Creating Dynamic Sitemap in SharePoint - sharepoint

I have developed a publishing portal in sharepoint.I have a requirement wherein I need to create sitemap for the entire web application.
This should be dynamic, in the sense, whenever we update the contents of any given page in our web application, it should be reflected immediately in the sitemap page. What are the possible ways to achieve this and which is the best possible solution considering the scalability and easy configuration?
Thank you.

If you don't want to use a custom webpart, you could use normal navigation list to create your sitemap and it is automatically updated. You only need to style it in a way to resemble some kind of sitemap.
Here are some links to get you started with customizing your navigation:
Custom Navigation in SharePoint - The Full Monty
How to: Customize Navigation
Also there is the portal site map which provides the data source for your custom menu. Just read up on custom navigation and stuff like PublishingNavigation:PortalSiteMapDataSource and SharePoint:AspMenu.
There is a nice PowerShell script to create a sitemap for SHarepoint 2010, if you want to submit your sitemap to Google: Generate A Sitemap For SharePoint 2010 Using PowerShell'.

You can also install and customize the SharePoint Web part ("Table of Contents") to your liking. Read up on it here...

Take a look at our ECS product, it is close to what you need
It was built as a system of cross site collection navigation, with security trimming and permissions inheritance between site collection.


How to add an application page to a site in SharePoint?

I am an experienced .NET Developer acting as interim SharePoint Developer, and am new to SharePoint. After determining that I need to go with an application page instead of a site page for a new project due to it's complexity and need of custom code behind. Before developing the entire solution, I wanted to tie up the loose ends of my understanding of application page deployments. I need to add this page as a URL on the left side of a Site Collection page (kind of like what happens when adding a subsite to a site page.) I have read about the modules, which seems extremely hacky to me. There must be a better way to develkop a custom page on top of SharePoint without the page being accessible to anyone on the entire site.
The application I am wanting to develop on top of SharePoint exists purely for data entry and reporting purposes.
Have you considered using a Webpart?
With a visual webpart which is essencially a usercontrol wrapped in a webpart you can add as much complexity as you want and you also have code behind to hook to events etc.
The benefit of using a webpart is that you can then drop it on a page, and use all OOB sharepoint access controls.
You mention that you want to develop a data entry reporting app. So something you can do is to create a subsite. Look all access to modify pages except to owners. Create all your screens by adding pages to the subsite and dropping webparts on it with the logic you require for each screen.
Also make sure you deploy the werbparts via a web feature that only is activated in your subsite, this way the webparts are only available in that particular subsite.

Sharepoint2010 custom design as WSP

I am trying to get a solution for my issue. I have a set of HTML CSS and Images, which I want to apply to my sharepoint portal as a part of branding.
My concern is I want to make my design as WSP or any other kind of solution so that it can be installed in any sharepoint 2010 portal so that the user can switch back between actual sharepoint design and this custom design.
In short I have a custom HTML design which I need to implement to any sharepoint website, this design can be turned On or Off by the administrator just using the portal/Site screens.
Thanks in advance
SharePoint branding is always a tricky job. The safest way to achieve your goal is to create a separate masterpage with your new branding. So the user can choose to apply the default branding with the default masterpage and when he wants another branding your customized masterpage can be used.
Create a new SharePoint project and add the needed css inside a mapped layouts folder. Then you can reference your own css file in the new masterpage. Watch out with changing the masterpage, because it contains a lot of placeholders which will render different parts of the page. Try to work around these placeholders and make sure the masterpage works in different scenario's (ex. that the layout isn't broken when page is in edit mode, ...)
Once you are finished with the design, the user can use it by applying it in the settings. Another option to make it easier for the enduser, is to create a control that is a switch to apply your masterpage (ex. with custom action).

How can we change the complete look and feel of Sharepoint Portal?

by Default there are Themes, I don't Like those. How can I modify It completely and make a professional website. I have found same Questions on this blog but all for MOSS2007. I am working on Sharepoint 2010
The way I modify sharepoint, is as I do with almost every other CMS out there combined with the power of asp .Net (Remember that as CMS' go sharepoint is a poor solution if the only thing you want is a portal. Sharepoint is first and foremost a BI Solution).
When you edit your site in sharepoint designer (Site Action -> Edit in sharepoint designer) you can see a whole lot of options.
Here you can change the default masterpage to accomodate the look and feel of your site. You will do most of the hiding stuff here (those you don't want to be seen giving them the visibility=false attribute). Here you can also include a new CSS (place it in site assets) where you can override already existing css files.
From this point on, you will be able to add web pages to the site, that will conform to the masterpage, and thus you can use all the sharepoint power (web parts and even embedded html code) keeping the look and feel you have implemented on your master page.
So what you need to do is:
Modify master page in sharepoint designer
Add css files in site assets and include them in your masterpage
Add any other aspx pages or custom web parts that you will refer to in the sharepoint site
Create web pages with sharepoint assets, web parts or custom code
Enable anonymous access for the people you want to view your portal without authenticating (Bear in mind that there are some sharepoint controls that can only be viewed by logged in users)
There are multiple ways of customizing it.
My perfered way is CSS.
Add reference to a custom css in master page using feature
Modify the look and feel by modifying sharepoint out-of-box CSS
Following resources gives all the details of SharePoint 2010 css classes.
I hope it helps.
Rajendra Shekhawat site sharepoint integration

I have created a test website that contains a single index.aspx file that contains a gridview listing information from a MSSQL database.
I would like to have this made available as a webpart on our sharepoint intranet, how would I go about doing that?
You can just put your page under Template/Layouts and attach it to some SharePoint master page. It will look and feel like a regular SharePoint page.
Of course, that is good if you're into the quick&dirty approach :)
You will need to create a web part from the page you already have.
I would suggest isolating your gridview in a user control (ascx) instead of directly on the aspx page, it will be easier to use it in a web part that way.
To create a web part, you should probably start by downloading WSPBuilder or a similar tool that will do most of the work for you.
The following tutorial will give you the information you need on how to create a web part from a user control.
You should have no problem linking to your database or anything else. A web part behaves just like a user control.

How do modify a form on a sharepoint site?

I have a task that I need to perform for a friend as a favor, to modify some forms on a MOSS/Sharepoint site to add some javascript to each form for some SEO tracking purposes.
I've had a little bit of exposure to Sharepoint, but it is mostly by using the Sharepoint Designer 2007 tool.
I am able to navigate to the site, and I can see the content in Sharepoint Designer. However, I am not able to see the forms, and I'm a bit stuck.
Here is an example of a form that I need to modify:
I've read a little online, but I'm stuck. I don't know if these are infopath forms or what. I just need to modify the forms.
Is there a simple answer to this problem? Or a good resource to get up to speed quickly for this task?
I'm not a sharepoint expert, so thank you in advance for answering a simple question.
While hardly the simplest approach, but since this is a developer site, I would recommend creating a DelegateControl to add to your site. Using DelegateControls has several benefits, for example:
the ability to selectively activate and deactivate the controls through features
no need to modify any out-of-the-box files which would break supportability
ability to output different content on a page-by-page basis
You can opt to use one of the DelegateControls of the default master pages if you need to deploy to an existing site based on one of the default site definitions. The AdditionalPageHead is a favorite among developers, as it allows multiple overrides to be active at the same time.
If you want to create your own master pages you can add DelegateControls as you like.
If you want to learn more about DelegateControls you can check out the first issue of Understanding SharePoint Journal (Disclaimer: I wrote that issue). Also, check out the MSDN article on How to customize a Delegate Control.
you can also check PowerForms which is a silverlight webpart that fully customizes sharepoint forms. You can add business logic in forms using custom assemblies and a lot other advanced tasks. Give it a try, i think it will solve a lot of problems.
You have a couple of options here:
If you need to add a unique code, like Google analytics you should probably deploy your code to the master page.
In case you need to customize forms for lists you will have to do it with SharePoint designer. In that case you will find EditItem.aspx and NewItem.aspx with SharePoint Designer pages or any other custom page. Open SPD, locate your list, expand it, look for Forms subfolder and you will find all the forms there.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer is now free, as of 1-Apr-2009. It's a good tool, not only for modifying individual pages, but for entire sites.
