How to use boost::thread mutex to synchronize write access? - multithreading

I have a newbie question about Boost::Thread and Mutex.
I would like to start many parallel instances of the following Worker, and all of them write to the same std::vector:
struct Worker {
std::vector<double>* vec;
Worker(std::vector<double>* v) : vec(v) {}
void operator() {
// do some long computation and then add results to *vec, e.g.
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec->size(); ++i) {
(*vec)[i] += some_value;
I understand that the Worker has to lock vec before it write to it and unlock it when it's done (because all Workers write to the same vector). But how do I express that?

You need a boost::mutex to protect the vector, and you can use a boost::mutex::scoped_lock that'll lock the mutex in its constructor, and unlock it in the destructor
Keep in mind you need to use that same mutex everywhere where you access that instance of vec , be it reads or writes.
To get you going, you could do something like:
struct Worker {
boost::mutex &vec_mutex;
Worker(std::vector<double>* v,boost::mutex &v_mutex) : vec(v),vec_mutex(v_mutex) {}
void operator() {
// do some long computation and then add results to *vec, e.g.
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(vec_mutex);
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vec->size(); ++i) {
(*vec)[i] += some_value;
For more advanced stuff, you should encapsulate the vector and mutex further, or sooner or later you'll forget that these needs to be connected and you'll access vec somewhere without holding the lock leading to very hard to debug problems. For problems such as this example, I'd rather have the workers use their own individual vectors , and combine the result in the a controlling thread when the workers are done.

OT but useful info I hope - since you are updating this vector a lot (or just for best practice) consider iterators to iterate over the vector elements. Making the worker code faster by not requiring use of vector<double>::operator[] will reduce the aggregate wait time of your worker threads.
for(std::vector<double>::iterator iter = vec->begin(); iter != vec->end(); ++iter) {
*iter += some_value;


How to search through next available thread to do computation

I am doing multithreading in C++. This may be something very standard but I can't seem to find it anywhere or know any key terms to search for it online.
I want to do some sort of computation many times but with multiple threads. For each iteration of computation, I want to find the next available thread that has finished its previous computation to do the next iteration. I don't want to cycle through the threads in order since the next thread to be called may not have finished its work yet.
Suppose I have a vector of int and I want to sum up the total with 5 threads. I have the to-be-updated total sum stored somewhere and the count for which element I am currently up to. Each thread looks at the count to see the next position and then takes that vector value and adds it to the total sum so far. Then it goes back to look for the count to do the next iteration. So for each iteration, the count increments then looks for the next available thread (maybe one already waiting for count; or maybe they are all busy still working) to do the next iteration. We do not increase the number of threads but I want to be able to somehow search through all the 5 threads for the first one that finish to do the next computation.
How would I go about coding this. Every way I know of involves doing a loop through the threads such that I can't check for the next available one which may be out of order.
Use semafor (or mutex, always mix up those two) on a global variable telling you what is next. The semafor will lock the other threads out as long as you access the variable making that threads access clear.
So, assuming you have an Array of X elements. And a global called nextfree witch is initalized to 0, then a psudo code would look like this:
while (1)
<lock semafor INT>
if (nextfree>=X)
<release semnafor INT>
<exit and terminate thread>
<Get the data based on "nextfree">
<release semafor INT>
<do your stuff withe the chunk you got>
The point here is that each thread will be alone and have exlusive access to the data struct within the semafor lock and therefore can access the next available regardless of what the others doing. (The other threads will have to wait in line if they are done while another thread working on getting next data chunk. When you release only ONE that stands in queue will get access. The rest will have to wait.)
There are some things to be ware of. Semafor's might lock your system if you manage to exit in the wrong position (Withour releasing it) or create a deadlock.
This is a thread pool:
template<class T>
struct threaded_queue {
using lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
void push_back( T t ) {
lock l(m);
boost::optional<T> pop_front() {
lock l(m);
cv.wait(l, [this]{ return abort || !data.empty(); } );
if (abort) return {};
auto r = std::move(data.back());
return std::move(r);
void terminate() {
lock l(m);
abort = true;
std::mutex m;
std::deque<T> data;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool abort = false;
struct thread_pool {
thread_pool( std::size_t n = 1 ) { start_thread(n); }
thread_pool( thread_pool&& ) = delete;
thread_pool& operator=( thread_pool&& ) = delete;
~thread_pool() = default; // or `{ terminate(); }` if you want to abandon some tasks
template<class F, class R=std::result_of_t<F&()>>
std::future<R> queue_task( F task ) {
std::packaged_task<R()> p(std::move(task));
auto r = p.get_future();
tasks.push_back( std::move(p) );
return r;
template<class F, class R=std::result_of_t<F&()>>
std::future<R> run_task( F task ) {
if (threads_active() >= total_threads()) {
return queue_task( std::move(task) );
void terminate() {
std::size_t threads_active() const {
return active;
std::size_t total_threads() const {
return threads.size();
void clear_threads() {
void start_thread( std::size_t n = 1 ) {
while(n-->0) {
std::async( std::launch::async,
while(auto task = tasks.pop_front()) {
} catch(...) {
std::vector<std::future<void>> threads;
threaded_queue<std::packaged_task<void()>> tasks;
std::atomic<std::size_t> active;
You give it how many threads either at construction or via start_thread.
You then queue_task. This returns a std::future that tells you when the task is completed.
As threads finish a task, they go to the threaded_queue and look for more.
When a threaded_queue is destroyed, it aborts all data in it.
When a thread_pool is destroyed, it aborts all future tasks, then waits for all of the outstanding tasks to finish.
Live example.

C++/Cli synchronizing threads writing to file

I am trying to synchronize threads writing data to a text file in a class by using Monitor, but in my code it seems that the else statement is never evaluated, is this the correct use of monitor for thread synchronization?
void Bank::updatefile()
Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;
bool open = false;
while (!open)
if (Monitor::TryEnter(current))
String^ fileName = "accountdata.txt";
StreamWriter^ sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fileName);
for (int x = 0; x < 19; x++)
open = true;
You're passing an object to Monitor::TryEnter that is specific to the thread in which it is executing (i.e. Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;). No other threads are using the same object (they're using the one for their own thread). So there's never a collision or locking conflict.
Try creating some generic object that's shared among the threads, something higher up in the Bank class. Then use that for your TryEnter call.
Your use of Monitor is partially correct. The object you're using for locking is not correct.
Monitor::Pulse is unnecessary here. Just Exit the monitor, and the next thread will be able to grab the lock.
Monitor::Wait is incorrect here: Wait is supposed to be used when the thread has the object already locked. Here, you have the object not locked yet.
In general, Pulse and Wait are rarely used. For locking for exclusive access to a shared resource, Enter, TryEnter, and Exit are all you need.
Here's how your use of Monitor should be written:
Object^ lockObj = ...;
bool done = false;
if(Monitor::TryEnter(lockObj, 500)) // wait 500 millis for the lock.
// do work
done = true;
// Check some other exit condition?
or if the else is empty, you can simplify it like this:
Object^ lockObj = ...;
Monitor::Enter(lockObj); // Wait forever for the lock.
// do work
There is a class that Microsoft provides that makes this all easier: msclr::lock. This class, used without the ^, makes use of the destructor to release the lock, without a try-finally block.
#include <msclr\lock.h>
bool done = false;
msclr::lock lock(lockObj, lock_later);
if (lock.try_acquire(500)) // wait 500 millis for the lock to be available.
// Do work
done = true;
} // <-- Monitor::Exit is called by lock class when it goes out of scope.
msclr::lock lock(lockObj); // wait forever for the lock to be available.
// Do work
} // <-- Monitor::Exit is called by lock class when it goes out of scope.
The object to lock on
Thread::CurrentThread is going to return a different object on each thread. Therefore, each thread attempts to lock on a different object, and that's why all of them succeed. Instead, have one object, created before you spawn your threads, that is used for locking.
Also, instead of opening & closing the file on each thread, it would be more efficient to open it once, before the threads are spawned, and then just use that one StreamWriter from each of the threads. This also gives you a obvious object to lock on: You can pass the StreamWriter itself to Monitor::Enter or msclr::lock.

Do I need a mutex on a vector of pointers?

Here is a simplified version of my situation:
void AppendToVector(std::vector<int>* my_vector) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
void CreateVectors(const int num_threads) {
std::vector<std::vector<int>* > my_vector_of_pointers(10);
ThreadPool pool(num_threads);
for (for int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
my_vector_of_pointers[i] = new std::vector<int>();
My question is whether I need to put a mutex lock in AppendToVector when running this with multiple threads? My intuition tells me I do not have to because there is no possibility of two threads accessing the same data, but I am not fully confident.
Every thread is appending different std::vector (inside AppendToVector function) so there is no need for locking in your case. In case you change your code in the way more than one thread access same vector then you will need lock. Don't be confused because std::vectors you are passing to AppendToVector are them-selfs elements of main std::list, it matters only that here threads are manipulating with completely different (not shared) memory

Boost::thread, glut and data sharing

I think I have a problem in my program.
I must create an object that continuosly communicate with an external tracking system and get coordinates of point from it.
I wrapped this class inside a boost::thread and before the first calls to my Glut Application I create the thread object and I detach it
The code for the salient methods of the class is the following
boost::mutex resourceMutex;
void Tracker::init()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(resourceMutex);
// some initializations
catch (std::bad_alloc const&)
cerr << "Memory allocation fail during init!" << endl;
p3dData = (Position3d*)calloc( NUM_MARKERS , sizeof( Position3d ) );
if ( p3dData==NULL )
throw std::bad_alloc();
catch ( std::bad_alloc const&)
cerr << "Memory allocation fail during memory allocation!" << endl;
void Tracker::update()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(optotrakResourceMutex);
//... operations on vector< Eigen::Vector3d > points
vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &Tracker::getAllPoints()
return points;
My glutTimerFunc makes a call to an update function that every frame picks the points with the method getAllPoints, while the tracker thread continuosly update them (in fact the frequencies of access to data are different, the thread calls to is faster than the glut update functions calls.
Now when the program exit, I first delete the Tracker object allocated with new then interrupt the thread containing it, but sometimes I get strange behaviours I think they are memory leak
Is the way of getting data with different frequencies of access and the use of scoped_lock correct or should I put some guard in the getAllPoints method?
I understand your dedicated tracker thread continuously calls Tracker::update() to acquire the localization data from your device (NDI Optotrak?)
Then, your OpenGL application accesses the latest points at regular interval from the main thread using Tracker::getAllPoints().
In this case, the vector of 3D points Tracker::points is a shared resource between these two threads.
To prevent concurrent access, both the writing operation in update() and the reading with getAllPoints() must be protected by the mutex, not only the writing as in your current code. The reading code in the main thread must also lock the mutex:
// In your main application:
void timerFunc()
Tracker* tracker = ...; // Obtain a pointer to the tracker object
tracker->LockResourceMutex(); // Enter critical section
vector< Eigen::Vector3d >& pointsRef = tracker->getAllPoints();
//... operations on points, protected by the mutex
tracker->UnlockResourceMutex(); // Leave critical section
// In class Tracker:
void Tracker::LockResourceMutex() { optotrakResourceMutex.lock(); }
void Tracker::UnlockResourceMutex() { optotrakResourceMutex.unlock(); }
Caveat: If your operations on points in the timerFunc() are slow, then the mutex will remain locked for a long time and your tracker thread will block on it when calling Tracker::update().
A better design would be to change Tracker::getAllPoints() to return a copy of the 3D points vector instead of a reference:
// In class Tracker:
vector<Eigen::Vector3d> Tracker::getAllPoints()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(optotrakResourceMutex);
return points; // Will call the std::vector() copy constructor
// In your main application:
void timerFunc()
Tracker* tracker = ...; // Obtain a pointer to the tracker object
vector< Eigen::Vector3d > myPoints = tracker->getAllPoints();
//... operations on your own copy if points
Note how the mutex is encapsulated in the Tracker class and how the timerFunc() does not need to worry about it.
Also note how the mutex is locked only during the copy. The copy of a list of 3D vectors is certainly going to be faster than mathematical operations on them.

How to use threads and queue in VC++

I want to use two queues where the 1st queue will push the data to the queue and the 2nd thread will remove the data from the queue.
Can somebody help me plz on implementing this in VC++?
I am new to the threads and queue.
This is the producer / consumer problem, here is one implementation of it in c++
Here is a few pointers and some sample code:
std::queue<int> data; // the queue
boost::mutex access; // a mutex for synchronising access to the queue
boost::condition cond; // a condition variable for communicating the queue state
bool empty()
return data.empty();
void thread1() // the consumer thread
while (true)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(access);
cond.wait(lock, empty);
while (!empty())
// do something with the data
void thread2() // the producer thread
while (true)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(access);
data.push_back(1); // guaranteed random by a fair dice roll
int main()
boost::thread t1(thread1);
boost::thread t2(thread2);
return 0;
I used a queue from the STL and threads, condition variables and mutexes from the Boost library. The stuff in boost is pretty much what is going to be in the standard C++ library in a few years so it is good to be familiar with it.
I only typed the code in, I have no way to test it. You'll probably find bugs. This is a good thing, threaded code is difficult and the best way to get good at it is lots of practice.
