Process state when calling syscall? - linux

What process state has when it calls a syscall?
I mean, don't asume it's an I/O syscall like read or write...
It's the process itselft that executes kernel code, or the process is suspendes and there's like a "kernel thread" that execute the syscall handler (and knows wich process called (current))?
I'm not sure if changes from executing to ready, or executing to blocked.

It's the process itself that switches to kernel mode and executes the system call - although it switches to a kernel stack to do so. A process executing inside the kernel has state Running, and can be pre-empted and end up in state Runnable.

It depends what the syscall does.
Suppose there is a hypothetical syscall which calculates PI to a lot of digits, and places the result in a buffer the application specifies, then the process will probably just be in the "R" running state. Switching to kernel mode doesn't stop it running in the context of the task that made the call.
Of course many system calls wait for things - consider sleep() for example, which releases the CPU rather than spinning. This puts the process to sleep, having registered a kernel timer to wake it up.
Quite a lot of syscalls never sleep, the likes of getpid() which just retrieve information which is always in ram. And many which do sometimes sleep don't necessarily do so, for example, if you call read() on data already in a kernel buffer.


Is CPU affinity enforced across system calls?

So if I set a process's CPU affinity using:
and then perform some other system call using that process, is that system call ALSO guaranteed to execute on the same CPU enforced by sched_setaffinity?
Essentially, I'm trying to enforce that a process, and the system calls it makes, are executed on the same core. Obviously I can use sched_setaffinity() to enforce userspace code will execute on only one CPU, but does that same system call enforce kernel-space code in that process context will execute on the same core as well?
Syscalls are really just your process code switching from user to kernel mode. The task that is being run does not change at all, it just temporarily enters kernel mode to execute the syscall and then returns back to user mode.
A task can be preempted by the scheduler and moved to a different CPU, and this can happen in the middle of normal user mode code or even in the middle of a syscall.
By setting the task affinity to a single CPU using sched_setaffinity(), you remove this possibility, since even if the task gets preempted, the scheduler has no choice but to keep it running on the same CPU (it may of course change the currently running task, but when your task resumes it will still be on the same CPU).
So to answer your question:
does that same system call enforce kernel-space code in that process context will execute on the same core as well?
Yes, it does.
Now, to address #Barmar's comment: in the case of syscalls that can "sleep", this does not mean that the task could change CPU if the affinity does not allow it.
What happens when a syscall sleeps, is simply that the syscall code tells the scheduler: "hey, I'm waiting for something, just run another task while I wait and wake me up later". When the syscall resumes, it checks if the requested resource is available (it could even tell the kernel exactly when it wants to be waken up), and if not it either waits again or returns to user code saying "sorry, I got nothing, try again". The resource could of course be made available by some interrupt that causes an interrupt handler to run on a different CPU, but that's a different story, and it doesn't really matter. To put it simply: interrupt code does not run in process context, at all. For what the task executing the syscall is concerned, the resource is just magically there when execution resumes.

Why linux process with status 'D' can be killed ? [duplicate]

Sometimes whenever I write a program in Linux and it crashes due to a bug of some sort, it will become an uninterruptible process and continue running forever until I restart my computer (even if I log out). My questions are:
What causes a process to become uninterruptible?
How do I stop that from happening?
This is probably a dumb question, but is there any way to interrupt it without restarting my computer?
An uninterruptible process is a process which happens to be in a system call (kernel function) that cannot be interrupted by a signal.
To understand what that means, you need to understand the concept of an interruptible system call. The classic example is read(). This is a system call that can take a long time (seconds) since it can potentially involve spinning up a hard drive, or moving heads. During most of this time, the process will be sleeping, blocking on the hardware.
While the process is sleeping in the system call, it can receive a Unix asynchronous signal (say, SIGTERM), then the following happens:
The system call exits prematurely, and is set up to return -EINTR to user space.
The signal handler is executed.
If the process is still running, it gets the return value from the system call, and it can make the same call again.
Returning early from the system call enables the user space code to immediately alter its behavior in response to the signal. For example, terminating cleanly in reaction to SIGINT or SIGTERM.
On the other hand, some system calls are not allowed to be interrupted in this way. If the system calls stalls for some reason, the process can indefinitely remains in this unkillable state.
LWN ran a nice article that touched this topic in July.
To answer the original question:
How to prevent this from happening: figure out which driver is causing you trouble, and either stop using, or become a kernel hacker and fix it.
How to kill an uninterruptible process without rebooting: somehow make the system call terminate. Frequently the most effective manner to do this without hitting the power switch is to pull the power cord. You can also become a kernel hacker and make the driver use TASK_KILLABLE, as explained in the LWN article.
When a process is on user mode, it can be interrupted at any time (switching to kernel mode). When the kernel returns to user mode, it checks if there are any signals pending (including the ones which are used to kill the process, such as SIGTERM and SIGKILL). This means a process can be killed only on return to user mode.
The reason a process cannot be killed in kernel mode is that it could potentially corrupt the kernel structures used by all the other processes in the same machine (the same way killing a thread can potentially corrupt data structures used by other threads in the same process).
When the kernel needs to do something which could take a long time (waiting on a pipe written by another process or waiting for the hardware to do something, for instance), it sleeps by marking itself as sleeping and calling the scheduler to switch to another process (if there is no non-sleeping process, it switches to a "dummy" process which tells the cpu to slow down a bit and sits in a loop — the idle loop).
If a signal is sent to a sleeping process, it has to be woken up before it will return to user space and thus process the pending signal. Here we have the difference between the two main types of sleep:
TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, the interruptible sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it is sleeping, but can be woken by signals. This means the code which marked the task as sleeping is expecting a possible signal, and after it wakes up will check for it and return from the system call. After the signal is handled, the system call can potentially be automatically restarted (and I won't go into details on how that works).
TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, the uninterruptible sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it is not expecting to be woken up by anything other than whatever it is waiting for, either because it cannot easily be restarted, or because programs are expecting the system call to be atomic. This can also be used for sleeps known to be very short.
TASK_KILLABLE (mentioned in the LWN article linked to by ddaa's answer) is a new variant.
This answers your first question. As to your second question: you can't avoid uninterruptible sleeps, they are a normal thing (it happens, for instance, every time a process reads/writes from/to the disk); however, they should last only a fraction of a second. If they last much longer, it usually means a hardware problem (or a device driver problem, which looks the same to the kernel), where the device driver is waiting for the hardware to do something which will never happen. It can also mean you are using NFS and the NFS server is down (it is waiting for the server to recover; you can also use the "intr" option to avoid the problem).
Finally, the reason you cannot recover is the same reason the kernel waits until return to user mode to deliver a signal or kill the process: it would potentially corrupt the kernel's data structures (code waiting on an interruptible sleep can receive an error which tells it to return to user space, where the process can be killed; code waiting on an uninterruptible sleep is not expecting any error).
Uninterruptable processes are USUALLY waiting for I/O following a page fault.
Consider this:
The thread tries to access a page which is not in core (either an executable which is demand-loaded, a page of anonymous memory which has been swapped out, or a mmap()'d file which is demand loaded, which are much the same thing)
The kernel is now (trying to) load it in
The process can't continue until the page is available.
The process/task cannot be interrupted in this state, because it can't handle any signals; if it did, another page fault would happen and it would be back where it was.
When I say "process", I really mean "task", which under Linux (2.6) roughly translates to "thread" which may or may not have an individual "thread group" entry in /proc
In some cases, it may be waiting for a long time. A typical example of this would be where the executable or mmap'd file is on a network filesystem where the server has failed. If the I/O eventually succeeds, the task will continue. If it eventually fails, the task will generally get a SIGBUS or something.
To your 3rd question:
I think you can kill the uninterruptable processes by running
sudo kill -HUP 1.
It will restart init without ending the running processes and after running it, my uninterruptable processes were gone.
If you are talking about a "zombie" process (which is designated as "zombie" in ps output), then this is a harmless record in the process list waiting for someone to collect its return code and it could be safely ignored.
Could you please describe what and "uninterruptable process" is for you? Does it survives the "kill -9 " and happily chugs along? If that is the case, then it's stuck on some syscall, which is stuck in some driver, and you are stuck with this process till reboot (and sometimes it's better to reboot soon) or unloading of relevant driver (which is unlikely to happen). You could try to use "strace" to find out where your process is stuck and avoid it in the future.

When does a process handle a signal

I want to know when does a linux process handles the signal.
Assuming that the process has installed the signal handler for a signal, I wanted to know when would the process's normal execution flow be interrupted and signal handler called.
According to, the process would handle the signal when it exits from a system call. This would mean that a normal instruction like a = b+c (or its equivalent machine code) would not be interrupted because of signal.
Also, there are system calls which would get interrupted (and fail with EINTR or get restarted) upon receiving a signal. This means that signal is processed even before the system call completes. This behaviour seems to b conflicting with what I have mentioned in the previous paragraph.
So, I am not clear as to when is the signal processed and in which process states would it be handled by the process. Can it be interrupted
Anytime it enters from kernel space to user space, or
Anytime it is in user space, or
Anytime the process is scheduled for execution by the scheduler
According to, the process would handle the signal when it exits from a system call. This would mean that a normal instruction like a = b+c (or its equivalent machine code) would not be interrupted because of signal.
Well, if that were the case, a CPU-intensive process would not obey the process scheduler. The scheduler, in fact, can interrupt a process at any point of time when its time quantum has elapsed. Unless it is a FIFO real-time process.
A more correct definition: One point when a signal is delivered to the process is when the control flow leaves the kernel mode to resume executing user-mode code. That doesn't necessarily involve a system call.
A lot of the semantics of signal handling are documented (for Linux, anyway - other OSes probably have similar, but not necessarily in the same spot) in the section 7 signal manual page, which, if installed on your system, can be accessed like this:
man 7 signal
If manual pages are not installed, online copies are pretty easy to find.

Internals of a Linux system call

What happens (in detail) when a thread makes a system call by raising interrupt 80? What work does Linux do to the thread's stack and other state? What changes are done to the processor to put it into kernel mode? After running the interrupt handler, how is control restored back to the calling process?
What if the system call can't be completed quickly: e.g. a read from disk. How does the interrupt handler relinquish control so that the processor can do other stuff while data is being loaded and how does it then obtain control again?
A crash course in kernel mode in one stack overflow answer
Good questions! (Interview questions?)
What happens (in detail) when a
thread makes a system call by raising
interrupt 80?
The int $80 operation is vaguely like a function call. The CPU "takes a trap" and restarts at a known address in kernel mode, typically with a different MMU mode as well. The kernel will save many of the registers, though it doesn't have to save the registers that a program would not expect an ordinary function call to save.
What work does Linux do to the
thread's stack and other state?
Typically an OS will save registers that the ABI promises not to change during procedure calls. The stack will stay the same; the kernel will run on a per-thread kernel stack rather than the per-thread user stack. Naturally some state will change, otherwise there would be no reason to do the system call.
What changes are done to the
processor to put it into kernel mode?
This is usually entirely automatic. The CPU has, generically, a software-interrupt instruction that is a bit like a functional-call operation. It will cause the switch to kernel mode under controlled conditions. Typically, the CPU will change some sort of PSW protection bit, save the old PSW and PC, start at a well-known trap vector address, and may also switch to a different memory management protection and mapping arrangement.
After running the interrupt handler,
how is control restored back to the
calling process?
There will be some sort of "return from interrupt" or "return from trap" instruction, typically, that will act a bit like a complicated function-return instruction. Some RISC processors did very little automatically and required specific code to do the return and some CISC processors like x86 have (never-really-used) instructions that would execute dozens of operations documented in pages of architecture-manual pseudo-code for capability adjustments.
What if the system call can't be
completed quickly: e.g. a read from
disk. How does the interrupt handler
relinquish control so that the
processor can do other stuff while
data is being loaded and how does it
then obtain control again?
The kernel itself is threaded much like a threaded user program is. It just switches stacks (threads) and works on someone else's process for a while.
To answer the last part of the question - what does the kernel do if the system call needs to sleep -
After a system call, the kernel is still logically running in the context of the same task that made the system call - it's just in kernel mode rather than user mode - it is NOT a separate thread and most system calls do not invoke logic from another task/thread. What happens is that the system call calls wait_event, or wait_event_timeout or some other wait function, which adds the task to a list of tasks waiting for something, then puts the task to sleep, which changes its state, and calls schedule() to relinquish the current CPU.
After this the task cannot be run again until it gets woken up, typically by another task (kernel task, etc) or interrupt handler calling a wake* function which will wake up the task(s) sleeping waiting for that particular event, which means the scheduler will soon schedule them again.
It's worth noting that userspace tasks (i.e. threads) are only one type of task and there are a few others internal to the kernel which can do work as well - these are kernel threads and bottom half handlers / tasklets / task queues etc. Work which doesn't belong to any particular userspace process (for example network handling e.g. responding to pings) gets done in these. These tasks are allowed to go to sleep, unlike interrupts (which should not invoke the scheduler)
This should help people who seek for answers to what happens when the syscall instruction is executed which transfers the control to the kernel (user mode to kernel mode). This is based upon x86_64 architecture.

What is an uninterruptible process?

Sometimes whenever I write a program in Linux and it crashes due to a bug of some sort, it will become an uninterruptible process and continue running forever until I restart my computer (even if I log out). My questions are:
What causes a process to become uninterruptible?
How do I stop that from happening?
This is probably a dumb question, but is there any way to interrupt it without restarting my computer?
An uninterruptible process is a process which happens to be in a system call (kernel function) that cannot be interrupted by a signal.
To understand what that means, you need to understand the concept of an interruptible system call. The classic example is read(). This is a system call that can take a long time (seconds) since it can potentially involve spinning up a hard drive, or moving heads. During most of this time, the process will be sleeping, blocking on the hardware.
While the process is sleeping in the system call, it can receive a Unix asynchronous signal (say, SIGTERM), then the following happens:
The system call exits prematurely, and is set up to return -EINTR to user space.
The signal handler is executed.
If the process is still running, it gets the return value from the system call, and it can make the same call again.
Returning early from the system call enables the user space code to immediately alter its behavior in response to the signal. For example, terminating cleanly in reaction to SIGINT or SIGTERM.
On the other hand, some system calls are not allowed to be interrupted in this way. If the system calls stalls for some reason, the process can indefinitely remains in this unkillable state.
LWN ran a nice article that touched this topic in July.
To answer the original question:
How to prevent this from happening: figure out which driver is causing you trouble, and either stop using, or become a kernel hacker and fix it.
How to kill an uninterruptible process without rebooting: somehow make the system call terminate. Frequently the most effective manner to do this without hitting the power switch is to pull the power cord. You can also become a kernel hacker and make the driver use TASK_KILLABLE, as explained in the LWN article.
When a process is on user mode, it can be interrupted at any time (switching to kernel mode). When the kernel returns to user mode, it checks if there are any signals pending (including the ones which are used to kill the process, such as SIGTERM and SIGKILL). This means a process can be killed only on return to user mode.
The reason a process cannot be killed in kernel mode is that it could potentially corrupt the kernel structures used by all the other processes in the same machine (the same way killing a thread can potentially corrupt data structures used by other threads in the same process).
When the kernel needs to do something which could take a long time (waiting on a pipe written by another process or waiting for the hardware to do something, for instance), it sleeps by marking itself as sleeping and calling the scheduler to switch to another process (if there is no non-sleeping process, it switches to a "dummy" process which tells the cpu to slow down a bit and sits in a loop — the idle loop).
If a signal is sent to a sleeping process, it has to be woken up before it will return to user space and thus process the pending signal. Here we have the difference between the two main types of sleep:
TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, the interruptible sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it is sleeping, but can be woken by signals. This means the code which marked the task as sleeping is expecting a possible signal, and after it wakes up will check for it and return from the system call. After the signal is handled, the system call can potentially be automatically restarted (and I won't go into details on how that works).
TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, the uninterruptible sleep. If a task is marked with this flag, it is not expecting to be woken up by anything other than whatever it is waiting for, either because it cannot easily be restarted, or because programs are expecting the system call to be atomic. This can also be used for sleeps known to be very short.
TASK_KILLABLE (mentioned in the LWN article linked to by ddaa's answer) is a new variant.
This answers your first question. As to your second question: you can't avoid uninterruptible sleeps, they are a normal thing (it happens, for instance, every time a process reads/writes from/to the disk); however, they should last only a fraction of a second. If they last much longer, it usually means a hardware problem (or a device driver problem, which looks the same to the kernel), where the device driver is waiting for the hardware to do something which will never happen. It can also mean you are using NFS and the NFS server is down (it is waiting for the server to recover; you can also use the "intr" option to avoid the problem).
Finally, the reason you cannot recover is the same reason the kernel waits until return to user mode to deliver a signal or kill the process: it would potentially corrupt the kernel's data structures (code waiting on an interruptible sleep can receive an error which tells it to return to user space, where the process can be killed; code waiting on an uninterruptible sleep is not expecting any error).
Uninterruptable processes are USUALLY waiting for I/O following a page fault.
Consider this:
The thread tries to access a page which is not in core (either an executable which is demand-loaded, a page of anonymous memory which has been swapped out, or a mmap()'d file which is demand loaded, which are much the same thing)
The kernel is now (trying to) load it in
The process can't continue until the page is available.
The process/task cannot be interrupted in this state, because it can't handle any signals; if it did, another page fault would happen and it would be back where it was.
When I say "process", I really mean "task", which under Linux (2.6) roughly translates to "thread" which may or may not have an individual "thread group" entry in /proc
In some cases, it may be waiting for a long time. A typical example of this would be where the executable or mmap'd file is on a network filesystem where the server has failed. If the I/O eventually succeeds, the task will continue. If it eventually fails, the task will generally get a SIGBUS or something.
To your 3rd question:
I think you can kill the uninterruptable processes by running
sudo kill -HUP 1.
It will restart init without ending the running processes and after running it, my uninterruptable processes were gone.
If you are talking about a "zombie" process (which is designated as "zombie" in ps output), then this is a harmless record in the process list waiting for someone to collect its return code and it could be safely ignored.
Could you please describe what and "uninterruptable process" is for you? Does it survives the "kill -9 " and happily chugs along? If that is the case, then it's stuck on some syscall, which is stuck in some driver, and you are stuck with this process till reboot (and sometimes it's better to reboot soon) or unloading of relevant driver (which is unlikely to happen). You could try to use "strace" to find out where your process is stuck and avoid it in the future.
