I then use the pre-1.5.0 setting the pojects show up but when I force a build I now get this error:
An unexpected error has occurred while trying to force a build.
The method or operation is not implemented.
What am I doing wrong, I'm really struggling with this. I previously was using 1.4 versions and this worked fine, so has something broken? I'm using IIS7 too so don't know if this could be something to do with it.

I had a look at the tray app's source code for the 1.5 release (as well as the current trunk.) When connected to a pre-1.5 server, regardless of whether you specified the connection as remoting or HTTP, you will receive the unimplemented exception message when attempting to force build a project.
Looks like your options at the moment are to wait for a new release or pull down the code and modify (and I have no idea how easy backwards compatibility was maintained between versions...)

It sounds like you may have configuration options that are part of a breaking change perhaps? can you post more of your configuration so we can check it?
Also after you save changes have you looked at the server log? it often has information about what broke. Especially the part that happens right after you change a config file and save.
I'd be interested in seeing log file information. Also, why are you using http rather than remoting? Perhaps show us some of your settings in ccnet.exe.config? here's my remoting setup which I believe is the default:
<channel ref="tcp" port="21234">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full"/>
also you may want to check security issues and firewall settings on that server. (windows event log for security audit failures, etc...)


Timeout: WebException when trying to access/debug LocalHost of Azure Functions [Unity] [PlayFab]

I'm trying to debug Azure Function scripts locally, in conjunction with Unity, but getting Timeout errors every time.
I have a few things here, and I'm not sure which one is actually causing the problem... It might be a settings on Windows, as oppose to one of the softwares.
I'm building in Unity 2019.4, and and using PlayFab and it's ability to use Azure Functions. When I try to execute scripts from the Azure servers, it functions correctly. But when I try to run it with Local Debugging, I get WebException: The request timed out System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream (See full error below).
Here's what I'm doing to setup:
Set PlayFab to Local Debugging (via VS Code Extension)(and confirming the json file is made in the temp folder)
Install Azure Functions Core Tools from Here
Start Azure Functions debugging from VS Code (terminal output shows that the the localhost is running it correctly)
Timeout error references the correct address http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction as confirmed in the VS Code Terminal when the AzFunc debugging is started.
When I clone the project to my MacBook Pro, everything runs smoothly in local debugging.
So, because of this, I've tried checking to make sure ports aren't blocked via PowerShell: netsh firewall show state,and told Windows Defender to not block anything from Unity or Code. When I run Netstat -ab in PowerShell/CMD, I do get:
Can not obtain ownership information
I don't know if this is a problem, or normal...
I don't even know what else to check for. This problem is beyond me. If anyone knows the solution, or can point me in right direction, I'd be very grateful!
Below are the two errors from the Unity log whenever I execute an Azure Function script through PlayFab while local debugging:
WebException: The request timed out
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream () (at <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest.Post (PlayFab.Internal.CallRequestContainer reqContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:319)
Rethrow as WebException: Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Post(CallRequestContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:332)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:WorkerThreadMainLoop() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:252)
Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
DemoScript:onPlayFabError(PlayFabError) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Examples/DemoScript.cs:264)
PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass30_0:<QueueRequestError>b__0() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:395)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:480)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabHttp:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabHTTP.cs:364)
Okay, TLDR: The answer to the problem is that not everything was updated. So, update everything if you're experiencing the same problem.
More specifically in my case, the "Visual Studio Code Editor" asset in Unity's Package Manager.
I just wanted throw this out there in case anyone has a problem like this in the future. It may not be the same specific thing that needs upgrading, but search around for everything involved and make sure it's updated. Not just the big, obvious things (like Unity or your IDE). Thankfully for me in this case, the update was starting to cause other problems, and after much headbanging trying to solve those, I came across it.
Good luck, future fellow idiots!

CCNET is not run correctly

I have installed the ccnet 1.6.798 on Windows 7 Ent.
After fews time is run correctly, now its just load some line and then go to hang .
Nothing happen anymore,
Can somebody help me to solve this matter,
I have this problem on windows server 2k8 too.
[CCnet Server:INFO] Starting Cruisecontrol.Net Server
[CCnet Server:INFO] Initialising security
Here is screenshot:
It does not hang. As you can see in the debug log you have not configured any projects. So there is nothing todo for CCNet.
Please read the documentation about how to add projects to your configuration.
Also the Scenarios are a very helpful source to get startet.

CCtray unable to connect to dashboard

I am using CCnet 1.6 and cctray 1.6. On the build server, the tray works properly using localhost. Remotely though, I am not able to connect the tray to the dashboard. The dashboard URL works great, but when I put that into the cctray settings, I get a 500 internal server error.
This worked up until I had to move CCnet from defaultwebsite to its own. Did I miss something when I changed it over?
Actually this is similar to a question I just asked but if you want to persist with remoting (but may not work so well over the Internet with firwalls and the like)
Open your dashboard.config (likely path is C:\Program Files (x86)\CruiseControl.NET\webdashboard\dashboard.config)
Find the port number your dashboard is connecting to the server on (eg: 21234)
In CC Tray, select remoting and enter hostname:portnumber (eg: mycruiseserver:21234)
Assuming that the CCNET server is part of your local network this should work:
Select .NET remoting as connection type
Specify the CCNET server's address only by its IP address (instead of using the dashboard URL)
Try switching off your firewall, it may be that you havn't opened your port.
Then, use the buildserver:port method (remotely via .NET).
I just fixed my problem (v1.8.3 for my installation).
I set the name attribute in the <server /> tag in dashboard.config to match the hostname. I'm not sure if that is required but that is the first thing I tried.
Then I inspected the bindings for the site that the dashboard is hosted under in IIS. The hostname for the binding was blank, so I changed it to the hostname for the site.
I noticed that the CCNet machine's event log had exceptions logged for unknown domain when I was trying to connect CCTray to it.
When I went to add a build server in CCTray on the remote machine, I selected via dashboard and it worked for me.

Hgweb "Push" in IIS returning 502 (bad gateway)

I've got hgweb up and running on II7 7 (on windows server 2008). The web interface works, and I can view, pull, and clone the repositories there. But I cannot push, doing so gives me a 502 error right after "searching for changes". Using --debug shows the last few lines as:
sending unbundle command
sending 622 bytes
HTTP Error: 502 (Bad Gateway)
I am using TortoiseHG to push, but the result is the same when using the mercurial command line.
I had followed the tutorial here: to setup hgweb.
Looks like an old question but someone is bound to come across it again. I was close to drawing a black circle on a wall and ... anyhow the issue for us was the way central repository was created. We cloned it from BitBucket while being Remote connected to the machine as local administrator.
The issue was in [Repository].hg folder. You need to set correct permissions on it. Try it with adding Everyone -> Full permissions for test purpose. Please make sure you change this to a dedicated network login or appropriate local account afterwards.
I was seeing the exact same behaviour - even push worked fine with exception of getting a Bad Gateway after all the time. After correct permissions were set the issue was gone.
Thinking about it now, probably the best solution is to add each network login that uses the repo to machine users and then set up access permissions to .hg folder to local users.
Hope it helps someone.
Try using the ISAPI module method instead of the CGI that executes phython.exe as documented here. There's also another related, and possibly duplicate question here as well.
Take a look at the 'Push_ssl' setting in your hgweb.config file.
I was getting the same error (had mine set to '*'), and was able to resolve it by removing the line entirely. Granted, this makes Mercurial somewhat less secure, but it lets me get by the configuration issue (for now) while I investigate properly configuring SSL on the server.
You may also have to review the 'Allow_push' setting in order to get past further errors (or take another look at your authorization).
NOTE: At least in my case, having 'push_ssl = false' wasn't enough as that resulted in further errors (authorization failed).
(Again this is simply a temporary solution until the server can be properly secured.)
It could happen by different reasons, to get more details about the error run
hg push --config ui.usehttp2=true --config ui.http2debuglevel=info
For example, problem may occur because of proxy server or just in case when the Mercurial Web Server "forgets" about repositories it needs to serve: in case if you are using TortoiseHg workbench go to Workbench UI, Repository -> Start Web Server, make sure that your repository is in the list of the served repos.
Try use https instead http in .hg/hgrc, I have resolve this problem for
I had this issue, and the problem ended up being the server running out of disk space.

Cannot remote debug IIS -- w3wp.exe is grayed out

I am trying to debug an IIS Web Service using remote debugging. Because of our domain configuration (which we CANNOT change) I get an Access is denied when remote debugging via the Default option. The only solution I've found is to switch to Remote (Native only with no authentication) option in VS 2008.
The problem is that when I connect to the remote system the w3wp.exe is grayed out and oddly enough it's the only one in the list that is. Does this have to do with the Remote choice? Is there a way around this?
I actually solved mine problem. The w3wp.exe was grayed out because I had installed Debug Diagnostics Tool on the server machine and set it up to follow IIS for crashed. Even though the program was not running it still had the "marked" the process for debugging (This might be totally wrong assumption). After removing the "markers" I could attach to the process.
So check out your services/programs if something is already attatched it self to the process. Does not solve the problem of not beeing able to debug managed code at all.
When you switch to "Native only with no authentication" mode, you're explicitly saying that you only want to debug "native" i.e. Win32 code, rather than .net code. There is, unfortunately as far as I'm aware, no way around this (I've tried! :().
