The solution contains no Web application scoped resource, - sharepoint

I need little help regarding sharepoint solution set up in sharepoint.
I created wspbuilder project(12 hive structure including controltemplates folder)
I have created project for user controls(like login logout etc) and when I build them the .ascx files are being added to 12\controltemplates folder(I wrote postbuild event to add .ascx as controltemplate)
There are no compilation errors. I built wsp and added it to solution store. But when I am trying to deploy it to the specific web application I can see no selection of web application in deploysolution window.
It is saying
The solution contains no Web application scoped resource, and therefore cannot be deployed to a particular Web application. It can only be deployed globally.
I think the problem is adding safecontrols to the manifest.xml. When I build the wsp no safe controls are adding to the maifest.xml. I included deploymenttarget to GAC in wspbuilder.exe.config file also.
my feature.xml is as follows
<Feature Id="DBF94C51-A4AB-4c47-BD97-74D3795C6A63"
Title="site feature"
Description="My sharePoint features"
ReceiverAssembly="[[4part assembly name]]"
ReceiverClass="[[Receiver class]]"
How I can resolve this issue. I want to deploy the wsp to specific webapplication only.
Thank you.

if you are registering safecontrols, you need to scope the feature at the web application level so it know which web.config to update. Change the scope to WebApplication and it will know which web.config to deploy to.
Also when using stsadm use the -url switch to supply the web application you need.

How are you deploying this - what are the exact STSADM commands you are issuing? Do they match the scope in your Manifest file?

ohh actually it was my mistake..sorry for the disturbance.
I didn't include the key value in the wspbuilder.exe.config file. I am taking the safe controls into other specified folder in the solution. I had to include in the config file.
Now everything is fine. Thanks for the help.

I did kind of same observation as you.
I don't think it is related to gac or bin deployment of the dll, but only if there is safecontrol included.
Here is how to do it in SP2010:


SharePoint 2010: Setting up a local dev environment from production data - Could not load file or assembly due to invalid PublicKeyToken

I have tried multiple ways to get the production SharePoint content to my newly installed local development environment that is running on a VM Windows Server 2008 R2. After an export of the farm and a restore failed I came across this blog post and followed these instrucitons: To sum up, it's basically backing up the live SQL Content database as well as the Profile, Sync and Social databases, then restoring them on the dev machine and pointing SharePoint to use these new databases instead of the old ones. Then after that I deployed the custom webparts to the development server from within Visual Studio.
I've done this and it seemed to work pretty well. I can access Central Administrator as well as setting up a SharePoint Connection within Visual Studio and being able to see all the pages, lists, documents, etc. So it is definitely pointing to the new content database. I should mention I can also connect via SharePoint Designer and access all the correct content, Master Pages, lists, etc.
The problem I am having is that I am getting a "Could not load file or assembly" error when I go to the site in a browser and it takes me to /Pages/Home.aspx. The file is a custom webpart that I have deployed from within Visual Studio. When I look within the GAC I see the assembly listed but the PublicKeyToken is different from the one that is shown in the error message.
When I dig into it a little more I see that the custom user control is registered in my Master page, and when I look at the ascx file in the _controltemplates directory where it is located there is an Assembly that looks like this:
<%# Assembly Name="BlogRoll, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=529e9730fe2a198d" %>
That PublicKeyToken is correct for the live site when I look in the GAC there but when I deployed it to my local GAC it created a new PblicKeyToken. Sorry if I'm rambling but I wasn't sure what was relevant and what wasn't.
I guess my question is how to handle this? It doesn't seem smart to change all the ascx files locally to match the new PublicKeyToken's that I have in the local GAC because then when I deploy these changes to live they won't find the appropriate assembly. What is the best way to handle this?
The code in question has a key.snk file that is being used to strongly sign it. My understanding is that this should make it so that it gets compiled with a specific PublicKeyToken each time and therefore install in the GAC with a specific PublicKeyToken. If that is true, then I believe the only reason it would have a different key token on my dev environment versus the production is that the key.snk file that has been provided is incorrect. Is that true?
You could use WSP Builder or WinGac to forcibly deploy the assembly with the correct PublicKeyToken to your local GAC.

Custom workflow action deployment on multi server farm

I created a wsp solution that which create 2 custom workflow actions. I want to deploy it to my 2 servers farm which have an application server and a webfront end server. SPF Web application is not activated on the app server.
My visual studio solution goes like this:
-One project which create the dll, where actions code is.
-One project which create the wsp package, feature, etc. The package references the other project as additional assembly.
My problem is, when I deploy my wsp package with Deployment Server Type WebFrontEnd, the feature is only installed on the wfe and I can't activate it. I can't see the feature in the manage feature page (the feature is farm level). When I change the Deployment Server Type of the package to ApplicationServer, I get the following message:
"This solution must be deployed to application servers, not front-end Web servers. It cannot contain a resource that is scoped to a Web application."
I did some tests. I removed the additional assembly from my package and then I can deploy my wsp solution as ApplicationServer type (but can't use my custom actions..). Then I created a dummy dll with nothing in it, added it as additional assembly to my sharepoint package and I realised I can't deploy my wsp as ApplicationServer type again.
So, can I reference an additional assembly from my wsp solution and still deploy as ApplicationServer type??
How can I deal with this? Any idea?
I did it again, I've been looking for answers for this all day, I finally post something here and one hour later, I got myself the answer. Here it is anyway.
I deployed independently both solutions using 2 wsp packages. One simply deploys the dll into the gac (and is ApplicationServer), the other one is using it without deploying it itself (and is WebFronEndServer). Now I have to deal with making sure the first one is deployed before using the other one... Feature activation dependency should do it.

Enterprise Web Library web.config not currently compatible with Azure?

I am trying to use Enterprise Web Library with Windows Azure. It appears that the web.config file for the EWL project works fine locally, but when I deploy to Azure the application cannot initialize. After logging in and viewing the site locally on Azure, it appears there are several web.config elements EWL requires that are locked on Azure. I've had to edit the following in order to have the application initialize on Azure:
Remove <serverRuntime uploadReadAheadSize="8388608" />.
Remove everything nested inside of the modules element.
The application seems to run fine on Azure after removing these parts.
The Web.config elements you removed are important to ensure that EWL works properly: uploadReadAheadSize fixes a problem with client certificate authentication, and using <clear/> in the <modules> section makes the behavior of EWL applications consistent across different servers by keeping the same set of modules in the pipeline regardless of what IIS features are installed on the machine.
There has to be a way to unlock these config sections in an Azure web role. Assuming they are locked in the web role's applicationHost.config file, maybe you can modify this file using a startup script as described in this answer:
I am not very familiar with Enterprise Library. If William’s suggestions do not help, please check your web.config to see if you’re missing any configuration sections. On your local machine, when you install Enterprise Library, it may modify machine.config to add certain configurations. But they may not exist in the cloud. So please search your local machine.config to see if there’re any Enterprise Library specific sections, and then add them to your web.config.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

WSPBuilder questions for first-time webpart

I have made my first webpart using WSPBuilder. When I try to deploy it using STSADM, I get an error stating access is denied. I am an admin on the machine (well it's a VM).
Also, with WSPBuilder, do I need to change the config files (I assume no as the point of the tool is to automate this)?
There could two reasons for your problem
Even though you are the admin of the system you may not have privilege in central Administration. So login in the system with the user name of sharepoint administrator and try to deploy it.
There may be a problem in the way you created the WSP. if you deploy webpart using WSP then there is no need to edit the config file manually. Recently I have created a blog which explain how to create simple webpart, creating WSP and deployment. If interested check it out
It sounds like you don't have enough permissions to add the webpart. What OS are you on? If it's Windows Server 2008 R2 etc you will have to run the command prompt as an administrator or turn off UAC for administrators. As for the config WSP builder will create you a file called solution.txt which contains the Id for your solution. For more control over what it is doing you can add a WSP Builder config file to your project called "WSPBuilder.exe.config". An example one can be found in "C:\Program Files\WSPTools\WSPBuilderExtensions".
Go to --> RUN--> SERVICES.MSC--> check the following service is started or not.
Windows SharePoint Services Administration, if not pls start this service. if the wsp is deployment done. go center admin--> Operations -->Global Configuration -->Solution management . This page has a list of the Solutions in the farm. check ur wsp in this list.

WSPBuilder and Code behind for a Sharepoint Masterpage

I created a code behind file for a custom master page in visual studio. I hooked everything up manually; safe control and custom cas policy. Everything works great!
I then wanted to put this into a sharepoint solution using WSPBuilder for better deployment. I created WSP solution, added my class file and changed the output directory to the bin folder. I then built the solution and deployed it, making sure to change the page directives on the master page to reflect the new assembly name.
Now when I go to view the sharepoint site I get an error stating Security Exception error stating
‘Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.’
This has me stumped as it works as a visual studio class file deployed to the bin directory of the website.
However when I put this into a sharepoint solution it breaks! I tried adding
‘[assembly: System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]’
to the AssemblyInfo.cs but this hasn’t helped.
Anyone else experinced this or have any advice?
EDIT: I should also mention that the code behind is trying to access a sharepoint list.
Don´t you still have to include the SafeControls entry in order for it to work, like:
<SafeControl Assembly="[FullAssembly Name]"
Safe="True" />
or in WSPBuilder config:
<add key="BuildSafeControls" value="True" />
Never seen this.. but I suspect not many people have created codebehinds to the master pages in SharePoint (Microsoft doesn't too!).
I don't know what you are trying to build but I'd probably implement it using a server control that is included on the master page.
AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers has always fixed it for my server controls.
What is the trust in your web.config file set to? Try Full.
Are you calling a third party assembly?
I ran into a situation recently that I was using a third party assembly and it did not have AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers in its code. When I tried to use the assebmly, it would fail.
Are you sure that the assembly has been deployed to bin and no to GAC by accident? If there are two assemblies the one in GAC takes precedence.
You might try checking that you are using the fully qualified five part name including the correct public key token and namespace for your assemblies.
