How TFS integrates with SharePoint - sharepoint

I am looking to migrate some databases out of Visual Source Safe (VSS) and into Team Foundation Server (TFS). I know I am able to migrate from VSS to SVN, and then from SVN to TFS using a few tools that I have found (either free or purchased). The aim is to get the source code into TFS and then integrate the project with SharePoint so that various documents can be accessed from there.
How easy is it to set up TFS to integrate with SharePoint? What do I need to do?
What documents/files can/will be added to SharePoint? Does TFS choose for me or can I select what I want to appear in SharePoint?
Any examples or information on how TFS integrates with SharePoint would be appriciated.

The instances are separate. The files stored in SharePoint are not in the version control library and vice-versa. There is a web interface to the source control library available outside of SharePoint.
Each Team Project in TFS has an associated SharePoint portal. What we do is version control all of our software in TFS, and store all of our documentation in the SharePoint portal that corresponds to the team project. We made sure to turn version control on within SharePoint so we can retrieve previous versions.
On the odd occasion that we do need to version control documentation alongside the source code (for audit reasons), we will store that in a documentation folder within TFS.


Synchronize access between TFS and Sharepoint portal

in my setup each project in tfs 2015 has own project portal. But group permissions are different in tfs and sharepoint. Is there some approaches to synchronize them?
There isn`t standard tools to synchronize users and permissions between TFS and SharePoint. I think you may try to use next ways:
Common active directory groups. Create separate group for readers and contributors (for each project), add them to SP and TFS. Then add and remove users from these groups.
Use Team Foundation Server Administration Tool as centralized tool. This tools was created for TFS 2013. But TFS 2015 supports TFS 2013 object model. You have to (on your local workplace) install Team Foundation Server 2013 object model, download archive, rename last release to TFS and install it.

migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore

There are many paid tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint to Sitecore like Kapow, Siteport etc. Are there any open source tools available to migrate content from Sharepoint intranet to Sitecore?
There is an integration services marketplace module that does data transformation, but not specific to Sharepoint. I haven't tried to use it to query for data from Sharepoint, but it is shared source so you can probably make it do what you need.

Why would I want to install SharePoint with TFS

I'm looking at upgrading my current TFS instance and planning to copy and restore databases as per Microsofts Advanced Upgrade which means I am pretty much installing the new product from scratch and restoring the databases then running a migration tool.
I see in the installation notes that you can integrate SharePoint with it as an optional extra. Why would I do this? Is the idea to store project documentation in a SharePoint Document library per project and be able to link to that content rather than as an attachment to the Backlog Items and Bugs in TFS?
I'm having trouble finding any documentation of team workflows with SharePoint and TFS and I suspect that its because no one really does it.
More importantly would SharePoint integration impede future product upgrades or moving to Visual Studio Online?
In my eyes, SharePoint as a TFS portal has become much less desirable due to the improvements in Team Web Access (eg Charting) but it still has some uses.
With the integration enabled, you will see a Documents tab in Team Explorer which will take you to the dedicated SharePoint Portal (created when you create the TFS Team Project) where all your documentation can be stored. Of course without SharePoint integration you can still happily link Work Items to documents in SharePoint, you just don't have a dedicated portal created for you.
If you are using one of the MSF process templates then some useful documents are created for you on SharePoint when you create the Team Project (xlsx reports etc). However, if you are using the much better VS Scrum template then no documents are created even if you have SharePoint integration enabled.
If you are using the Enterprise edition of SharePoint then you get some good dashboards (bugs, code quality etc.) and you can also publish your custom excel reports easily. This functionality requires Excel Services and so is not available in the standard edition (there are some dashboards created but they aren't that useful).
Share information using the project portal
Your team can use the SharePoint portal to share information in the following ways:
Share data contained in reports or dashboards
Share team progress using predefined or customized dashboards.
Share documents, files, images.
Share team knowledge and processes using the SharePoint wiki.
Reference process guidance for select team project artifacts.
If you want to add a portal to an existing project:
Configure or add a project portal

Difference between Office 365 preview and sharepoint online

I am new to sharepoint online. At first I need to know the difference between sharepoint online and office 365 preview.
Preview site: which looms like below.
I have also the below site
Now what is the difference between the two. My goal is to create apps and webparts. Which one shall i choose? I have not installed sharepoint 2013 server/ sharepoint foundation. Can i create apps and webparts without installing server2013/foundation2013?
The Office365 Preview is running on the new SharePoint 2013 platform. If you want to build and monetize apps/web parts, you would need to go with this option, as it is the
latest and greatest.
Go to to get all of the resources you need including links to the software, tutorials, documentation, etc...
Microsoft provides a free Office365 portal specifically for developers who want to build apps on the online platform. With this, all you would need is Visual Studio 2012 and the SharePoint/Office SDK installed to build apps. You would deploy and debug directly on the online portal without needing SharePoint installed on your environment.
I hope this helps.

Sharepoint - Project Web Access - Team Foundation Server

So, my client wants a customer dashboard integrating all information related to a project in a common sharepoint site.
So we have something like this
http://tdg-srv-006/ <------- Sharepoint site (SP)
http://tdg-srv-006/PWA/ <--- Project Web Access site (PWA)
http://tdg-srv-tfs2/ <------ Team foundation Server (TFS)
He wants the following requirements:
Burn down Chart: this one is located in the TFS server inside the company.
Total count of bugs: this one is located in TFS too
Open Issues and Risks: This one is located in PWA
Team names and roles: this one in TFS.
My question is, how do I communicate Sharepoint with TFS database and with PWA information? any comments, suggestions or clues?
There are two ways to do this. Use the project dashboard site created from Project Server, or the one created by Team Foundation Server.
Project Server
The standard way of setting up such a dashboard with Project Server is to enable project workspaces. This means that when a project is first published it would have a URL such as http://tdg-srv-006/PWA/My%20Project. This is where the project 'dashboard' site will reside, containing both your integration with Project Server and with TFS.
These workspaces are created from templates. They can be extended with your own design and web parts so they will always be created exactly as you'd like. For example, integration with Reporting Services reports that query the Project Server reporting database or Team Foundation Server is a popular idea.
Note that project workspaces already come out of the box with risks and issues. (These can also be linked to tasks and other risks and issues for a richer experience.)
For aggregation, within Project Web Access it is possible to create a view which sums the risks and issues from across all project workspaces and displays them in Project Center. When connecting to PWA, users are also prompted with the risks and issues outstanding that are assigned to them.
Team Foundation Server
Team Foundation Server also creates its own SharePoint site which you may prefer to use. This article on SharePoint Magazine should give you all you need to know. Again, you can set up Reporting Services reports that point to a TFS data source and display the results in your workspace. It just depends on whether you prefer to start with a TFS workspace or a Project Server workspace.
Both Project Server and TFS only install the free Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) by default. This means functionality such as the content query web part provided in SharePoint 2007 (MOSS) is not there. You can add SharePoint 2007 without any issues but it will cost you more.
The template approach that Project Server uses to create workspaces (and perhaps TFS as well) has problems. Firstly, Project Server will allow you to change columns and fields on the Risks and Issues lists but this will cause errors. There is a safe method outlined in the link earlier on my blog. Secondly, assuming you decide to change the template you will need to programmatically update every workspace within Project Server, including the template to make the changes. Not a big deal but a hassle nonetheless.
Other integration
Finally add the Project Server / Team Foundation Server connector into the mix. This will ensure work item data in TFS is kept in sync with project plan data in Project Server. Note that it has nothing to do with creating a dashboard/workspace.
