Can any .X (DirectX 3D object) be used as progressive mesh? - direct3d

I'm learning about Direct3D's progressive mesh. I tried the SDK sample (ProgressiveMesh) and fiddle with the code to replace the default object with some other .X file.
The application works sometimes with some .X files but not all, especially when the file size is big and it crashes.
Can anyway tell me if any .X object can be used as a progressive mesh? Does the example automatically convert the object into a progressive mesh? If not, then how can I obtain a progressive mesh file so that I can load it into the SDK sample?

IDK what you plan on doing with your models, but you might want to look into using FBX files using the FBX_SDK.


Vuforia/Android Studio - Working with VideoPlayback and image targets samples at the same time

I need to use Vuforia, to implement AR in an android app using Android Studio.
I was able to run the samples separately with no issues. My doubt is if any one knows how to use the video playback and image target samples at the same time when the camera is active?
For example, I have two images in my database located on assets. When the first image is recognized, I need to play a video (video playback) and when the second image is recognized, another image is placed with AR above the target (image target).
I know this is a bit late, but perhaps it could be of an assistance nevertheless. I cannot give you any code, but I can tell you for sure that there is no real problem of doing this - in fact, it is only a matter of a correct integration between two of Vuforia's samples. Once you have implemented the functions for drawing an image on a target and for drawing a video on a target, you simply invoke the relevant function based on the target id. Looking at a specific difficulty and trying to help on that would be a lot easier, once you actually did the integration.

Simple program to display 3D mesh?

for a university project I have to compute a 3D mesh, then display it.
By mesh I mean a list of triangles, where each point has a specific elevation.
What is the easiest tool that exists both on windows and linux that would allow me to display such a mesh?
I just want to be able to visualize the mesh and rotate it, and I can code any specific mesh format needed to be used as an input.
What I mostly want is a tool that is easy to install for the final user of my program.
Almost every tool reads the .obj format, for example MeshMan, MeshLab and ArtOfIllusion. They all work under Windows and Linux. Geomview (.off-Files) is also great, but hard to install under Windows.
I'm using for this purpose osgviewer from OpenSceneGraph
I wouldn't know about the easiest tool, but have you tried Blender? It's cross platform.
There are some standard file formats for triangle meshes. Try outputing to .ply file and using one of the existing viewers for that.
I tend to use VTK file formats since I work in scientific visualization; that would be overkill for you.
In fact, I wrote a VTK/QT based app for viewing meshes that can handle .ply files

Corona SDK: Image Format Optimization/info?

we are used to develop for iOS platforms using Cocos2D, and there we have plenty of choice when it comes to image formats.
I cannot find any reference about how should we save our image assets for use within Corona, especially in relation to performance.
What I found out so far is only that PVR format is not supported (obviously because of the cross-platform support of the SDK). I seemed to find small hints that Corona uses 32bit pixel format for everything, so we cannot use different pixel formats as we do with Cocos2D.
Any CoronaSDK people out there that can answer me and/or redirect me to some documentation containing more details about this?
I have managed to find the confirmation in the Anscamobile forums - indeed, Corona SDK currently uses only 32bit pixel format for all textures, so there is no reason to save your images as 16-bit PNGs other than the size on disk of the image.
Corona SDK now supports indexed pngs, 16-bit pngs, grayscale pngs... In fact any sort of png that you want to use.
But the only performance increase is the speed to load in memory (it GREATLY improves loading times) and space on storage.
I am using ImageOptim and ImageAlpha to optmize my PNGs :)

3d models, LOD, pics, etc

I need to program a util for a 3d model. What i need to do is pass the 3d model to the util and have it extract multiple information. Things like poly count, size/scale (if applicable) and anything else i can grab. Then i need to take a screen shot of the model 8 times (45deg from 0 to 360). Maybe 16. Is there an app that i can use to extract data from the model and is there another app i can use to create the image? if so i can write a php script to do this all for me :) if not i'll post more question about specifics.
My OS is debian etch
the models will be any format. I may make it 3ds only or limit it to what the app(s) support. Or i may have another app to convert one format to the other and extract the data from that format.
I haven't tried this, but you could try 3ds2pov to convert your 3DS files into POV-Ray format, and then render with POV-Ray.
The 3ds2pov program is quite old, so I don't know how compatible it is with current 3DS files. The archive comes with source code so ought to build without too much difficulty on Debian.
POV-Ray itself runs easily on Linux.
nb: other 3DS to POV converters may exist. This one just happens to be the first one returned by Googling for "3ds to pov".
Your requirements are very loose and vague but most 3d engines should have the tools you need to create your custom utility. I would start by looking at Blender or the viewer tools from OGRE, OpensceneGraph and similar tools.
You can try this: Linux based A3dsViewer -> does 3ds to pov conversion.

model (3ds) stats & snapshot in linux

I want to write an app that takes in a model filename via cmd line, create a list of stats (poly count, scaling, as much as possible or maybe the stats that i would like) and to load the model with its textures (with anything else) and draw it from multiple position to save the images as pngs.
How would i do this? are there utils i can use to extract data from models? how about drawing the models? my server does not have a desktop or video card, would no video HW be a problem?
You can use for reading the data, IIRC it also comes with a sample program that you could base your code on.
Have a look at the 3DS specifications at AFAIK, there are no official specs. Another possibility would be to look for open source 3DS libraries/tools and use them.
