Flashdevelop + haxe -- repeated "An I/O error has occured" errors - io

I'm getting small dialog boxes that pop up saying I/O Error occurred. What causes this, and how should I fix this?
Edit: what happens is that after i run my flash game, FlashDevelop will try to connect to the Flash debugger, but apparently fail and give me the above error. I have both the debug standalone player and the ActiveX debug control for Firefox.

To activate interactive debugging with haxe/Flash/FlashDevelop you have to add the fdb switch and network-sandbox. To do that open Project -> Properties -> Compiler Options -> Directives and add the following two lines:
That should be all you need. After that you should be able to set breakpoints, inspect object fields and local variables and profile your code.

I didn't have haxe, but I had the same error and to get rid of it I followed the advice from here:
Specify the path to the debug player
(flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe or
FlashPlayerDebug.exe in the SDK) in
FlashDevelop Tools > Program settings > FlashViewer


ADB debugging in Android Studio - some basic issues

Ok, I've squeaked by not needing to use ADB in the Studio, since back
in the 'beta' days of AS. (Just lucky, I guess.) But now, I need to
debug a crashing app.
I've gotten this far:
Learned how to put adb.exe on my Window's 'PATH'
(so that it's invokable from cmd-window):
My path-entry was: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
Am assuming that 'logcat' lives on Android device (I was incorrectly guessing it lives on the development machine). I'm assuming this, because when I dis-connect
the USB-cable and enter 'adb logcat' is says waiting for device.
Ok, now my (next) issue: When I fire up the app-being-developed, I'm getting
"Unfortunately has stopped"...which I'm assuming is an app-crash.
And, while I'm looking at 'logcat', I can see a stack-trace flow by. But
as I try to scroll-back to read it, logcat keeps dribbling in more data.
So, how do I tell it to shutup...so that I can look at a static copy
of logcat and see what has happened (without more data dribbling in)?
[If there is other beginner related info, beyond this question, feel free to
to add that info...I'm clearly in need of basic 'adb-related' enlightenment.]

Directly run compiled VB6 exe - Automation Error 2147417848 & Access violation reading location 0x01289B5C

I got the really common Automation Error when I ran a VB6 application for the second time. However, the code worked fine under VB6 debugging mode. After I compiled the code and run some function for the second time, I would encounter the Automation Error 2147417848 - The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
Then I debugged the application thru Visual Studio and got the following exception error:
Unhandled exception at 0x76B33E8D (oleaut32.dll) in vb6_2_12_2015.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x01289B5C.
Is it because of something wrong with my dll registration?
The message means your program is accessing memory (ie a variable or object) that has been freed or never existed (usually because creation failed and the programmer didn't check). A memory address under 64K indicates a failed allocation.
To start with, compile your program without optimisations and with debugging info. When you crash do a stack trace which will list functions and parameters.
You can also start in a debugger.
windbg or ntsd (ntsd is a console program and maybe installed). Both are also from Debugging Tools For Windows.
Download and install Debugging Tools for Windows
Install the Windows SDK but just choose the debugging tools.
Create a folder called Symbols in C:\
Start Windbg. File menu - Symbol File Path and enter
windbg -o -g -G c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /k batfile.bat
You can press F12 to stop it and kb will show the call stack (g continues the program). If there's errors it will also stop and show them.
Type lm to list loaded modules, x *!* to list the symbols and bp symbolname to set a breakpoint
da displays the ascii data found at that address
dda displaysthe value of the pointer
kv 10 displays last 10 stack frames
lm list modules
x *!* list all functions in all modules
p Step
!sysinfo machineid
If programming in VB6 then this environmental variable link=/pdb:none stores the symbols in the dll rather than seperate files. Make sure you compile the program with No Optimisations and tick the box for Create Symbolic Debug Info. Both on the Compile tab in the Project's Properties.
Also CoClassSyms (microsoft.com/msj/0399/hood/hood0399.aspx) can make symbols from type libraries.

Error in latin.js when the keyboard is called

I tried to add localization to my app. Using l10n.js worked just fine when I languages in the simulator to test it. But implementing l10n_date.js caused an error I couldn't figure out. So I pulled all references to localization from the code and the manifest. I figured I'll try again later.
However, when I run the app in the 1.3 simulator now, I get strange behavior. The moment the focus is on the input field and the keyboard pops up, all CSS formatting disappears. I thought it was an error in my code, but when I dug deeper, I found this error:
setLanguage: Unknown language: en_us: [Exception... "File error: Not found" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: app://keyboard.gaiamobile.org/js/imes/latin/worker.js :: setLanguage :: line 64" data: no]" latin.js:262
The moment the keyboard disappears, the formatting comes back. I'm assuming this happened because I switched languages before.

Make Greasemonkey throw error on undefined variable

I've recently switched from chrome to firefox for greasemonkey development. I have some problems with debugging.
The following func
I meant to write:
self = this;
but instead I wrote
Self wasn't defined, so the script didn't run, however, nor did I get any javascript error. Why and can I get them somehow? I get some errors.
Unfortunately, Greasemonkey - and javascript in general, along with at least a few other non-compiled languages - do not give very good debugging errors... I can't count the number of times it tells me there is a missing ) at the end of an argument list that doesn't exist, and it turns out my error is elsewhere...
When a script of mine won't run I add an alert after any value assignments and if they don't alert or alert the wrong data I have found the problem... for your example above I would debug by:
Although I would probably see the problem when I went to add the alert, but if I didn't notice - the alert either wouldn't pop up or it would have the wrong value... and if it didn't pop up, the error console would likely say self not defined.

Issue with basic AS3 workers classes

I have followed Lee Brimelow's tutorials (part 1, part 2), but somehow my project doesn't work as expected.
Currently, publishing "src/Secondary.as" to "www/assets/swf/secondary.swf" works properly, however when trying to run "src/Main.as", an error shows up:
Exception fault: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at Main/init()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/Main.as:52]
at Main()[/Volumes/DOCUMENTS/Tests/AS3/test-workers/src/Main.as:32]
If anybody has time, you can look at my code on Github and maybe see where I screwed up? Thanks a bunch!
As your error message says: the problem raised in Line 52 in your Main.init()method. What you try to do there is to create a new instance of SecondarySWF. I would say that your embedment of Secondary class into SecondarySWF doesn't work properly, so it is not available in your init-method. You should set a breakpoint at the first line of your init-method and when the debugger reaches this point check what's in SecondarySWF. I expect that there's nothing in that variable, so what your new SecondarySWF() then means actually is new null().
Because you embed your secondary.swf with a MIME-type specified the Flex compiler ignores it because it is unable to detect the actual type of data in the loaded file. I found this post on Adobe's cookbook page that explains what you have to do in addition to adding the file using [Embed]. Hope this will fit your needs.
