How to modify menus items in WMD editor forks? - wmd

I am just getting into the WMD editor varieties out there :) Of all of them I like MarkEdit because of the ability to modify the menu items quite easily, but it doesn't do a couple of things that I really like in a couple of forks, for example,
Ideally my perfect WMD editor would:
create list items automatically on pressing return when in a list block (not implemented in MarkEdit)
allow the removal of menu items (implemented in MarkEdit)
the cheat of making a newline without the need for two spaces (implemented in MarkEdit)
As point 1. and 2. are both quite important to me, but I imagine 1. is harder to implement, I may have to use the forks such as the openlibrary-wmd rather than my preferred choice of MarkEdit.
How can I modify the menu buttons in a fork like openlibrary-wmd? The configuration function no longer seems to work as described for the original.

I recently used the markitup editor and found the skin implementation pretty useful. Each skin has its own images and styles which you can easily override if you need to. The editor is also jQuery-driven, which is nice if you're used to that syntax. Check it out


Lazy menu construction in Vim

I make a lot of use of the GUI menus in gvim, which I create on-the-fly using the ex command :menu, and its variations. Some of my menus take a long time to construct (for example, needing to glob a large directory).
Is it possible to have a lazy sub-menu which is only constructed when you try to access it?
Alternatively, with the new job_start() functionality, is it possible to display a menu while its sub-menus are still being constructed in the background?
Either of these solutions would be a big improvement in responsiveness.

Sublime, altering behavior of highlighting definions upon mouse-hover

I have a project with several classes which partly share functions while at other times the functions are different in code, but use the same name.
When hovering over a function name, Sublime highlights every file and line where that definition is found.
In my opinion it would be better if it actually included which class the different highlights belong to.
Is it possible to edit this in some way ?
Assume systems.js contains 4 different classes (1 base, 3 children). I would like to append or prepend the shown strings by the class definition (fetchable via prototype).
The hover popup mentioned in your question is powered by Sublime's internal symbol index, which is created in combination with the syntax definition that's used to syntax highlight files that you're editing. The Sublime syntax system is fairly context free; it parses the structure of the code but it doesn't contain any real structural information about it.
So for example it can determine that getShots is a function or method because of the syntax that was used to define it, but it doesn't know what class it came from.
The code for the hover popup is available in Default/ (you can use PackageResourceViewer to examine it) and associates symbols under the cursor with other places that it's seen symbols with that name in other files in the project; it literally only knows the information that you see in the popup; places where things by that name are defined and places where things of that name are referenced.
So in one sense, the answer to your question is No; core sublime can't do that because it doesn't have enough code intelligence to be able to figure that sort of thing out; this is exacerbated by dynamic languages like JavaScript where things can theoretically change at runtime as well.
The primary reason for that is because Sublime is extensible enough to support literally every programming language instead of just focusing on one or two (as e.g. PhpStorm does), so it doesn't have the core code to determine the information required.
All that said, since Sublime is indeed extremely extensible, it's possible that external code that does specialize on a language could be leveraged by a package in order to provide the appropriate information.
Two examples of that are SublimeCodeIntel and LSP for example. I don't use either of them myself, so I don't know for sure how good a fit they might be in your workflow.
I highly recommend you shift to Visual Studio Code majorly because sublime is an editor whereas vs code is an IDE. Also, it has very great extension support for all languages. I would recommend you to use jshint which the most popular plugin for js code available for almost all popular editors and IDEs. But still if you want to go with Sublime I suggest you following plugins:

How to highlight variables in sublime?

How to highlight variables in sublime text 3? like in netbeans
Your question is not very clear, but here are some options. First, if you're just trying to get variables highlighted differently, you'll need a color scheme with more options than the default Monokai. There are many available on Package Control, but one in particular that I know will work (since I'm its author) is Neon:
You can use the excellent tmTheme Editor to see how this or hundreds of other themes will look (sort of) in different languages. (I say "sort of" because the highlighting engine used on the website is different than the one in Sublime, so there will be some differences. Overall it's pretty good, though.)
On the other hand, if you're trying to highlight all the instances of the $page variable, you'll have to do two things. First, double-click on $page to select it. Then, select Find -> Quick Find All (or use its keyboard shortcut) to select all the instances of $page in the document:
The gutter icons and colored underlines are from the BracketHighlighter plugin
Unfortunately, this is the only way to get this to work when using PHP and other languages like JavaScript that denote variables with a $ or other symbol. If we were to use Python, for example, you could just double-click on page and it would look like so:
As you can see, all the other instances of page have boxes around them. This behavior is hard-coded into Sublime, so while it can be turned on and off, it can't be modified or told to recognize other characters in any way.
Good luck!

Vim Autocomplete Hints for Go

I use in conjunction with for my Go autocompletion.
It works really well, except for one little thing. When I type something like
I get autocomplete option like so:
fmt.Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
Since I'm new to Go, this is super helpful, because now I know what arguments the method takes, what are the types, and also what does it return.
Unfortunately, as soon as I write past bracket, the information is gone.
So on more complex methods that I'm using for first time, I'm stuck, and have to jump to source definition, or run godoc.
It would be much easier to have that information available somewhere, preferably on the bottom of Vim where the command/status line is.
Does anyone know how such a thing could be achieved?
Preview window breaks my Vim so it's not an option.
I use autocomplpop (well, my fork of it) and it has a feature where it does a small split window with the completion text in it that sticks around. It does this when you set...
let g:acp_completeoptPreview = 1
I'm sure neocomplcache has a similar feature. Glancing through its documentation it discusses a preview window in several places. Search for preview in its docs and see what you can find.
This is ultimately controlled by 'completeopt' containing 'preview' (:h completeopt). The auto-completing packages often set these values as part of their functionality, which is why with autocomplpop you need to use its option to control it instead of just doing 'completeopt+=preview'.

Alternatives to Struts-Menu for Menus in Struts 2.X Application

Per user feedback, I am opening a new question for this topic.
So I am currently using Struts-Menu to handle my menu needs for my Struts 2 J2EE application. It is not necessarily a package I wish to work with I have found by playing around with it. So what are some alternatives to this package? I immediately flocked to Struts-Menu because I saw a fair amount of web search traffic pointing to it, including those who use Struts2. What I am worried about is difficulty in the future of making it work with other packages, given its 2007 last update and the extra tap dance I had do to make it work with my configuration. It seems too fragile at this point for my taste.
I have several different menus in my app, but the one I am specifically addressing at the present is like this ... The top level menu drops down upon mouse hover over it. The submenus expand horizontally upon mouse hover. Exactly one menu item can be selected as no radio buttons or check boxes are contained in the menu. This particular menu does not require db access to populate its children. It works sort of like Velocity CoolMenus4 from the Struts-Menu demos.
I've never used struts-menu, but it looks like overkill to me.
I would recommend that you locate a menu that you like and then write a tag file to handle outputting it in your view layer. To me, that's a lot easier than using a framework or library just to output a menu. Plus, its specific to the actual menu you want to use. Your tag can handle doing security checks to ensure that the user only sees what they have permission to access, etc.
