How to remap <C> (control) modifier key in vim? - vim

I avoid the "control" key, AKA <C> in vim parlance, on my laptop; I hate where Apple put it. I would really like to remap all of the vim commands using control to instead use "command", but this does not seem possible on a Mac, despite what I have read. I have read that I should use <Leader> to set such mappings, but I want to avoid remapping every single <C> mapping that I can find or think of in my .vimrc, just to forget some and bloat my .vimrc.
I want to avoid xmodmap or solutions beyond the scope of .vimrc, as I want to maintain compatibility of my config files that I sync across systems.
What I really want to do is specify an alternate key (probably ,) as a modifier key equivalent to <C>.

There is definitely no vim-only solution for this; vim simply does not have this capability. Map <CapsLock> to <Ctrl> in System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys..., take a few minutes to adjust, and repeat for every MacBook you ever lay hands on (even if it's not yours). The world will be a better place for it.


Is there a way to alias vim navigation keys? [duplicate]

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

Recommended vim keymap "namespaces" for custom keymaps?

Vim seems to have bound every key on the keyboard with actions. If I wanted to create some custom keymaps for often-executed commands, are there any keys that are recommended that I use or that are intended to be overridden?
You're right, for often-invoked mappings, the default <Leader> of \ isn't optimal. Some people reassign via mapleader, but if you use many plugins, that again leads to contention and long <Leader>abc... mappings.
My approach is to keep the leader, and start the few quick and often-used mappings with , instead. The original functionality of , isn't that important, but I've reassigned it to ' (for which I can alternatively use `; I don't usually need line-only jumps):
:noremap ' ,
In addition, you have the function keys for very quick access (though you have to lift the hand from the home row). If you're mainly in GVIM, you can also map all Shift / Ctrl / Alt combinations; in the terminal, these might not work.
Finally, there are some unused combinations. For example, yr (though there's yank and replace, there's no r motion), or q followed by any non-(writable-) register: q., q#, ...
I'll assume you don't want to use a <leader> mapping.
There are an infinite number of possible mappings, you can check if one you are thinking of is in use by a plugin via::map, :nmap and :imap.
You can check default mappings using :help
You may also be interested in Tim Pope's thought on the subject:
leader maps are pretty lame

Changing default key bindings in vim

After attempting to use vim a number of times, I'm always been put off by its default key bindings. After some research, I decided to remap the default keys to more sane ones (at least for my tastes). I have a few questions about changing bindings that I could not find answers to through Google.
Is there a way to map a key to an action rather than another key. For example:
:noremap a h
will bind the a key to move the cursor left. Is there something along the lines of
:noremap a move-cursor-left
:noremap a :move-cursor-left<Enter>
so I can read my config file afterwards?
Is there a way to unbind all of the default key bindings? I've tried :mapclear but it doesn't seem to work, although it might just be clearing non-default bindings. Unmapping every key manually is not an option. If possible, I would like to export the defaults to a file so I can edit them as I need.
Is there another language I can use to write my own commands for vim other than vim-script? I haven't actually looked into this one so much though. If I can bind an external executable to a command, that would be good enough.
I haven't given up on vim although I would like to ask if there are any vim-like alternatives out there. My Google searches came up with nothing actively developed. If the above cannot be done, or reasonably hacked together, I would like to find a fully configurable, modal, command line text editor that can.
The command set of vi / Vim has 40 years of wisdom encoded into it; completely changing it is a bad idea. I can only repeat the reference to this answer from the comments; that should convince you (to accept this, or choose another editor).
Give the default commands another try. It'll take some time to get used to, but most Vim users swear by these. It's fine to make minor adjustments "for personal style": careful evolution, but not revolution. Also, some people with odd keyboard layouts (like Dvorak or Colemak) swap several keys for convenience.
The move-cursor-left is just h; aided by the excellent :help, you should be able to "read" your remappings just fine.
In general, even though it's possible to write extensions / plugins in integrated languages like Perl, Python, Ruby, etc. (based on support for them compiled into the Vim binary), you won't get around learning some key Vim internals and parts of Vimscript. If you don't feel comfortable at all about this, I'd suggest to use another editor. Unfortunately, with your requirements of full extensibility (and probably broad acceptance and platform support), there's only one serious alternative: Emacs (which cannot only be turned into everything but a kitchen sink, but also into a modal editor, too).
(i know this question is old)
you can reset the binds by just over-writing them
on vim you can use many <things> (idk the name)
<Up> = Up-arrow-key
<C-f> = Ctrl, f
<A-Down> = Alt, Down-arrow-key
<Esc> = Escape-key
it's possible to remap the hjkl keys to wasd like this:
nmap w <Up>
nmap a <Left>
nmap s <Down>
nmap d <Right>

Vim custom keybinding conventions?

In Emacs, key sequences beginning with C-c are, by convention, reserved for individual users to set. I think there is at least one more convention, too.
What, if any, are Vim's conventions for custom key bindings?
You can use commands prefixed with your <leader> key as a convention to separate your own individual keymaps from default ones.
Set your <leader> key with a like this in your .vimrc file:
let mapleader = "_"
Then you can create key mappings that are prefixed with whatever you set your leader to like this:
nnoremap <leader><space> :noh<cr>
For more info see here
In Emacs, I would't say it was so much of a a convention, as much of a popular choice.
In Vim there is not even that, and although Ctrl+something or the F keys are popular, it is far from being a wide spread "convention".
A lot of Vim users just use the default "letter operations" in normal mode, with which they accomplish in text editing, what a majority of Emacs users must depend on functions.
There is a backslash which does nothing by default, only being the default value of mapping leader (both mapleader and maplocalleader). This leader is used in plugins and I strongly suggest to leave it for them only, using keys that have default actions attached, but that are not much useful. Common keys are , (repeats t/T/f/F motion in the opposite direction) and _ (moves one line downward, on the first non-blank character), you can also check which ones you don’t use (I, for example, don’t use + and -, latter is good replacement for _). The reasons why I unlike #stonesam92 suggest not to set mapleader to them and instead put your own leader in your mappings directly are the following:
It makes plugins possibly add mappings conflicting with your own ones.
You get used to typing ,a, _a or whatever, not to <Leader>a.
It makes mapping commands work differently depending on their location in the vimrc (<Leader> is computed only once, if you change mapleader afterwards already defined mappings won’t change).
It obfuscates the reading: you have to always remember, what <Leader> is.
If you are writing plugin, always use <Leader> and also leave the user the better way to customize them, two common solutions are using global options and using hasmapto:
" Global option
if !exists('g:plugin_mapping_key')
let g:plugin_mapping_key='<Leader>a'
execute 'nnoremap '.g:plugin_mapping_key.' :DoSomething<CR>'
" hasmapto
nnoremap <Plug>PluginDoSomething :DoSomething<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>PluginDoSomething', 'n', 0)
nmap <Leader>a <Plug>PluginDoSomething

How to remap keyboard keys to avoid RSI in VIM

I hope this does not come across as an attempt to spark conversation purely for the sake of doing so.
I use vim a great deal (5-10 hours a day) and I noticed my left wrist is the first to start aching. The standard keyboard layout (see image below) is almost guaranteed to give you arthritis.
Currently, I have remapped
Ctrl to Shift
Shift to Caps Lock
Caps Lock to Ctrl
This helps with common commands such as Ctrlf or Shift2 (#), but I still have to twist my wrist to get at those combinations. Is there anyway to remap the keys so as to avoid this twisting on the left wrist (maybe use the Tab key)? I just find it odd that for a text editor designed specifically for programmers, it would make heavy use of these out of the way keys. I have considered remapping to the old keyboard layout (see below image), but I don't want to learn that if it is going to have the same fundamental problems as my current remapping.
Note: I am not a doctor, just another typist that suffered from wrist pain.
In my experience, just mapping Caps to Ctrl (or swapping the two if you must have a Caps) and using Ctrl+[ instead of Esc make a big difference. Ctrl+[ does not require an additional mapping in vim as it is equivalent to Esc. If you can teach yourself this small change you reduce your movement by a great deal when you consider how often you use Esc in vim.
The Caps to Ctrl mapping can't be done inside vim and will have to be made system-wide, however, having Ctrl in the more convenient location will also help in other applications that use Ctrl combinations. There are different methods of remapping keys depending on which OS you're using. A few common options are:
xmodmap (GNU/Linux)
KeyRemap4Macbook (OSX)
KeyTweak (Windows)
While this will probably improve your situation you really should consider seeing a doctor and/or purchasing a more ergonomically designed keyboard if your pain persists. I own an older version of the Kinesis Advantage that I picked up used on Ebay for about $100 (USD) and I couldn't be happier. The keys can be programmed directly on the keyboard so no software is needed to swap keys or create your own keyboard macros for frequently used key strokes.
Edit: I see in your post you also mention combinations like Ctrl+f and Shift+2 requiring you to twist your wrist to press. It sounds to me like you're only using the Ctrl and Shift keys on the left side of your keyboard. You should really be using both sets of these keys, using whichever one is on the opposite hand of the key you're modifying. That would negate this wrist movement.
Use caps as ctrl systemwide. (How often do you cut/copy/paste?)
This also makes ctrl[ work in vim.
Alongside I use the vim 'arpeggio' plugin.
Arpeggio lets you define vim bindings that are activated when two keys are simultanously pressed.
jk pressed serves me as ESC.
Also the 'surround.vim' plugin might be interesting for you.
Eliminated all my wrist pains.
post scriptum:
Use 'vundle'!
Its the best vim plugin manager by far, and you will wonder how you could ever do without, especially if you use a customized vim on several machines. Don't be scared if you have trouble setting it up initially, take your time.
I switched to a Kinesis Advantage keyboard, and remapped Caps Lock to Esc. This effectively removed any wrist pain I felt as a vim user.Once again not a doctor, but looking at how my hands move, I don't see my wrist twisting even when I hit Shift.
You could probably do some great remappings to the thumb keys to further minimise tension, but to be honest I've never felt the need.
Not a $0 solution, I'm afraid, but it was very effective for me.
I mapped both Escape (single tap) and Ctrl (hold) to CapsLock:
xmodmap -e "remove Lock = Caps_Lock"
xmodmap -e "remove Control = Control_L"
xmodmap -e "keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock"
xmodmap -e "keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L"
xmodmap -e "add Control = Control_L"
xcape -t 1000 -e "Control_L=Escape" # Fire nothing if 1000ms hold time out
Probably I'm messing things up here, but xmodmap isn't the best option to modify mappings anyway, so I will change that to pure xkb config.
I have also swapped : with ; and ` with ~, since I use : and ~ more often:
xmodmap -e "keycode 47 = colon semicolon"
xmodmap -e "keycode 49 = asciitilde grave"
I also use Compose Key to be able to type ūmlauts et c.
In vim, the most useful change I have ever made is mapping of space to leader. All kinds of leader-key combinations will make your life easier.
I couldn't get used to H and L for _ and $, since it doesn't seem to work with surround.vim and some other tricks people advise.
Just don't use arrows!
I'd make this part a comment to Randy's answer on Esc if I could, but it demands a little more space. There's one important use case where you can't just remap Windows keys: Windows 7 without admin rights. It's common enough in an enterprise environment; at the very least, it describes me and that keyboard in the pic. keymapper's repo has decent info on this issue:
Important note for Windows 7 Users
Windows 7 does not support per-user key mappings. Until the next release of Key Mapper, you will have to manually switch to 'Boot' mappings from the Mappings menu, reboot to change the mappings, and you will need to have Administrative access to your computer to set key mappings that will work in Windows 7.
The same is true for any Microsoft tools, KeyTweak, SharpKey, etc.
So you'll have to use something like AutoHotkey. I personally prefer mapping Caps Lock directly to Esc for Vim, and I've had issues just mapping it to Ctrl:
#IfWinActive ahk_class Vim
Another alternative I like is inoremap jj <Esc>. Unless you plan to write about a hajj or something it works pretty well.
More to your point
In any case, have you considered doing the above for easy escaping and then remapping some of the hard-to-reach insert mode commands to Alt (hit it with your thumb) and then using mappings to your leader?
let mapleader=","
nnoremap <leader>f <C-F>
I would suggest remapping
Caps lock to left Control
Left Control to Escape
Escape to Caps lock
. If in linux first can be done by using setxkbmap -option '...,ctrl:nocaps' or changing XkbOptions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Second requires using of xmodmap. After some X server update I failed to get the third working, previously used xmodmap as well.
Using dvorak layout (maybe even programming) that is optimized for touch typing and mappings like ,s->()<Left> might also help.
Note: I am not a doctor as well. I am touch typist, but unlike #Randy Morris I never suffered from the wrist pain, just moved keys to the most convenient locations.
I always press the left ctrl key by curling up my pinky and pressing with the first knuckle. I find this requires less hand movement.
I don't find Shift uncomfortable, so I can't help you with
that. However Ctrl does bother me, and even with my
knuckle technique I prefer to avoid it where possible. So for
insert mode (and command-line mode) I use a leading ;
instead of Ctrl. E.g.
:map! ;w <C-W>
:map! ;a <C-A>
:map! ;r <C-R>
:ino ;t <C-T>
:ino ;d <C-D>
You get the idea.
In normal mode I use v and V instead of Ctrl+F and
Ctrl+B (I only use visual blockwise mode), though
I imagine most people would prefer to map different keys,
such as <Space> and - for paging (- isn't really
needed). Instead of F you could search forwards with f,
and then hit ,.
I've never really seen much point in Ctrl+D or Ctrl+U.
However I do find z., z<Enter>, and z- useful for
scrolling the line with the cursor to the middle, top, and
bottom of the window respectively. H, M and L are also
useful for moving the cursor around the screen. But in
general I prefer to just use / with 'incsearch' set for
navigating about.
There's no right or wrong way to do this, these are just my personal preferences, but I hope it gives you one or
two ideas. Try experimenting and see what works for you.
I've developed a vim module to do some simple remappings for exactly this issue:
The biggest things it does is make it easier to type bracket sets. It also makes it much easier to get into command mode (jj->ESC)
It runs on the principle that you hardly ever used the J key while editing, but it is right there in the home row... so let's abuse it!
from the documentation:
Remapping commonly used commands
key combo mapping purpose
; : removes the need to hit Shift to use commands
jj <ESC> can exit edit mode quickly and easily
Jj j can type 'j' when you need to
JJ J can type 'J' when you need to
Making it easier to insert various kinds of braces:
key combo mapping purpose
JU ()<left> easier to create parenthesis
JI []<left> easier to create square brackets
JM {}<left> eaiser to create curly braces
J< <><left> easier to create carrot braces
Make it easier to move small distances (especially useful with braces commands):
key combo mapping purpose
JL <left> move left in insert mode
JH <right> move right in insert mode
Removing any need for enter, backspace or delete:
key combo mapping purpose
JB <esc>ldbi delete the previous word
JW <esc>dwi delete the next word
JO <esc>oi insert line and go to it
