how to make vim format source code correctly - linux

I'm trying to use vim to edit source code for AutoHotkey.
This is how the source code looks when correctly formatted:
if foo
if bar = 1
if bar = 2
if bar = 3
If I do =G, then this is what vim changes it to:
if foo
if bar = 1
if bar = 2
if bar = 3
I had other formatting problems with this source code that was solved by using :set cindent cinoptions=+0, but that does not solve this problem.

cindent is generally for C... There are lot of vim extensions for various programming languages, google for them. They often introduce proper syntax indentation.

If there's no indent file for this kind of script, you can use the indentAnything script.
As stated :
The IndentAnything plugin is intended
to make it easier to write new
indentation scripts and/or supplement
existing ones. It makes the
assumption that all indentable
languages have similar
blocks of code or text over multiple lines
continuation lines


Faster way to type control flow statements (in C and php etc)?

I am new to Vim and I need to speed up my typing for this kind of statements.
if (a == 'e') {
In other text editors, I usually type if() {} first and then insert the text in to the parenthesis and curly braces. If I do this in Vim, I need to switch back to normal, move cursor to middle of () then middle of {}... switch between i and esc ...
What is your suggestion on typing this kind of syntax for Vim beginner? I would be grateful if you can show me the commands for that example step by step.
This is a job for snippet expansion. Take a look at SnipMate or UltiSnips.
snippets are like the built-in :abbreviate on steroids, usually with parameter insertions, mirroring, and multiple stops inside them. One of the first, very famous (and still widely used) Vim plugins is snipMate (inspired by the TextMate editor); unfortunately, it's not maintained any more; though there is a fork. A modern alternative (that requires Python though) is UltiSnips. There are more, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki.
There are three things to evaluate: First, the features of the snippet engine itself, second, the quality and breadth of snippets provided by the author or others; third, how easy it is to add new snippets.
There are two approaches that solves your goal:
and snippets engines
Abbreviations and the old way of doing things. You just type if and space, and tada! You'll find plenty examples around the web. Only a few will be context-sensitive (i.e. they won't expand within comment or string contexts), or able to take the current project spacing style into consideration. In lh-cpp, you'll find the usual control-statement abbreviations for C and C++, they'll need to be duplicated for similar languages (a runtime ftplugin/c/c_snippets.vim from a php ftplugin should do it in your case)-- in lh-misc I support a couple of others languages (for VimL and shell)
Snippet engines are the trendy way of doing the same thing. This time, you will be able to type i or if and then <tab> (or CTRL+SPACE, or ...). Control-statement snippets won't need to be aware of the current context as we need to explicitly require the expansion. Others have already given links to the trendy snippets engines. Snippets from lh-cpp (which relies on mu-template) take the project style into account when expanding control-statement snippets (i.e. some projects want ) and { on a same line, other want a newline in between, ...)
Here's my answer in case you want to go with vanilla Vim.
In the majority of the cases I guess there is no point in entering the parentheses first and filling in the condition later, just type it all in right away:
if (a == 'e')
Then you can either continue
by typing {}<ESC>:
if (a == 'e') {}
^ cursor is here
The cursor is already placed so you can continue with i<CR> and type the body (if properly configured, Vim should indent for you).
or by typing {<CR>}<ESC>:
if (a == 'e') {
^ cursor is here
Then you can enter the body by pressing O (open new line above cursor). Possibly Vim also automatically indents here (it doesn't in my configuration).
If you really want to fill in the condition after you have entered this:
if () {
^ cursor
you can do so by typing kf(a.
If anybody knows better ways to do this without plugins, suggestions are welcome.

vim syntax performance with very long lines

I'm using vim to edit markdown files that contain some very long lines (100000
characters). Vim is very slow with this kind of input. If I turn off syntax
highlighting (:syntax off), Vim is not slow anymore.
The reason for the length is that some of the code blocks contain json that
contain images encoded in base64. (Actually, I'm trying to edit a markdown
version of an ipython notebook).
Here is what the offending text looks like:
```{.json .output n=41}
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data",
"png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAtAAAAFxCAYAAAB....long...long....line...."
What I'd like is for Vim to not be slow.
Possible solutions that I've thought of:
set synmaxcol=250 - no, breaks syntax highlighting after a long line
Disable syntax highlighting selectively for long lines (not sure how to do
Disable syntax highlighting for code blocks that begin with {.json (don't
know how)
I'm using the vim-pandoc
syntax highlighter. This gives code blocks the syntax group
pandocDelimitedCodeBlock or e.g. pandocDelimitedCodeBlock_json if you turn
on language detection.
This also means that I'm folding on syntax groups (foldmethod=syntax) which
is a possible source of slowness (see stackoverflow, github and superuser).
However, :set foldmethod=manual does not solve the problem.
vim-pandoc makes extensive use of syntax folding and I'm pretty sure that is the issue. Disabling vim-pandoc-syntax and turning off folding (let g:pandoc#modules#disables = ['folding']) makes vim fast again.
For syntax highlightin I've used my fork of tpope's vim-markdown. I've forked it because the original does not syntax highlight code blocks with pandoc style attributes (pull request here).
For folding on headers and fenced code blocks using a foldexpr I've used my fork of vim-markdown-folding. Forked because the original does not fold on code blocks (pull request here).
Whilst this doesn't really answer my question (which I agree isn't well defined), it does fix my problem.

MacVim - edit color theme for javascript

I am using MacVim with the Cobalt theme. I found it very nice, however, coming from Sublime Text, I feel there aren't enough different colours which makes my javscript code hard to read.
For example, I'd like the function name to be coloured to make them stand out a bit more:
myClass.prototype.myFunction = function myFunction() {
// here, I'd like "myClass" to have a different color from the text
// same for "prototype" and "myFunction"
Another example is the use of methods:
// I'd like to change the color of ".pop()" for more visibility
How can I add these types of patterns?
A syntax script parses the programming language into different groups (which can be listed via :syntax list). A colorscheme then prescribes how to color and format each individual group.
So, if there are distinct groups, but your colorscheme just assigns the same color to it, that can be easily changed by putting
:hi link <syntaxGroup> <highlightGroup>
commands into your ~/.vimrc.
The detail of parsing depends on the language and syntax script. Extending an existing syntax (to parse out more details) is possible, but complex. For JavaScript, there exist some alternatives (like this) to the built-in syntax script; you might want to give those a try.
PS: :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.
I use the plugin vim-javascript-syntax.

How to use a snipmate variable in an expression

How can I use a snipmate variable in an expression?
snippet foo
${1:4} + 2 = `$1+2`
With the default value of 4 the above snippet produces:
4 + 2 = 2
At least in the original snipMate plugin, expressions are evaluated first, then tab stops. This allows you to define things like ${1:`v:version`}, but it makes your use case impossible to achieve.
Have a look at UltiSnips; it is modern and powerful, and might allow this. There are more alternatives, see this list on the Vim Tips Wiki.

Vim smart tabs inside an if statement

I'm using Vim's SmartTabs plugin to alingn C code with tabs up to the indentation level, then spaces for alignment after that. It works great for things like
void fn(int a,
________int b) {
Tabs are --->, spaces are _. But it doesn't seem to work so well for cases like
--->if(some_variable >
--->--->some_other_variable) {
In the case above, Vim inserts tabs on the second line inside the parentheses. Is there a way I can modify what Vim sees as a continuation line to include cases like this, so I get:
--->if(some_variable >
--->___some_other_variable) {
If there's an indentation style that would both allow flexible indentation width according to one's preferences, and consistent alignment, your suggested scheme would be it. Unfortunately, this style requires some basic understanding of the underlying syntax (e.g. whether some_other_variable is part of the line-broken conditional (→ Spaces) or a function call within the conditional (→ Tab)), and this makes implementing it difficult.
I'm not aware of any existing Vim plugin. The 'copyindent' and 'preserveindent' options help a bit, but essentially you have to explicitly insert the non-indent with Space yourself (and probably :set list to verify).
I don't know about that other Editor, but the situation is similar for most other inferior code editors. Without good automatic support, this otherwise elegant style will have a hard time gaining acceptance. I would love to see such a plugin for Vim.
