Import Excel outline (drill-down) structured data - excel

Is it possible to import outlined data from Excel?
This is where Excel shows drill-down [+] [-].
Reading from ODBC doesn't give parent/child info; neither does exporting to CSV; export to HTML gives this info via mso-outline-level styles, but 2007 version puts actual content into subfolder and users will be VERY confused trying to select an appropriate file.

I ended up parsing .mht file exported from Excel, it has the required structure in form of tr tags and mso- attributes.

Excel 'Group and Outline' feature needs one column(or row) to know how to group rows, isn't it ?
Info about outline is stored in object. So neither ODBC nor CSV allow you to read it. You should use COM api in older versions of Excel or new C# api in latest to get access to those informations.


Automation - Replace Connection Properties on Excel

I'm currently working on maintaining some old (new format .xlsx) excels with more than 60+ connections each that feed some various tables from a SqlServer.
I'm in search of some kind of toolkit, module, standalone script (or anything really) that let me bulk change the command text inside each connection properties.
The change should be not harder than changing part of the table name as the new table only contains the information that the table needs.
So far, the only thing that gets near what I need are those python modules but they don't appear to implement anything for handling connections.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Importing QTP object repository to Excel

I use an excel-based automation framework where objects' names are parameterized into the excel sheet that drives test execution.
I need to import the QTP Object Repository to Excel/Spreadsheet in a simple readable format so that I can write a macro to fetch the objects' logical name alone into the excel sheet.
Is this possible? If so please explain.
(I understand that we have the option to import in XML format, but that is not helping much.)
You cannot export the Object Repository to Excel directly. You can only export it to XML. If you do not find the XML format useful, you will have to determine what is useful for you. You could take the XML file and convert it to different formats using XML Stylesheets (XSL). You could write a script that would parse the XML nodes for the test objects and just output the names. There are many options available once you have the data in a standard format like XML.
If you need more assistance, I suggest you post a sample of an Object Repository structure you want to export to Excel, and then post a sample of how you want that data presented in Excel.

Export memo data from Data Architect to Excel

I am using Data Architect and want to export data of a table with memo fields.
If I export to CSV, everything works fine.
When I export to Excel (2003), the memo content is truncated and formatted with funny squares which is typical of a unicode encoding/decoding problem.
Ex : original string : "ABCD"
When exported to Excel : "A_B_" where the underscore is a square
I have looked into the devzone newsgroup but have not found any reference to this issue.
As an alternative you could try to use some ODBC to Excel converter tool.
Writing a small program that exports data using ADS and OLE should be rather easy, too.
I'm an Advantage support rep and we saw your message from the site.
I confirmed the behavior you've seen and am reporting it as a possible bug. In the meantime we did add the ability to directly copy the table and paste it into excel (e.g. select all of the data and then right click > copy records - this method allowed me to paste into an excel table without issue). This feature is in ARC version 10.x.
Also, as noted you can also access the data using ODBC or OLE DB. You can download these drivers from under the "Product Download" section.
If you'd like further help or more detailed tracking of this you can open up a support ticket by calling 1-800-SYBASE5 (792.2735)

Convert IBM Lotus Notes file to text

How can I convert an .nsf lotus file to a text file? i want to write a java program to read .nsf file which is on my system. i have tried it simply but it is showing non english character is their any way to get access them normaly.
That code is in .net and using any server's session, I just want to read .nsf file by java without creating any server's session in fact i have .nsf database. i just want to read as a text file.if there a way to parse .nsf with javacc,it would be better enough......
lotus notes database is full of proprietary design components. Assuming you just want to export the data, you will need to write an agent, (aka batch process), that would look at all documents in the database and then export all the fields into a plain text file.
If you're into XML, you can export data in that format as well, but again, you will need to write an agent for that.
Alternatively, there are some basic builtin mechanisms in Lotus Notes to export data but this is restricted to running them from views. Views do no necessarily get all the documents. You can design a view to do that though.
Providing the size of the database is not extremely large, (less than 200k documents), you can create view listing all the columns you want to export and a view formula that has "Select #All", will give you all documents. Then, the "quickest" way to get data out from a view can be found here using simple export procedure.
There is still the issues of exporting rich media, you can have a look here for that.
You can export some data easily by selecting all the documents in a view, and then going to Edit > Copy Selected As Table. Then just paste the content into Excel or a text file.
To access the data beyond what is showing in a view, you can try a few other things:
Connect to the data using the NotesSQL driver
Connect via the COM api (using Java, C#, VB, etc)
Create some views in Lotus Notes that DO have the data you need, and use my recommendation above.
Install and and my Export to Excel application

SQLite data into Excel?

I wish to pull data from a large SQLite database into Excel. I'll want to do so quite interactively so don't want to export CSVs or anything like that. I have seen the sqliteodbc website on but does that work with Excel 2007?
What are the best options?
Actually I have gone through the file mentioned in the question and it works well, even in Excel 2007. Simply make sure to register your database using the ODBC option in the Windows control panel.
Excel recognizes XML and the format is something like this:-
<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:html=\"\">
<DocumentProperties xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\">
You might want to create a sample of the output you want in Excel, save it as XML data. Open your regular text edit, and voila... you got the XML skeleton.
Now programmatically converting SQLite to Excel, that's another thing. You didn't mention what language you're conversant with.
