VC++ merge multiple COM DLLs into one - visual-c++

Let's say we have multiple libraries (DLLs) whose features one wants to use in an application, and wants to use them as a single DLL.
Is it possible to merge the DLLs into a single one, with all the features packed into it? I am not looking at the option to write a wrapper.
I've revisited the problem. Now all I want to do is bring all the projects under one solution and get a single DLL as the output instead of each project having it's independant output. Is this possible?

You can't literally merge several compiled .dll files into one. Your best bet is to put all files into a single project and recompile as a single library. You will likely have conflicts you'll have to resolve manually.
If you really have several COM in-proc servers you will also have to merge the data that facilitates class factories and COM registration - you will have to do that manually.


Keep installer size down by reusing files / components

Let's say I have 2 features, both use abc.dll, and both reference it from their respective current directories.
So the output will look like this :
I've created 2 components for this. In reality I have many features and many dll's that are shared, and my installer size is nearly 1GB.
What I am looking for is a smarter way to do this, using IS 2015 professional.
What I've looked at so far:
Merge modules: Not sure if this would work, also it means I need to maintain the merge modules manually should files be upgraded.
DuplicateFile, via direct editor, but this wouldn't work because there is no way to have this bound to a feature, only a component.
A hidden feature which would install the shared files to the target system, then a post script which would copy these files to their respective features, and delete the folder of this feature.
Is there a best practice method to implement what I need?
The most suitable approach in this case is, indeed, merge modules. I am not sure why the concern about maintaining them - you should have an automated build process that creates all merge modules and then builds your main installer with the newly created modules.
However, in my opinion, merge modules are a bit cumbersome to use if you have a lot of custom actions.
An alternative to merge modules - assuming you are using a Windows Installer project - is using small MSI packages which you "chain" to your main installer (you can chain multiple packages with different conditions and supply different properties). Here too, you should have a build process which builds all those small msi packages and then builds the main installer.
If you don't want to have this kind of 'sub-projects', then the option of a hidden feature with a post action is acceptable, I've seen it, and done it, a few times. Note that if you target Windows 7 or later, instead of physically copying the files and deleting them, you can use symbolic links (using the mklink command), which helps reduce the installation's foot print on the target system (and make patching easier - you replace the original file, and all its links are updated automatically).

Find all classes involved in a method call

I have a .NET 4.0 C# Solution with a single .csproj (Library) having several thousand files.
I want to extract out a small subset of the functionality from the thousands of files.
e.g. I want to extract the functionality of the MyLibrary.RelevantMethod() method into another library.
The aim is to create a new .csproj with the bare minimum class files needed to achieve this functionality.
i have a Program.cs which invokes the functionality and i can navigate through the flow to find all classes involved. Just that there are too many. (still a small subset of all classes)
Solutions tried:
the usual brute force of going through the flow from the method (F12) and copying over every class file and associated files needed for it to compile. this is taking a lot of time, but i know that if i keep at it, it'll be done. so that is what i am doing right now.
other option was to copy over the whole project and eliminate folders of classes based on instinct/name space references, build to verify and keep at it. this got nasty because a subset of classes in a folder were needed.
the vs 2013 code-map graphs became unmanageable in 3 drill downs. sequence diagrams became too complex as well.
Call hierarchy seemed to be the most promising showing all the classes involved visually but there is still the manual task of drilling through and copying the classes.
while i manually continue extracting the class one-by-one using the call hierarchy, is there a faster way or a more automated way (semi works as well) to determine all the classes involved in a method call in C#?
if i can get the list, i can do a search on the physical folders nesting the .cs. files (every class has an equivalent .cs file) and just copy them over.
You can find all classes involved in a method call with the Runtime Flow tool (developed by me). From the Runtime Summary window you can also copy these classes to the Clipboard for the selected module or a namespace.

Perforce and handling switching different versions of a framework/library

I have two versions of a framework both stored under a "thirdparty" directory in my depot. One is in beta which I'm evaluating, and the other is stable. When I first made my workspace, I had it set up to use the stable one, but now I'd like to switch it to use the beta one for testing. I've got a few questions:
Let's say the frameworks are named Framework-2.0-beta and Framework-1.0-stable. Ideally I'd like them to just simply map to a "framework" directory on my local machine, so that I don't have to change all my include paths and such in my project files. Then, in theory, if I wanted to swap back and forth between frameworks, I'd just simply change which one from the depot I'm pulling and then do an update again. How do I do this? I tried at first just mapping them like I mentioned above, but I seem to be getting some errors using this method.
Is this the best way to go about something like this? Like, am I supposed to instead just use a unique workspace for use with one version of the framework vs. another?
Thanks for your help.
The most straight forward way with just perforce means is to put both versions framework the
framework to perforce and map one of them in the clientview of your project.
For example submit the frameworks to places like this:
In your projects clientview you map one of the two to a fixed target path, e.g.:
//thirdparty/framework-2.0-beta/... //yourclient/framework/...
So far so good.
But in larger environments (with several people developing the same project) you will definitely run into problems with that approach because:
the compile/test/performance results of your workspace are not
necessarily the same of other people working on the same project
(depending on the clientview)
having several modules (thirdparty or not) and handling them in this
way will be hard to manage and lead to problems with crossdependencies (e.g. module a
version 2 will require module b version > 3, but that doesn't work with certain other
modules, etc.)
There are tools to solve these dependency issues. Look for Apache Ivy or Maven.

Update a DLL without replacing it?

Lets say I have a C# DLL that is 100 MB. Now If I wanted to update this DLL as far as I know I would need to get another DLL by downloading it, delete the old DLL and then move this new one in its place to "update" the DLL (Lets assume the assembly's that reference this DLL do not care about the version of the DLL).
Is there a way to create a file with has all the classes and items that have changed (ONLY the stuff that has changed) and recompile the DLL to have these changes, or some how update the DLL with those changes?
The goal is to have a way to update the DLL through small patches without having to re-download the entire DLL.
Thank You
You use the same mechanism version control systems use - SVN for example happily stores only the changes between different binary checkins, and on some dlls that can turn a mb dll into a few k. (obviously your mileage may change)
Generally binary diffs are not nearly as efficient as text, which is why its not often used, but it can work for some - it depends on how the binary is laid out, if the compilation process produces something that is generally the same, rather than completely different.
You'll need some code on the client to pull the changes down, either use the gnu patch tools, or use something like Windows BITS.

MonoTouch: Adding DLL references in sub projects

In a way I am looking for best-practice here.
I have a common project that is shared by many of my apps. This project has FlurryAnaylics and the ATMHud DLLs as references.
If I do not also reference these DLLs in the main project, the apps will often, but not always, fail in the debug-to-device test. In the debug-to-simulator I don't need to add these DLLs to the main project.
So, the question is: Do I have to include references to DLLs in the main project that I have in sub projects all the time?
Whenever possible I use references to project files (csproj files) over references to assemblies (.dll). It makes a lot of things easier, like:
code navigation (IDE);
automatic build dependency (the source code you're reading is the one you're building, not something potentially out-of-sync);
source-level debugging (even if you can have it without it, you're sure to be in-sync);
(easier) switch between Debug|Release|... configurations;
changing defines (or any project-level option);
MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj (link to ../Common/MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj)
MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj (link to ../Common/MonoTouch.Dialog.csproj)
Large solutions might suffer a bit from doing this (build performance, searching across files...). The larger they get the less likely everyone has to know about every part of it. So there's a diminished return on the advantages while the inconvenience grows with each project being added.
E.g. I would not want to have references to every framework assemblies inside Mono (but personally I could live with all the SDK assemblies of MonoTouch ;-)
Note: Working with assemblies references should not cause you random errors while debugging on device. If you can create such a test case please fill a bug report :-)
