GWT/Javascript client side password encryption - security

I'm implementing authorization in my gwt app, and at the moment it's done in the following fashion:
The user signs up by putting his credentials in a form, and I send them in clear text to the server.
The server code hashes the received password using BCrypt and puts the hash in a database.
When the user logs in, his password is sent in the clear to the server, that checks it against the stored hash.
Now. The thing that's bothering me about this is the fact that I'm sending the password to the server in the clear, I keep thinking that I wouldn't be very pleased if an application I was using did that with my (use-for-everything-kind) password, but encrypting it on the client wouldn't really earn me anything, since the attackers could just use the hashed password as they would the clear one.
I have been googling all day for this, and it seems the Internet is quite unanimous when it comes to this - apparently there is nothing to be gained from client side password encryption. This, this and this are just a few examples of the discussions and pages I've come by, but there are many, many more, all saying the same thing.
This question, in light of all this, might seem a bit unnecessary, but I am hoping that somewhere, someone, will have another answer for me.
What can I do, if ssl isn't an option at this point, to ease my mind about this? Is there anything to be done, or will implementing some sort of client-encrypt-server-decrypt-scheme just be time-consuming feeble dead-horse-kicking?

For login, SSL should be your option, even at this point. If it's just for login, you don't need an expensive SSL farm, but at least you protect the (use-for-everything-kind) password, even though it's clear, that the remaining communication isn't secured [*]. This may mean, that you need to buy a certificate for just one login server, which can again save you a lot of money, depending on the certificate vendor.
For GWT, if you can't afford to encrypt all communication, you'll have to put the login on a separate page due to Same Origin Policy constraints.
If that still isn't an option, you can think about logging in via OpenID, just like stackoverflow does.
There can't be any secure communication over insecure media without some pre-shared secret - usually provided by the root certificates that are installed in a browser (BTW, it's funny/scary that browsers and even entire operating systems are usually downloaded via HTTP). Other systems, e.g. PGP, rely on previously established trust in a "Web Of Trust", but this is just another form of pre-shared secrets. There's no way around it.
[*] Using SSL for everything - unfortunately - comes with additional practical problems: 1) Page loads are a lot slower, especially if you have many elements on the page. This is due to SSL-induced round trips and the resulting latency, which you can't counter with even the fastest SSL farm. The problem is mitigated, but not fully eliminated by keep-alive connections. 2) If your page includes elements from foreign, non-HTTPS sites (e.g. images inserted by users), many browsers will display warnings - which are very vague about the real security problem, and are therefore usually unacceptable for a secure site.
A few additional thoughts (not a recommendation)
Let's assume the worst case for a moment, i.e. that you can't use SSL at all. In that case, maybe surprisingly, hashing the password (with a salt) before transmitting it, may actually be a bit better than doing nothing. Here's the reason: It can't defeat Mallory (in cryptography, a person who can manipulate the communication), but at least it won't let Eve (a person who can only listen) read the plaintext password. This may be worth something, if we assume that Eves are more common than Mallorys (?) But note, that in that case, you should hash the password again (with a different salt), before comparing it with the database value.

If SSL isn't an option then you obviously don't care enough about security ;)
But seriously - like you mentioned, client side encryption of the password is not a good idea. In fact, it's a very bad one. You can't trust the client side for jack - what if an attacker managed to alter the JS code (through XSS or while it was sent through the wire), so that your MD5/whatever hash function just passes the pass in cleartext? Not to mention that you should be using a good, strong, salted encryption method, like bCrypt - something which is just slow on the client and like mentioned before, doesn't quite add to the security of the app.
You could try bypassing some of those problems: by sending the hash library through some secure means (if that was possible in the first place, we wouldn't have to bother with all this now, would we?), by somehow sharing a common secret between the server and client and using that for encryption... but the bottom line is: use HTTPS when possible (in GWT it's hard to mix HTTPS and HTTP) and justified (if the user is stupid enough to use the same password for your not-security-related app and for his banking account, then it's highly likely that he/she used the same password on a number of other sites, any of which could lead to hijacking the password). Other means will just make you think that your application is more secure than it is and make you less vigilant.

Consider using SRP.
But that still won't help if a man in the middle sends you evil javascript than simpy sends a copy of your password to the attackers server.


How to NOT send a plain-text password to BE and still verify it

I am having a dillema now ..
I am building an application on VueJS and NodeJS .. and during the authentication, I need to verify whether the password and username match (obviously).
The problem is, I don't want to send the plaintext password from FE (VueJS) to the BE (NodeJS) but already encrypted with bcrypt
The problem is, there is no way for me to check if the given hash matches the stored one in the database. so this leaves me with sending the plain text password - but from my paranoid security perspective, it's not ok ...
How do you guys solve this?
It is standard practice to send "plaintext" passwords over HTTPS. The passwords are ultimately not plaintext, since the client-server communication is encrypted as per TLS.
Encrypting the password before sending it in HTTPS doesn't accomplish much: if the attacker got their hands on the encrypted password they could simply use it as if it were the actual password, the server wouldn't know the difference. The only advantage it would provide is protecting users that use the same password for multiple sites, but it wouldn't make your site any safer.
As indicated, generally the security layer of HTTPS is trusted.
Technically speaking, it is possible to split the password hashing in two. You can simply perform one number of iterations on the client (browser) and the remaining on the server. You want to perform at least one iteration on the server as you would otherwise get the value that the clients send to be stored in the database: i.e. getting a copy of the values in the database would directly leak all login credentials... not good.
So this would likely mean two separate bcrypt hashes to be performed if you want to keep using that algorithm. You can reuse the same salt I suppose, but storing a separate one should always be preferred. Of course, performing bcrypt at the client side will spike the CPU locally, which may hamper performance, spin up fans etc., and that's assuming the JS will run OK.
Finally, if the TLS is completely broken then somebody can simply inject a script that will leak the password. So hashing it locally will only increase security by a relatively small margin. It could still be somewhat useful against future decryption attempts, but in the end you'll have to rely on TLS anyways. So the answer to "How do you guys solve this?" is generally: we don't. It might make slightly more sense in a mobile app or full size application.
Interesting to know, there have been submissions such as Catena and Makwa to the password hashing competition that explicitly allow the client to perform part of the hashing. Generally this is more performed for offloading the password hashing to other systems and alleviate the use of valuable server resources.

Is username and password in HTTPS URL secure?

I am sending POST request to URL in my script. I know that HTTPS encrypts credentials so they should not be visible on network.
But what about server logs, will they be visible there?
Are there any other disadvantages of using this approach?
How can I make authentication more secure on client/server side?
You can find more information here: Are HTTPS URLs encrypted? (tl;dr: the way you are sending it is not encrypted most probably, but you can send the credentials as URL parameters instead, to make it encrypted).
Next, if you have developed the server/are in control, it is up to you to decide whether to keep logs or not. If you are unsure, there might be logs. Keeping logs with (plaintext especially, but not just) passwords is not a good practise.
The server should not store passwords in plaintext. Instead, the password should be stored along with some random salt (more information here:, not in a plaintext form. One way functions such as PBKDF2, Rfc2898DeriveBytes, Argon2, password_hash or Bcrypt can be used for example. These have the advantage over salted hashes (, that they also add some extra CPU time (~100ms), delaying an attacker who is attempting a brute-force attack, thus they should be preferred (thanks zaph for the update).
In general, if the server gets compromised, reading the logs is just one way for the attacker to get user information. Enhancing the authentication security is closely related to keeping attackers off your servers, once you are already using SSL and not sending credentials as part of the domain name (thus, in plaintext). Using salted hashes is a must (so that in case of a breach the user passwords remain secure), and from that point on it really depends on your budget. Perfect security is not possible, but the more countermeasures you put in place, the harder it might be for your server to get compromised. But this is a huge and very debatable topic, that cannot be summarised in a StackOverflow answer.
EDIT: Updated to fix current best practise for password storing, based on zaph's comment.

Secure web programming - Best practises in authenticating users

Getting into web development and would like to become good at making secure websites. Any general typs/answers to any of the below would be greatly appreciated.
So got some questions on the authentication side of things:
How should the password typed on the client be encoded and sent to the server - assuming https is already in use? i have heard of some suggesting that only the hash is sent for security for example. Should it be encrypted client side - how?
Similar but on server side. How should the passwords be saved. Actual, hash, etc? Should they be encrypted - how?
Also, is there a kind of architecture that can protect the passwords in such a way that if one password is compromised, not everyone else's is? For example, if all passwords are stored in one file then access to only this one file would compromise every user on the system.
if only hashes must be stored - how to handle collisions?
Once authenticated should you just rely on session IDs to maintain authenticated status throughout? I have read on tips to reduce session highjacking and was therefore wondering whether it is a good idea/the only idea in the first place for keeping users authenticated.
Is there a safe way to provide an autoLogIn feature so that the browser remembers the password - similar to social network/web-email clients?
Extra - preventing attacks
Are there any tools or even just some common practises out there that must be applied to the username/password entries provided to prevent injection or any other kind of attacks?
If I use a Java development environment (using PlayFrameWork btw) how likely is it in general that attackers could include harmful code snippets of any kind in any form entries?
As mentioned I will probably be using the Java PlayFrameWork to encode the website - can you suggest anything I should take into account for this?
Any tips on design patterns that must be followed for security purposes would be helpful.
Many Thanks
You could suggest passing the job on to an expert but if possible I would like to have some experience coding it myself. I hope that this is a viable option?
Will probably like to set up an e-commerce system FYI.
How should the password typed on the client be encoded and sent to the server - assuming https is already in use? i have heard of some suggesting that only the hash is sent for security for example. Should it be encrypted client side - how?
It should not be sent to the server in a way that can be recovered. The problem with SSL/TLS and PKI is the {username, password} (or {username, hash(password)}) is presented to nearly any server that answers with a certificate. That server could be good or bad.
The problem here is channel setup is disjoint from user authentication, and web developers and server administrators then do dumb things like put a plain text password on the wire in a basic_auth scheme.
Its better to integrate SSL/TLS channel setup with authentication. That's called channel binding. Its provides mutual authentication and does not do dumb things like put a {username, password} on the wire so it can be easily recovered.
SSL/TLS offers nearly 80 cipher suites that don't do the dumb {username, password} on the wire. They are Preshared Key (PSK) and Secure Remote Password (SRP). Even if a bad guy answers (i.e., controls the server), the attacker cannot learn the password because its not put on the wire for recovery. Instead, he will have to break AES (for PSK) or solve the Discrete Log problem (for SRP).
All of this is covered in great detail in Peter Gutmann's Engineering Security book.
Similar but on server side. How should the passwords be saved. Actual, hash, etc? Should they be encrypted - how?
See the Secure Password Storage Cheat Sheet and Secure Password Storage paper John Steven wrote for OWASP. It takes you through the entire threat model, and explains why things are done in particular ways.
Once authenticated should you just rely on session IDs to maintain authenticated status throughout?
Yes, but authorization is different than authentication.
Authentication is a "coarse grained" entitlement. It asks the question, "can a user use this application?". Authorization is a "fine grained" entitlement. It answers the question, "can a user access this resource?".
Is there a safe way to provide an autoLogIn feature so that the browser remembers the password - similar to social network/web-email clients
It depends on what you consider safe and what's in the threat model. If your threat model does not include an attacker who has physical access to a user's computer or device, then its probably "safe" by most standards.
If the attacker has access to a computer or device, and the user does not protect it with a password or pin, then its probably not considered "safe".
Are there any tools or even just some common practises out there that must be applied to the username/password entries provided to prevent injection or any other kind of attacks?
Yes, user login suffers injections. So you can perform some filtering on the way in, but you must perform HTML encoding on the output.
Its not just username/password and logins. Nearly everything should have some input filtering; and it must have output encoding in case its malicious.
You should definitely spend so time on the OWASP web site. If you have a local chapter, you might even consider attending meetings. You will learn a lot, and meet a lot of awesome people.
If I use a Java development environment (using PlayFrameWork btw) how likely is it in general that attackers could include harmful code snippets of any kind in any form entries?
Java is a hacker's delight. Quality and security has really dropped since Oracle bought it from Sun. The more paranoid (security conscious?) folks recommend not signing any Java code because the sandbox is so broken. That keeps a legitimate application properly sandboxed. From
“The sandbox is a huge problem for Oracle,” Jongerius told Threatpost.
“Everyone is breaking in. Their solution is to code-sign and get out
of the sandbox. But then, you have full permission to the machine. It
doesn’t make sense.”
Its too bad the bad guys didn't get the memo. They sign their code the malware and break out of the sandbox.
Any tips on design patterns that must be followed for security purposes would be helpful.
You also have web server configurations, like HTTPS Only and Secure cookies, HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), and Content Security Policies (CSP), Suhosin (hardened PHP), SSL/TLS algorithms, and the like.
There's a lot to it, and you will need to find the appropriate hardening guide.

Which attacks are possible concerning my security layer concept?

Despite all the advices to use SSL/https/etc. I decided to implement my own security layer on top of http for my application... The concept works as follows:
User registers -> a new RSA Keypair is generated
the Private Key gets encrypted with AES using the users login Password
(which the server doesnt know - it has only the sha256 for authentication...)
Server stores the hash of the users password
and the Encrypted Private Key and Public Key
User logs in -> authenticates with nickname+password hash
(normal nick/password -> IP-bound sessionid authentication)
Server replies: sessionid, the Encrypted RSA Private Key
and an Encrypted randomly generated Session Communication Password
Client decrypts the RSA Private Key with the users Password
Client decrypts the Session Communication Password with the RSA Private Key
---> From this point on the whole traffic gets AES-encrypted
using that Session Password
I found no hole in that chain - neither the private key nor the login password get ever sent to the server as plaintext (I make no use of cookies, to exclude the possibility of the HTTP Cookie header to contain sensitive information)... but I am biased, so I ask - does my security implementation provide enough... security?
Why does everyone have to come up with their secure transport layer? What makes you think you've got something better than SSL or TLS? I simply do not understand the motivation to re-invent the wheel, which is a particularly dangerous thing to do when it comes to cryptography. HTTPS is a complex beast and it actually does a lot of work.
Remember, HTTPS also involves authentication (eg: being able to know you are actually talking to who you think you are talking to), which is why there exists a PKI and browsers are shipped with Root CA's. This is simply extremely difficult (if not impossible) to re-invent and prone to security holes. To answer you question, how are you defending against MITM attacks?
TLDR: Don't do it. SSL/TLS work just fine.
I'm not a crypto or security expert by any means, but I do see one serious flaw:
There is no way the client can know that it is running the right crypto code. With SSL/TLS there is an agreed upon standard that both your browser vendor and the server software vendor have implemented. You do not need to tell the browser how SSL works, it comes built in, and you can trust that it works correctly and safely. But, in your case, the browser only learns about the correct protocol by receiving plain-text JavaScript from your server.
This means that you can never trust that the client is actually running the correct crypto code. Any man-in-the-middle could deliver JavaScript that behaves identically to the script you normally serve, except that it sends all the decrypted messages to the attacker's servers. And there's no way for the client to protect against this.
That's the biggest flaw, and I suspect it's a fatal flaw for your solution. I don't see a way around this. As long as your system relies on delivering your crypto code to the client, you'll always be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. Unless, of course, you delivered that code over SSL :)
It looks like you've made more complexity than is needed, as far as "home-grown" is concerned. Specifically, I see no need to involve assymetric keys. If the server already knows the user's hashed password, then just have the client generate a session id rolled into a message digest (symmetrically) encrypted via the client's hashed password.
The best an attacker might do is sniff that initial traffic, and attempt a reply attack...but the attacker would not understand the server's response.
Keep in mind, if you don't use TLS/SSL, then you won't get hardware-accelerated encryption (it will be slower, probably noticeably so).
You should also consider using HMAC, with the twist of simply using the user's password as the crypto key.
SSL/TLS provide transport layer security and what you've done does nothing but do that all over again for only the authorization process. You'd be better served to focus on authorization techniques like client certificates than to add an additional layer of line-level encryption. There's a number of things you could also introduce that you haven't mentioned such as encrypted columns in SQL Server 2008, IPSec, layer 4 & 7 hardware solutions and even setting up trusts between the server and client firewalls. My biggest concern is how you've created such a deep dependency on the username and password, both which can change over time in any system.
I would highly recommend that you reconsider using this approach and look to rely on more standard techniques for ensuring that credentials are never stored unencrypted on the server or passed in the clear from the client.
While I would also advocate the use of SSL/TLS for this sort of thing, there is nothing wrong with going re-inventing the wheel; it leads to innovation, such as the stack exchange series of websites.
I think your security model is quite sufficient and rather intelligent, although what are you using on the client-side? I'm assuming javascript since you tagged this post with 'web-development'? Or are you using this to communicate with a plug-in of sorts? How much overhead does your implementation produce?
Some areas of concern:
-How are you handling initial communication, such as: user login, registration?
-What about man-in-the-middle attacks (assuring the client that it is talking to the authorized server)?
The major problem you have is that your client crypto code is delivered as Javascript over unauthenticated HTTP.
This gives the Man-In-The-Middle plenty of options. He can modify the code so that it still authenticates with your server, but also sends the password / private key / plaintext of the conversation to him.
Javascript encryption can be enough when your adversary is an eavesdropper that can see your traffic but not modify it.
Please note that I am not referring to your specific idea (which I did not take the time to fully understand) but to the general concept of Javascript encryption.

Does it make security sense to hash password on client end

If you were to hash a user's password prior to sending it across the line and leaving it in plain-text in memory, would this improve the security of the application?
I would assume this mitigates a small fraction of vulnerabilities by protecting the data stored in the clients memory. But really if we're worried about someone reading the client's memory there are probably bigger problems that we can't address.
There's something that doesn't feel right about hashing on the client's end.
Is password hashing on the client end a common practice? Are there any other advantages or disadvantages to doing it?
Given the communication channel is secure (SSL). Under what conditions would it be acceptable and worthwhile to use such an approach. I'm asking this because it was suggested by a "security professional" that I use such a scheme during some application functions.
When the client sends something, whether it is P or H(P) or H(H(P)) anyone who intercepts this can simply resend the exact same thing, thus making any function like this equivalent to using the password directly.
That's why you should use a nonce; The server can give out some random garbage k and the client will calculate H(P,k) and send it to the server. HMAC is a popular implementation of this method.
Provided the server never accepts the same nonce twice, this is secure against a replay attack.
Sending a hashed password won't improve security on your site, as others have pointed out (since you accept a hashed password, all the bad guy needs to know is the hashed version). It's also not really secure, since the bad guy can presumably load your login page and examine the Javascript or Java deployed.
What it does do is prevents somebody watching the packets from being able to pull out a password, and that is moderately useful. Many people use the same password on multiple sites (I do it for all but the higher security sites), and therefore if you can get one password from them you can log into other accounts on other sites.
It also prevents the real password from being stored, even temporarily, on your site, and that may provide a little extra security if your site is compromised.
So, while I'd consider user-side hashing to be potentially a good things, it isn't worth going to much extra trouble.
And, as others have told you, don't roll your own security. There's far too many things that can go wrong. You won't notice them nearly as fast as a practiced bad guy will.
The hash is identical to the password from a security POV in the scenario you describe: if I intercept the hash, I don't need to know the password, I can just send the server the hash I intercepted.
Authentication protocols go to some length to avoid this problem; security is hard, and you are best off selecting and implementing a well-understood protocol rather than rolling your own.
If your traffic is going over SSL, you're safe from interception and hashing gives you little extra benefit.
Yes, you should.
IEEE had a data breach in which 100K emails and passwords were exposed from a weblog.
Obviously, IEEE should not have exposed their weblog! But if they had hashed the passwords at the client side, this wouldn't have been nearly as bad.
As the first answer states, you should use a nonce. If you use a long enough nonce (e.g. 128 bits), you don't really need to worry about reuse, as the server will never ask for the same nonce twice (assuming correctly seeded CRNG, etc.).
No, hashing at the client does not protect the password 'completely'. When one opts to hash the password at the client, then the digest submitted to the server, essentially becomes the password. This is not a problem in itself if SSL is deployed.
However, this scheme ends up creating more problems than it solves. If the server were to compare the hash submitted by the client with a stored hash in the database without performing any further cryptographic operations (especially hashing the input data), then the password is stored in clear text for all practical purposes. Any person with access to the stored hash can re-submit it to the server and gain access to accounts.
In simple terms, if the submitted hash (which is the same as the submitted hash) were to leak via any other vulnerability within the application (via SQL injection, for instance) then the application has a vulnerability where in it protects the passwords inadequately.
If the underlying vulnerability must be fixed, then it is necessary to treat the submitted hash as a password in clear text, which should then be hashed (with a salt preferably) before comparison with a stored hash.
I think it makes sense in one circumstance; you don't want to even know the client's plaintext password. If you hash at the client side, then salt and iteratively hash that hash the same way you would a plaintext pw. Other than that, its kinda silly.
Just make sure that you are sending your password through a secure channel (SSL). If the client can have an application private memory read, then most likely they have bigger problems, like for example a keylogger.
You'd be much better off if you used the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP). It was designed for this.
I can give you different kind of approach
If you have not SSL you can hash password on client side and again it hashed on server side using another hashing method and store them on database
and when user login with password do the same process and match double hashed password with stored hashes
Yes it makes sense to hash the password on the client side even if you use SSL but still you must also hash it again on the server side.
This makes sense especially in case of a mobile app. If you hash on the client side even with a "constant salt"/domain string it will be much better than sending a password in plaintext even if you use SSL. If you send plaintext passwords to the server then in case someone hacks your server he will receive password in plaintext. So adding additional pre hashing on client side protects the users and their password which they probably use also in other places.
You will probably find many posts saying that client side hashing is not needed but they usually are related to a web apps and do not consider mobile app case. In case of a web app if someone hacks the server he can replace the website and remove the client side hashing anyway so in such case there is not that big advantage. But for mobile apps an attacker cannot replace code of the mobile app so hashing on the client side has a lot of sense in such case.
You can check this link for a possible solution with hashing on both client and server side:
So yes, hash on both client and server side.
Hashing on the client side opens up another huge hole: you may expose the hashing algorithm. You don't say whether this is web-based (client=JavaScript) or thick-client, but you're giving them more information. Given the channel is secure, you don't have to worry about the clear text password being sniffed.
Besides, if your hashing algorithm requires a salt, you would be exposing your salt, which means if they ever got access to the database, they would be able to decrypt every password.
