Can I develop my own websites on my friend website server? - dns

If I buy a hosting (+ domain) service for the website of a friend of mine, and then I decide to use the remaining web space and mysql databases for my development and test...
is google caching my development websites (in other folders and sub-urls) under his website ?
What's the downside to develop on a server with already a production website.. ? I was thinking to create a tiny url linking to a in order to hide the real url.

If you don't link to it or don't submit to google or list in a sitemap -- google won't find it.
But, you could also just use a robots.txt to tell google not to index it.
Update: to stop google and malicious bots:
Put a directory in robots.txt using *, and then put your site in a hard to guess subdirectory of that directory -- also, don't keep directory browsing on.
Also -- don't link to it anywhere, but perhaps you can't stop others from linking -- in that case, only robots.txt will keep you out of google. Malicious bots can get the site from the link.

Your hosting provider may have forbidden that in his Terms of Service (mine has). Other than that, I'd go for a subdomain instead of a subdirectory (like


How do I manage a website left behind by an old employee? (Beginner questions)

So I'm a web designer with experience in HTML, CSS and Java. I've used FTP to manage my site a couple of times for my company.
Overall I have experience in using Joomla and WordPress CMSs, but that's just the problem: I have barely any experience in even understanding DNSs, server stuff, domain management. I could really use some help on this.
Firstly, our IT Manager left so now I'm in charge as the sole web designer of the company. The website URL is www.???? and that's where the live website is.
Issue here is that sometimes I type in the same URL WITHOUT the www, which results in ANOTHER website (actually a beta I worked on a while ago that I'm sure the IT Manager set up for me).
We have a 123reg account and a HeartInternet Reseller hosting account. I understand that you buy domains, and you can forward them to a hosting platform to manage them and 'serve' them on servers to make them live. So in this case I'm betting it's owned and bought using 123Reg, and hosted on HeartInternet.
Here's the second issue I don't understand. We have a bunch of domains bought, most redirecting to www.????, but we ALSO have the URL WITHOUT the www.
Remember what I said earlier? All things point to www version, but we own a domain WITHOUT the www and I can't find the domain listed anywhere with the www, so how in the world can I manage the www site (which is the live site)?
Please do teach me a little if you can about this and point me to the right direction. Thank you!
From what I saw several times before:
By default the www is use-less and points to the default ip:port registered at ???? For a reason (that I don't understand) some people create a new DNS entry with a sub-domain called "www" pinging to a different ip and/or port. This results in www.???? acting like someSubDomain.????
Have you checked if this could be your case?
If it is, I suggest you change the "www" subdomain to "dev" or "beta". This will make www.???? and ???? redirect to the same "website" and beta.???? to the beta version of your company's site.
Be aware that a DNS change could require up to 24h to be spread and updated on the ISP's servers.

How to lock website download?

I need to lock website for downloading via some windows tools and wget.
The site consists of js, html and php files.
I googled about security resource sharing, but it did not helpful for me.
Thank you.
As long as at the same time you need to have your website online available for everybody, this is not possible. If someone visits your site, the browser needs to access all files, in other words download them. You might be able to apply a few hacks to make it more difficult, but you can not prevent it completely.
If you want to restrict it to a defined audience, you can implement a login using for example HTTP Auth. How this can be achieved depends on your hosting. It might be doable using an .htaccess file in your web root or maybe through the admin interface of your hoster.
Your PHP file should be safe by the way, the above said applies to the public parts of your site (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Images/...).

Site redirecting to a malicious website, already cleaned the code

I have a website which is infected by some malicious malware. In the beginning I could notice that there was some strange javascript code on the site pages so I delete it and everything was fine for a few days, but now google lists the website as dangerous even though that I have checked the site code for any strange code but I could not find anything.
I have try Sucuri SiteCheck and it detects redirections to a malicious site. At first I thought that it may be an .htaccess file that was doing the redirection but I checked the files on the shared server and there is no .htaccess file.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Your hosting account has bee hacked. Change your password on your hosting service. Go through your site code once more (every file) and look for things that don't belong. Clear your browser cache and then try again. If your account is hacked again, find a new hosting service. Once you're sure that your site is clean and your account has been secured, let Google know about the problems and request a removal from their suspect list:
Google support
check your .htaccess file for the redirection or the whether the files contain and unwanted malicious java script.

Writing a htaccess file - RewriteBase?

Right I'll try and explain my situation as thoroughly as possible while also keeping it brief...
I'm just starting out as a web designer/developer, so I bought the unlimited hosting package with 123-reg. I set up a couple of websites, my main domain being I have learnt how to map other domains to a folder within this directory. At the minute, one of my domains, is mapped to which is working fine for the home page. However when clicking on another link on for example page 2, the URL changes to
I have been advised from someone at 123-reg that I need to write a .htaccess file and use the RewriteBase directive (whatever that is?!) I have looked on a few websites to try and help me understand this, including however it all isn't making much sense at the moment.
Finally, is a wordpress site, whether that makes any difference to how the htaccess file is structured I'm not sure...
Any help will be REALLY appreciated - Thanks.
I run my personal public website on Webfusion, which is another branded service offering by the same company on the same infrastructure, and my blog contains a bunch of articles (tagged Webfusion) on how to do this. You really need to do some reading and research -- the Apache docs, articles and HowTos like mine -- to help you get started and then come back with specific Qs, plus the supporting info that we need to answer them.
It sounds like you are using a 123 redirector service, or equivalent for which hides the redirection in an iframe. The issue here is that if the links on your site use site-relative links then because the URI has been redirected to then any new pages will be homed in (I had the same problem with my wife's business site which mapped the same way to one of my subdirectories).
What you need to do is to configure the blog so that its site base is and to force explicit site-based links so that any hrefs in the pages are of the form, etc. How you do this depends on the blog engine, but most support this as an option.
It turned out to be a 123-reg problem at the time not correctly applying changes to the DNS.

Dreamhost - mirror site while in development

new to dreamhost here and have followed the wiki on this but still need some additional help if possible. I want to be able to preview a site while I work on it, before I point the live domain to my dreamhost server. I've added the domain via the Control Panel, and all my files sit in the directory, /home/user/ - which is correct I think. When trying to follow the wiki with regards the mirroring details, I find that the only option I have is as follows, where I can't change any of these details:
Create the mirror at:
Mirror this site:
The is just a live site sitting on the same server space. Is there something I'm missing here? Probably a newb mistake no doubt :)
Mirroring is for you to point a domain to an existing site. Hence this means you can mirror on 1 site. ie. both and points to the same server space.
If you want to create a development site, you probably are talking about 2 installations.
In this case, a quick and dirty trick I use is to create a development subdomain, and fully host it. You normally get a /home/user/ folder with this. When your site is fully ready, you can edit your fully hosted and point the web directory to A better way is to SSH in and move the files.
There's an option copy files over in the settings page. Anyway dreamhost live help is pretty good. This is definitely something they will answer.
