Edit shell script while it's running - linux

Can you edit a shell script while it's running and have the changes affect the running script?
I'm curious about the specific case of a csh script I have that batch runs a bunch of different build flavors and runs all night. If something occurs to me mid operation, I'd like to go in and add additional commands, or comment out un-executed ones.
If not possible, is there any shell or batch-mechanism that would allow me to do this?
Of course I've tried it, but it will be hours before I see if it worked or not, and I'm curious about what's happening or not happening behind the scenes.

It does affect, at least bash in my environment, but in very unpleasant way. See these codes. First a.sh:
echo "First echo"
read y
echo "$y"
echo "That's all."
echo "First echo"
read y
echo "Inserted"
echo "$y"
# echo "That's all."
$ cp a.sh run.sh
$ ./run.sh
$ # open another terminal
$ cp b.sh run.sh # while 'read' is in effect
$ # Then type "hello."
In my case, the output is always:
That's all.
That's all.
(Of course it's far better to automate it, but the above example is readable.)
[edit] This is unpredictable, thus dangerous. The best workaround is , as described here put all in a brace, and before the closing brace, put "exit". Read the linked answer well to avoid pitfalls.
[added] The exact behavior depends on one extra newline, and perhaps also on your Unix flavor, filesystem, etc. If you simply want to see some influences, simply add "echo foo/bar" to b.sh before and/or after the "read" line.

Try this... create a file called bash-is-odd.sh:
echo "echo yes i do odd things" >> bash-is-odd.sh
That demonstrates that bash is, indeed, interpreting the script "as you go". Indeed, editing a long-running script has unpredictable results, inserting random characters etc. Why? Because bash reads from the last byte position, so editing shifts the location of the current character being read.
Bash is, in a word, very, very unsafe because of this "feature". svn and rsync when used with bash scripts are particularly troubling, because by default they "merge" the results... editing in place. rsync has a mode that fixes this. svn and git do not.
I present a solution. Create a file called /bin/bashx:
source "$1"
Now use #!/bin/bashx on your scripts and always run them with bashx instead of bash. This fixes the issue - you can safely rsync your scripts.
Alternative (in-line) solution proposed/tested by #AF7:
# your script
exit $?
Curly braces protect against edits, and exit protects against appends. Of course, we'd all be much better off if bash came with an option, like -w (whole file), or something that did this.

Break your script into functions, and each time a function is called you source it from a separate file. Then you could edit the files at any time and your running script will pick up the changes next time it gets sourced.
foo() {
source foo.sh

Good question!
Hope this simple script helps
echo "Waiting..."
echo "echo \"Success! Edits to a .sh while it executes do affect the executing script! I added this line to myself during execution\" " >> ${0}
sleep 5
echo "When I was run, this was the last line"
It does seem under linux that changes made to an executing .sh are enacted by the executing script, if you can type fast enough!

An interesting side note - if you are running a Python script it does not change. (This is probably blatantly obvious to anyone who understands how shell runs Python scripts, but thought it might be a useful reminder for someone looking for this functionality.)
I created:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
print('Finishes unchanged')
Then in another shell, while this is sleeping, edit the last line. When this completes it displays the unaltered line, presumably because it is running a .pyc? Same happens on Ubuntu and macOS.

I don't have csh installed, but
echo Waiting...
sleep 60
echo Change didn't happen
Run that, quickly edit the last line to read
echo Change happened
Output is
/home/dave/tmp/change.sh: 4: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
I guess edits to the shell scripts don't take effect until they're rerun.

If this is all in a single script, then no it will not work. However, if you set it up as a driver script calling sub-scripts, then you might be able to change a sub-script before it's called, or before it's called again if you're looping, and in that case I believe those changes would be reflected in the execution.

I'm hearing no... but what about with some indirection:
Then you should be able to edit the contents of each command file before BatchRunner gets to it right?
A cleaner version would have BatchRunner look to a single file where it would consecutively run one line at a time. Then you should be able to edit this second file while the first is running right?

Use Zsh instead for your scripting.
AFAICT, Zsh does not exhibit this frustrating behavior.

usually, it uncommon to edit your script while its running. All you have to do is to put in control check for your operations. Use if/else statements to check for conditions. If something fail, then do this, else do that. That's the way to go.

Scripts don't work that way; the executing copy is independent from the source file that you are editing. Next time the script is run, it will be based on the most recently saved version of the source file.
It might be wise to break out this script into multiple files, and run them individually. This will reduce the execution time to failure. (ie, split the batch into one build flavor scripts, running each one individually to see which one is causing the trouble).


Can I react on entered command in bash?

I would like to configure my bash in a way so that I react on the event that the user enters a command. The moment they press Enter I would like my bash to run a script I installed first (analog to any PROMPT_COMMAND which is run each time a prompt is given out). This script should be able to
see what was entered,
maybe change it,
maybe even make the shell ignore it (i. e. make it not execute the line),
decide on whether the text shall be inserted in the history or not,
and maybe similar things.
I have not found a proper way to do this. My current implementations are all flawed and use things like debug traps to intervene before executing a command or (HISTTIMEFORMAT='%s '; history 1) to ask the history after the command execution is complete about things when the command was started etc (but that is only hindsight which is not really what I want).
I'd expect something like a COMMAND_INTERCEPTION variable which would work similar to PROMPT_COMMAND but I'm not able to find anything like it.
I also considered to use command line completion to achieve my goal but wasn't able to find anything about reacting on sending a finished command in this, but maybe I just didn't find it.
Any help appreciated :)
You can use the DEBUG trap and the extdebug feature, and peek into BASH_COMMAND from the trap handler to see the running command. (Though as noted in comments, the debug trap is sprung on every simple command, not every command line. Also subshells elude it.)
The debug handler can prevent the command from running, but can't change it directly. Though of course you could run any command inside the debugger, possibly using BASH_COMMAND and eval to build it and then tell the shell to ignore the original command.
This would prevent running anything starting with ls:
$ preventls() { case "$BASH_COMMAND" in ls*) echo "no!"; return 1 ;; esac; }
$ shopt -s extdebug
$ trap preventls DEBUG
$ ls -l
Use trap - DEBUG to remove the trap. Tested on Bash 4.3.30.

Dry-run a potentially dangerous script?

A predecessor of mine installed a crappy piece of software on an old machine (running Linux) which I've inherited. Said crappy piece of software installed flotsam all over the place, and also is sufficiently bloated that I want it off ASAP -- it no longer has any functional purpose since we've moved on to better software.
Vendor provided an uninstall script. Not trusting the crappy piece of software, I opened the uninstall script in an editor (a 200+ line Bash monster), and it starts off something like this:
SWROOT=`cat /etc/vendor/path.conf`
rm -rf $SWROOT/bin
It turns out that /etc/vendor/path.conf is missing. Don't know why, don't know how, but it is. If I had run this lovely little script, it would have deleted the /bin folder, which would have had rather amusing implications. Of course this script required root to run!
I've dealt with this issue by just manually running all the install commands (guh) where sensible. This kind of sucked because I had to interpolate all the commands manually. In general, is there some sort of way I can "dry run" a script to have it dump out all the commands it would execute, without it actually executing them?
bash does not offer dry-run functionality (and neither do ksh, zsh, or any other shell I know).
It seems to me that offering such a feature in a shell would be next to impossible: state changes would have to be simulated and any command invoked - whether built in or external - would have to be aware of these simulations.
The closest thing that bash, ksh, and zsh offer is the ability to syntax-check a script without executing it, via option -n:
bash -n someScript # syntax-check a script, without executing it.
If there are no syntax errors, there will be no output, and the exit code will be 0.
If there are syntax errors, analysis will stop at the first error, an error message including the line number is written to stderr, and the exit code will be:
2 in bash
3 in ksh
1 in zsh
Separately, bash, ksh, and zsh offer debugging options:
-v to print each raw source code line[1]
to stderr before it is executed.
-x to print each expanded simple command to stderr before it is executed (env. var. PS4 allows tweaking the output format).
Combining -n with -v and/or -x offers little benefit:
With -n specified, -x has no effect at all, because nothing is being executed.
With -n specified, -v will effectively simply print the source code.
If there is a syntax error, there may be benefit in the source code getting print up to the point where the error occurs; keep in mind, though that the error message produced by
-n always includes the offending line number.
[1] Typically, it is individual lines that are printed, but the true unit is however many lines a given command - which may be a compound command such as while or a command list (such as a pipeline) - spans.
You could try running the script under Kornshell. When you execute a script with ksh -D, it reads the commands and checks them for syntax, but doesn't execute them. Combine that with set -xv, and you'll print out the commands that will be executed.
You can also use set -n for the same effect. Kornshell and BASH are fairly compatible with each other. If it's a pure Bourne shell script, both Kornshell and BASH will execute it pretty much the same.
You can also run ksh -u which will cause unset shell variables to cause the script to fail. However, that wouldn't have caught the catless cat of a nonexistent file. In that case, the shell variable was set. It was set to null.
Of course, you could run the script under a restricted shell too, but that's probably not going to uninstall the package.
That's the best you can probably do.

Bash Command Substitution Giving Weird Inconsistent Output

For some reasons not relevant to this question, I am running a Java server in a bash script not directly but via command substitution under a separate sub-shell, and in the background. The intent is for the subcommand to return the process id of the Java server as its standard output. The fragement in question is as follows:
/bin/bash <<EOF
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -jar $JAR_FILE daemon $PWD/config/cl.yml <&- &
echo \${pid} > $PID_FILE
echo \${pid}
echo ${daemon_pid} > check.out
The Java daemon in question prints to standard error and quits if there is a problem in initialization, otherwise it closes standard out and standard err and continues on its way. Later in the script (not shown) I do a check to make sure the server process is running. Now on to the problem.
Whenever I check the $PID_FILE above, it contains the correct process id on one line.
But when I check the file check.out, it sometimes contains the correct id, other times it contains the process id repeated twice on the same line separated by a space charcater as in:
34056 34056
I am using the variable $daemon_pid in the script above later on in the script to check if the server is running, so if it contains the pid repeated twice this totally throws off the test and it incorrectly thinks the server is not running. Fiddling with the script on my server box running CentOS Linux by putting in more echo statements etc. seems to flip the behavior back to the correct one of $daemon_pid containing the process id just once, but if I think that has fixed it and check in this script to my source code repo and do a build and deploy again, I start seeing the same bad behavior.
For now I have fixed this by assuming that $daemon_pid could be bad and passing it through awk as follows:
mypid=$(echo ${daemon_pid} | awk '{ gsub(" +.*",""); print $0 }')
Then $mypid always contains the correct process id and things are fine, but needless to say I'd like to understand why it behaves the way it does. And before you ask, I have looked and looked but the Java server in question does NOT print its process id to its standard out before closing standard out.
Would really appreciate expert input.
Following the hint by #WilliamPursell, I tracked this down in the bash source code. I honestly don't know whether it is a bug or not; all I can say is that it seems like an unfortunate interaction with a questionable use case.
TL;DR: You can fix the problem by removing <&- from the script.
Closing stdin is at best questionable, not just for the reason mentioned by #JonathanLeffler ("Programs are entitled to have a standard input that's open.") but more importantly because stdin is being used by the bash process itself and closing it in the background causes a race condition.
In order to see what's going on, consider the following rather odd script, which might be called Duff's Bash Device, except that I'm not sure that even Duff would approve: (also, as presented, it's not that useful. But someone somewhere has used it in some hack. Or, if not, they will now that they see it.)
/bin/bash <<EOF
if (($1<8)); then head -n-$1 > /dev/null; fi
echo eight
echo seven
echo six
echo five
echo four
echo three
echo two
echo one
For this to work, bash and head both have to be prepared to share stdin, including sharing the file position. That means that bash needs to make sure that it flushes its read buffer (or not buffer), and head needs to make sure that it seeks back to the end of the part of the input which it uses.
(The hack only works because bash handles here-documents by copying them into a temporary file. If it used a pipe, it wouldn't be possible for head to seek backwards.)
Now, what would have happened if head had run in the background? The answer is, "just about anything is possible", because bash and head are racing to read from the same file descriptor. Running head in the background would be a really bad idea, even worse than the original hack which is at least predictable.
Now, let's go back to the actual program at hand, simplified to its essentials:
/bin/bash <<EOF
cmd <&- &
echo \$!
Line 2 of this program (cmd <&- &) forks off a separate process (to run in the background). In that process, it closes stdin and then invokes cmd.
Meanwhile, the foreground process continues reading commands from stdin (its stdin fd hasn't been closed, so that's fine), which causes it to execute the echo command.
Now here's the rub: bash knows that it needs to share stdin, so it can't just close stdin. It needs to make sure that stdin's file position is pointing to the right place, even though it may have actually read ahead a buffer's worth of input. So just before it closes stdin, it seeks backwards to the end of the current command line. [1]
If that seek happens before the foreground bash executes echo, then there is no problem. And if it happens after the foreground bash is done with the here-document, also no problem. But what if it happens while the echo is working? In that case, after the echo is done, bash will reread the echo command because stdin has been rewound, and the echo will be executed again.
And that's precisely what is happening in the OP. Sometimes, the background seek completes at just the wrong time, and causes echo \${pid} to be executed twice. In fact, it also causes echo \${pid} > $PID_FILE to execute twice, but that line is idempotent; had it been echo \${pid} >> $PID_FILE, the double execution would have been visible.
So the solution is simple: remove <&- from the server start-up line, and optionally replace it with </dev/null if you want to make sure the server can't read from stdin.
Note 1: For those more familiar with bash source code and its expected behaviour than I am, I believe that the seek and close takes place at the end of case r_close_this: in function do_redirection_internal in redir.c, at approximately line 1093:
check_bash_input (redirector);
close_buffered_fd (redirector);
The first call does the lseek and the second one does the close. I saw the behaviour using strace -f and then searched the code for a plausible looking lseek, but I didn't go to the trouble of verifying in a debugger.

why do some "if" tests not work in my cron scripts

I have been "toying" around with this for some time now, for most issues i just worked around, but now i need this solved.
Why do basically all my cron jobs dont work with "If tests"
lets take this one
if [ "$line" == "downloads.php" ]
works absolutely fine when i run it in the shell, when i start it as cron job it just never works. The workaround
if echo "$line" | grep -q "downloads.php"
works both ways. Why is that? For the first one the [ ] basically stand for "test", and the second one well, its just a grep. But why are the "tests" not working in my cron jobs? (with or without redirection to >null)
i currently need this one in a cron job, and now i don't really know how to work around, or basically i just finally want to understand how to solve this, what I am doing wrong.
while [[ "${ofile: -1}" != "_" ]]
this one just produces an error "87: Bad substitution", do until first character is "_"
i managed to overcome all issues with cron, from full paths, to environment, this one is still a puzzle for me. any help is appreciated.
It sounds like you are running the script with bash, while cron is running it under some other shell; thus, all of the bash extensions you're using are failing. Make sure the shebang on your script (i.e. the first line) requests bash (#!/bin/bash), and that the cron entry runs it directly rather than specifying a shell (e.g. 0 0 * * * /path/to/script NOT 0 0 * * * /bin/sh /path/to/script).
EDIT: there are several different ways of controlling which shell will be used to interpret a script, with a definite precedence order:
If you run the script with an explicit shell (e.g. /bin/sh /path/to/script), the shell you told to run it will be used, and any shebang will be ignored.
If you run the script directly (e.g. /path/to/script or ./script, or place it in your PATH and run it as script), the system will use the shebang to determine which shell (or other interpreter) to run it with.
If you run it directly and there's no shebang, the program you're running it from (e.g. bash, sh, or crond) might choose to do something else. In this situation, bash will run the script with bash. I'm not sure what crond will do, and it might even depend on which version it is.
In general, using a proper shebang and running the script directly is the best way to go; the script should "know" what the proper interpreter is, and that should be respected. For example, if you write a script in portable shell code (with a #!/bin/sh shebang), and then later need to use some bash-only features, you can simply change the shebang and not have to track down all the places it's run from.
Specifying the shell explicitly should be reserved for cases where the shebang is wrong or missing (in which case the better solution is to fix the script), or you don't have execute permission (again, fix the script). The third option is an unreliable fallback, and should be avoided whenever possible.
P.s. If I'm reading your last comment (above) correctly, you want to test whether $line contains "downloads.php", not whether it equals that; but the [ x == y] comparison tests for equality, not containment. To test for containment, use the bash-only [[ string == pattern ]] form:
if [[ "$line" == *"downloads.php"* ]]

In my command-line, why does echo $0 return "-"?

When I type echo $0 I see -
I expect to see bash or some filename, what does it mean if I just get a "-"?
A hyphen in front of $0 means that this program is a login shell.
note: $0 does not always contain accurate path to the running executable as there is a way to override it when calling execve(2).
I get '-bash', a few weeks ago, I played with modifying a process name visible when you run ps or top/htop or echo $0. To answer you question directly, I don't think it means anything. Echo is a built-in function of bash, so when it checks the arguments list, bash is actually doing the checking, and seeing itself there.
Your intuition is correct, if you wrote echo $0 in a script file, and ran that, you would see the script's filename.
So based on one of your comments, you're really want to know how to determine what shell you're running; you assumed $0 was the solution, and asked about that, but as you've seen $0 won't reliably tell you what you need to know.
If you're running bash, then several unexported variables will be set, including $BASH_VERSION. If you're running tcsh, then the shell variables $tcsh and $version will be set. (Note that $version is an excessively generic name; I've run into problems where some system-wide startup script sets it and clobbers the tcsh-specific variable. But $tcsh should be reliable.)
The real problem, though, is that bash and tcsh syntax are mostly incompatible. It might be possible to write a script that can execute when invoked (via . or source) from either tcsh or bash, but it would be difficult and ugly.
The usual approach is to have separate setup files, one for each shell you use. For example, if you're running bash you might run
. ~/setup.bash
. ~/setup.sh
and if you're running tcsh you might run
source ~/setup.tcsh
source ~/setup.csh
The .sh or .csh versions refer to the ancestors of both shells; it makes sense to use those suffixes if you're not using any bash-specific or tcsh-specific features.
But that requires knowing which shell you're running.
You could probably set up an alias in your .cshrc, .tcshrc, or.login, and an alias or function in your.profile,.bash_profile, or.bashrc` that will invoke whichever script you need.
Or if you want to do the setup every time you login, or every time you start a new interactive shell, you can put the commands directly in the appropriate shell startup file(s). Of course the commands will be different for tcsh vs. bash.
