JSF 2.0 menu navigation question - jsf

I am new to JSF, I am currently running JSF 2.0 with tomcat and Primefaces. I have created a simple page using the primefaces layoutUnit and primefaces menu. I have a three panel layout with the menu in the left panel, the main page in the center, and some metric / graphing stuff in the right panel. I am having issues understanding how to create separate views for the main panel which will be viewed when selecting the appropriate menu tool item. I want to use ajax so there is no page refresh so I just want to create something where if I have a "users" tool, when I click it the users view will show up in the center panel, similarly if I have a configure tool, I want the configure view to be shown. I have tried to create seperate layoutUnits for each view and then use the rendered="" to render it when a certain tool is clicked but this does not work. Can anyone shed some light on the proper way to do this? I can not find any examples online. thanks.

You should try thinking your web application in terms of template and use the Facelets template feature. (Which version of JSF are you using? Try using JSF2...).
Your primefaces layout could be part of the template. Therefore, each page ("users", "tools") using the template would actually correspond to the main panel of your layout "automatically" have le left and right panels added to it.
Let's say you have a "users" submenu in the menu component of your left panel. It would then link to your "users" view (using Ajax).
You should read: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jsf2fu2/

You have to create template
Step :1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
/* define your pages here.*/
/*menuPage refers the header information*/
<div class="menuPage">
<ui:insert name="menuPage" />
/* mainPage refers the what are your .xhtml files*/
<div class="mainPage">
<ui:insert name="mainPage" />
/*footer page*/
<div class="footerPage">
<ui:insert name="footerPage" />
Step :2
Then create separated page for MenuPage.xhtml, MainPage.xhtml and FooterPage.xhtml
Step :3
Write template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:composition template="template.xhtml">
<ui:define name="menuPage">
<ui:include src="menuPage.xhtml" />
<ui:define name="mainPage">
<ui:include src="mainPage.xhtml" />
<ui:define name="footerPage">
<ui:include src="footerPage.xhtml" />


ui:include includes wrong file in JSF 2.2

Accorrding to the documentation of ui:include tag
Use this tag—which is very similar to JSP's jsp:include—to encapsulate
and reuse content among multiple XHTML pages. There are three things
this tag can include: plain XHTML, and XHTML pages that have either a
composition tag or a component tag.
You supply a filename, through ui:include's src attribute for JSF to
include. That filename is relative to the XHTML file that was rendered
as a result of the last request. So, for example, if JSF loaded the
view login.xhtml, and that file included pageDecorations/header.xhtml,
and pageDecorations/header.xhtml included companyLogo.xhtml, then
companyLogo.xhtml will not be found if it's in the pageDecorations
directory, because companyLogo.xhtml has to be in the same directory
as login.xhtml.
I created a simple test:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:include src="pageDecorations/header.xhtml" />
value="Logo in /pageDecorations"
<h:outputText value="Logo in /"
When I ran this test (loaded login.xhtml page) using JSF 2.2 on WildFly 10.1 , I got Logo in /pageDecorations, while according to the documentation it should be: Logo in /
What is wrong ? Is there a bug in the documentation or Mojarra implementation ? Or my understanding is wrong ?
First, you are inside webapp/ and executing webapp/login.xhtml
inside that you get src="pageDecorations/header.xhtml" and for exectuing that you are in pageDecorations and from header.xhtml you are tring to find src="logo.xhtml" which will you get in the same directory (pageDecorations) so it will print
"Logo in /pageDecorations" .
Document looks wrong in this case.

Included a popup XHTML file but its not showing on button click? [duplicate]

What is the most correct way to include another XHTML page in an XHTML page? I have been trying different ways, none of them are working.
Most basic way is <ui:include>. The included content must be placed inside <ui:composition>.
Kickoff example of the master page /page.xhtml:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
<title>Include demo</title>
<h1>Master page</h1>
<p>Master page blah blah lorem ipsum</p>
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/include.xhtml" />
The include page /WEB-INF/include.xhtml (yes, this is the file in its entirety, any tags outside <ui:composition> are unnecessary as they are ignored by Facelets anyway):
<h2>Include page</h2>
<p>Include page blah blah lorem ipsum</p>
This needs to be opened by /page.xhtml. Do note that you don't need to repeat <html>, <h:head> and <h:body> inside the include file as that would otherwise result in invalid HTML.
You can use a dynamic EL expression in <ui:include src>. See also How to ajax-refresh dynamic include content by navigation menu? (JSF SPA).
A more advanced way of including is templating. This includes basically the other way round. The master template page should use <ui:insert> to declare places to insert defined template content. The template client page which is using the master template page should use <ui:define> to define the template content which is to be inserted.
Master template page /WEB-INF/template.xhtml (as a design hint: the header, menu and footer can in turn even be <ui:include> files):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
<title><ui:insert name="title">Default title</ui:insert></title>
<div id="header">Header</div>
<div id="menu">Menu</div>
<div id="content"><ui:insert name="content">Default content</ui:insert></div>
<div id="footer">Footer</div>
Template client page /page.xhtml (note the template attribute; also here, this is the file in its entirety):
<ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/template.xhtml"
<ui:define name="title">
New page title here
<ui:define name="content">
<h1>New content here</h1>
<p>Blah blah</p>
This needs to be opened by /page.xhtml. If there is no <ui:define>, then the default content inside <ui:insert> will be displayed instead, if any.
You can pass parameters to <ui:include> or <ui:composition template> by <ui:param>.
<ui:include ...>
<ui:param name="foo" value="#{bean.foo}" />
<ui:composition template="...">
<ui:param name="foo" value="#{bean.foo}" />
</ui:composition >
Inside the include/template file, it'll be available as #{foo}. In case you need to pass "many" parameters to <ui:include>, then you'd better consider registering the include file as a tagfile, so that you can ultimately use it like so <my:tagname foo="#{bean.foo}">. See also When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?
You can even pass whole beans, methods and parameters via <ui:param>. See also JSF 2: how to pass an action including an argument to be invoked to a Facelets sub view (using ui:include and ui:param)?
Design hints
The files which aren't supposed to be publicly accessible by just entering/guessing its URL, need to be placed in /WEB-INF folder, like as the include file and the template file in above example. See also Which XHTML files do I need to put in /WEB-INF and which not?
There doesn't need to be any markup (HTML code) outside <ui:composition> and <ui:define>. You can put any, but they will be ignored by Facelets. Putting markup in there is only useful for web designers. See also Is there a way to run a JSF page without building the whole project?
The HTML5 doctype is the recommended doctype these days, "in spite of" that it's a XHTML file. You should see XHTML as a language which allows you to produce HTML output using a XML based tool. See also Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5? and JavaServer Faces 2.2 and HTML5 support, why is XHTML still being used.
CSS/JS/image files can be included as dynamically relocatable/localized/versioned resources. See also How to reference CSS / JS / image resource in Facelets template?
You can put Facelets files in a reusable JAR file. See also Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code.
For real world examples of advanced Facelets templating, check the src/main/webapp folder of Java EE Kickoff App source code and OmniFaces showcase site source code.
Included page:
<!-- opening and closing tags of included page -->
<ui:composition ...>
Including page:
<!--the inclusion line in the including page with the content-->
<ui:include src="yourFile.xhtml"/>
You start your included xhtml file with ui:composition as shown above.
You include that file with ui:include in the including xhtml file as also shown above.

ICEfaces configured for view /index.xhtml but h:head and h:body components are required

I am trying to integrate the ICEFaces ACE component library in my project. I've the following view:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<h:outputStylesheet library="org.icefaces.component.skins"
name="rime.css" />
<f:loadBundle basename="resources.application" var="msg" />
<h:outputText value="#{msg.templateTitle}" />
<div id="content">
<ace:dataTable var="user" value="#{userBean.users}"
paginator="true" rows="50" selectionMode="multiple">
<ace:column headerText="users">
Unfortunately apparently there is no JavaScript / CSS loaded, so the components are not displayed properly. Moreover, the server logs this:
ICEfaces configured for view /index.xhtml but h:head and h:body components are required
Is this related?
You need to use JSF <h:head> and <h:body> components instead of plain HTML <head> and <body>. This way JSF and any JSF component library will be able to programmatically auto-include CSS/JS resources in there.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
<f:loadBundle basename="resources.application" var="msg" />
Note that this way you also don't need that <h:outputStylesheet> anymore.
See also:
One or more resources has the target of 'head' but not 'head' component has been defined within the view
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you'd better declare resources.application as <resource-bundle> in faces-config.xml, so that you don't need to repeat it over all views. Also note that you don't necessarily need <h:outputText> over all place. The <head> and all of above also indicates that you're learning JSF based on a JSF 1.x targeted tutorial instead of a 2.x targeted one. Make sure that you're using the right resources to learn.

JSF Facelets how to include external html?

I have an app that i'm developing and my company has a header banner that is required to be on all pages. We have about 6 different versions floating around my team of that header banner and I now want to make it so that I just include the banner from the source into my app so that if they update the source of the banner, my app's version of the banner is automatically updated as well.
using <ui:include src="http://mycompany.com/banner.html" /> causes the error The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed..
How can i include this banner even if it's not well formed xml?
My current template:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:include src="http://mycompany.com/banner.html" />
<ui:insert name="content" />
The Facelets <ui:include> tag is the wrong tool for the purpose of embedding external resources in a HTML document.
Use the HTML <iframe> element instead.
<iframe src="http://mycompany.com/banner.html"></iframe>

Calling another page in JSF

I have a simple JSF application with 2 .xhtml files. When I run the application, the 1st page displayed is welcome.xhtml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>Final Project</title>
<h:body bgcolor="white">
<div align="center" style="border:5px outset blue;">Welcome to the Product Inventory Application</div>
<h:commandButton value="View All Products" action="allProducts"/>
It displays fine, but when I press the View All Products button, I expect it to display the allProducts.xhtml facelet. But when I click the button, nothing happens at all, no exception or anything. The allProducts.xhtml page is just:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>All Products</title>
<h:body bgcolor="white">
The problem is that an UICommand (<h:commandButton>, <h:commandLink> and similars) must be inside a form i.e. <h:form>. Change your welcome.xhtml page to:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>Final Project</title>
<h:body bgcolor="white">
<div align="center" style="border:5px outset blue;">Welcome to the Product Inventory Application</div>
<h:commandButton value="View All Products" action="allProducts"/>
More info:
h:commandLink / h:commandButton is not being invoked, reason 1. IMO, I suggest you to mark this question as a favorite if you're going to work a lot with JSF :).
I don't know the precise detail by heart, but here is the general idea. The action attribute of the button on the welcome page is referring to an 'allProducts' method of the backing bean. That method would have to return the string 'allProducts.xhtml' in order to have JSF present the products page.
So you have to introduce a backing bean for the welcome page and endow that class with a method 'allProducts'.
