Changing Discussion Folder Names in SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint

Is there a way to change the name of a folder within the discussion area of SharePoint 2010? The folder by default is given the name of the discsussion name when it is created, however, if you then change the discussion name, it does not (quite rightly) automatically update the folder name - I would like to though.

Just had a go there, I was able to rename it using SharePoint designer (use the All Files link on the left).
However if you need to do it automatically then you'll have to build an List Item Event Handler, and update the folder name using the API using the ListItemUpdated Event.


Automatically create Subfolders on SharePoint Document Library

I have been trying to accomplish this for weeks now and end up hitting a wall.
I have a document library on SharePoint Online with the following (close enough) structure.
-> Schools
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
-->Client Name
---->Project Name 1
---->Project Name 2
... and so on.
Inside the "Projects" folder there is a set of folders as well.
Right now we have a Project template folder that we used to just copy/paste and rename when we had our file server, but now on SharePoint, the copy to process is way too many clicks to get it to that location.
What I am trying to accomplish is be able to create a new project folder and automatically create all the folders under it.
Appreciate the guidance on this.
I was able to figure this out.
My challenge was when creating the folder, it always wanted to create it inside the root of the document library and not the subfolder.
So I created 2 Content types for folders, one for clients and one for projects.
Used SharePoint Designer to create the workflow, but the trick here was to extract the URL from the current item, which is the folder being created, and remove the first x amount of characters from it which equals the SharePoint document library location. The remaining part of the string was the exact location where I wanted the subfolders to be created.
After that, I used that variable to create all other subfolders.

Moving documents from one document library to another with SharePoint 2013 Workflow using list item information

To preface: I believe this may be impossible with OOTB solutions and if it is I have a plan B, but this plan would be much easier to implement if it is indeed possible.
Is there any way to create a SharePoint workflow that moves a file from a separate document library to another separate library?
The workflow is launched when a new item is created in a list. The item contains the information needed to find the document that it's referencing (ID, path, folder path, name etc...). Is it possible to take this information and then move the file being referenced to another library using a SharePoint workflow?
The document can't be simply copied because version history must stay with the document. I'm also unable to run the workflow in the library that contains the document because it's deciding on what documents to move based on the last modified date and as soon as the document is touched by the workflow it's been modified.
If you only want to copy files with metadata, we can use the OOTB workflow to achieve it.
If you want to copy files with version history, please check the Nintex workflow.
Nintex Workflow Move Document and Preserve Version History
Or we can create event receiver with custom code to achieve it.
Copy files between libraries by keeping versions

Sharepoint Designer 2013 run workflow on folder in top level of document library

I am trying to create a (2013) workflow in Sharepoint Designer that will set a field (sharepoint column) to the value: 1.
I am trying to have it run only when a new item is created in the root folder. So when a new folder is created at the top level of the document library. And specifically a folder.
I found that folders in Sharepoint don't have a content type - so I added the following If statement to the workflow to deal with that:
If current item content type is empty...
But now I would like to add a condition that says something like
If the current item is created in the top level or root folder or...whatever
I see one of the fields you can select is: "level" - (see attached image). Is that maybe what I'm looking for? Does anyone else know a better solution?
Thanks a lot
I think I might have just answered my own question! I have to make it a Sharepoint 2010 workflow, not a 2013 So I can use the condition: "If Current item: Document Parent Identifier equals (the string for that root folder)" then run the workflow. I guess this field just doesn't exist in SP Designer 2013 workflows.
I had exactly the same issue and I needed to use the SharePoint 2013 workflow. It is also possible by checking the Encoded Absolute URL of the created item. It has to be directly in the root of your list and the URL will contain no extensions, since it is a folder.
Here is the code i had used:
Set Variable: ItemName_UrlStyle to [%Current Item:Name%]
Replace with %20 in [%Variable: ItemName_UrlStyle%] (Output to Variable: ItemName_UrlStyle )
If Current Item:Encoded Absolute URL equals[%Variable:ItemName_UrlStyle%]
Maybe this will be helpful for somebody.

sharepoint workflow to move files of a content type to new folder (after creating it if needed)

I have multiple SP document libraries for different meetings. I want to keep the libraries organized by meeting day. So each meeting would have it's own folder and all the files for that day would go in that folder.
To make it easy I wanted to make it so you can upload a file and then a SP workflow will create a folder for that meeting, if needed, and move the file.
So I created a "meeting file" content type that also gets meeting date and file type (minutes, presentation, misc, etc...)...
What I need to do next is check if a folder for that meeting date exists and create it if it does not. Then move the file over to that folder.
Any ideas how I could do this?
I could also try it without using content types but then the workflow starts automatically for every file added and then I cannot create a new folder with that workflow (because it would start a new instance of that workflow).
I was hoping to keep it reusable so I could just use one workflow for all the document libraries. I thought the workflow could find the path of the list it is being run on, and create the folders and do the other work within that list.
Any ideas are appreciated.
For creating folder via workflows:
Creating folders and sub-folders using SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflow
and for checking folder name:
Create a string workflow variable.
Now create a lookup for your folder and set the variable to the folder's title. Take a look here for some helpful information and usage guidelines when it comes to list folders.
The actions dependent of the existence of the folder have to be placed inside an if-statement
E.g. the if-statement should be like "if [variable] not equals [folder name]" if you want the actions only to be run when the folder does not exist
and here the whole tutorial that I found:
Create folders using a SPD workflow

Change SharePoint Library URL

How do you change the URI of a SharePoint library? Based on Google searching, most people say that changing the name of a library in Designer (via right click->rename) will result in the URI change, but it is only changing the name for me.
I am using SharePoint 2010 Foundation and these are the steps I am following:
In Designer, navigate to List and Libraries
Right click library -> rename
Notice that name changes
Notice that URI does not change
This is one of the resources I found claiming that this works:
change URL spelling/case on sharepoint library
In SharePoint Designer just navigate to All Files navigation node (not List and Libraries node), find your document library there -> right-click library -> rename.
The URI would change then.
At least at SharePoint 2010 it is possible to change library URL, without using SharePoint Designer.
Just go to a library trough 'All Site Content'. When inside the library choose on the ribbon 'Library' tab. Then select 'Open with Explorer'. That will open your SharePoint's library in Windows Explorer window. Navigate one folder up and you will see list of your libraries as folders. Rename required library's folder name as you want the URL to look like.
Thank you! I found the suggested SharePoint Designer solution above to work beautifully!
Here are the steps that I took:
Follow the instructions above by opening the List in SharePoint Designer, selecting All Files under the navigation node (near the bottom)
A bunch of folders appeared - I selected the folder named 'Lists'.
From here, it will show the list names and the display names. Change the actual name of the list (first column) by right-clicking on it, rename. This will update the url. You may wish to match this to your display name.
When you return to your site, the navigation link for the list may still go to the old URL. To update this, enter in the new url in your browser, go to List Settings > Title, Description and Navigation. Simply hit the save button without making any changes. The navigation link is now updated.
Please note: If you are updating list urls and names of a project site (from Project Server), do not rename the Risks, Issues lists. These must remain for Project Server to function properly.
Thanks for this solution. I only have Designer permissions but was still able to change a List URL within the browser (not Sharepoint Designer, and must be IE to have Open in Explorer enabled). Steps:
Go to Site Contents and open a Document Library in the site
Click on Library ribbon tab and select Open In Explorer option
Click up one level in the directory structure - there should be a
Dir called 'Lists' - open
Your List should be there to right click and rename.
I was surprised that the system let me do this (it didn't let me delete a document in the same DL that I need to get rid of), but after testing for some time the URL change seems to have held.
Finally - you might have to re-Resolve some views and overlays, as these might not automatically cascade with the new List location.
I have changed the library URL from SharePoint Designer 2010, in the "Site Object" section --> "All files" option. Then I selected the right library in left pane and press F2 (to change name, like in windows) and worked for me. I hope that helps someone.
You cannot change Document Library URL , only name.
If you want to have a new URL :
Create a new document library with good URL
Batch import all docs from old to new document library
warning :
all new imported doc will be flagged with username used in the import process
all datetime fields will be reinitialized
I don't have Sharepoint Developper installed and can't install it.
I needed to change the address of a List and not a library, so the "Open in Explorer" doesn't work for me (only get "Open in Access" and "Open in Project").
I managed to do it by opening Explorer by myself and paste the URL "http://MyServer/MySite/" (can be also "http://MyServer/MySite/MyPage/").
I got the "All Files" you get through Sharepoint Designer.
In my case I had to go to "Lists" and change the name of the folder for the list I wanted to change the name.
Next I had to change the name of the list from the "List properties" (to change back the visible name of the list)
I am only a Site Collection Administrator for a SharePoint online platform. The powershell and sharepoint designer usage are not within my access so the only option I have is the "Open in Explorer". I tried the steps seen online but didn't get the result. When I saw ragmaxone's step, I got an idea. Then I took the following steps:
I copied my url without the document library eg "http://MyServer/MySite/MyDocLib/ is the URL of the document library but I copied "http://MyServer/MySite/ instead.
Next I opened the document library in classic SPOnline because I use modern SPonline.
Then I replaced the pathway address with the copied URL and saw all my document libraries as folders.
With right clicking on the document library of interest, and renaming like is done in windows, I went back to my document library and saw page not found.(Don't worry! Something had changed already).
Then I went to the homepage of the platformand navigated to the document library in question to see that it has been renamed and the URL also corresponds to the new name.
Thanks for all your answers and help.
In Designer go to "All Files" -> then search for "List" folder ther you can find your List right click it rename it and boom.
By going to Lists and Libraries tab from left menu will only change the title of list. So go to All files and follow the steps.
