which one to use windows services or threading - multithreading

We are having a web application build using asp.net 3.5 & SQL server as database which is quite big and used by around 300 super users for managing around 5000 staffs.
Now we are implementing SMS functionality into the application which means the users will be able to send and receive SMS. Every two minute the SMS server of the third party is pinged to check whether there are any new messages. Also SMS are hold in queue and send every time interval of 15 to 30 minutes.
I want this checking and sending process to run in the background of the application all the time, even if the user closes the browser window.
I need some advice on how do I do this?
Will using thread will achieve this or do I need to create a windows service for it or are there any other options?
More information:
I want to execute a task in a timer, what will happen if I close the browser window, the task wont be completed isn't it so.
For example I am saving 10 records to the database in a time interval of 5 minutes, which means every 5 minutes when the timer tick event fires, a record is inserted into the database.
How do I run this task if I close the browser window?
I tried looking at windows service but how do I pass a generic collection of data to it for processing.

There really is no thread or service choice, a service can (and usually is!) multi threaded, a thread can start a service.
There are three basic choices you can:-
Somehow start another thread running when a user logs in -- this is probably a very poor choice for what you want, as you cannot really keep it running once the user session is lost.
Write a fully fledged windows service which is starts on OS startup and continues running unitl the server is shutdown. You can make this dependant on the SQLserver service, so it starts after the DB is available. This is the "best" solution but may be overkill for your purposes. Aslo you need to know the services API to write it properly as you need to respond correctly to shutdown and status requests.
You can schedule your task periodically using either the Windows schedular, or, preferably the schedular which is built in to SQLServer, I think this would be the most suitable option for your needs.

Distinguish between what the browser is doing and what's happening server-side.
Your Web App is sitting server-side waiting for requests from whatever browsers may be running, and servicing those requests, in servicing those requests I guess it may well put messages on a queue and have a look in a database for any new messages.
You want the daemon processor, which talks to the third-party SMS, to be triggered by time rather than by browser function. Either of your suggestions would work:
A competely independent service could run and work against the queues and database.
Your web app, which I assume is already a service, could spawn a thread
In either case we have a few technical questions of avoiding any race conditions between the browser-request processing and the daemon - but databases and queueing systems can deal with that.
So I would decide between stand-alone daemon and background thread like this:
Which is easier to implement? I'm a Java EE developer, I know in my app server I have an API for specifying code to be run according to a timer, the API deals with the threading issues. So for me that's very easy. I don't know what you have available. Timers are not quite as trivial as they may appear - so having a reliable API is beneficial. If this was a more complex requirement, where the daemon code were gnarly and might possibly interfere with the WebApp code then I might prefer to keep it conspicuously separate.
Which is easier to deploy and administer? Deploy separate Web App and daemon, or deploy one thing. In the Java EE world we could have a single Enterprise Application with all the code, so that's a single thing to deploy, start and control.
One other thing to consider: Scaling and Resilience. You might choose to have more than one copy of your web app running, either to provide fail-over capabilities or just because you need the extra power. In which case how many daemons would you have? Would it be a problem to have two daemons running? You might need some extra code to mediate between two daemons, for example log in the database the time of last work, each daemon can say "Oh, my buddy balready did the 10:30 job, I'll go back to sleep"


Orchestrating a Windows Azure web role to cope with occasional high workload

I'm running a Windows Azure web role which, on most days, receives very low traffic, but there are some (foreseeable) events which can lead to a high amount of background work which has to be done. The background work consists of many database calls (Azure SQL) and HTTP calls to external web services, so it is not really CPU-intensive, but it requires a lot of threads which are waiting for the database or the web service to answer. The background work is triggered by a normal HTTP request to the web role.
I see two options to orchestrate this, and I'm not sure which one is better.
Option 1, Threads: When the request for the background work comes in, the web role starts as many threads as necessary (or queues the individual work items to the thread pool). In this option, I would configure a larger instance during the heavy workload, because these threads could require a lot of memory.
Option 2, Self-Invoking: When the request for the background work comes in, the web role which receives it generates a HTTP request to itself for every item of background work. In this option, I could configure several web role instances, because the load balancer of Windows Azure balances the HTTP requests across the instances.
Option 1 is somewhat more straightforward, but it has the disadvantage that only one instance can process the background work. If I want more than one Azure instance to participate in the background work, I don't see any other option than sending HTTP requests from the role to itself, so that the load balancer can delegate some of the work to the other instances.
Maybe there are other options?
EDIT: Some more thoughts about option 2: When the request for the background work comes in, the instance that receives it would save the work to be done in some kind of queue (either Windows Azure Queues or some SQL table which works as a task queue). Then, it would generate a lot of HTTP requests to itself, so that the load balancer 'activates' all of the role instances. Each instance then dequeues a task from the queue and performs the task, then fetches the next task etc. until all tasks are done. It's like occasionally using the web role as a worker role.
I'm aware this approach has a smelly air (abusing web roles as worker roles, HTTP requests to the same web role), but I don't see the real disadvantages.
EDIT 2: I see that I should have elaborated a little bit more about the exact circumstances of the app:
The app needs to do some small tasks all the time. These tasks usually don't take more than 1-10 seconds, and they don't require a lot of CPU work. On normal days, we have only 50-100 tasks to be done, but on 'special days' (New Year is one of them), they could go into several 10'000 tasks which have to be done inside of a 1-2 hour window. The tasks are done in a web role, and we have a Cron Job which initiates the tasks every minute. So, every minute the web role receives a request to process new tasks, so it checks which tasks have to be processed, adds them to some sort of queue (currently it's an SQL table with an UPDATE with OUTPUT INSERTED, but we intend to switch to Azure Queues sometime). Currently, the same instance processes the tasks immediately after queueing them, but this won't scale, since the serial processing of several 10'000 tasks takes too long. That's the reason why we're looking for a mechanism to broadcast the event "tasks are available" from the initial instance to the others.
Have you considered using Queues for distribution of work? You can put the "tasks" which needs to be processed in queue and then distribute the work to many worker processes.
The problem I see with approach 1 is that I see this as a "Scale Up" pattern and not "Scale Out" pattern. By deploying many small VM instances instead of one large instance will give you more scalability + availability IMHO. Furthermore you mentioned that your jobs are not CPU intensive. If you consider X-Small instance, for the cost of 1 Small instance ($0.12 / hour), you can deploy 6 X-Small instances ($0.02 / hour) and likewise for the cost of 1 Large instance ($0.48) you could deploy 24 X-Small instances.
Furthermore it's easy to scale in case of a "Scale Out" pattern as you just add or remove instances. In case of "Scale Up" (or "Scale Down") pattern since you're changing the VM Size, you would end up redeploying the package.
Sorry, if I went a bit tangential :) Hope this helps.
I agree with Gaurav and others to consider one of the Azure Queue options. This is really a convenient pattern for cleanly separating concerns while also smoothing out the load.
This basic Queue-Centric Workflow (QCW) pattern has the work request placed on a queue in the handling of the Web Role's HTTP request (the mechanism that triggers the work, apparently done via a cron job that invokes wget). Then the IIS web server in the Web Role goes on doing what it does best: handling HTTP requests. It does not require any support from a load balancer.
The Web Role needs to accept requests as fast as they come (then enqueues a message for each), but the dequeue part is a pull so the load can easily be tuned for available capacity (or capacity tuned for the load! this is the cloud!). You can choose to handle these one at a time, two at a time, or N at a time: whatever your testing (sizing exercise) tells you is the right fit for the size VM you deploy.
As you probably also are aware, the RoleEntryPoint::Run method on the Web Role can also be implemented to do work continually. The default implementation on the Web Role essentially just sleeps forever, but you could implement an infinite loop to query the queue to remove work and process it (and don't forget to Sleep whenever no messages are available from the queue! failure to do so will cause a money leak and may get you throttled). As Gaurav mentions, there are some other considerations in robustly implementing this QCW pattern (what happens if my node fails, or if there's a bad ("poison") message, bug in my code, etc.), but your use case does not seem overly concerned with this since the next kick from the cron job apparently would account for any (rare, but possible) failures in the infrastructure and perhaps assumes no fatal bugs (so you can't get stuck with poison messages), etc.
Decoupling placing items on the queue from processing items from the queue is really a logical design point. By this I mean you could change this at any time and move the processing side (the code pulling from the queue) to another application tier (a service tier) rather easily without breaking any part of the essential design. This gives a lot of flexibility. You could even run everything on a single Web Role node (or two if you need the SLA - not sure you do based on some of your comments) most of the time (two-tier), then go three-tier as needed by adding a bunch of processing VMs, such as for the New Year.
The number of processing nodes could also be adjusted dynamically based on signals from the environment - for example, if the queue length is growing or above some threshold, add more processing nodes. This is the cloud and this machinery can be fully automated.
Now getting more speculative since I don't really know much about your app...
By using the Run method mentioned earlier, you might be able to eliminate the cron job as well and do that work in that infinite loop; this depends on complexity of cron scheduling of course. Or you could also possibly even eliminate the entire Web tier (the Web Role) by having your cron job place work request items directly on the queue (perhaps using one of the SDKs). You still need code to process the requests, which could of course still be your Web Role, but at that point could just as easily use a Worker Role.
[Adding as a separate answer to avoid SO telling me to switch to chat mode + bypass comments length limitation] & thinking out loud :)
I see your point. Basically through HTTP request, you're kind of broadcasting the availability of a new task to be processed to other instances.
So if I understand correctly, when an instance receives request for the task to be processed, it pushes that request in some kind of queue (like you mentioned it could either be Windows Azure Queues [personally I would actually prefer that] or SQL Azure database [Not prefer that because you would have to implement your own message locking algorithm]) and then broadcast a message to all instances that some work needs to be done. Remaining instances (or may be the instance which is broadcasting it) can then see if they're free to process that task. One instance depending on its availability can then fetch the task from the queue and start processing that task.
Assuming you used Windows Azure Queues, when an instance fetched the message, it becomes unavailable to other instances immediately for some amount of time (visibility timeout period of Azure queues) thus avoiding duplicate processing of the task. If the task is processed successfully, the instance working on that task can delete the message.
If for some reason, the task is not processed, it will automatically reappear in the queue after visibility timeout period has expired. This however leads to another problem. Since your instances look for tasks based on a trigger (generating HTTP request) rather than polling, how will you ensure that all tasks get done? Assuming you get to process just one task and one task only and it fails since you didn't get a request to process the 2nd task, the 1st task will never get processed again. Obviously it won't happen in practical situation but something you might want to think about.
Does this make sense?
i would definitely go for a scale out solution: less complex, more manageable and better in pricing. Plus you have a lesser risk on downtime in case of deployment failure (of course the mechanism of fault and upgrade domains should cover that, but nevertheless). so for that matter i completely back Gaurav on this one!

Creating a Web Crawler using Windows Azure

I want to create a Web Crawler, that takes the content of some website and saves it in a blob storage. What is the right way to do that on Azure? Should I start a Worker role, and use the Thread.Sleep method to make it run once a day?
I also wonder, if I use this Worker Role, how would it work if I create two instances of it? I noticed using "Compute Emulator UI" that the command "Trace.WriteLine" works on both instances at the same time, can someone clarify this point.
I created the same crawler using php and set the cron job to start the script once a day, but it took 6 hours to grab the whole content, thats why I want to use Azure.
This is the right way to do it, as of Jan 2014 Microsoft introduced Azure WebJobs, where you can create a project (console for example), and run it as a scheduled task (occurrence once, recurrence)
Considering that a worker role is basically Windows 2008 Server, you can run the same code you'd run on-premises.
Consider, though, that there are several reasons why a role instance might reboot: OS updates, crash, etc. In these cases, it's possible you'd lose the work being done. So... you can handle this in a few ways:
Queue. Place a message on a command queue. If it's a once-a-day task, you can just push the message on the queue when done processing the previous message. Note that you can put an invisibility timeout on the message, so it doesn't appear for a day. In the event of failure during processing, the message will re-appear on the queue and a different instance can pick it up. You can also modify the message as you go, to keep track of your status.
Scheduler. Just make sure there's only one instance running (by way of a mutex). An easy way to do this is to attempt to obtain a write-lock on a blob (there can only be one).
One thing to consider is breaking up your web-crawl into separate tasks (url's?) and place those individually on the queue? With this, you'd be able to scale, running either multiple instances or, potentially, multiple threads in the same instance (since web-crawling is likely to be a blocking operation, rather than a cpu- and bandwidth-intensive one).
A single worker role running once a day is probably the best approach. I would not use thread sleep though, since you may want to restart the instance and then it may, depening on your programming, start before one day or later than one day. What about putting the task command as a message on the Azure Queue and dequeuing it once it has been picked up by a worker role, then adding a new task command on the Azure Queue once.

WF4 Affinity on Windows Azure and other NLB environments

I'm using Windows Azure and WF4 and my workflow service is hosted in a web-role (with N instances). My job now is find out how
to do an affinity, in a way that I can send messages to the right workflow instance. To explain this scenario, my workflow (attached) starts with a "StartWorkflow" receive activity, creates 3 "Person" and, in a parallel-for-each, waits for the confirmation of these 3 people ("ConfirmCreation" Receive Activity).
I then started to search how the affinity is made in others NLB environments (mainly looked for informations about how this works on Windows Server AppFabric), but I didn't find a precise answer. So how is it done in others NLB environments?
My next task is find out how I could implement a system to handle this affinity on Windows Azure and how much would this solution cost (in price, time and amount of work) to see if its viable or if it's better to work with only one web-role instance while we wait for the WF4 host for the Azure AppFabric. The only way I found was to persist the workflow instance. Is there other ways of doing this?
My third, but not last, task is to find out how WF4 handles multiple messages received at the same time. In my scenario, this means how it would handle if the 3 people confirmed at the same time and the confirmation messages are also received at the same time. Since the most logical answer for this problem seems to be to use a queue, I started looking for information about queues on WF4 and found people speaking about MSQM. But what is the native WF4 messages handler system? Is this handler really a queue or is it another system? How is this concurrency handled?
You shouldn't need any affinity. In fact that's kinda the whole point of durable Workflows. Whilst your workflow is waiting for this confirmation it should be persisted and unloaded from any one server.
As far as persistence goes for Windows Azure you would either need to hack the standard SQL persistence scripts so that they work on SQL Azure or write your own InstanceStore implementation that sits on top of Azure Storage. We have done the latter for a workflow we're running in Azure, but I'm unable to share the code. On a scale of 1 to 10 for effort, I'd rank it around an 8.
As far as multiple messages, what will happen is the messages will be received and delivered to the workflow instance one message at a time. Now, it's possible that every one of those messages goes to the same server or maybe each one goes to a diff. server. No matter how it happens, the workflow runtime will attempt to load the workflow from the instance store, see that it is currently locked and block/retry until the workflow becomes available to process the next message. So you don't have to worry about concurrent access to the same workflow instance as long as you configure everything correctly and the InstanceStore implementation is doing its job.
Here's a few other suggestions:
Make sure you use the PersistBeforeSend option on your SendReply actvities
Configure the following workflow service options
<workflowIdle timeToUnload="00:00:00" />
<sqlWorkflowInstanceStore ... instanceLockedExceptionAction="AggressiveRetry" />
Using the out of the box SQL instance store with SQL Azure is a bit of a problem at the moment with the Azure 1.3 SDK as each deployment, even if you made 0 code changes, results in a new service deployment meaning that already persisted workflows can't continue. That is a bug that will be solved but a PITA for now.
As Drew said your workflow instance should just move from server to server as needed, no need to pin it to a specific machine. And even if you could that would hurt scalability and reliability so something to be avoided.
Sending messages through MSMQ using the WCF NetMsmqBinding works just fine. Internally WF uses a completely different mechanism called bookmarks that allow a workflow to stop and resume. Each Receive activity, as well as others like Delay, will create a bookmark and wait for that to be resumed. You can only resume existing bookmarks. Even resuming a bookmark is not a direct action but put into an internal queue, not MSMQ, by the workflow scheduler and executed through a SynchronizationContext. You get no control over the scheduler but you can replace the SynchronizationContext when using the WorkflowApplication and so get some control over how and where activities are executed.

How to create a job in IIS capable of running an extended process

I have a web service app, I have 1 web service call that could take anything from 1 hour to 14 hours, depending on the data that needs to be processed and the time of the month.
Is there any way to create a job in IIS that could be capable of running this extended process. I also need job management and reporting to be able to see if jobs are running, so that new jobs aren't created on top of others.
I will be working with IIS6 primarily. And would like to use C# code.
Right now I am using a web service call, but I don't like the idea of having web services run for such a long time, and due to the nature of the web service, I can't split the functionality any more.
IIS jobs would be awesome if they are available. Any ideas?
If I were you, I would make a command line app that is kicked off by the web service. Running a commandline app is pretty straight forward, basically
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "appname.exe";
There are a limited amount of worker processes per machine, they aren't really meant for long running jobs.
One possibility, with a bit of setup cost, is to have your processing run as a Windows service that listens to a message queue (MSMQ or similar), and have your web service simply post the request onto the message queue to be handled by the processing service.
Monitoring jobs is more difficult; your web service would need to have a way of querying your processing service to find out its state. This is an IPC (interprocess communication) problem, which has many different solutions with various tradeoffs that depend on your environment and circumstances.
That said, for simple cases, Matt's solution is probably sufficient.

Watchdog win service to watch another win service

I want to make a windows service that monitors another windows service, and make sure that it is working.
sometimes the Win Service that I want to watch stay in the memory (appear in task manager, so it is considered a running service, but the fact is that it is doing nothing, it is dead, its timer is not firing for one reason, which is not the subject for this question).
what I need is to make a watch dog Win Service that somehow reads a value in the memory that the other watched service is periodically writing.
I thought about using Named Pipes but I don't want to add communication issues to my services, I want to know if there is a way to create such a shared memory between 2 applications (possibly using a named system wide Mutex?)
Since you have to deal with detecting a zombie service I don't think using a kernel object like a mutex will help, you need to detect activity. A semaphore isn't a good fit either.
My personal preference would be a named pipe sending small heartbeat messages (since that could be detected across a network as well), but if you want to avoid the complexity of pipe comms - which I guess is understandable - then you could update a DWORD in a predetermined registry key. If both services run under LocalSystem you could write a key/value into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Run a pump-up timer and watch for changes to the key every so often (watch out for counter wrap-around). You won't have a normal window/message pump so SetTimer is off-limits, but you can still use timeSetEvent or waitable timers.
HKLM won't be available if one of the services runs under a non-admin account, but that's a pretty rare situation for services. Of course all this assumes you have access to the code of both services. Watching a third-party service would severely limit your options.
