How to create page layout in sharepoint 2010 wss? please help - layout

How to create page layout in sharepoint 2010 wss? please help

If you really mean WSS, you cannot create page layouts as this is a part of the Publishing feature available only in MOSS


create a custom left navigation for default.aspx in sahrepoint O365

I am presently working in Sharepoint O365. I need to build a custom left navigation for only my default.aspx page using Sharepoint designer, while keeping the normal navigation for the rest of the site. I have seen it is possible in Sharepoint 2010. However, I am unaware of any workaround in O365. Any knowledge regarding this shall be appreciated.
Please check the codeless solution:
Custom Left Navigation in SharePoint 2013
Or use custom html code to make a navigation:

ProfileManages webcontrol on person.aspx page in SP2013

I am migrating ProfileManages webcontrol on person.aspx page from MOSS 2007 to 2013. could you please confirm whether this
is existing in SharePoint 2013? Not able to find
Can anyone help? need to add Organizational Hierarchy list to the page.
There is Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.dll in GAC on SharePoint 2013 server installation and it contains class:
Path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal\

Customize a WebPart without "target audiences"

I use SharePoint Foundation 2010 and I learned that the "target audiences" are disabled on the Foundation version.
I need to customize a WebPart on a wiki page when A user of a certain group is connected.
Have you an idea ?
Alternatively you can add a new web part page in your SharePoint site
and then add this Documents web part on the page. Once it is done,
Give access to only intended users for this page. Which means control
access at page level.
I have found a solution.
I insert JavaScript code in a WebPart in my wiki page from my SharePoint.

AssetUrlSelector examples

I am looking for an examples on creating AssetUrlSelector in ASP.NET for selecting a document from sharepoint site. Can you please provide me some examples or help links? Since AssetUrlSelector works only on MOSS server/sharepoint server and not on foudation 2010 or wss3.0 how can I create a a control which is similar to AssetUrlSelector?.

Sharepoint 2010 What's new?

I wonder that, with a use of minimum custom code use, how easy or hard would it be, compared to previous versions, to build a community portal in Sharepoint 2010, in which users upload, view and comment videos, share videos and so on.
You can ofcourse take Youtube as an example.
Some links from
What's New in Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2010
What's New in SharePoint Server 2010
Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Overview
Check out this Walkthrough:
Walkthroughs: Creating and Customizing a Video Sharing Site
