Seam - EJB3 in Web Module/WAR? - jsf

I'm writing an application using Seam 2.2.x which will be deployed on JBoss 5.1. I have an EJB module with all of the business logic en EJB's. However, I'd also like to have statless session EJBs in the web module to act as action classes. Is this possible? Do I need to perform any additional configuration to get this working? I have an interface I've defined:
public interface ContentItemSearchAction extends Serializable {
...and an implementing class...
public class ContentItemSearchActionBean implements ContentItemSearchAction {
However, when I try to access the EJB in one of my JSF views, I get the following exception:
Caused by javax.naming.NameNotFoundException with message: "ContentItemSearchActionBean not bound"
Has anyone seen this before? What am I missing? Why is the EJB in my WAR module not being picked up?

EJBs do not go into WAR files. They're packaged into JARs, which go into the EAR along with the WAR.
The EJBs need not be in the WAR to be visible from your web tier.


Websocket push notification to several JSF applications on Tomcat

I have two JSF applications running on Tomcat.
In both index files the same f:websocket tag is placed in the form section.
<f:websocket channel="test" onmessage="socketListener" />
function socketListener(message, channel, event) {
In both managed beans the same channel is used.
public class AppController implements Serializable
#Push(channel = "test")
private PushContext pushContext;
public void sendMessage(String p_message)
But when I send a notification via JAVA method pushContext.send of app1, the JS method socketListener of app2 does not work.
Is it possible to push notification to several JSF applications at once?
The web socket is by default application scoped. Both applications have their own application scope. Both applications don't at all share the same application scope. You see, the application scope is a scope which is, well, tied to a single application. That's because one application is one application. Ah well, I think you get it now :)
You basically want cross-application communication. Standard Java EE API offers JMS for this out the box. But as you're using a barebones Tomcat servlet container, your options are pretty limited. You could install JMS on Tomcat, but better is to migrate to a normal Java EE server. The Java EE variant of Tomcat is TomEE. It already ships JSF, CDI, JMS and more out the box (basically, everything from Java EE), without the need to manually carry around a lot of JAR files via the WAR deployment.
Once having JMS installed in Tomcat, or migrated to a normal Java EE server, then you can follow the instructions in "Cluster design hints" section of the documentation of OmniFaces <o:socket> (the godfather of the <f:websocket>).

Update faces-config.xml in memory at runtime

When a JSF/XPages application starts it reads the faces-config.xml for managed beans, validators etc. Can I manipulate the loaded configuration at runtime? e.g. dynamically add a validator to ensure my custom code will run.
I'm not trying to change the xml file at runtime, but the memory representation after it gets loaded.
XPages uses a JSF 1.x runtime,so JSF 2.0 constructs might not work
Yes, you can add a lot of JSF artifacts which are normally configured in faces-config.xml by among others the Application class as well.
Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();
application.addValidator("fooValidator", "com.example.FooValidator");
// ...
You could do the job in an eagerly initialized application scoped managed bean.
public class Config {
public void init() {
// ...

How to call EJB in PhaseListener

I use JSF 2 and EJB 3.1, all of them are deployed on Glassfish 3.1.
When i setup a class named MyInterceptor which is implemented PhaseListener, i can not revoke remote EJB interface inside it.
It notice "NullPointerException ..."
public class MyInterceptor implements PhaseListener {
public AuthorizationService authorizationService;
When I call authorizationService.dosomestuff(), it raise error NullPointerException
How can i do to fix it?
Thank in advance
In JSF 2.1 and earlier, PhaseListeners are unfortunately no injection targets (meaning you can't use injection in them). You can do your lookup programmatically via JNDI instead though.
In JSF 2.2 all JSF artifacts (including PhaseListeners) will be injection targets, but this will probably not help you now.
Unrelated to your question, but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by specifying the beanInterface in your annotation. Most likely you'll also don't need the name attribute and if your bean is a local bean you'll also don't need mappedName.
Use a servlet filter instead of a JSF phase listener to do authorization. You can inject an #EJB in a #WebFilter.
Yeah in web filter you could have just used plain #EJB. Maximimum you needed to add beanName if you had two beans implement same AuthorizationService interface.
Servlet filter is per request, I don't think you need to do security stuff at a certain phase from JSF's lifecycle (which is a more granular level than the whole http request).
For normal lookup you can do:
AuthorizationService.class.cast(new InitialContext().lookup("corbaname:iiop:localhost:3700#ejb/AuthorizationEJB")).dosomestuff();
in a try catch javax.naming.NamingException

Injecting EJB3.0 Beans into JSF2.0 Backing Beans... Impossible?

I'm working on a JSF project on Weblogic 11g, and our initial design is calling for JSF Backing Beans to invoke EJB3.0 beans to perform business logic and data access calls. The #EJB annotation doesn't seem to work in my project when I try to inject the EJB reference to the backing bean. Whenever I hit the class that I am testing, the constructor for my EJB is never called and I end up with a NPE. Is it possible to inject an EJB3.0 bean into a JSF backing bean? Is there another way I should be invoking an EJB through the JSF Backing bean? What is the best practice?
I googled somewhat and this indeed seems to be a known issue with Weblogic. Lot of similar topics are kept unanswered.
I found this blog which confirms that #EJB in Weblogic only works for resources definied by web.xml, not for JSF. The blog describes also in detail a workaround using ServletContextListener which is IMO not much better than using JNDI.
I also found this OTN topic which confirms that #EJB in Weblogic started to work when EJB modules are not included in subdirectories (see the answer posted at the bottom, Feb 15, 2011 5:44 PM).
It turns out that it is a Weblogic specific issue when deploying anything using JSF and EJB. I found this post on the Oracle forums that explains how to get the #EJB injection working in JSF Managed Beans using Weblogic 11g:
EJB3.0 Injection into JSF Managed beans
After spinning my wheels for too long, I have to give up trying to inject an EJB into a JSF ManagedBean on Weblogic 11g. Seems to work fine in Tomcat. Maybe the EJB3 and JSF implementation will be better in 12G...
To make it work you need to follow two steps:
Deploy jsf-2.0.war as LIBRARY, you can find it /ORACLE_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/deployable-libraries
In your web project, add the reference to the jsf-2.0.war library in WEB-INF/weblogic.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wls:weblogic-web-app xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
I have successfully tested this in weblogic 10.3.3 and 10.3.5. If somehow this does not work, try to deploy the application as part of EAR file.
So here is the beat! There is a simple way to fix this.
Open up jsf-2.0.war under ...wlserver_10.3\common\deployable-libraries
Navigate to WEB-INF/lib and save wls.jsf.di.jar JAR somewhere
Place wls.jsf.di.jar JAR under lib folder of your WAR application.
all should work now just by adding #EJB to property in your #ManagedBean.
There is an alternative for the #EJB annotation in order to get your local EJB bean accessible in your JSF ManagedBean web application. Considering that you have your EJB classes and your WAR packaged in the same EAR file, do the following:
configure your ejb-jar.xml to tell the weblogic expose the EJB beans to the external components;
Insert in the web.xml of your web application a reference to the EJB throught the ejb-link name. The ejb-ref-name is name visible for the JSF managed beans.
In your JSF Managed Bean call the EJB Bean through JNDI lookup as the following:
try {
Context context = new InitialContext();
MyEJBBeanLocalInterface myEJBBean =
} catch (NamingException e) {
In my case I was using the Weblogic 10.3.6 (11g), JSF 2.0 and EJB 3.0 with JPA (Eclipselink)

Inject EJBs into a Seam Component

guys. I have a Seam project running on Tomcat 6.0.20 (webapp.war) and an EJB project running on JBoss 4.2.3 (ejbapp.ear).
I can access my EJBs in my Seam components using JNDI lookup [initialContext.lookup(...)].
I'd like to have them injected in my Seam components instead.
My Seam components ARE NOT EJBs, so I can't use #EJB annotation. I'd like to have something like this in my Tomcat (Web) app.
public class CustomerAction {
#In // even with (autoCreate=true) or the EJB name if necessary
private CustomerEJB customerEJB;
And this in the JBoss (EJB) app.
public class CustomerEJBImpl implements CustomerEJB {
public interface CustomerEJB {
In my components.xml I have the jndiPattern=ejbapp/#jndiPattern/remote specified just like I currently use to lookup the EJBs (ex: ejbapp/CustomerEJB/remote).
I'm probably missing something in my configuration to make this work.
PS: I'd like NOT HAVE to annotate my EJBs as #Name (Seam) components.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your reply, but it didn't work.
When I declared the EJBs in components.xml, it did inject the object in my Action (Seam component), but as a POJO. I mean, the EntityManager and other EJB injections I had in the injected object didn't work.
I also tried to define the EJB as a Seam component, but, once they are in the webproject inside a JAR file, it didn't load automatically, and trying the scenario above, I got the same error.
Just an FYI, I also declared the Seam interceptor in ejb-jar.xml file.
I have no idea why this is happening, BTW I thought it would be quite a simple thing for Seam to handle.
Anyway..., any other suggestions, guys?
Define your EJB as Seam components in your components.xml
