JSF - Forcing use of JSESSIONID in url for iFrame without 3rd party cookie support - jsf

HI all! I am working on a JAVA/JSF app that runs within an iFrame. The client authenticates Outside of the iFrame, then redirects back to a page that contains the application inside of an iFrame. If the client has 3rd party cookies disabled, the iFrame will not be able to access the cookie, and it will never see the jsessionid.
What I would like to do is test for the cookie in the app, and if not found, redirect using JS to the current page, with ;jsessionid appended to the end. I tried that with
Which looked OK...but would never maintain the current session. I then added an
to the page, turned off cookies, viewed the page in a browser, and saw that the jsessionid listed on the form was different than the one provided by session.getId().
My question is this......how can I get the correct jsessionid, the one that would be part of the form?
Thanks! Mason
I should mention that this is on the same domain, webserver, and application. an and the #{session.getId()} on the same page will return a different jsessionid at the same time.

Sessions are by default domain- and context bound. Your issue indicates that the page which the iframe is serving runs at a different domain and/or context.
If the page in the iframe runs at a different domain, then you'll have to write a "local" servlet which acts as a proxy with help of java.net.URLConnection or Apache HttpClient and let the iframe link to that instead.
If the page in the iframe runs at same domain but at a different context (and runs at same webserver), then you need to configure the server to share the same session among all running webapps. How to do that exactly depends on the server in question. If it's Tomcat or a clone/fork, then check the emptySessionPath attribute of the HTTP connector.


Intercept and block web requests (including AJAX) to certain domains in an electron container

I have a public (not owned/controlled by me) web page that I am displaying in an electron window. I would like to prevent the web page in the container from connecting to certain domains.
I know there is a WebRequest class with events that I could catch and prevent default, but I'm not sure how I'd do that for every request including things like AJAX that the web page in electron may try to create.
Just for clarification, I do not want to simply prevent the container from opening domains on a specific page. I want to completely block that domain including AJAX requests

I want one particular page to not take https

I have this one page which has an iframe inside of which a survey page is embedded, unfortunately i'm getting "Your connection is not secure" error inside the iframe. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? By the way, the website is SSL certified, not the page i'm trying include inside the iframe. Also this is a php site not wordpress.
You are always going to have this problem when an HTTPS page references non secured content. You options are:
move the page hosting the iframe (and its associated content) outwith HTTPS. Although, in theory a HTTP page should be able to reference HTTPS hosted javascript, CSS and images without emitting warnings, this will probably vary by browser
move the survey page into HTTPS. I am guessing that you don't host this yourself - have you contacted the provider to ask if they can provide the service via HTTPS? Have you considered using a different provider?
proxy the HTTP survey page via your server - this would require some clever configuration on the webserver or terminating the SSL connection in front of a proxy operating in reverse mode for your service and rewriting/forwarding mode for the survey. Basically, if you don't control the infrastructure this is probably a non-starter.
re-implement the survey capability within your own site.
Bear in mind that as soon as your site is exposed outside of HTTPS it becomes vulnerable to more attacks.
.htaccess is not going to help - it overrides the behaviour within a vhost - the HTTP and HTTPS sites will operate in seperate vhosts.

What ways can you secure a web page so that it can ONLY be viewed from within an iFrame?

This thread was created back in 2008 Restricting IFRAME access in PHP
I am looking to do almost the exact same thing. i.e. I want to have sites which are publicly accessible as long as they are being viewed from a specific iFrame, from a specific app. The IFrame app will have user authentication giving them access to urls outside the core application. The urls are all likely to be built using Open Source PHP tools e.g. Wordpress.
Both the viewing iFrame and the viewed sites/pages will be owned by us.
Have there been any developments in last few years on ways to do this?
For various reasons not related to this particular issue, I am considering using the serverside RIA framework Vaadin (JAVA) for building the app that will contain the iFrame viewer.
The demo of the embed widget is here http://demo.vaadin.com/sampler#WebEmbed Looking at the page source I don't see anywhere that the address of the embedded webpage is displayed. So to some extent I wonder if I can hide my urls from search engines, give them very long, randomly generated URI's and maybe they will be impossible to find anyway?
You should be able to modify a framekiller to do the opposite. A framekiller is a piece of javascript to prevent clickjacking by detecting if the page has been loaded within an iframe.
Limiting the iframe to load within a specific page is more difficult. Looking at the referer is easy, but also easy to bypass. If you load the iframe from an https page the referer will be blank. A better way would be to require the server to obtain a Nonce and include this in the iframe url. Such as http://iframe_url?key=difhj8j84528423j423894hfdj897 or whatever. Having the server make a request to your server would be ideal. Doing it with client side code and jsonp to fetch the nonce is problematic because an attacker could deliver modified javascript to fetch the nonce.

HTTPS login not saving the JSESSIONID in a cookie [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
We recently changed our login to use HTTPS, and we are experiencing issues with the login.
After the login, the user is redirected to an unencrypted (HTTP) page. When it reaches this page, the site checks if the user is logged in. It creates a new session and it appears that the user is not logged in, and thus our user is redirected to the login page. If the user logs in again, it will work.
The cookies are not set as https-only, but it seems like they don't work on http pages.
Does anyone know why this might be happening.
I should have mentioned that the page that displays the login is on a different URL. (There is a login page from the machine running the tomcat instance, but the marketing site is on a wordpress install and uses a different domain).
I can't use the HTTP request first method to set the cookie, because the default Internet Explorer settings prevent the session cookie from being saved.
We have this problem with our app. We wanted a similar behavior of logging in via https, then redirecting to an http page.
The issue is that when Tomcat creates the session under https, it creates a secure cookie which can't be read in http. Note that this keeps getting filed as a bug in Tomcat and getting marked as "not a bug".
The solution we ended up is based on the message in this forum
Quoting from the forum thread: "One way to maintain the session in Tomcat, when the session cookie is getting created in SSL mode is to trick the browser by creating the non-secure cookie, when the secure cookie is getting created." This is accomplished via a filter that wraps the request and overrides request.getSession(). It's worked very well for us.
As a side note, redirecting from an https to http page will pop up a warning message in some versions of Internet Explorer "You are about to be redirected to a connection that is not secure." The only way we found to avoid this is to have the redirection be done with a meta refresh tag. Specifically, return a blank page from the original https request with a meta tag that refreshes to an http page. This avoids the warning message at the expense of making the code slightly more convoluted.
(I just noticed some of the advice here is a repeat of an earlier answer -- I apologize, but will post anyways since it is from direct experience).
Edit: I see in your comments you have two domains, which complicates the use of cookies. Can you use a proxy or web server such as Apache to present just one domain to the end users?
When using https tomcat establishes the jsessionid through a secure cookie, which cannot be transmitted through a non-secure connection. So when you fall back to http the session is lost.
The workaround (which I haven't done it myself) seems to be establishing the session through a http request before redirecting to https, and then setting a filter in the HttpRequestWrapper to plug into the nonsecure cookie.
I don't know much about this, but here are a couple of references:
If you've verified the secure-only flag is off, and that the first cookie is being dropped correctly - I would guess that that there may be a path issue which is preventing the cookie from being presented again.

How can I embed an html page into a jsp whilst avoiding repeated logins yet hosting the html separately to the web app?

I have a tomcat hosted web-app, in one of the jsp pages the webapp displays I am using an iframe to embed an html document.
I need to have the html pages separate to the web-app so that they can be altered without requiring a relaunch of the original web-app or access by editors to the web-app.
It is also essential that html pages are secure and not available directly in any way, i.e. only available within this web-app or by authenticating the user. I also want to avoid making the user login to both the web-app and the page in the iframe.
I am not sure how to approach this, I have an apache server, php, and of course tomcat at my disposal.
I can think of two approaches but am not sure how to implement either:
I pass through the authentication details from the jsp page and store all the usernames etc elsewhere for the .htaccess file to check against (not ideal as this means the upkeep of two username / password files)
I somehow enforce that these pages can only be accessed when they are being shown within this iframe i.e. use the web-app as an authenticator and hold the web pages to be only accessible via it.
Presently I can only think of a rather clunky, double log-in way, using .htaccess on an apache server which will require the user to enter a username and password again before viewing the documents.
Can anyone think of a more elegant solution?
Easiest approach would be to not serve the HTML pages by a public webserver, but just host them in some fixed path outside the public webcontent. Then you can create an servlet which gets an InputStream of the HTML file by FileInputStream and writes it to the OutputStream of the servlet response as obtained by HttpServletResponse#getOutputStream() the usual Java IO way.
Then, in your JSP just change the <iframe> src to point to that servlet instead, along with the desired HTML file as request parameter or pathinfo.
<iframe src="htmlservlet/file.html" />
This way you can control the authentication at one place, the JSP/Servlet webapp.
