Text editor in Windows with real time update? - text

What's a good text editor in Windows that automatically updates the view whenever the opened file has been modified by another process? I need this to watch the output of my program.

If you like using a mouse, Notepad++ is great
If you're happier with the keyboard, for me, it has to be Emacs. Here's the download for Windows.
To use the feature in Emacs, add the following to your .emacs:
(global-auto-revert-mode t)
There are lots of people at work who like Textpad but I don't understand why, it doesn't even have column editing.

Notepad++ has this feature.
If you want to reload automatically, go to Settings / Preferences, then the MISC tab and uncheck Update silently under File Status Auto-detection.

What I use is snaketail. It can update in real time several files, even without the focus.

I would recommend Notepad2. It refresh the content automatically without focus switching. You just need to go to menu 'Settings' and set 'File Change Notification...' option, and then save your settings. But keep in mind, refresh has a delay about 2-3 seconds.

Editplus is great.

This doesn't really answer your question, but it sounds like what you really want is some kind of console view, not a file. Would it be possible to pipe your program's output into an output stream that's visible in a console instead? Those are designed to show new lines as they arrive, automatically scroll, etc.

See the Viewer (F3 option) in FAR file manager, when End button is pressed, it updates and scrolls text automatically

Use Tail For Windows.
Tail doesn't need to have focus on.
I've got it from superuser.com answer.


ConEmu: Searching through entire buffer

I've recently moved to the ConEmu console and I'm loving it. Its very configurable and it has a lot of the features that I was looking for (A Mac Terminal App replacement of sorts.)
I've not been able to figure out how to search through the entire history buffer though. Theres a key called App+F which seems to search the visible buffer for a string, but theres nothing that lets me search through the entire 9999 lines of buffer. Does anybody know the Keyboard shortcut for this?
For Windows set different hotkey since win+f is binded to Windows actions.
Here is how to set ctrl+f
Apps+F may search entire buffer. But update to the latest build first and note that you need to "Freeze console" to enable buffer search.
BTW, Apps+F is default hotkey, you may choose any suitable.

Sublime Text 2 split active screen like dreamweaver

At work, I have to jump into old mysql_query procedural website build higgledy-piggledy (some var are camelCased AND underscored, no indent code, page are build in table ...)
Anyway, usually I m using ST2, but here I can't. So to search my line code, I use dreamweaver to click on the screen preview and the cursor drop on the code line I want.
I do not like and I don't know dreamweaver. But as code is UNREADABLE, that is the only way I have to work.(My boss doesn't want rebuild theses sites).
Here is my question, does anybody know for ST2 a way (or a plugin) to split screen and click on screen preview to go right to the code line just like dreamweaver preview does ?
Answer is simple, you will never find something like that.
Try here - http://webdesign.about.com/od/windowshtmleditors/tp/windows-wysiwyg-editors.htm
WYSWIG html editors.
Try Sublime CodeIntel, as well says this page:
...This plugin brings a little of IDE functionality into ST2. This plugin reads all your code and is able to code-complete, jump into
definitions and function call tooltips. Although sometimes looks a
little buggy, it’s still worth having it around. It’s a huge time
saver, especially when you are dealing with other’s people code.
If is suitable for that project you can remove the package later.

Vim omnicompletion: optional preview window

I've searched for different types of workarounds to deal with the preview window splitting the current window to display documentation when doing a selection in Omnicompletion, like closing the preview window if it exists when you leave insert mode.
However, those solutions are impractical. Sometimes you may want to go into the preview window to read some documentation about the current completing module, but with the autocommand in place this would not be possible.
Even if it would, I am looking to have the documentation never show up because I really don't want it.
Reading the source code in pythoncomplete.vim I see that the value for the documentation is hard coded and it will force the preview window to show up if this has any contents (it skips this if it can't come up with docs for the module).
Is there a global option that I am not aware to tell Vim to never display docs? Or be able to toggle it?
If I do want to read the docs in a split window allow me to do so (maybe with some shortcut) otherwise don't show me anything.
I really want to avoid having to copy/paste pythoncomplete.vim to tweak this particular setting to my liking.
The preview is controlled by the global 'completeopt' setting. To turn that off, use
:set completeopt-=preview

File Manager tab in vim

I'm very close to figuring this out, but can't seem to find the missing piece.
I have a pretty good vim set up for development. When doing MVC projects, I need multiple tabs open, and I've gotten pretty good at shifting between them and rearranging quickly.
I can even open a vertical tab with an interactive directory listing of my files.
What I really want and can't figure out:
To be able to have this vertical tab persistent, that is, in the "foreground" of all tabs, and allow me open a file into a new tab. (Basically, I want vim to have a sidepane that is a file manager and when i press enter on a selected file in the directory, it will open a new tab, but the "file manager/directory tab" will stay open, and in front.
To set the persistent "file manager/directory tab" to be a specific width - ie :vsplit 32(pixels?)
Does that make sense? Can anyone point me to the right part of the help section for this?
Thanks, Kevin
Are you using NERDTree? If not, it might be the answer to your prayers.
You can set the width of the NERDTree window by putting this in your .vimrc:
let g:NERDTreeWinSize=32
For the benefit of anyone passing by, you should take a look at project. It took me a bit to figure it out, but you basically get a file browser on the lefthand side. It's up to you to manage the file list though, so you can apply filters, link to source/api docs, and omit what's not important. Of course it will automatically fill in the list, if you like. Very neat. It's a help page you have to sit down and read, but I like it.
You should also look at snipMate and surround if you love efficiency. I've been using vim for ten years and this is all new to me! Life changing! Now I have to quite fiddling with the interface and get some work done.

What are the best keyboard macros for programming in windows?

I like putting shortcuts of the form "g - google.lnk" in my start menu so google is two keystrokes away. Win, g.
My eight or so most frequent applications go there.
I also make links to my solution files I am always opening "x - Popular Project.lnk"
Are there any better ways to automate opening frequently used applications?
AutoHotkey is a reasonably good program for implementing windows key shortcuts. You might instead define WIN + G to be "open browser to google" which gives you a better response time (don't have to wait for start menu to popup, etc)
There are macro programs that change the macros used based on the window that's in focus. I've never needed that much control, but you might want to look into that.
Get a keyboard launcher program like Launchy
For shortcuts I use Launchy
For macros I use AutoHotKey
Others will suggest SlickRun for shortcuts also.
I use a lot the "intellisense" snippets in Visual Studio. You can include your own snippets and press double tab when they appear in the list. That's definitely a time saver.
I use QuickMacros and love it.
so much so, that I did some extensive training articles on it here.
The holy grail-
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
I kid, I kid! Try the veal!
