Browser redirect tool? - browser

I need to create a tool that sits in Windows in the background and everytime a certain web page is entered, e.g., the tool should automatically redirect to another site.
(Not intended to be a virus, I promise. There is actually a genuine need for this for a client.)
Is this feasible? I know there are lots of viruses/spyware that do this so it should be quite simple to implement?

Modify the hosts file.


Capture my screen via a website

I was wondering if it's possible to capture a screenshot and/or record my computer screen(s) via a website?
If it is possible, what languages would I need to learn/code? I already have intermediate knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and PHP.
In other words: I want to have the ability to capture/record my screen (not the website) via using a website (not an application).
This is not possible. Web sites are very deliberately given only restricted access to your computer for security reasons. Imagine the havoc that could result if a malicious web site were able to see and capture what was on your screen--banking information, your confidential e-mails, etc. Even if the user had to give permission for this level of access, it would still be way too easy to trick a user into giving that permission.
The closest I could find/think of was, but even then you have to download a launch plugin. I agree with #DLH. This is for your protection.
My favorite screen recorder is ScreenPresso - it is always running in background, and repurposed the PrtScn button as its launch key.

pop external links on a new tab via htaccess

The SEO "guru" at my job has asked me to find out if it'd be possible to implement some sort of .htaccess magic that would make all external links on our CMS pop out of the browser and open in a different tab/window.
Is this even remotely possible? I know it could be done with JS but it'd be a pretty complicated task to modify all pages/content on our site to make it happen.
Any and all help will be appreciated!
Pretty sure that isn't possible via htaccess.
However, unless it is a weirdly coded CMS, then it should not be the complicated task you think.
A CMS will usually be built so that the content and template are in separate places, which should mean that you probably only need to update a single file in order to add code to the head of every page on the site, which could be a javascript to modify external links. You should not have to touch the content.
Likewise, many CMSs will use a plug-in system allowing you to do this easily enough.
Also: A CMS will usually store content in a database, so a good database query could also replace all the links in one go.
Can't see how this could possibly help with SEO, mind!

What general approach can I take to parse the contents of a website?

Say someone else has a website generated by JavaScript, so I can't go look at the source and read what should be on the screen. How can I grab the text on the screen so I can feed it into another program? Also, how can I write a program that automatically clicks on radio buttons, links, etc. that satisfy certain criteria?
You can write a web scraping tool in Perl or Python. Or, you can use existing tools and frameworks to achieve that.
Check out Scrapy, an open-source tool written in Python.
Take a look at Selenium too.
To parse dynamic content you could see the javascript source and get that same content the same way the webpage is getting it. (ie. replicating ajax calls and such)
If you want to submit data (not actually click on the elements) as if it were clicked/edited/selected you could also send a request containing the same data that the server is expecting by using some HTTP library, like CURL. See an example here.
If you need to handle content generated by script, then your first problem is to cause the script to execute. Further, the script will want to generate the content into a DOM. That means you need to have a DOM, and a script engine, and probably HTTP access to the Internet, and XML handling, etc.
If that sounds a lot like a web browser, then you're listening.
What you basically need is a web browser that you can control from a program. You'll need to be able to tell it to browse to a page, click buttons and links, etc., then you'll need to read back the resulting DOM.
Only then will you need to parse the page.
If you're in the Microsoft world, then you can use the WebBrowser control. There are several forms of this, and they all amount to the same thing: you can have Internet Explorer run inside of your program, and your program can control it.
I understand there are other browsers that can be controlled from a program, but since I don't know their details, I'll wait for someone else to tell us both.

Need ideas on how to protect .exe file from direct download on other sites

We have our application stored on our server, it is an .exe file. The download page is only accessible from our site - using cookie authentication in PHP. I know there are better methods but there is a long story behind I'm moving on. The issue is that the actual url of the .exe has been leaked and is appearing on other websites. What is the best method to protect a link to a file, not the page itself. That is where I'm having issues. I can make it difficult to get to the download page (with the link) but don't know where to begin to make sure the link is only accessible from our site... Is .htaccess (preventing hotlinking) the best way to go?
Yes, .htaccess is probably best. Find any online post about protecting images from hotlinking, the first in my google search looks like a nice and easy auto-generator you can use. Just change the image extensions to exe, or keep them if you want them protected too.

How do you globally modify page output sent from IIS without modifying the page source?

A couple sites of mine recently got "hacked". Someone was able to add a line of JavaScript to the bottom of every page on the site.
The server is a Windows Server 2003, and has Cold Fusion 8 and MySQL 5.x installed and running.
Looking into the code on each page shows that none of the pages were modified. The JavaScript is not in the code files themselves. This leads me to believe it is an IIS problem, but I am unsure and cannot find anything that would be able to do this within IIS.
The JavaScript being added redirects a user to another page only when they come from Google, or at least it appears to work this way.
Any help on how someone was able to accomplish this as well as removing it would be greatly appreciated.
Another way to word the question thanks to #Jeffrey Hantin
How do you systematically modify output from IIS without modifying individual pages?
EDIT: A bit more testing has shown that only the .cfm pages add the extra javascript. Added a new .cfm and the js was there but a .html did not have it.
Edit2: Turns out to have been a coldfusion problem after all. Somehow the pages OnRequestEnd.cfm were created on the sites and added that js.
Looks like someone exploited some latest Adobe CF vulnerabilities.
Please see these blog posts for details and try to search symptoms on your server:
Image upload
FCKEditor bug + this post
Hope this helps.
Turns out to have been a coldfusion problem after all. The page OnRequestEnd.cfm were created on the sites and added that js.
If you only want to use IIS to modify output, the ISAPI filter is probably the best answer. If you would like to use Coldfusion, you could utilize the application.cfc to modify output during certain parts of the request cycle or wrap all of your pages in a Custom Tag to consolidate the like portions of your page templates.
I have used both. In cases where my page headers and footers are all the same, the custom tag is fast and easy to use. To make changes to all the pages, you edit one custom tag file. In cases where I have a more complicated web application I'll use the application.cfc to store and insert common components where they are needed.
They might have guessed your password. You should change it immediately.
It's possible that an ISAPI filter is used to do this. I once used one myself to perform compression before IIS supported it natively.
In your specific situation, you may want to check for ISAPI filters you don't want installed. Of course, if your server has been compromised, you will likely be better off rebuilding from a known good image rather than trying to fix it in situ.

