organizing large pieces of code - code-organization

I was wondering what methods of code organization stackoverflow users use. I have a sporadic thought process and as a result my code can start to look messy and over whelming. Any tips ?

Keep methods short and give classes a single, clear responsibility.
It's not necessary, but TDD can help you acheive this

One file per class.
Folders for related classes.
Use modules/packages/assemblies/namespaces if your language supports them.
In general, keep many levels of abstraction, and try to keep them separate through whatever mechanism you can in your language/ide/platform of choice.
Read Domain Driven Design, which discusses these issues (design, documentation, organization and communication).

I would suggest looking at the principles of Large Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos (ISBN-13: 978-0201633627) if not the book itself. They are summed up in these lecture notes. Another summary of ideas.
Here's a brief outline of the headings of the principles, which while written about in the C++ context, the geist of which are language agnostic.
Internal and External Linkage
Components and Dependency Relations
Physical Hierarchy Reducing Link-Time
Dependencies: Levelization Reducing
Compile-Time Dependencies: Insulation


What is the use of UML in day today life?

I don't have a programming job. But I do code (using functional programming and OOP) from time to time, in order to make many repetitive tasks, that I perform in the software I use, simple: extract data from a simulation and dump it into an excel file, read data from an excel file and use that data to manipulate my simulation, etc.
I can manage this pretty well without using UML. But what I want to know is: for someone who doesn't code for a living, yet uses code to make life simpler and save time, how important is using UML (I do understand that I cannot use it for functional programming)? What are the practical benefits? How can I write better code by using UML? I know it's not a substitute for a programming language .. as in I cannot use it as a programming language. But what I was also hoping to understand was how can I use it before I actually begin to write OOP code?
Unlike other answers suggest I believe that UML is not only beneficial when you work with a team of developers, also when you work on a project on your own you can benefit by using UML.
In my opinion the true benefit of UML is that you are forced to think before you act. Of course you can always directly start programming when starting a new project, but (most certainly for larger projects) it is better to think about your design.
By creating complete UML models you will notice that you need to think about your software (what does the user needs to be able to do with my software? How will the software react? etc. etc.). Due to this whole process I believe that by the time you will start coding, you will already have such good understanding on the structure of your program that you will be able to code your project better and faster.
Concluding I think UML is all about doing it right the first time.
Next to this, you will always have proper documentation on your code. This makes it more easy to maintain.
Not very sure what you mean by day to day life but UML helps in:
The communication of the desired structure and behaviour of a system between analysts, architects, developers, stakeholders and
The visualisation and control of system architecture.
Promote a deeper understanding of the system, exposing opportunities for simplification and re-use.
Manage risk.
When working in a team, you first create a UML. That way you know which classes have to be made and you can divide the working, knowing everyone will use the names on the UML with the right connections between classes. (Inheritance, composition,..)
It's an abstract version of a program and it's very important. Ofcourse, if you're on your own you don't 'need' to use it, but it might make life easier. If the task takes long, create the UML beforehand so you don't loose track of what you're doing plus it helps you see design patterns. :)
In addition to the other mentioned use cases of UML models, the most efficient use case for a UML model is when it is used to generate other models or text (code).
For instance you can generate java classes from a UML class diagram.
Search for MDA (Model Driven Architecture) or MDSD (Model Driven Software Design).
If you are looking for a tool to support generating code/text from UML models then take a look at the Acceleo Project.

Are UML diagrams the only way to model the software

I often draw a dataflow on a sheet of paper. Even the planning of my little tools is done on a paper.
There exists UML.
The problem is - I don't like it. All the tools I've used (Visio and a lot of online editors) are just not flexible for my hands. With a pencil you can easily draw shapes and connect them, describe them.
What could you suggest in order to create a diagram of data-flow, sequence diagram, etc. in the fastest, most natural and easiest way except on the computer not the paper :)
****Useful links as posted in comments:** SO Link #1 SO Link #2
Right now I am curious about 2 things and one of them was in my minds quite long ago:
1) Mindmap - I've tried a while ago, quite liked it but abandoned. Hoever will give it another try
2) Whiteboard. It would be the easiest and most natural method, except that taking a photo and storing it somewhere on a computer would make the process repetitive and boring.
Has anyone other interesting ideas? I would really like to hear what others are using to design their software and the progress of it.
Thanks a lot!
Why do you want to hand-draw the UML at all whether it's on paper or on the computer?
I agree that you need a model to represent the design. But even in large projects of about 500 man-months, I observed that only 3-4 sequence diagrams really matter and have a chance of surviving the entire lifecycle of the application. Those 3-4 sequence diagrams (and class diagrams that represent their static time relationships), usually represent the high level design of the application.
Or, look at it this way:
Any decent enterprise application will not have 20 different call flows. There will be one or two generic (or abstract) call flows, which all the concrete use cases implement. Let us take a simple Struts / EJB application. The generic flow will be something like - an action class calling a validator and then calling a stateless session bean, which in turn calls a domain class, which will call a DAO. All the use cases of the application just implement this flow with concrete classes that are specific to that use case.
Do you agree?
If you do not, I would like to hear about applications that have 20 different call flows and survived for 5 years after the first release.
If you agree with me, we are boiling down to 3-4 class and sequence diagrams even for large enterprise applications comprising several thousand classes. Why is it a big deal how you draw and maintain those 3-4 diagrams?
You might say that you want to document all the use cases for training or documentation purposes. During my last 14 years of experience in the real enterprise software world, I don’t remember seeing well 'maintained' UML documentation. First of all, good documents are difficult to produce and are not found that often. Secondly, they are out of sync with the code most of the time. Most of my experience is with large banks, insurance companies, Auto companies, etc. Those environments are just too hectic and their resources are limited (really? Are we talking banks? Yes, difficult to believe, but true) for 'maintaining' good documentation.
So am I suggesting that we get rid of UML?
No. We need visual models to represent complex systems. Human brains seem to be at their best when processing visuals. The visual cortex, which is responsible for processing the visual images, is the largest system in the human brain.
So what is a reasonable solution to easily produce and maintain UML models?
Probably we are better off using the current crop of UML tools to draw those 3-4 high-level UML diagrams. If you hate using them, check option 3 below.
For the diagrams at the next level of abstraction (any useful models should have different levels of abstraction), generate the UML from source code. You can generate both class and sequence diagrams.
In this age of agile methodologies, why not just write the shell classes and generate those 3-4 high-level UML class and sequence diagrams as well? This way there won't be any UML to maintain at all.
The source code is the truth.
Can you argue against that statement? If not, why not generate the models from the source code itself? I am not suggesting the round-trip engineering, by the way. I am just suggesting a one way trip - from code to models.
There are 2 main problems however with the generated UML.
When we hand draw a class diagram, we show the relations between the classes involved in a scenario. Most existing class diagram generating tools allow the user to drop the Java classes (the source code) into the tool and the tool automatically shows the relations between the classes. The problem here is, how does one know about the classes involved in a scenario to begin with?
The second problem is the verboseness of the generated diagrams. There are tools available to generate runtime sequence and class diagrams for a scenario. But the diagrams are often very verbose and defeat the purpose of models, whose purpose is to highlight the important aspects and filter out unimportant details.
Good UML generating tools should address both the above problems. There are a few tools in the Java domain that try to address these problems. Check the discussions below:
What tools should I use to visualize structure of my code
Are there any tools for detecting architectural and design patterns in code?
I hope I answered the original question:
Has anyone other interesting ideas? I would really like to hear what others are using to
design their software and the progress of it.
I am the author of the runtime UML generating tool MaintainJ, but I tried to address the original question in an objective manner. Your comments are welcome.
There are various tools that allow you to create diagrams based on textual input. There's some up-front learning in that you need to learn the syntax. However it's not hard to do. Once you have, creating diagrams can be very fast. There are some downsides; in most cases there's limited ability to change the layout/style. Significance of that will depend on whether you like their style or not.
There's a growing number, here's a few you might want to look at:
UMLet: desktop app, supports most UML plus various other diagrams. Can also create your own custom shapes & connectors. FOSS. online sequence diagrams.
TextUML: desktop app. Focus is executable models, auto-generates class diagrams. FOSS. It also has an online commercial sibling.
I like using a whiteboard and a camera. For even more flexibility, use post-it notes on the whiteboard.
I use ER diagrams (on the whiteboard) to model my data, and message sequence charts (on the whiteboard) to model the data flow. I'll also do quick mockups of UI pages on the whiteboard.
Asides from that, I use Ruby/Rails to code server side and HTML/CSS/jQuery/JS on the client.
If even Visio is not flexible enough, I'd suggest a digital whiteboard or touchscreen with a whiteboard software. After some accommodation you could probably use a simple tablet (without display) as well - they are really cheap.
Regarding pure software: we are trying to achieve a "pen-like" input method with UML Lab, but it currently supports Class Diagrams only...
I think that the UML and code should be mixed using a class diagram. You model your architecture with the class diagram (e.g package, classes etc....) then you code your business finally multiple iterations between code and model.
I think that UML should more be oriented to code but not to focus on textual input.
The problem with standard languages, such as UML, is that you have to invest a considerable effort to learn the language and the modeling tools. These languages are defined by an expert consortium, e.g. OMG, that proposes a language specification suited to the biggest overlap of design problems in a certain domain.
Why not defining your own language that fits exactly to your needs and your specific problem? Such languages are termed Domain-Specific Languages (DSL). Instead of investing into learning a language that's complex, you invest into the definition of a languages that exactly suits your needs.
There are numerous approaches that support the definition of DSLs. The most widespread is the Generic Eclipse Modeling System (GEMS). Personally, I made great experience with GrGen due to its versatility and the possibility to automate working steps using graph transformation.
No. There are various other ways. UML is just an option.
Pen and Paper Prototyping is a great option too, it doesn't have to follow UML.
Mind Map is another great way.
For more adaptive software processes, UML use is encouraged to be as minimum as possible. Such as, teams that practice Agile or XP tend to use UML less and they would rather rely more on informal means to conceptualize the software. In a rigid structured company, UML can be rigorously followed.

Is there any value in learning UML?

I have seen UML mentioned several places in the last few years, but never had a compelling reason to use it at work so far. Is there any value in putting the time and effort to learn it? (I am a Ruby on Rails developer.)
Edit: I'm also looking for stories about how UML has made a difference in your projects to give me an idea of how I might use it.
Yes. It is the international standard methodology for systems analysis and design. When moving from the initial analysis phase through the project life-cycle, the UML gives a good road-map on where to go and how you got there. A few benefits:
It shows requirements in a way that clients / customers / management can understand.
You can iterate the model and not lose track of where the model was before
Shows exactly how you got from point A to point B
It's a standard, so anyone who knows UML will be able to interpret your diagrams
The "quickest" way to share ideas without needing to go through the entire code-base
No, save your time and don't learn it. If you are a coder and work alone and are a very careful person, you can completely ignore UML.
But, if you work with other people and want to share the result of your work, UML is a Unified language, a lingua franca that even non technical customers understand (at a certain level).
Yes and no.
Yes, learn the basics. Have a quick look at at the different diagram types etc. and have a general idea. That will help you eliminate your hesitance when someone boasts about UML.
No, if your work doesn't require to work with UML, you don't necessarily need to know UML to write good applications. If you need to discuss something on a white board just draw a few circles. That'll do.
It only helped me to produce documentation to management to impress them a little. Other than that I only find the deployment diagrams somewhat useful, that's all.
If you look at UML as a merely graphical language you consider just a very small part of it. You should instead look at UML as the primary language of the Model Driven Architecture framework which is very well implemented in Eclipse.
In Eclipse UML is (correctly) considered as a Platform Independent language with a solid syntax defined by the MOF (ECORE in Eclipse) and semantics defined by the UML specification (
In Eclipse there are good implementation of the two main languages defined by the OMG for Model To Text and Model to Model transformation specifications which are respectively MOFM2T (ACCELEO in Eclipse) and QVT.
Also Eclipse provides an implementation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) which is used by both QVT and MOFM2T to evaluate queries on models.
All this means you can easily define your own Model to Text and Model to Model transformations , in the form of Eclipse plugin, turning your UML models into whatever you need.
Now I use that to automatically generate thousands of LOC, documentation and tests with an impressive return on investment.
However I know the majority of people doesn't even know UML is a language but think it is just about tiny pictures.
Look at this links for some simple example
I think it's a question of scale in two dimensions: size of problem and size of team.
When a design gets to a certain size diagrams become useful in two ways: first, they help you reason about design issues. second they help you communciate the design to other poeople.
So if the team is say 20 or 30 it really does help to have some clear documentation of pieces of the overall design.
Personally I use UML maybe four or five times a year, but when I need it, I really need it. It really is better to ase a standard diagramming technique that devise your own. And with good tools it's pretty painless.
I would say that I use only a small subset of UML, class diagrams and occasional collaboration diagrams.

What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?

I would like to create a set of domain objects in multiple languages, so that I can target different platforms. I have been looking at external DSLs as a way to define a language for my domain, and then potentially writing adapters that generate code for the languages I'm interested in targeting. Is this the best way to solve this problem? Or is it just simpler to maintain multiple versions of the project?
I think that Apache Thrift delivers what you are asking for.
Sorry for late answer, but as you mention C# being your main language, this practically fully supported Visual Studio based technology is exactly what you are looking for.
You have to understand what you want to abstract with your DSLs, but the multiple-platform support is trivial on top of that.
Disclaimer: This is our technology, but it's publicly open and it solves exactly the problem presented in the question.
Note! Mind the very "alpha" stage of the current download, I suggest you skip the zipped download and grab the latest source. I am updating better construct in relatively near future. Check out the "Context" implementation in "Production/Dev/AbstractionTemplate" solution.
It is difficult to be helpful without understanding what you are planning to use your DSL for.
Is portability your main problem here?
To succesfully target these different platforms, you will probably have to maintain plaftorm-specific layers anyway (generated or not).
If you plan to write your whole application in your DSL, then use your own compiler to transform it into runnable code for each platform, well it is most probably a bad idea, too complex and overengineered.
However, if you have a well-defined chunk of platform-independent logic, then a DSL is a good choice. Just write an interpreter for it on each target platform (provided that performance is not critical, this is also simpler and easier than generating code).
What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?
This is (was?) somehow the idea of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Quoting Model-driven architecture from Wikipedia:
The Model-Driven Architecture approach
defines system functionality using a
platform-independent model (PIM) using
an appropriate domain-specific
language (DSL).
Then, given a platform definition
model (PDM) corresponding to CORBA,
.NET, the Web, etc., the PIM is
translated to one or more
platform-specific models (PSMs) that
computers can run. This requires
mappings and transformations and
should be modeled too.
The PSM may use different Domain
Specific Languages (DSLs), or a
General Purpose Language (GPL) like
Java, C#, PHP, Python, etc. Automated tools generally
perform this translation.
Depending on the complexity of your domain and the availability of a MDA Tool, this might be an option (with a lower implementation cost).
See also
MDA: Nice idea, shame about the ...
Language Workbenches and Model Driven Architecture
UML vs. Domain-Specific Languages
DSL in the context of UML and GPL
UML or DSL: Which Bear Is Best? (be sure to read this one)

Is UML practical? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
In college I've had numerous design and UML oriented courses, and I recognize that UML can be used to benefit a software project, especially use-case mapping, but is it really practical? I've done a few co-op work terms, and it appears that UML is not used heavily in the industry. Is it worth the time during a project to create UML diagrams? Also, I find that class diagrams are generally not useful, because it's just faster to look at the header file for a class. Specifically which diagrams are the most useful?
Edit: My experience is limited to small, under 10 developer projects.
Edit: Many good answers, and though not the most verbose, I belive the one selected is the most balanced.
Using UML is like looking at your feet as you walk. It's making conscious and explicit something that you can usually do unconsciously. Beginners need to think carefully about what they're doing, but a professional programmer already knows what they're doing. Most of the time, writing the code itself is quicker and more effective than writing about the code, because their programming intuition is tuned to the task.
It's not just about what you're doing though. What about the new hire who comes in six months from now and needs to come up to speed on the code? What about five years from now when everyone currently working on the project is gone?
It's incredibly helpful to have some basic up to date documentation available for anyone who joins the project later. I don't advocate full blown UML diagrams with method names and parameters (WAY too difficult to maintain), but I do think that a basic diagram of the components in the system with their relationships and basic behavior is invaluable. Unless the design of the system changes drastically, this information shouldn't change a lot even as the implementation is tweaked.
I've found that the key to documentation is moderation. No one is going to read 50 pages of full blown UML diagrams with design documentation without falling asleep a few pages in. On the other hand, most people would love to get 5-10 pages of simple class diagrams with some basic descriptions of how the system is put together.
The other case where I've found UML to be useful is for when a senior developer is responsible for designing a component but then hands the design to a junior developer to implement.
In a sufficiently complex system there are some places where some UML is considered useful.
The useful diagrams for a system, vary by applicability.
But the most widely used ones are:
Class Diagrams
State Diagrams
Activity Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
There are many enterprises who swear by them and many who outright reject them as an utter waste of time and effort.
It's best not to go overboard and think what's best for the project you are on and pick the stuff that is applicable and makes sense.
Using UML is like looking at your feet as you walk. It's making conscious and explicit something that you can usually do unconsciously. Beginners need to think carefully about what they're doing, but a professional programmer already knows what they're doing. Most of the time, writing the code itself is quicker and more effective than writing about the code, because their programming intuition is tuned to the task.
The exception is why you find yourself in the woods at night without a torch and it's started to rain - then you need to look at your feet to avoid falling down. There are times when the task you've taken on is more complicated than your intuition can handle, and you need to slow down and state the structure of your program explicitly. Then UML is one of many tools you can use. Others include pseudocode, high-level architecture diagrams and strange metaphors.
Generic work-flow and DFDs can be very useful for complex processes. All other diagramming (ESPECIALLY UML) has, in my experience, without exception been a painful waste of time and effort.
I'd have to disagree, UML is used all over the place - anywhere a IT project is being designed UML will usually be there.
Now whether it is being used well is another matter.
As Stu said, I find both Use Cases (along with the use case descriptions) and activity diagrams to be the most helpful from a developer point of view.
Class diagram can be very useful when trying to show relationships, as well as object attributes, such as persistence. When it comes to adding ever single attribute or property they are usually overkill, especially as they often become out of date quickly once code is written.
One of the biggest problems with UML is the amount of work required to keep it up to date once code is being generated, as there are few tools that can re-engineer UML from code, and few still that do it well.
I will qualify my answer by mentioning that I don't have experience in large (IBM-like) corporate development environments.
The way I view UML and the Rational Unified Process is that it's more TALKING about what you're going to do than actually DOING what you're going to do.
(In other words it's largely a waste of time)
Throw away only in my opinion. UML is a great tool for communicating ideas, the only issue is when you store and maintain it because you are essentially creating two copies of the same information and this is where it usually blows.
After the initial round of implementation most of the UML should be generated from the source code else it will go out of date very quickly or require a lot of time (with manual errors) to keep up to date.
I co-taught a senior-level development project course my last two semesters in school. The project was intended to be used in a production environment with local non-profits as paying clients. We had to be certain that code did what we expected it to and that the students were capturing all the data necessary to meet the clients' needs.
Class time was limited, as was my time outside of the classroom. As such, we had to perform code reviews at every class meeting, but with 25 students enrolled individual review time was very short. The tool we found most valuable in these review sessions were ERD's, class diagrams and sequence diagrams. ERD's and class diagrams were done only in Visual Studio, so the time required to create them was trivial for the students.
The diagrams communicated a great deal of information very quickly. By having a quick overview of the students' designs, we could quickly isolate problem areas in their code and perform a more detailed review on the spot.
Without using diagrams, we would have had to take the time to go one by one through the students' code files looking for problems.
I am coming to this topic a little late and will just try an clarify a couple minor points. Asking if UML is useful as far too broad. Most people seemed to answer the question from the typical/popular UML as a drawing/communication tool perspective. Note: Martin Fowler and other UML book authors feel UML is best used for communication only. However, there are many other uses for UML. Above all, UML is a modeling language that has notation and diagrams mapped to the logical concepts. Here are some uses for UML:
Standardized Design/Solution documentation
DSL (Domain Specific Language) Definition
Model Definition (UML Profiles)
Pattern/Asset Usage
Code Generation
Model to Model transformations
Given the uses list above the posting by Pascal is not sufficient as it only speaks to diagram creation. A project could benefit from UML if any of the above are critical success factors or are problem areas that need a standardized solution.
The discussion should expanded out from how UML can be over kill or applied to small projects to discuss when UML makes sense or will actually improve the product/solution as that is when UML should be used. There are situations where UML for one developer could sense as well, such as Pattern Application or Code Generation.
UML has worked for me for years. When I started out I read Fowler's UML Distilled where he says "do enough modelling/architecture/etc.". Just use what you need!
From a QA Engineer's perspective, UML diagrams point out potential flaws in logic and thought. Makes my job easier :)
Though this discussion has long been inactive, I have a couple of -to my mind important- points to add.
Buggy code is one thing. Left to drift downstream, design mistakes can get very bloated and ugly indeed. UML, however, is self-validating. By that I mean that in allowing you to explore your models in multiple, mathematically closed and mutually-checking dimensions, it engenders robust design.
UML has another important aspect: it "talks" directly to our strongest capability, that of visualisation. Had, for example, ITIL V3 (at heart simple enough) been communicated in the form of UML diagrams, it could have been published on a few dozen A3 foldouts. Instead, it came out in several tomes of truly biblical proportions, spawning an entire industry, breathtaking costs and widespread catatonic shock.
I believe there may be a way to utilize Cockburn style UML fish,kite, and sea-level use cases as described by Fowler in his book "UML Distilled." My idea was to employ Cockburn use cases as an aid for code readability.
So I did an experiment and there is a post here about it with the Tag "UML" or "FOWLER." It was a simple idea for c#. Find a way to embed Cockburn use cases into the namespaces of programming constructs (such as the class and inner class namespaces or by making use of the namespaces for enumerations). I believe this could be a viable and simple technique but still have questions and need others to check it out. It could be good for simple programs that need a kind of pseudo-Domain Specific Language which can exist right in the midst of the c# code without any language extensions.
Please check out the post if you are interested. Go here.
I think the UML is useful thought I think the 2.0 spec has made what was once a clear specification somewhat bloated and cumbersome. I do agree with the edition of timing diagrams etc since they filled a void...
Learning to use the UML effectively takes a bit of practice. The most important point is to communicate clearly, model when needed and model as a team. Whiteboards are the best tool that I've found. I have not seen any "digital whiteboard software" that has managed to capture the utility of an actual whiteboard.
That being said I do like the following UML tools:
Violet - If it were any more simple it would be a piece of paper
Altova UModel - Good tool for Java and C# Modeling
MagicDraw - My favorite commercial tool for Modeling
Poseidon - Decent tool with good bang for the buck
StarUML - Best open source modeling tool
UML diagrams are useful for capturing and communicating requirements and ensuring that the system meets those requirements. They can be used iteratively and during various stages of planning, design, development, and testing.
From the topic: Using Models within the Development Process at
A model can help you visualize the world in which your system works, clarify users' needs, define the
architecture of your system, analyze the code, and ensure that your code meets the requirements.
You might also want to read my response to the following post:
How to learn “good software design/architecture”? at
I see sequence diagrams and activity diagrams used fairly often. I do a lot of work with "real-time" and embedded systems that interact with other systems, and sequence diagrams are very helpful in visualizing all the interactions.
I like to do use-case diagrams, but I haven't met too many people who think they are valuable.
I've often wondered whether Rational Rose is a good example of the kinds of applications you get from UML-model-based design. It's bloated, buggy, slow, ugly, ...
I found UML not really useful for very small projects, but really suitable for larger ones.
Essentially, it does not really matter what you use, you just have to keep two things in mind:
You want some sort of architecture planning
You want to be sure that everyone in the team is actually using the same technology for project planning
So UML is just that: A standard on how you plan your projects. If you hire new people, there are more likely to know any existing standard - be it UML, Flowchard, Nassi-Schneiderman, whatever - rather than your exising in-house stuff.
Using UML for a single developer and/or a simple software project seems overkill to me, but when working in a larger team, I would definitely want some standard for planning software.
UML is useful, yes indeed! The main uses I've made of it were:
Brainstorming about the ways a piece of software should work. It makes easy to communicate what you are thinking.
Documenting the architecture of a system, it's patterns and the main relationships of its classes. It helps when someone enters your team, when you're leaving and want to make sure your successor will understand it, and when you eventually forget what the hell that little class was meant for.
Documenting any architectural pattern you use on all your systems, for the same reasons of the dot above
I only disagree with Michael when he says that using UML for a single developer and/or a simple software project seems overkill to him. I've used it on my small personal projects, and having them documented using UML saved me a lot of time when I came back to them seven months later and had completely forgotten how I had built and put together all those classes.
One of the problems I have with UML is the understandability of the specification. When I try to really understand the semantics of a particular diagram I quickly get lost in the maze of meta-models and meta-meta-models. One of the selling points of UML is that it is less ambiguous than natural language. However, if two, or more, engineers interpret a diagram differently, it fails at the goal.
Also, I've tried asking specific questions about the super-structure document on several UML forums, and to members of the OMG itself, with little or no results. I don't think the UML community is mature enough yet to support itself.
Coming from a student, I find that UML has very little use. I find it ironic that PROGAMERS have yet to develop a program that will automatically generate the things that you have said are necessary. It would be extremely simple to design a feature into Visual Studio that could pull pieces of the data, seek for definitions, and product answers sufficent so that anyone could look at it, great or small, and understand the program. This would also keep it up to date because it would take the information directly from the code to produce the information.
UML is used as soon as you represent a class with its fields and methods though it's just a kind of UML diagram.
The problem with UML is that the founders book is too vague.
UML is just a language, it's not really a method.
As for me, I really find annoying the lack of UML schema for Opensource Projects. Take something like Wordpress, you just have a database schema, nothing else. You have to wander around the codex api to try to get the big picture.
UML has its place. It becomes increasingly important as the size of the project grows. If you have a long running project, then it is best to document everything in UML.
UML seems to good for large projects with large teams of people. However I've worked in small teams where communication is better.
Using UML-esque diagrams is good though, especially in the planning stage. I tend to think in code, so I find writing large specs hard. I prefer to write down the inputs' and outputs' and leave the developers to design the bit in the middle.
I believe UML is useful just for the fact that it gets people to think about the relationships between their classes. It is a good starting point to start thinking about such relationships, but it is definitely not a solution for everybody.
My belief is that the use of UML is subjective to the situation in which the development team is working.
In my experience:
The ability to create and communicate meaningful code diagrams is a necessary skill for any software engineer who is developing new code, or attempting to understand existing code.
Knowing the specifics of UML - when to use a dashed line, or a circle endpoint - is not quite as necessary, but is still good to have.
UML is useful in two ways:
Technical side: a lot of people (manager and some functional analyst) think that UML is a luxury feature because The code is the documentation: you start coding, after you debug and fix. The sync of UML diagrams with code and analisys force you to understand well the requests of the customer;
Management side: the UMl diagrams are a mirror of the requires of the customer who is inaccurate: if you code without UML, maybe you can find a bug in requires after a lot of hours of work. The diagrams UML allow you to find the possible controversal points and to resolve before the coding =>help your planning.
Generally, all the projects without UML diagrams have a superficial analysis or they have short size.
if you're in linkedin group SYSTEMS ENGINEERS, see my old discussion.
UML is definitely helpful just as junit is essential. It all depends how you sell the idea. Your program will work without UML just as it would work without unit tests. Having said that, you should create do UML as along it is connected to your code, i.e when you update UML diagrams it updates your code, or when you update your code it auto generates the UML. Don't do just for the sake of doing it.
UML definetly has its place in the industry. Imagine you are building software for Boing aircraft or some other complex system. UML and RUP would be great help here.
In the end UML only exist because of RUP. Do we need UML or any of its related stuff to use Java/.Net ? The practical answer is they have their own documenation (javadoc etc) which is sufficient and lets us get our job done!
UML no thanx.
UML is just one of methods for communication within people.
Whiteboard is better.
