Can I create an SQL database from Subsonic (reverse)? - subsonic

I had just lost my database and all the backups, I know it is pathetic at the first place but again .. bad things do happen :). Now I have a complete source code generated by SubSonic against my database. I was wondering is there a way I can recreate my database using Subsonic ??

No, SubSonic does not have a way to recreate the database from the generated SubSonic source. What you are asking is possible to do, but you'll have find another solution or write it yourself.

You can always make use of SubSonic Simple repository functions, it will not recreate your releationships, but should be able to effectivevly create your database based on your class files.
It might be some work though, cause you will have to mark your classess with a couple of attributes
Read more here:


full database table update

I currently have a REST endpoint with basic CRUD operations for a sqlite database.
But my application updates whole tables at a time (with a "save" button)
My current idea/solution is to query the data first, compare the data, and update only the "rows" that changed.
The solution is a bit complex because there are several different types of changes that can be done:
Add row
Remove row
Row content changed (similar to content moving up or down)
Is there a simpler solution?
The most simplest solution is a bit dirty. (Delete table, create table and add each row back)
The solution is a bit complex because there are several different types of changes that can be done:
Add row
Remove row
Row content changed (similar to content moving up or down)
Is there a simpler solution?
The simple answer is
Yes, you are correct.
That is exactly how you do it.
There is literally no easy way to do this.
Be aware that, for example, Firebase entirely exists to do this.
Firebase is worth billions, is far from perfect, and was created by the smartest minds around. It literally exists to do exactly what you ask.
Again there is literally no easy solution to what you ask!
Some general reading:
One of the handful of decent articles on this:
Secondly you will want to familiarize yourself with Firebase, since, a normal part of computing now is either using baas sync solutions (eg Firebase, usually some noSql solution), or indeed doing it by hand.
(I don't especially recommend Firebase, but you have to know how to use it in as much as you have to know how to do regex and you have to know how to write sql calls.)
Finally you can't make realistic iOS apps without Core Data,
By no means does core data solve the problem you describe, but, realistically you will use it while you solve the problem conceptually.
You may enjoy realm,
which again is - precisely - a solution to the problem you describe. (Which is basically the basic problem in typical modern app development.) As with FBase, even if you don't like it or decide not to go with it on a particular project, one needs to be familiar with it.

How to backup up a Sqlalchmey database?

I am trying to backup a database through sqlachemy and save it as a file. I tried using the extension, Flask-AlchemyDumps, but it appears to no longer be supported.
I musted be missing something obvious as this is surly an action a lot of developers want to do. Does anyone know how I should be backing up the database?
Thanks in advance
J Kirkman
SQLAlchemy is an ORM which sits between your code and the database. It's useful if you want to interact with specific rows and relationships without having to keep track of lots of ids and joins.
What you're looking for is a way to dump the entire contents of your DB to disk, presumably so you can restore it later/elsewhere. This is a bulk action, which is your first clue that an ORM may not be a suitable tool. (ORMs tend to be fast enough for small to medium operations, but slow and not ideal for actions which affect 10s of 1000s of rows at once.) And indeed, this isn't usually something you'd use an ORM for, it's a feature of your DB, presumably Postgres or MySQL. If you happen to be using Heroku, you can use their command line tool to do this.

Using Cassandra as a "schemaless NoSQL database"

I'm looking at using Cassandra for an enterprise web-site I'm working on, which could be used by up to 250 million users. Cassandra seems like an obvious choice because of the way it scales, although I was a little sad not to be able to use a schema-less database like Couch (for political reasons I won't go in to).
I've read that you can still use Cassandra like a schema-less database, using either a super-column or simply serializing objects in to normal columns. At the moment I'm using .NET for my front-end.
Are there any libraries out there already that help with using Cassandra in this way?
Has anyone done anything like this already using .NET? Any tips?
Any advice gratefully received!
Datomic is schemaless. Attributes are modeled and generic objects can be created, saved, queried with any combination of attributes.

Access MDB database. Linux: how to get a very odd pattern from the DB?

I'm in a VERY difficult problem.
I have a Microsoft Access Data Base, but it was made in the most chaotic way possible. The DB has like 150+ tables, Only uses like 50% of the tables. The relations are almost random. But, somehow, it delivers some information.
I need to get a particular component of the DB, but is so tangled that I can not manage to get into the table that creates that value. I revised every table, one by one, and found nothing.
I used mdbtools for Linux to try to inspect with more details the DB. But unfortunately has not been developed in years, and it closes every time. Maybe because the DB is "big" ? -700 mg-
I'm wondering: is there a way to see all the relations the arrives to the particular value I'm looking? Or to decompile the DB? I have no idea in which language it was made. I'm suspecting that it was made in Visual, just because is rather crappy.
Well, waiting for some help.
I would suggest using (still) MS Access for this. But, if relationships look messy on the diagram, you can query one of the system tables (MSysRelationships) directly to get ALL the relationships you need (e.g. for particular table etc.):
To unhide system tables in early versions of Access (97-2003), follow the instructions here:
For Access 2007, do the following:

Subsonic 3.0 LINQ Templates with Multiple Databases

I'm evaluating SubSonic 3.0 for use in our business as a replacement for our POCO objects. I'm new to SubSonic, literally installing it yesterday. I've gotten to the point where I can connect to one database using the 3.0 LINQ T4 Templates, and have been wooed by the promise of being able to connect to multiple databases in one application using SubSonic.
My issue is I can't find any documentation on how to use the T4 Templates with multiple databases (e.g. adding another connection string, setting up the Settings.ttinclude etc).
I've searched Google and Stackoverflow for an answer to see how this would be done or if its even possible. Any help would be appreciated.
So I seemed to be able to make it work by adding another connectionString to the web.config, and then adding a 2nd set of templates for that connectionString, it works, but it doesn't seem 'clean' or even really that DRY to me.
It also seems that I could do almost the same thing with the .NET Built in LINQ by adding multiple .dbml files.
Can anyone give me some reasoning at this point why we shouldn't just use the built in LINQ support over a 3rd party ORM like SubSonic?
Cross posting from the subsonic mailing list:
Oh yeah I do this all the time, the trick is two copies of the templates(easy) or editing the templates to iterate over two sets of tables(harder). In the second change the name of the connection string to reflect the other database. You might also want to change the namespace so that you don't have conflicts where table names are the same. It seems hacky but I don't think it is because it allows you to make changes to the templates for each database independently.
If you really want only one set of templates the easiest way to go about it is to edit (or your choice of database) and override how LoadTables works such that it will accept a list of connections rather than a single one. I have to say this is a pain and it is going to be much harder than having 2 copies of the files.
(In reply to your answer of your question)
Can anyone give me some reasoning at this point why I shouldn't just use the built in LINQ over a 3rd party ORM like SubSonic?
On immediate thought: SubSonic supports more than just Microsoft Sql Server.
