Why I see another web site at my https addres? - iis

Can anybody explain why I see another web site at my http secure address. I don't have a certificate. I can manage files from folder httpsdocs but cannot access them from web. Also httpsdocs is empty. https://innovacube.com/
And base of my problem is Google indexes my https domain but I cannot denny Google Bot.

You're sharing IP addresses with another site - you'll see that both www.innovacube.com and www.cokyader.com resolve to HTTP/1.1 allows this because you also send a host header
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.innovacube.com
so the web server knows which site to serve for a given connection.
It isn't, however, possible to do this for HTTPS. The problem is that the certificate negotiation happens before the server gets to HTTP so you can't switch depending on the site that the browser really means. Therefore you can only host one HTTPS site per IP and this IP is hosting cokyader.com. (There are proposed extensions to help fix this but I've never seen any progress on this.)
If you want your own separate HTTPS site then your host will have to allocate you your own separate IP address.

Because you are using shared hosting, and it has been configured with a default SSL site that isn't yours (but presumably belongs to someone who has paid for SSL support and has their site hosted on the same server).


How do I do a 301 redirect from https to https?

My company changed names recently, so along with that came a new domain. Both the old site and the new site are HTTPS and are on the same server using separate DNS entries.
I setup a 301 redirect which works great if people go to oldsite.com, but if they go to https://oldsite.com they get an SSL error.
Is there any way around this? Hopefully through DNS, server config, or htaccess file.
With TLS/SSL, only one certificate can be presented by the server per IP address. So if oldsite.com is using the same IP as newsite.com, the certificate for https://newsite.com will be the one sent to the client, which will (by definition) raise an SSL error for https://oldsite.com.
To have both oldsite.com and newsite.com both active, you'll have to have separate IPs for each. These can reside on the same server, with some (possibly complicated) routing configuration depending on your server's OS, to ensure requests to each IP are replied to from the same IP. However, even with DNS entries for both, you cannot share an IP address with multiple HTTPS domains.
Edit: You could also use virtual domains (exact config dependent on which web server you're running) to present the certificate for oldsite.com, then send the redirect after the TLS session is in place. I'd have to know which web server you're using (Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, etc) to give a config example, though.

How to host multiple SSL sites on a single Host in IIS 7

I am having some trouble with hosing.
Currently on our server have have 6 or so IIS sites hosted. They are all http currently: and work on port 80 with the host names set.
Now I want to go an change them to use SSL. But this then removes the ability to use the Host headers.
I have tried using self generated ssl cert from within IIS Manager before I go out and buy real ones. But the issue I am having is that it seems that the SSL cert is linked to an IP address. I can add the ssl cert to one site. But after that When I try assign site 2. it says that there are no Ip addresses.
So My question which Im hoping someone can explain how it works when multiple sites are hosted with iis on the same machine.
Do I have to get a wildcard SSL Certificate?
Do I need to have a unique IP address for each site being hosted?
If not, could somebosy please help and try explain to me what I need to do in order to achieve this.

Capture DNS leakage

I am trying to log DNS "leaks", in other words the DNS servers used by visitors to my web site.
How does one figure out which DNS server a web request came from to my server (i.e. the getting DNS leaks). This website dnsleaktest.com does it, it knows which DNS server I am coming from? How? It should only be able to know some stats about my browser, and maybe the HTTP referer. How does it know my DNS server?
What is being exploited, used? Or what is the traffic flow from my browser to this server, and where in that flow is dnsleaktest able to get this information?
That's not that easy.
What dnsleaks probably does - they have their own authoritative DNS server, javascript on their websites queries various randomly-generated subdomains of their domain, and on their DNS server they monitor where requests to those randomly-generated subdomains come from.
To do it, you need some domain hosted on your own DNS servers (not servers provided by your registrar or a hosting provider). You need to monitor queries to this server - can be done if you parse your DNS server logs or have your own DNS server software, or if your DNS server provides some API hooks to see the incoming requests. Then you write a script for your sites which queries various subdomains, and tells server-side script on your website which subdomain requests it should monitor. The server-side script in turn talks to the DNS server.
All the above is an unverified guess. I see no other way to do it.

IIS 6: Set up 2 SSL web apps on the same server on port 443

I was asked to create a sharepoint web application with ssl on a server with sharepoint 2010 installed. The problem is that this port seems to be in use for hosting our subversion repository. So when i try to browse my sharepoint site, it just shows a page with my repository. I've read about installing certificates and configuring multiple sites on one port with host headers but i never succeeded to complete this job. I would really appreciate some help here.
Assuming you're talking about individual SSL certificates (as opposed to a single wildcard certificate), I believe each website HAS to have its own IP address. AFAIK it is not possible to run multiple websites with multiple SSL certificates under the same IP address.
Depending on who is hosting the server, you would need a new IP address to be allocated to the server, and then within IIS you use the new IP address against the hostheader of your new website. You should find that the certificate works correctly, if not then try removing the certificate from the website and re-allocating it.
You would only be able to use a wildcard certificate if the primary domains of the websites were the same (e.g. website1.mydomain.com and website2.mydomain.com).
I've run into a similar situation before where the requirements dictated that we use 1 ip address, but the domains will be different (eg. website1.com, somesite.org, website2.us).
You can achieve this by using a Unified Communications certificate with Subject Alternative names. Currently, Digicert offers a UC certificate that can achieve this, but some other CA's will not.
Essentially you will have 1 certificate bound to :443 on the same ip address. The big drawback to this is that if the cert goes down, all the sites SSL will not work.
You have to manually (via powershell) bind each domain to port 443 however, but the instructions are fairly simple.
Server Name Indication would be another way, but it's not even an option in IIS 6

Hosting software on my server that allows users to point their domain to using CNAME

I am creating software that allows users to either have their own custom subdomain (e.g: theirsubdomain.mydomain.com) or point a CNAME from their own domain to my website address (e.g: theirsubdomain.theirdomain.com).
I've contacted my host about this and the first subdomain option is cool. They will set-up a wilcard subdomain script for me...
The CNAME they said I can't do automatically. I will have to manually go into my account and add the domain to point to my website address otherwise apache wont now where to look for the files.
Is this common practice or is there a way around this that is automated?
The issue is the HTTP header. When you request a Web page the browser sends a request that starts out with:
GET /mypage.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.mysite.com
The Host item allows a single Web server to serve pages for multiple domains. By looking at the Host, the server knows that mypage.html should come from its stored files for mysite.com, and not from the files of myothersite.com which is on the same server.
I am guessing your site is on a shared Web server at your host company, and they use this functionality to differentiate between requests for your site and requests for other sites that sit on that same virtual box. Some of these virtual hosts, like HostGator, will allow you to specify other domains that should be accepted on this Host line and where the returned documents should come from. This often is a more premium service offered by companies. For example on HostGator they say "The Baby and Business hosting plans allow for unlimited domains to be hosted on just one single account", however the basic Hatchling plan does not allow this.
If you have your own rented machine, with your own installation of Apache, you can manage the processing of this HTTP header information yourself. Apache supports virtual hosts, see the following documentation: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/
So basically, you have to have some way to tell Apache (or whatever server you are using) that the files for a particular Host value corresponds to the same files for your domain, since a single Apache server may be providing files hundreds of different domains. If you are not administering your own Apache server, to where you can set up virtual hosts as shown in the documentation, the hosting service would have to provide some custom way to get this information to Apache.
