getting vi and rxvt to work in cygwin - cygwin

I am trying to use rxvt on my cygwin w win XP but the terminal appears and disappears. What could be wrong? This is true for all except rxvt-native . I have tried a few commands found online but with no success. I include 2 I have tried:
start C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sb -sl 3000 -fg gray -bg black -fn "Lucida Console-14" -e /bin/bash --login -i
path C:\cygwin\bin;%path%
ssh-agent rxvt -e bash --login -i
Another problem I am facing is trying to get vi to work in my cygwin bash shell. Setting term to xterm or vt100 does not work. Hitting enter, I see a string 78 or some other issue pops up. I have never modified my .inputrc.
My main issue was trying to get vi to work properly. I just found out that if I run
/etc/postinstall/ , I can now navigate properly in vi. The 78 (newline) M still appears but at least I can navigate in vi.
Feb 25 - This problem went away after a few windows updates. Would it make sense to ANSWER my question on the basis that this is longer reproducible?

Can't answer the first question, but have you tried invoking rxvt from its shortcut in the Cygwin folder of the start menu?
Regarding the second question, the TERM variable tells applications what terminal they're running in, so if you set it to 'xterm' while running in the Cygwin console (where normally TERM=cygwin), they'll be sending xterm control sequences that the Cygwin console doesn't understand. So basically: don't do that!
Btw, you might also be interested in Cygwin's mintty package, which is another terminal that doesn't need an X server. Installing it also creates a start menu shortcut in the Cygwin folder.

I would assume you need an X server running.
You could install Cygwin/X

One thing which may not have been clear was that the whole exercise was to get vi to work. vim did not work either at that time. But after some windows update, the problem went away. Closing it...


Changing shell from /bin/bash to /bin/zsh disappears programming tools?

I became very interested in Linux and wanted to customize my terminal with ZSH and powerlevel10k, but after changing and logging out, the programming tools disappears. I tried very hard to understand the reason but it did not work. I am not very familiar with the $PATH command and I do not know if it works or not. Thanks for your help.
image link =>
Changing default shell to ZSH can help
first find the path of your ZSh shell.
type -a zsh
then change it
chsh -s /bin/zsh
now log out and log in again. One can close the Terminal app and reopen it.
After digging, I finally realized that the files that were installed with SNAP are not displayed. When I installed the file in Deb format, it became known.

Which project provides the terminal emulator used by the bash from Git for Windows?

I am having a problem* with the bash that comes with Git for Windows.
But I don't even know where to start looking/googling/reporting the bug.
It seems that all of MINGGW64 (= MinGW-w64?), MSYS, Cygwin and maybe Mintty are somehow involved, but I don't really understand the relationships between them.
Which one is providing the terminal?
* It ignores the VT100 escape sequence sent by echo -e '\033[?1h' which should put the cursor keys in "application mode" (= make them send <ESC>OA instead of <ESC>[A).
I assume you have already found, if not

How to enable 'gx' in Vim? Mine doesn't work anymore

I have tried wiping my .vimrc, uninstalling all plugins, updating Vim, trying different shells, etc. but I absolutely can't get 'gx' to work over a given URL. I have used it before and it worked fine, it even use to open up my finder directory if I 'gx'ed on a blank line. I tried running 'gx' over numerous URLs, above them, below them, adding "/" at the end, etc. Still no luck. I am simply at my wits end trying to figure out why it no longer works when it use to. Sometimes it will open a URL in a blank buffer with the buffer name equal to the URL and other times nothing happens. I would be grateful to anyone who actually knew what the hell is going on with this stupid thing.
I am on the latest version of OS X and have the latest version of Vim.
I found the answer to this question but still am not quite sure why it worked and my original approach didn't.
Original Approach
I installed iTerm2 and was forced to set Preferences >Profiles >General >Command >Command >/usr/local/bin/zsh -l. Even though I ran $ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh and added /usr/local/bin/zsh to /etc/shells, I could not get >Profiles >General >Command >Login (radio button) to work.
I would either get an error message in Terminal or the window would simply flash and disappear in iTerm. However, running my profile command /usr/local/bin/zsh -l in my mind should have forced the shell to run in login mode (the same mode as my default) but it caused major issues in vim where I couldn't get any shell command or function that relied on shell commands to work (e.g :!ls, gx).
Moreover, I finally managed to get everything working perfectly after running chsh -s /bin/bash (e.g. back to its default). Suddenly, I was able to run both Terminal and iTerm with the radio button for Login checked and all my issues went away. It should be noted that I tried to chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh and received an error that I didn't receive the first time--something about a non-standard login shell.
This wasn't good enough though because I really wanted to use my Homebrew zsh (and bash) shells since they are more current. Finally, I found the answer, I ran sudo dscl . change /users/$USER UserShell /bin/bash /opt/local/bin/zsh and I was then able to leave the Login radio button checked and actually use -zsh for the first time without any issues.
My questions now are: 1.) Why didn't my original profile command, /usr/local/bin/zsh -l work as though it was my default Login shell? Aren't they the same (e.g. a login shell is a login shell)? 2.) If I update /etc/shells with /usr/local/bin/zsh why would I receive a "non-standard shell error"? 3.) I read the MAN page on dscl but don't understand how that actually changed my Login shell when chsh -s /new/shell/path didn't work? 4.) Does ANYBODY really know what the heck is going on here?!
If you are a moderator please let me know if I should break these questions up into different posts but this is sort of a big issue and I can't believe I am the only one who has had this problem as I couldn't find ANY Q & As that thoroughly explained what is going on. Thank you all in advance for your help!
I'm on OS X and running the following command in vim worked for me:
:let g:netrw_browser_viewer='open'
See also this similar answer for Fedora:
:let g:netrw_browsex_viewer="setsid xdg-open"
I had the exact same problem, and it ended-up getting resolved (+quite a few bonuses) from this small but effective plugin:
Adds support for partial URLs, markdown URLs, 'Plugin' -> github paths, etc. It is much better behaved than netrw.

Screen and Cygwin: no tab completion?

I'm having some problems working with my development environment. Specifically, after I invoke the screen utility from within Cygwin I lose the ability to do tab completion. Before I invoke screen however tab completion works just fine.
I messed around with setting different values for the TERM env variable (VT100, xterm etc) but without success. It must be something trivial but I have no idea anymore. Does StackOverflow have any suggestions for me?
when you issue 'screen' from inside cygwin it might put you in another shell like /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash (and bash is where you're getting the tab completion from).
To fix the problem you could edit your .screenrc file (found in your home directory) and add in this line:
shell bash
Then try running screen again and you should see tab completion work within this new window.
The problem is that bash needs to be run as a login shell in order to have tab completion in the default cygwin setup. If you run bash in a cygwin bash you won’t have tab completion either. To set screen to run bash in login mode, add this line to your ~/.screenrc file:
shell -bash
I had a similar problem with git autocompletion not working when using screen on a linux machine, but wasn't due to a different shell. I fixed it using this question: Git autocomplete in screen on mac os and doing the following:
Get the git autocompletion script
curl -OL
why would you want that hanging around?
mv git-completion.bash .git-completion.bash
add this line to your ./bashrc
source ~/.git-completion.bash
Then in your terminal
source ~/.bashrc
That worked for me.
(I imagine after three years you've probably solved your problem, but I hope this helps someone else)

Screen + vim causes shift-enter to insert 'M' and a newline

When running a vim instance in gnu screen hitting shift enter in insert mode adds an 'M' and then a newline, rather than just a newline.
Does anybody know what the problem might be, or where to look?
Relevant system info:
Ubuntu 8.04.1
Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.1 (2007 May 12, compiled Jan 31 2008 12:20:21)
Included patches: 1-138
Konsole 1.6.6 (Using KDE 3.5.10)
Thanks to the comments. When checking the value of $TERM I noticed that it was xterm (as expected), but within screen $TERM was set to screen-bce. Setting TERM=xterm after launching screen resolves this issue.
Adding the following to ~/.screenrc solved the problem without having to do anything manually:
term xterm
Missing info from your question:
Where do you run screen and see this issue? Some terminal app (KTerminal, Gnome terminal, virtual console etc) or remote session (eg putty, ssh from another computer)
do a “echo $TERM” and tell us its output
do a “cat -v”, press Shift-Enter, then Enter, then Ctrl-D and then tell us what is output.
First, you could fix your $TERM for within konsole. Install "ncurses-term" and configure konsole to set $TERM=konsole-256color. Then configure screen with "term screen-256color". Or 'konsole' and 'screen', respectively, if that's your preference. Konsole and screen are not xterm and doesn't support everything xterm does, so using incorrect $TERM can lead to bad things.
