How can I disable code folding in vim with vim-latex? - vim

I have tried the usual approaches, and have read :help tex.vim
(see : )
I've taken a brief look at syntax/tex.vim, but can't see how to disable it without rebuilding vim without folding. I'm sick of hitting 'zE'.
Lines I've tried in my .vimrc:
set foldlevel=manual
set foldlevelstart=99
let g:tex_fold_enabled=0

Just noticed that there are variables to control folding in vim-latex-suite, at least as of v1.6 of the plugin. The functionality is documented here:
In short you should be able to change three global variables to get rid of all folding:
:let Tex_FoldedSections=""
:let Tex_FoldedEnvironments=""
:let Tex_FoldedMisc=""
That should get rid of all folding. If you want to disable some folding but not all then you can control things by setting the appropriate values for each variable, as described in the documentation link above. Hope that helps.

What about
autocmd Filetype tex setlocal nofoldenable

The folding functionality all seems to located in folding.vim file of latex-suite distribution. This file is referenced in line 825 of my main.vim file in the latex-suite folder of the ftplugin folder. That line reads:
exe 'source '.fnameescape(s:path.'/folding.vim')
Comment out that line and, as far as I can tell, it strips out all the folding in latex-suite plugin. I don't think it affects anything else, but I haven't checked.


How do you turn off syntax highlighting for new vim windows without a filename or file type?

After I installed the 'artesanal' theme for vim and turned syntax highlighting on, every vim window has syntax highlighting including brand new empty windows [No Name], without a name or file type. I'm wondering if any of you know how to keep syntax highlighting on for every file with an extension but have it disabled for any file without a name or file extension.
This should not happen. I don't know artesanal (and "theme" is an undefined term inside Vim; it has colorschemes, filetype plugins, and syntax scripts; I hope it's not a full Vim "distribution" like spf-13 and Janus, which lure you with a quick install and out-of-the-box settings, but you pay the price with increased complexity (you need to understand both Vim's runtime loading scheme and the arbitrary conventions of the distribution) and inflexibility (the distribution may make some things easier, but other things very difficult)).
It looks like a syntax is active even for plain files. Usually, the syntax is determined by the filetype, so check :verbose setlocal filetype? first. If this returns a value, you need to look into the detection of :help filetypes.
If this is empty, it could also be that something sets 'syntax' directly. You can check in the same way: :verbose setlocal syntax?.
Now, if that also is empty, and :syntax list doesn't show something, the highlighting could also come from :match or :call matchadd() commands; :call clearmatches() would remove this then. (And you still would need to find the source that defines those matches.)
You can check to see if a filetype has been set
if &filetype != ""
syntax enable

Quickest Way to Revert Spaces to TABs in VIM

I have always been one to replace TABs in VIM with x amount of spaces (usually 4).
Four lines I almost always use in my .vimrc config file are:
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
syntax on
Basically, there are moments when I NEED to use a single TAB (such as Makefiles), and I don't know how else to work around that other than leaving the file, editing my .vimrc, and then reloading the file of interest.
That said, what is the quickest way (from within VIM) to revert it back to using TABS, and then reverting back to my original settings? I'm looking for the least-hassle, least-keystrokes solution.
VIM will automatically enable the TAB for a makefile, assuming you name it "makefile," as opposed to "Makefile." Not sure why VIM still doesn't detect the type with a lower-uppercase difference, but such is life. (#Sedrik)
That aside, other alternative solutions are:
Filetype Binding (#ThorstenS #tungd):
autocmd FileType make setlocal noexpandtab
RealTime Switch (#ThorstenS):
Assuming the .vimrc configuration mentioned in the question, do:
:set noet (to switch from spaces to TAB)
and :set et (to switch back)
Just use the magical escape key available in insert mode.
On the *NIX's it is ^V by default when you are in insert mode. On Windows, you need to find out what the magical escape character is - ^V is taken for something else; I think it may be ^Q or ^S?
So! In your makefile:
this: this.c
<C-V><Tab>cc this.c
where the usual meanings apply:
means hit ctrl-V (you should see a ^ hiding away under the cursor)
- hit the tab key. Bingo.
Works for me.
Note: if you use vim settings or startup code which smashes tabs as you read a file, this obviously is a short-term fix. I prefer to learn how to use the retab command to ensure a file is tab-clean, because I don't like a file to be touched unless I consciously choose to do so.
Just type set noexpandtab . Perhaps you bind this to a function key.
Only this configuration helped me solve this problem.
filetype plugin indent on
filetype detect
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab
Vim defaults to tabstop=8 and noexpandtab, so the defaults are well suited to working with Makefiles. If your .vimrc uses custom options for tabstop, expandtab, etc., one simple solution is to bypass your .vimrc while working with Makefiles.
From the manpage (emphasis mine):
-u {vimrc} Use the commands in the file {vimrc} for initializations. All the other initializations are skipped. Use this to edit a special kind of files. It can also be used to skip all initializations by giving the name "NONE". See ":help initialization" within vim for more details.
Since I can never remember the necessary flag/value/formatting, I've created a Bash alias which remembers for me: alias vimnone='vim -u NONE'
You can create a custom configuration per file type.
mkdir -p ~/.vim/after/indent
echo 'set noexpandtab' >> ~/.vim/after/indent/make.vim
Basically, here we created a new indent configuration for makefiles that will be loaded after other scripts.

How to enable go.vim by default (automatically)?

The instructions on the Vim site says to just put the file in the /syntax folder. This works all right and well. But, for me to use the syntax I must set the following
:set syntax=go
Every single time. So, I know I am doing something wrong. I just don't know what.
Here are some things from looking around,
My HTML5 syntax set is from Rodrigo's HTML5 omnicomplete function and syntax vimball file. Though this uses some installation script to get it going.
As far as I can tell this would be my first manual adding of syntax file.
Also, my VIMRUNTIME is not set, well because there is no syntax.vim file, so from reading the documentation I see it checks for files via synload.vim
I even read the "Making Your Own Syntax Files" section, which says that same as above with the syntax=go option. Am I supposed to be detecting the .go filetype as described in new filetype section?
How can I enable syntax highlighting for GO by default?
This is for Mac Snow Leopard.
I don't think it is this complicated but I decided to leave all the different documentation I skimmed. GO and Vim say to just add the file. But it is definitely not detecting it automatically
If you are using filetype detection in your ~/.vimrc file with the following line:
filetype plugin indent on
then you can place the file in the following folder:
or for windows
For the filetype detection to work, would would want the autocmd in a file in the ftdetect folder:
and the contents would be:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.go set filetype=go
Use autocmd:
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.go setlocal filetype=go

Disable all auto indentation in vim

In TeX vim usually screws up my indentation. Mainly when I'm in a displayed equation which I think should look like this:
where the whitespace infront of the x is one tab.
When I start type the equation I type the \[ and \] marks first and then go back between them, typing the tab and then the rest of the equation.
Vim doesn't do anything wrong until I have to use something that incorporates curly braces (\frac{} for example). When I type the closing } vim automatically shifts the indentation for the whole line to the left, which undoes my typed tab.
This is very anoying, how do I disable it?
my .vimrc contains:
set smartindent
set autoindent
set tabstop=5
set shiftwidth=5
filetype indent on
I just spent a few hours working through indentation pains with javascript, and the conclusion I came to is don't remove filetype indent on from your vimrc!
This setting provides the best smart indentation for multiple file types. If you're getting bad results with this, there's likely a configuration issue at hand.
File Specific Indent Settings
So if you're like me, you probably had filetype indent on in your vimrc and had no idea what it was doing.
All this setting does is tell vim to look for files with filetype-specific indent rules. There are a few places it looks, but there are probably only two that you'd be interested in.
The first place holds the default indent rules that come with vim. If you were to set filetype indent on on a fresh vim installation, this is where all the smart indenting would come from. For example, when you open a file called index.html in would get the rules from $VIMRUNTIME/indent/html.vim.
In my experience, these default rules are pretty darn good, but they can get messed up by other settings.
The second place (the after directory) allows you to add settings that will supercede those in the first place. This is nice because you don't have to edit the default files in order to customize them.
Flavors of Indentation
There are a few different indentation options as you've seen, and they don't all play nice together. From the Vim wiki:
'autoindent' does nothing more than copy the indentation from the previous line, when starting a new line. It can be useful for structured text files, or when you want to control most of the indentation manually, without Vim interfering. 'autoindent' does not interfere with other indentation settings, and some file type based indentation scripts even enable it automatically.
I use filetype indent on and set autoindent in my vimrc, since they work well together. I don't have the others set.
smartindent & cindent
'smartindent' automatically inserts one extra level of indentation in some cases, and works for C-like files. 'cindent' is more customizable, but also more strict when it comes to syntax.
'smartindent' and 'cindent' might interfere with file type based indentation, and should never be used in conjunction with it.
When it comes to C and C++, file type based indentations automatically sets 'cindent', and for that reason, there is no need to set 'cindent' manually for such files. In these cases, the 'cinwords', 'cinkeys' and 'cinoptions' options still apply.
Generally, 'smartindent' or 'cindent' should only be set manually if you're not satisfied with how file type based indentation works.
Runs filetype indent scripts found in (vimfolder)\indent\\(indentscripts). It is mentioned in the vim documentation for filetype, alongside the others just mentioned (also, it was the cause of the problem I was having):
Reset 'autoindent', 'cindent', 'smartindent' and/or 'indentexpr' to disable indenting in an opened file.
There's a chance that some rogue plugin is changing your indent settings and that's why you're getting poor results. Luckily verbose will tell you which file was the last to change the option in question.
:verbose set autoindent?
:verbose set cindent?
:verbose set smartindent?
:verbose set indentexpr?
You may get a result such as
Last set from ~/.vim/bundle/some_plugin/indent/plaintex.vim
If that happens, you can move that file, close and open vim, and see if it fixes your problem.
Turning Off Indent Settings for TeX
Maybe the defaults just aren't doing it for you, and you want to disable the indent settings for TeX, but leave all other file types alone. You can easily do so by setting these values to their defaults in a file in the after directory.
I don't know much about Tex or LaTex, but when I created a file with the .tex extension and ran :filetype it had the filetype as plaintex. Assuming that this is correct, you'd want to create a file, ~/.vim/after/indent/plaintex.vim. In that file:
set autoindent&
set cindent&
set smartindent&
set indentexpr&
This will set all these values to their defaults whenever you open a .tex file.
There seem to be a little mix of terms in your question. In vim the term autoindent points to a special kind of indentation that simply follows the indent level of the previous line (which is quite handy sometimes). To remove it set noautoindent by hand, or write it in your _vimrc.
There are two other automatic kinds of indentation, cindent and smartindent. Similarly, if you wish to disable them go with set nocindent and set nosmartindent
If you look in help (help autoindent, ...) they are all quite nicely explained. Which one you prefer (or don't) is mostly determined by your programming style and habits. So, try them out and see which you like most.
Unfortunatelly, I don't use LaTeX that much anymore, so I'm not familiar with its internal filetype indentation rules.
For anyone else having a similar problem, a solution that worked for me was:
Use :verbose set indentexpr? to find what file was causing the de-indentation
Find where indentexpr is changed (for me it was setlocal indentexpr=GetTeXIndent())
Change that line to setlocal indentexpr& to turn indentexpr off
This removed all de-indenting from brackets, parentheses, and braces.
Remove the lines set autoindent and set smartindent to remove all vim autoindentation.
The following command finally stopped VIM from pretending it knows how to indent files for me and only do what I explicitly tell it:
:setl noai nocin nosi inde=
If you are using the vim-latex plugin, set this option:
let g:tex_indent_brace=0
For other plugins, if you don't want to turn off indentexpr as in the above answers, you can find where indentkeys is set and comment out those lines. This should stop triggering re-indent when you type a closing brace.
:verbose set indentkeys?

Vim: How to change text from within an indent script

I recently switched from Eclipse to Vim. I'm loving it. There are a few hangups I'm working on, but one of the ones I'm having lots of trouble with is the PHP doc comments. In eclipse I could type:
/** [enter]
and the next line would auto fill with
So I'd have:
* [comment goes here]
I'm wondering if there's anything like this for vim. It seems there are some plugins to autogenerate doc comments by running a command, but I'd love to have it do them as I'm typing.
I was playing around with the PHP indent script ( and I got it to recognize when it's inside of a doc comment block, but I can't figure out how to get it to actually change the text and add a " * " after hitting enter when inside the block.
I've tried what I've seen other plugins do:
let #z = ' * '
put! z
tried this too:
exe 'normal!' '"zgp'
but no luck. Is this not possible from an indent script, and if not, how do I actually get Vim to recognize a doc comment block and act accordingly while I'm typing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
No need to mess around with the indentation files. Vim's formatoptions will do this for you and in a variety of languages (not just PHP).
Ensure you have r included in your formatoptions:
:setlocal fo+=r "to set
:set fo? "to query
You can include this in your .vimrc or in .vim/ftplugin/php.vim (if you just want to activate this for PHP).
For more information on formatoptions and file-type plugins, see:
:help 'formatoptions'
:help fo-table
:help ftplugins
Would adding the below code to your vimrc do something similar to what you want?
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.php setlocal formatoptions+=r formatoptions+=o
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.php setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,:#
I currently can't quite figure out how to make it work without overriding the <!-- ---> commenting, which this does. I.e. this will break auto-indenting with <!-- --> comments.
Edit. Added ://,:# to comments as Johnsyweb's distribution does.
Try adding this to your vimrc:
let g:PHP_autoformatcomment=1
I'm on a Mac and it seems to be enabled by default. Functions exactly how you stated.
