Deserve dynamic typed languages all the criticism? [closed] - programming-languages

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have read a few articles on Internet about programming language choice in the enterprise. Recently many dynamic typed languages have been popular, i.e. Ruby, Python, PHP and Erlang. But many enterprises still stay with static typed languages like C, C++, C# and Java.
And yes, one of the benefits of static typed languages is that programming errors are catched earlier, at compile time, rather than at run time. But there are also advantages with dynamic typed languages. (more at Wikipedia)
The main reason why enterprises don't start to use languages like Erlang, Ruby and Python, seem to be the fact that they are dynamic typed. That also seem to be the main reason why people on StackOverflow decide against Erlang. See Why did you decide "against" Erlang.
However, there seem to be a strong criticism against dynamic typing in the enterprises, but I don't really get it why it is that strong.
Really, why is there so much cristicism against dynamic typing in the enterprises? Does it really affect the cost of projects that much, or what? But maybe I'm wrong.

The word "enterprise" doesn't really mean anything to me, so I'm just going to assume you're talking about large corporations.
Dynamic typing is just that: dynamic. There is no way to effectively statically analyze your program with a dynamically-typed language. Static typing allows developers to catch mistakes before ever compiling or running their code, something that is very important in the corporate world. It makes debugging much less of a pain and thus increases overall productivity (or that's what they argue, anyway). Static typing is also very important in a team setting because it allows your IDE to tell you how to use a method that you've never seen. These kinds of "hints" are very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with dynamically-typed languages.
The other big thing is that dynamic languages are simply not as mature as static languages. Languages like C++, Java, and C# have been in use in the corporate world for years and years and years, whereas dynamically typed languages are just recently coming into play. There is a lot more code written in Java than in Python, and a lot more support for the former as well.
Note that I'm not arguing for either side. I personally prefer dynamically-typed languages because they allow me to write the code much more quickly and spend less time thinking about the problem, but I can see the appeal of languages like C# in a huge corporate environment.

It's probably more about what people are familiar with than anything else. From a manager's point of view, he/she needs a good reason to use a technology that:
May have never been used by the company on a project,
No one on the team has any experience with,
Does not (appear to) have the backing of a solid "Enterprise" company such as Microsoft, IBM, etc
These factors are especially important if the project needs to be maintained for many years down the road.
I am not defending this point of view, just pointing out that it exists and may be a source of this criticism.


What programming languages would be best suitable to create an e-commerce site from scratch? Or is it just better to use a cms like Wordpress? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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The e-commerce site would include a booking system also and other variables other than just selling and buying goods.
Sadly, there is no simple answer, but, that also means more variety of languages to choose from, you can do anything with almost every programming language, but, each one has its strong points and weak points; In my opinion, heading for the most popular is the best choice to opt to, given a few reasons:
It is easier to find tutorials and answers to your questions, as they will most likely have big communities.
They're popular for a reason, as they are most likely best suited for web development.
Some of these languages are Javascript, Python & PHP — for quite a few reasons, but, as to my personal opinion, I think JS dominates the web development market.
First, to start-off, JS or Javascript is a high-level, medium difficulty language, a scripting language(it is also, OOP(Object-Oriented-Programming) language, but, it is really not, as it is just an illusion.); Javascript is the dynamic life of the web, Javascript does anything from animations, events and et cetera to HTTP requests, fetching, I/O intensive work and it is the most used language in the web!
Javascript has some sugary syntax, so, it is not hard to read and also, it can do absolutely anything from OOP to Dynamic programming and on top of that, it has the 2nd largest community as of now.
But, there is one flaw with it, it is a single-threaded language, so, it only works as one bartender in a whole bar with thousands of people, but, that bartender works at the speed of light, it doesn't wait until the drink becomes ready, but, rather queue up orders and hand them out in the same order, but, it will only take orders and not execute them until the first one does and the second one, the third one and so on, so forth; therefore, it is prone to be blocked and if that happens, your whole site becomes unresponsive, but, that could be fixed pretty easily and with a few good practices, you will be safe; so, don't get discouraged by this, JS is really powerful and one con against all of these pros isn't really significant, but rather, negligible.
Python or PY is more suited for process-intensive stuff (i.e. calculations), so, if your site has some math in it, then, Python would be the choice to go for; also, python is rather good in managing data, analyzing it and et cetera, that is why it is being used in almost any data-science infrastructure; also, Python is very user-friendly, very easy to learn and read, also, it has the biggest community that you can find. (Also, Python has the shortest syntax that you can find.)
This was both languages in a nutshell, but, you have to know that Python isn't really good at optimizing hardware, so, it will drain the hardware, but, JS (and its back-end framework — Node.js) are very good at RAM optimization and ALSO, JS is said to be 75 times faster than Python, so, there is that.
Both languages have their back-end frameworks like Node.js and Django(for PY), but, Python can't be used in the front-end, which is a down-side, but, not really a big deal.
Also, you have to know that you can now, code with any programming language on the web, using something called Web Assembly, it changes any programming language into JS, so, it could be understood by the browser, but, that is a very broad topic and I don't suggest using Web Assembly, as you have to learn new things and it is only good for a couple of small things and E-commerce ain't one of them.
So, to end this off, JS & PY are the pretty strong and best choices to make when it comes to E-commerce, but, you'll probably need a few more things like query languages for databases(like SQL) and an actual database like MongoDB or Firebase, but, that choice is up to you.
ALSO NOTE: JS has front-end frameworks & Libraries like React.js(A view library) and Angular.js(A framework) and Vue.js which is best suited for light-weight projects.
Hopefully, I helped you to make a choice about your site, and please, don't use CMS as you'll be supporting the CMS community which is trying to kill the programming community (which will never happen), and also, you can't call yourself a developer if you use them only and don't code at all. (Yes, they are easier and save time, but, not the best nor optimal solution as they restrict you.)
"Programming isn't about what you know; it's about what you can figure out.” - Chris Pine.
It really depends on "how" you want to make it and "when" you want it, and as a programming language just pick the one you're familiar with and can do the stuff for you. Don't choose a low-level language like C because it will be really painful to make a website using it.

Writing a programming language [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Disclaimer: Yes I know this will take 3 years, at least.
I am looking forward to writing a new interpreted programming language. I have a quite solid idea of what I want in terms of dynamicness, syntax, object model, etc, etc.
Now that I have the idea, I have a few questions before I start:
Should I begin writing the full specification and then implement, or write them both all along?
I'm still doubting between C and C++. C++ would allow for more clean design and faster development while C would (maybe) ensure portability to more platforms (microprocessors?). Performance is a must.
Should I try to interest people for the project before the first working prototype so they can cooperate (the end product will be a liberal license anyway), or keep working alone until I have something that runs?
How modular should it be? I am sure that I won't immediately start working on a bytecode interpreter but something easier to implement but slower thing first, so modularity is a must in order to be able to extend later, but I guess overdoing it will hamper performance and clearity.
The answers to your questions depend largely on why you're doing this- the primary reason. Are you trying to create the next Ruby, or is this a learning exercise?
Specification: If this is a personal project, this is not as important. PHP gets a bad rap for having been developed "on the fly," yet many people use it every day. A more complete spec will probably help get people involved if/when you want help.
If you want cross-platform and performance, C is the way to go.
If you want people to join in, prove something first. Write a killer-cool application with your language and blog/talk about why your language is different/special/better.
Modularity of what, the language itself or the compiler? If you want to extend the language, a good spec will help (see #1.) The compiler should be designed with all the best practices in mind, which should help make it extensible.
I hear the Dragon Book is good for learning to develop compilers.
Your specification will be broken unless you write it hand-in-hand with the implementation.
If you think C++ would give you cleaner design and faster development, you should probably use it.
You will have difficulty getting anyone interested in a project unless there is something that runs and demonstrates what is unique about your language.
If you think your language will ever require a byte-code interpreter (and you do say "Performance is a must") you should investigate the capabilities of existing byte-code interpreters before you finalize your language design.
I think you have set yourself too many goals. You say "performance is a must" but in a comment reply you say your goal is "to learn a lot about language design" and that it is "pretty unlikely" that you'll use it in a real project. New programming languages are created to solve problems; more precisely, they're created to help people express solutions to problems in better ways. Designing a language without using it seriously, intensely, continually is like writing software without any test cases: you're likely to wind up with something unusable.
If you want to try your hand at language design, then find a problem---one that you care about---that existing languages won't let you solve the way you want. Then do whatever you can to get a working implementation and start writing and running programs using it. You don't need a hand-crafted JIT compiler with a runtime written in highly bummed assembly code. If you target the JVM or .NET, you get a very high-performance GC, scalable threading system, libraries, and lots of other good stuff for free, even if it interferes with that awesome idea you had for ______.
On the other hand, if you just want to make something run fast, don't try to design a language at the same time. Just find one that you like, learn about implementation strategies, and see if you can do better.

Guidelines for creating a programming-language enjoyable to write programs in? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently working on the topic of programming-languages and interpreter-design. I have already created several programming languages but couldn't reach my goal so far:
Create a programming-language which focuses on giving the programmer a good feeling when writing code in it. It should just be fun and/or interesting and in no case annoying to write something in it.
I get this feeling when writing code in Python. I sometimes get the opposite with PHP and in rare cases when having to reinvent some wheel in C++.
So I've tried to figure out some syntactical features to make programming in my new language fun, but I just can't find any.
Which concrete features, maybe mainly in terms of syntax, do/could make programming in a language fun?
I find it enjoyable to program in Ruby because of it's use of code blocks.
It would be nice if you could include exactly one example in your answer
Those features do not have to already exist in any language!
I'm doing this because I have experienced extreme rises in (my own) productivity when programming in languages I love (because of particular features).
You mentioned Ruby in your question. AFAIK, Ruby is the only programming language, for which Joy is an actual, stated, explicit design goal. (In fact, it is the only design goal.)
The reason that Yukihiro Matsumoto was able to design Ruby this way, is that he already knew and used tons of programming languages before he started designing Ruby and learned tons more in order to design Ruby. (Interestingly, he didn't know Python, and has said that he probably wouldn't have created Ruby if he did.)
Here's just a tiny fraction of the languages that matz has either used himself, or looked at for inspiration (or in some cases for inspiration what not to do):
And I believe that this is one way that good programming languages can be designed (what Larry Wall calls postmodernist language design): Throw away everything that didn't work in the past, take everything that worked and combine that tastefully.
Of course, this requires that you actually know all those languages from which you want to "steal" and in particular, it requires that you know lots of very different languages with different paradigms, different concepts and different "feels", otherwise the idea pool from which you steal is rather small and inbred.
Its the feeling that you already know something when you use an API or feature you've never used before. It also makes you more productive as you don't have to learn something new for the sake of it.
I think this is also one of the Ruby 'likes', in that if you follow the naming convention, things start to 'just work' without bindings and glue and suchlike.
For example, using the STL in C++, many of the algorithms are the same for all containers - even strings. That makes it nice to use... except for those parts that do not follow the same API (eg vector of bools) then the difference is more noticable.
Two things to keep in mind are orthogonality and the principle of least surprise.
A programming language should make it easy to write correct programs and difficult (if not impossible) to write incorrect programs. For instance, in Java
long x = 2000000000 + 2000000000;
overflows, while
long x = 2000000000L + 2000000000;
doesn't. Is this obvious? I don't think so. Does anyone ever want something to overflow? I don't think so.
Follow common practices (like using + for addition, & for bitwise/logical and)
Group logicaly-similar code in namespaces
Have an extensive string processing library
Incorporate debugging facilities
For a cross-platform language, try to minimize platform differences as much as possible
A language feature that appears simple and easy to learn surprises and delights the programmer with its unexpected power. I nominate Haskell type classes :-)

How to counter the "one true language" perspective? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How do you work with someone when they haven't been able to see that there is a range of other languages out there beyond "The One True Path"?
I mean someone who hasn't realised that the modern software professional has a range of tools in his toolbox. The person whose knee jerk reaction is, for example, "We must do this is C++!" "Everything must be done in C++!"
What's the best approach to open people up to the fact that "not everything is a nail"? How may I introduce them to having a well-equipped toolbox, selecting the best tool for the job at hand?
As long as there are valid reasons for it to be done in C++, I don't see anything wrong with this monolithic approach.
Of course a good programmer must have many different tools in his/hers toolbox, but these tools don't need to be a new language, it can simply be about learning new programming paradigms.
As much as I've experienced actually, learning many different languages doesn't make you much of a better programmer at all.
This is also true with finding the right language for the job. Yeah ok, if you're doing concurrency you might want a functional language rather than an Object Oriented language, but what are the gains of using another programming language?
At the end of the day; "Maintenance".
If it can be maintained without undue problems then the debate may well be moot and comes down to preference or at least company policy/adopted technology.
If that is satisfied then the debate becomes "Can it be built efficiently to be cost effective and not cause integration problems?"
Beyond that it's simply the screwdriver/build a house argument.
Give them a task which can be done much easily in some other language/technology and also its hard to do it the language/technology that he/she is suggesting for everything.
This way they will eventually search for alternatives as it gets harder and harder for them to accomplish the task using the language/technology that they know.
Lead by example, give them projects that play to their strengths, and encourage them to learn.
If they are given a task that is obviously better suited for some other technology and they choose to use a less effective language, don't accept the work. Tell them it's not an appropriate solution to the problem. Think of it as no different then them choosing Cobol to take the replace of a shell script -- maybe it works, but it will be hard to maintain over time, take too long to develop, require expensive tools, etc.
You also need to take a hard look at the work they do and decide if it's really a big deal or not if it's done in C++. For example, if you have plenty of staff that knows that language and they finished the task in a decent amount of time, what's the harm? On the other hand, if the language they choose slows them down or will lead to long term maintenance problems they need to be aware of that.
There are plenty of good programmers who only know one language well. That fact in and of itself can't be used to determine if they are a valuable member of a team. I've known one-language guys who were out of this word, and some that I wouldn't have on a team if they worked for free.
Don't hire them.
Put them in charge of a team of COBOL programmers.
Ask them to produce a binary that outputs an infinite Fibonacci sequence.
Then show them the few lines (or 1 line, depending on the implementation) it takes in Haskell, and that it too can be compiled into a binary so there are better ways forward.
How may I introduce them to having a
well-equipped toolbox, selecting the
best tool for the job at hand?
I believe that the opposite of "one true language" is "polyglot programming", and I will then refer to another answer of mine:
Is polyglot programming important?
I actually doubt that anybody can nowadays realize a project in one and only one language (even though there might be exceptions). The easiest way to show them the usefulness of specific tools and languages, is then to show them that they are already using several ones, e.g. SQL, build file, various XML dialect, etc.
Though I embrace the polyglot perspective, I do also believe that in many area "less is more". There is a balance to find between the number of language/tools, the learning curve, and the overall productivity.
The challenge is to decide which small set of languages/tools fit nicely together in your domain and will push productivity and creativity to new limits.
Give them a screwdriver and tell them to build a house?

How can future programming languages better facilitate abstraction? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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One of the key properties to designing comprehensible software (and, indeed, designing anything at all) is to develop a good set of abstractions. These days, those abstractions include things like functions, classes, interfaces, recursion, and higher-order functions. But what else is there? How can we further abstract our designs, so that I needn't think about anything but my immediate, direct goal? What novel abstractions have yet to be leveraged by existing technologies?
Also note that most of the items on my list (with the exception, perhaps, of recursion) are also tools used for code reuse. Code reuse is not the subject of this question, and is not what I see as a necessary aspect of a good abstraction. Functions are useful as abstractions because they hide what they are doing behind a descriptive name, not because I can call them from several different places.
A poorly-formed idea: Is a driver function that only calls a sequence of other functions, without maintaining any state of its own, really the same as a function? We write it as a function, and call it as a function, but perhaps it represents a different concept? This is reflected in some languages by making a distinctions between procedures returning values and procedures not returning values. But maybe there's a better way to view that difference, some different way to abstract the sequence of relatively unrelated steps?
So to reiterate, how can future programming languages better facilitate abstraction?
A powerful absraction tool, Lisp macros. Why not look into the past and present? :)
They can use self-exposing semantics to better allow metaprogramming of the environment/language presented as the end-user interface. Mutable language semantics.
Some areas that I think are potentially fruitful:
Intentional Programming, or something similar. Charles Simonyi's company Intentional Software has been keeping pretty quiet for a while but is now starting to show some promising early demonstrations.
Functional Programming: ideas from functional programming are increasingly finding their way into more mainstream languages like Python, C# (Linq, lambdas, etc.) and even C++ (lambdas in C++ 0x). F# is becoming a first class .NET language with full support in Visual Studio. The rise of multi core development is another factor driving the wider adoption of functional concepts.
Domain Specific Languages (DSLs): closely related to the ideas behind Intentional Programming, Microsoft seem to be putting some effort into supporting DSLs as part of the .NET ecosystem.
Much more sophisticated IDEs. There are already some positive developments with refactoring tools in IDEs like Visual Studio and IntelliJ but I think there's a lot of room for progress in this area. Moving away from dumb text source files towards something more like an abstract syntax tree representation could make it much easier to work at a higher level of abstraction. Again, this connects with many of the ideas behind Intentional Programming.
By having built in detection of stupid ideas that, when tripped, lock the developer out of the IDE and refuse to let them code ever again.
OOP facilitates abstraction quite nicely. It's developers that come up with poorly formed ideas.
Let's see, how about if we make abstraction mandatory for every data type, and then provide ways of generalizing our abstractions over type parameters? Wait! I've just reinvented CLU. Do I get a Turing Award?
Anyone interested in the role of abstraction in programming should study CLU.
Eiffel code proofs. (warning: link to PDF!)
Functional programming, aspect oriented programming, design by contract and generally everything that takes us away from the dark age of imperative programming.
Also, I hope non - managed software development will cease to exist. C++ and other low level stuff makes me sad. :-(
I like my LINQ, my lambda operator, my extension methods and my fluent interfaces. Oh, and I love PostSharp.NET. And F#, but I guess it's very hard NOT to love F#. :-)
I will give an indirect answer. Before we can develop better constructions in programming languages, we must first understand the theory of abstraction.
Oh yes, there is an actual theory which predates modern computing, it is called category theory.
