Count sent emails per day in a google managed domain - gmail

I have a requirement where I have to count all sent email by users belonging to a domain that they manage with google. All email is of course managed with gmail.
Although this task initialy seemed trivial, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this directly, meaning through some API call.
Any ideas?

As far as I know the Gmail API doesn't offer access to the total of send items.
Tthe g4j project (written in Java) reverse engineered Gmail's protocol in order to access an account using HTTP calls. However, the solution is fragile since it could be easily broken whenever Gmail decides to change its HTTP protocol.
Screenshot of a Java application build on top of g4j:
It's not easy but there is a way to access a gmail account.


What's the simplest way to send emails using Node.js?

About two years ago, I created a Node.js application that would send emails periodically through Gmail's Less Secure Apps option. This worked quite well, but they recently got rid of it. I have G-Suite email addresses under my domain that I would like to send emails from, but the new Gmail API takes quite a bit of effort to set up and maintain. Is there a way that I can use Node.js to send emails from those addresses, but in a simpler way? Could I possibly use another SMTP server, like Yahoo or iCloud, with Nodemailer?
if you want to continue as you are just create an apps password.
otherwise you can configure a service account and set up domain wide deligation through your workspace domain account.
The service account will be able to send email on behalf of a user on your domain without any authorization needed. This is probably the most robust solution

Howto email notifications from your web application

What is the correct way to setup mail notifications from your web app in the cloud era? Previously I always had some SMTP server, which I could use for that purpose, but this time my company mail is hosted and there is a limit of 500 mails per day sent from certain address in this system, so with rather high chances I can hit that limit. My first thought was to use services like sendpulse or mailchimp, but it seems that all these services are built having mass marketing campaigns in mind and I'm concerned about security in case of sensitive emails, like password restore or details about orders. I spent several hours searching for solution in the web, but did not find anything reasonable.
Ideally the service I'm looking for would guarantee, that content of my messages would never be stored or shown to anyone, besides email this service might also be able to send SMS (for password restore case) and have integration with messengers.

Docusign login advice

In my testing, I used a web proxy to get thru the firewall here so I could send envelopes. Now I will no longer be using the proxy. Do I need to log in for each web request ( like getting the templates, creating an envelope, etc )? The way we will use docusign is like this: a client consultant will see 3 documents that need to be sent to user X. So they will create an envelope with the 3 documents and send it out. They only need to connect to Docusign for a few rest calls and then they're done. The client consultants will connect to Docusign a few times a day, maybe no times a day if there are no documents to send. I'm assuming that I should go out and see if I can connect to Docusign without a problem before attempting to send out an envelope. What workflow are other people using in similar situations? Thanks for any advice.
I think a short answer here is that every API call you make requires a form of authentication provided, whether it is username/password or an oauth token passed in the appropriate x-header in your API request. I doubt your proxy was adding this on your behalf, so IMO I do not see what you will be gaining/losing by removing the proxy.

Is there an API to the GMail server?

I know there's an API for a Gmail plugin in your browser. Is there one for the server? For example, if I want to write an anti-virus app that reads emails coming in to an account on the server, then let's them continue or quarantines them - all before the user ever sees them?
Obviously it would have to be authorized for the users it did this for.
EDIT: As of 26/06/2014, this answer has become incorrect, as Google just released a dedicated API to GMail. See the link in this post for reference.
Original answer below this line :
From a technological perspective, it's a mail server just like any other.
Thus, your choice should fall on a mail protocol. It's also already answered in the question you linked:
Your app would open an IMAP connection to your mail server of choice (in this case gmail), scan for incoming mail, read the content and trigger a delete / move to trash if necessary.
Personally, I wouldn't trust any app like this running outside my own mailserver / mail client, since this use case requires full read and write access to a users mails.
There might be some API for Google Apps for Domains mail accounts, but I doubt this goes beyond the RSS mail notifications.
Edit: Official Google api documentation also refers to IMAP for accessing user inboxes. Link to IMAP OAuth overview. With application specific passwords users could enable your app to access their account without exposing their actual credentials, but beyond that I fear you are out of luck.
There is an HTTP REST API now!
(And has been for years if you were willing to use IMAP. :-D)

searching all Gmail accounts within the company

Our company uses Google Apps, and I want to find a way to search the All Mail folders of all employees simultaneously: the goal is to return a complete list of emails our company has had to/from a given email address. I am new to the Gmail APIs - is there a way to do what I'm hoping to do? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I am a little worried about the ethics of doing this, I would imagine it would be a concern for your domain users also but it is technically possible.
I believe this is the kind of service that Postini could provide for you.
Alternatively you can use 2 legged OAuth in conjunction with Gmail IMAP. This could allow you to programmatically iterate through your domain users, login to IMAP and search for the e-mail address. See Gmail IMAP and SMTP using OAuth
This may sound insecure but in order to enable this behaviour in the first place you would need to have Google Apps adminstrator access to your domain (to enable OAuth access and acquire the domain's Consumer Secret). See also OAuth: Managing the OAuth key and secret
