Groovy methodMissing - groovy

I have a closure within an object Foo and inside the closure i define a method called 'myStaticMethod' that I want to resolve once the closure is called outside the object Foo. I also happen to have 'on purpose' a static method within my object Foo with the same name. When I call the closure i set the 'resolve strategy' to DELEGATE_ONLY to intercept the call to myStaticMethod that is defined within the closure.
I tried to achieve that through missingMethod but the method is never intercepted. When i make the Foo.myStaticMethod non static, the method is intercepted. I don't quite understand why this is happening though my resolve strategy is set to DELEGATE_ONLY. having the Foo.myStaticMethod static or not shouldn't matter or I am missing something
class Foo {
static myclosure = {
static def myStaticMethod() {}
class FooTest {
def c = Foo.myclosure
c.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
def missingMethod(String name, def args) {
println $name

To solve the problem, I ended up overriding the invokeMethod right before calling the closure in FooTests
Foo.metaClass.'static'.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
println "Static Builder processing $name "
While trying to solve this problem, i discovered a very weird way to intercept missing static methods. Might be useful to some of you in the future.
static $static_methodMissing(String name, args) {
println "Missing static $name"

Static methods unfortunately aren't intercepted by the closure property resolution. The only way that I know to intercept those is to override the static metaClass invokeMethod on the class that owns the closure, ex:
class Foo {
static myclosure = {
static myStaticMethod() {
return false
Foo.metaClass.'static'.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
println "in static invokeMethod for $name"
return true
def closure = Foo.myclosure
assert true == closure()


access global variable in static scope

Is there a way to access global variable, declared in the script, from the static method of the class, declared in the same script?
For example
def s = "12345"
class MyClass {
static def method() {
println s
Because that way it fails with the error
You attempted to reference a variable in the binding or an instance variable from a static context
which is expected though.
There is a related discussion at this question:
Groovy scope - how to access script variable in a method
Related in that both questions refer to using a global variable within a class, but this question differs somewhat in that you are seeking to use a static method which alters how you pass the script instance or binding (2 choices).
Passing the Script's Instance
import groovy.transform.Field
#Field def s = "12345"
class MyClass {
static def method(si) {
return si.s
assert MyClass.method(this) == "12345"
Passing the Script's binding
s = "12345" // NOTE: no 'def'
class MyClass {
static def method(b) {
return b.s
assert MyClass.method(binding) == "12345"
Well, the problem is that in Groovy there is no such thing as a global variable. What is loosely considered a global variable is actually a static property within some class.
For example, if you remove the println line so that the code compiles, you get something like this out of the compiler:
public class script1455567284805 extends groovy.lang.Script {
public java.lang.Object run() {
return java.lang.Object s = '12345'
public class MyClass implements groovy.lang.GroovyObject extends java.lang.Object {
public static java.lang.Object method() {
// This is where the println would have been.
return null
As you can see, an additional class is created and the the s variable is declared within the method run() of that class. This makes the variable inaccessible to your other class.
Note: Removing the def will not address this issue.
Your best bet is to place your "global variables" into a class, possibly as static properties, like this:
class Global {
static Object S = "12345"
class MyClass {
static def method() {
println Global.S
You included a variable type with the s variable (by using the def type). In a Groovy script, this is treated as a local variable - and local to the run() method that is generated - which is kind of like a main() class. As a result, the variable is not available in other methods or classes.
If you remove the def you will be able to make use of the s variable.
Here is the Groovy documentation that explains this further.

On closures and groovy builder pattern

Starting to grasp closures in general and some groovy features.
Given the following code:
class Mailer {
void to(final String to) { println "to $to" }
void from(final String from) { println "from $from" }
static void send(Closure configuration) {
Mailer mailer = new Mailer()
mailer.with configuration
class MailSender {
static void sendMessage() {
Mailer.send {
to 'them'
from 'me'
What happens under the hood when you pass a closure to Mailer.send method?
Does to and from are passed as arguments from the Closure point of view? Which types the Closure maps them?
And then inside the Mailer.send method at the moment the Mailer object calls mailer.with receiving the configuration object, the object maps them into method calls. Groovy does this by reflection?
Groovy can dynamically define the delegate of a closure and even the this object.
with is setting the delegate and executing the closure. This is a verbose way to achieve the same:
def math = {
given 4
sum 5
class PrintMath {
def initial
def given(val) {
initial = val
def sum(val) {
initial += val
def getPrint() {
println initial
return initial
math.delegate = new PrintMath()
math.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
assert math() == 9
What happens under the hood when you pass a closure to Mailer.send method?
It receives a not-yet-executed block of code.
Does to and from are passed as arguments from the Closure point of view?
No, it is better thinking of them as an anonymous class/lambda in java, or a function(){} in javascript.
Which types the Closure maps them?
None, they are method calls waiting to be executed. They can be delegated to different objects, though.
And then inside the Mailer.send method at the moment the Mailer object calls mailer.with receiving the configuration object, the object maps them into method calls. Groovy does this by reflection?
You can decompile a Groovy class file to see what is going on. IIRC, Groovy currently uses a "reflector" strategy (with an arrayOfCallSite caching) to make calls faster OR it can use invokedynamic.
The closure math in the code above will result in this class:
// .. a lot of techno-babble
public Object doCall(Object it) {
CallSite[] arrayOfCallSite = $getCallSiteArray();
arrayOfCallSite[0].callCurrent(this, Integer.valueOf(4));
arrayOfCallSite[1].callCurrent(this, Integer.valueOf(5));
return arrayOfCallSite[2].callGroovyObjectGetProperty(this);
return null;

Access a property inside invokeMethod() implemented in a trait

The following Groovy trait implements the GroovyInterceptable interface to allow execution of code before and after method calls.
trait Bar implements GroovyInterceptable {
def bar = "bar"
invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(this, args)
def doSomething() {
The following class implements the trait Bar.
class Foo implements Bar {
Have a look at the following code.
def foo = new Foo()
The call to doSomething() is being intercepted by invokeMethod(). A java.lang.StackOverflowError occurs because accessing the property bar inside invokeMethod() implicitly makes a call to the getter of bar which in turn is intercepted by invokeMethod() just trying to access bar again.
How can I access a class property inside invokeMethod without calling this property's getter or setter?
In combination with the trait using this.#bar to access the property does not work.
The code metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(this, args) to invoke the intercepted method could be incorrect although it works when using the trait logic directly inside a class.
Edit for Solution:
The accepted answer contributed by user Opal works like a charm in a script environment. Since the trait is part of a larger project and defined in its own file I made it work like this:
package com.example.project
trait Bar implements GroovyInterceptable {
def bar = "bar"
invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(this, args)
def doSomething() {
It turns out that there's no need to use # for direct field access:
trait Bar implements GroovyInterceptable {
def bar = "bar"
invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args).invoke(this, args)
def doSomething() {
class Foo implements Bar {
def foo = new Foo()

How do I delegate methodMissing calls to nested classes?

I'd like to create a DSL with syntax like:
Graph.make {
foo {
definedMethod1() // isn't missing!
Where when the handler for this tree encounters the outermost closure, it creates an instance of some class, which has some defined methods and also its own handler for missing methods.
I figured this would be easy enough with some structure like:
public class Graph {
def static make(Closure c){
Graph g = new Graph()
c.delegate = g
def methodMissing(String name, args){
println "outer " + name
ObjImpl obj = new ObjImpl(type: name)
if(args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Closure){
Closure closure = args[0]
closure.delegate = obj
class ObjImpl {
String type
def methodMissing(String name, args){
println "inner " + name
def definedMethod1(){
println "exec'd known method"
But the methodMissing handler interprets the entire closure inside Graph rather than delegating the inner closure to ObjImpl, yielding output:
outer foo
outer bar
exec'd known method
outer baz
How do I scope the missing method call for the inner closure to the inner object that I create?
The easy answer is to set the inner closure's resolveStrategy to "delegate first", but doing that when the delegate defines a methodMissing to intercept all method calls has the effect of making it impossible to define a method outside the closure and call it from inside, e.g.
def calculateSomething() {
return "something I calculated"
Graph.make {
foo {
To allow for this sort of pattern it's better to leave all the closures as the default "owner first" resolve strategy, but have the outer methodMissing be aware of when there is an inner closure in progress and hand back down to that:
public class Graph {
def static make(Closure c){
Graph g = new Graph()
c.delegate = g
private ObjImpl currentObj = null
def methodMissing(String name, args){
if(currentObj) {
// if we are currently processing an inner ObjImpl closure,
// hand off to that
return currentObj.invokeMethod(name, args)
println "outer " + name
if(args.length > 0 && args[0] instanceof Closure){
currentObj = new ObjImpl(type: name)
try {
Closure closure = args[0]
} finally {
currentObj = null
class ObjImpl {
String type
def methodMissing(String name, args){
println "inner " + name
def definedMethod1(){
println "exec'd known method"
With this approach, given the above DSL example, the calculateSomething() call will pass up the chain of owners and reach the method defined in the calling script. The bar(...) and definedMethod1() calls will go up the chain of owners and get a MissingMethodException from the outermost scope, then try the delegate of the outermost closure, ending up in Graph.methodMissing. That will then see that there is a currentObj and pass the method call back down to that, which in turn will end up in ObjImpl.definedMethod1 or ObjImpl.methodMissing as appropriate.
If your DSL can be nested more than two levels deep then you'll need to keep a stack of "current objects" rather than a single reference, but the principle is exactly the same.
An alternative approach might be to make use of groovy.util.BuilderSupport, which is designed for tree building DSLs like yours:
class Graph {
List children
void addChild(ObjImpl child) { ... }
static Graph make(Closure c) {
return new GraphBuilder().build(c)
class ObjImpl {
List children
void addChild(ObjImpl child) { ... }
String name
void definedMethod1() { ... }
class GraphBuilder extends BuilderSupport {
// the various forms of node builder expression, all of which
// can optionally take a closure (which BuilderSupport handles
// for us).
// foo()
public createNode(name) { doCreate(name, [:], null) }
// foo("someValue")
public createNode(name, value) { doCreate(name, [:], value) }
// foo(colour:'red', shape:'circle' [, "someValue"])
public createNode(name, Map attrs, value = null) {
doCreate(name, attrs, value)
private doCreate(name, attrs, value) {
if(!current) {
// root is a Graph
return new Graph()
} else {
// all other levels are ObjImpl, but you could change this
// if you need to, conditioning on current.getClass()
def = new ObjImpl(type:name)
// possibly do something with attrs ...
return newObj
* By default BuilderSupport treats all method calls as node
* builder calls. Here we change this so that if the current node
* has a "real" (i.e. not methodMissing) method that matches
* then we call that instead of building a node.
public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
if(current?.respondsTo(name, args)) {
return current.invokeMethod(name, args)
} else {
return super.invokeMethod(name, args)
The way BuilderSupport works, the builder itself is the closure delegate at all levels of the DSL tree. It calls all its closures with the default "owner first" resolve strategy, which means that you can define a method outside the DSL and call it from inside, e.g.
def calculateSomething() {
return "something I calculated"
Graph.make {
foo {
but at the same time any calls to methods defined by ObjImpl will be routed to the current object (the foo node in this example).
There are at least two problems with this approach:
Defining ObjImpl within the same context as Graph means that any missingMethod call will hit Graph first
Delegation appears to happen locally unless a resolveStrategy is set, e.g.:
closure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST

ExpandoMetaClass - Static Methods + singleton + overloaded functions

Using ExpandoMetaClass Static Methods can be added dynamically, how can i use this ExpandoMetaClass in Singleton object, with overloaded static function in it, let say the sample program need to be re written using ExpandoMetaClass whats needs to changed in the below program
class testA {
def static zMap = [:]
static def X() {
static def Y() {
static def X(def var) {
static def Y(def var) {
One of the reasons to use a singleton is to avoid having static state and methods in a class. If you're using #Singleton, there's no reason to have static methods or fields. The way to use a singleton is like this:
#Singleton class TestA {
def someField = "hello"
def methodX() {
println TestA.instance.methodX()
You can extend the singleton using ExpandoMetaClass like so:
TestA.instance.metaClass.newMethod = { -> "foo" }
TestA.instance.metaClass.methodX = { -> "goodbye" }
println TestA.instance.newMethod()
println TestA.instance.methodX()
If you really want a static method, you can do something like this:
TestA.metaClass.static.methodY = { -> "I am static" }
println TestA.methodY()
Note that if you override the class metaClass, rather than the instance metaClass, it won't apply to the instance if the instance has already been created. To get around this use #Singleton(lazy = true) and override the metaClass before accessing the instance.
