How to delete multiple buffers in Vim? - vim

Assuming I have multiple files opened as buffers in Vim. The files have *.cpp, *.h and some are *.xml. I want to close all the XML files with :bd *.xml. However, Vim does not allow this (E93: More than one match...).
Is there any way to do this?
P.S. I know that :bd file1 file2 file3 works. So can I somehow evaluate *.xml to file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml?

You can use <C-a> to complete all matches. So if you type :bd *.xml and then hit <C-a>, vim will complete the command to :bd file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml.

Will delete buffer range from 3 to 5 .

You also can use alternatively use:
:.,$-bd[elete] " to delete buffers from the current one to last but one
:%bd[elete] " to delete all buffers

You can use this.
:exe 'bd '. join(filter(map(copy(range(1, bufnr('$'))), 'bufname(v:val)'), 'v:val =~ "\.xml$"'), ' ')
It should be quite easy to add it to a command.
function! s:BDExt(ext)
let buffers = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val) && bufname(v:val) =~ "\.'.a:ext.'$"')
if empty(buffers) |throw "no *.".a:ext." buffer" | endif
exe 'bd '.join(buffers, ' ')
command! -nargs=1 BDExt :call s:BDExt(<f-args>)

Try the script below. The example is for "txt", change it as needed, e.g. to "xml".
Modified buffers are not deleted. Press \bd to delete the buffers.
map <Leader>bd :bufdo call <SID>DeleteBufferByExtension("txt")
function! <SID>DeleteBufferByExtension(strExt)
if (matchstr(bufname("%"), ".".a:strExt."$") == ".".a:strExt )
if (! &modified)
Same without :bufdo (as requested by Luc Hermitte, see comment below)
map <Leader>bd :call <SID>DeleteBufferByExtension("txt")
function! <SID>DeleteBufferByExtension(strExt)
let s:bufNr = bufnr("$")
while s:bufNr > 0
if buflisted(s:bufNr)
if (matchstr(bufname(s:bufNr), ".".a:strExt."$") == ".".a:strExt )
if getbufvar(s:bufNr, '&modified') == 0
execute "bd ".s:bufNr
let s:bufNr = s:bufNr-1

I too had a need for this functionality all the time. This is the solution I have in my vimrc.
function! GetBufferList()
return filter(range(1,bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
function! GetMatchingBuffers(pattern)
return filter(GetBufferList(), 'bufname(v:val) =~ a:pattern')
function! WipeMatchingBuffers(pattern)
let l:matchList = GetMatchingBuffers(a:pattern)
let l:count = len(l:matchList)
if l:count < 1
echo 'No buffers found matching pattern ' . a:pattern
if l:count == 1
let l:suffix = ''
let l:suffix = 's'
exec 'bw ' . join(l:matchList, ' ')
echo 'Wiped ' . l:count . ' buffer' . l:suffix . '.'
command! -nargs=1 BW call WipeMatchingBuffers('<args>')
Now, I can just do :BW regex (e.g. :BW \.cpp$ and wipe all matching buffers that have match that pattern in their pathname.
If you want to delete rather than wipe, you can of course replace exec 'bw ' . join(l:matchList, ' ') with exec 'bd ' . join(l:matchList, ' ')

TAB will only autocomplete one file for you as of Vim 7.4.282
use <c-a> to autocomplete all files.
You can just use:
bd filetype
then just use <c-a> to facilitate the completion of all open files of specified filetype.
for example, you have 1.xml, 2.xml, 3.xml, and 4.xml,
you can do:
bd xml
then press <c-a>
vim will autocomplete for you as follow:
bd 1.xml 2.xml 3.xml 4.xml
you can just press enter to complete the command.
if you have made changes in one of the files mentioned above, do remember to do:
bd! xml

Very simply: use the :bd[elete] command. For example, :bd[elete] buf#1 buf#5 buf#3 will delete the buffers 1, 3, and 5.


Vim language: send current word to CtrlP

I know how to use CtrlP. I type ctrl+p, then I start to write file name, ... and so on. But, ... I am very lazy developer. I want to directly send to CtrlP current word. I know how to get current word:
let l:currentWord = expand('<cword>')
In Vim Language, ... I How can I send l:currentWord to CtrlP?
map <F6> :call ComposerKnowWhereCurrentFileIs()<CR>
function! ComposerKnowWhereCurrentFileIs()
let l:currentWord = expand('<cword>')
let l:command = "grep " . l:currentWord . " ../path/to/composer -R | awk '{print $6}' | awk -F\\' '{print $2}'"
let l:commandFileFound = l:command . ' | wc -l'
let l:numberOfResults = system(l:commandFileFound)
if l:numberOfResults == 1
let l:fileName = system(l:command)
let l:openFileCommand = 'tabe /path/to/project' . l:fileName
exec l:openFileCommand
echo "Too many files :-( - use CtrlP ;-) "
See :h ctrlp-mappings. You may map this combination:
map <F6> <C-P><C-\>w
In a function:
exe "normal \<C-P>" . expand('<cword>')
The whole point of CtrlP and similar plugins is to provide an alternative command-line where you can refine your search as you type.
If you don't need fuzzy search and you already have the filename under the cursor… why not simply use the built-in gf?
-- edit --
In the gif below:
I jump to /path/not/knowable/BlaBlaClassName.php with gf,
I jump back to the previous buffer with <C-^> (unrelated to your question),
I jump to the declaration of BlaBlaClassName in /path/not/knowable/BlaBlaClassName.php again with <C-]> thanks to a tagsfile generated with ctags.
function! LazyP()
let g:ctrlp_default_input = expand('<cword>')
let g:ctrlp_default_input = ''
command! LazyP call LazyP()
nnoremap <C-P> :LazyP<CR>
(this could probably be simplified but I suck at vim syntax)
For that, you wouldn't use the <C-P> mapping, but the :CtrlP command, as that one takes parameters.
To build a mapping that passes the current word to the command, there are two approaches. Either directly insert the current word into the command-line (via :help c_CTRL-R_CTRL-W):
:nnoremap <Leader>p :CtrlP <C-r><C-p><CR>
Or, in order to use expand(), build the Ex command via :execute:
:nnoremap <Leader>p :execute 'CtrlP' expand('<cword>')<CR>

vim: jump to buffer that contains /string/

I normally have quite a few buffers opened, which I navigate using combination of Bufexplorer and FuzzyFinder. Finding the right buffer still involves going through file names. But often, it could be much easier to say something like 'jump to buffer that contains "wip"'. Anyone knows how?
I am using a small function I put inside my .vimrc:
function! s:GrepOpenBuffers(search, jump)
call setqflist([])
let cur = getpos('.')
silent! exe 'bufdo vimgrepadd /' . a:search . '/ %'
let matches = len(getqflist())
if a:jump && matches > 0
sil! cfirst
call setpos('.', cur)
echo 'BufGrep:' ((matches) ? matches : 'No') 'matches found'
com! -nargs=1 -bang BufGrep call <SID>GrepOpenBuffers('<args>', <bang>0)
You could use something like the above to grep for a search term in all opened buffers.
Check out buffer grep:

Vim - Visual Block : Delete rather than insert

I often use visual block then inserting on multiple lines when for example commenting out a lot of code. This is great for inserting text in the same position on multiple lines but I can't figure out how to delete this text later using visual block mode, Backspace, Del and d all don't work. I am using MacVim.
You're looking for x:
Then visual-block-select, x:
I use this frequently, for exactly the same reason -- commenting and uncommenting large blocks of code.
This isn't directly answering the question (sarnold has already done so), but I would suggest there are more efficient ways of (un-)commenting code blocks. I have a CommentToggle function which either comments or uncomments the current line, depending on whether or not it begins with the "comchar".
function! CommentToggle(comchar)
let firstchar = matchstr(getline("."),"[^ ]")
if firstchar == a:comchar
sil exe 'normal ^xx'
sil exe 'normal ^i' . a:comchar . ' '
So, for perl files you can map:
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :call CommentToggle('#')<CR>
and pressing 3 \ c (un-)comments three lines from the cursor position.
You can also write a visual-mode mapping:
vnoremap <silent> <leader>c :call CommentToggle('#')<CR>
allowing you to select a visual region and press \c to (un-)comment them all.
This particular function only works for one-character comments ("#", "%", etc.), but it is straightforward to extend it to longer strings (e.g. "//"), and even more complex replacements, such as HTML comments.
Hope this helps.
Prince Goulash's answer doesn't work in lines with leading tabs.
I changed it, adding the tab character to the pattern, although lines lose their indent after comment and uncomment.
function! CommentToggle( comchar )
let firstchar = matchstr( getline( "." ), "[^ \t]" )
if firstchar == a:comchar
sil exe 'normal ^2x'
sil exe 'normal ^i' . a:comchar . ' '
I like more adding the comment char to first position in line, this modification to Prince Goulash's function does the trick:
function! CommentToggle( comchar )
let firstchar = matchstr( getline( "." ), "[^ \t]" )
if firstchar == a:comchar
sil exe 'normal ^2x'
sil exe 'normal gI' . a:comchar . ' '

Configure Vim to insert text for Lines of Code

I'm using Vim for all program editing and I have a standard header I use at the top of all my source code files. I have a .vimrc file set up to update certain fields in this header (like Last Modified) when I save any changes using :w
My question is, how do I put in a function to count lines of code, following the basic rule that only non-blank lines are counted?
I know within an open vim buffer, I can use
to count all lines, and
to count blank lines (basically count how many times two newlines appear in a row, indicating a blank line). But how do I put this in my .vimrc file?
Here's the code fragment from my .vimrc that updates the header fields:
function! LastModified()
if &modified
let save_cursor = getpos(".")
let n = min([20, line("$")])
keepjumps exe '1,' . n . 's#^\(.\{,10}Last Modified:\).*#\1' .
\ strftime(' %a %b %d, %Y %I:%M%p') . '#e'
keepjumps exe '1,' . n . 's#^\(.\{,10}Filename:\).*#\1' .
\ ' ' . #% . '#e'
keepjumps exe '1,' . n . 's#^\(.\{,10}LOC:\).*#\1' .
\ ' ' . '' . '#e'
call histdel('search', -1)
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
Also, I would just like to add, I know there are numerous other ways to do this (like using wc --lines from the shell) but I'm interested in learning how to really configure my editor (so call it a learning exercise).
You actually should not want to use :s here:
function! CountNonEmpty()
return len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), '!empty(v:val)'))
By the way, I would have used getline+map+setline to implement your header updater:
function! LastModified()
if &modified
" If number of buffer lines is < 20, then getline(1, 20)"
" will return only existing lines without any errors "
call setline(1, map(getline(1, 20), 'substitute(substitute(substitute(v:val, '.
\'"^\\v(.{,10}Last Modified:).*", "\\1 ".strftime("%s %b %d, %Y %I:%M%p"), ""),'.
\'"^\\v(.{,10}Filename:).*", "\\1 ".escape(#%, "&\\~"), ""),'.
\'"^\\v(.{,10}LOC:).*", "\\1 ", "")'))
This might help:
function! CountNonEmpty()
redir => g:nonblank
silent %s/^.\+$/&/n
redir END
return substitute(g:nonblank, '\n\s*\(\d\+\)\D.*$', '\1', '')
:redir => Stores the output of the following ex commands into the given variable. See :help :redir

How do you exit vimdiff mode in vim, specifically, for Fugitive?

I am using vim with the fugitive extension. It has a :Gdiff command which brings you into vimdiff mode, but what is the right/quick way to close/quit vimdiff mode?
I.e., let's say I am editing the file FooBar.txt under Git repository. I fire up :Gdiff, review my changes in vimdiff, and then I want to get back and continue editing FooBar.txt or any other file :)
UPDATE1: I'm going to give these quick combos a try next working day :)
"vimdiff current vs git head (fugitive extension)
nnoremap <Leader>gd :Gdiff<cr>
"switch back to current file and closes fugitive buffer
nnoremap <Leader>gD :diffoff!<cr><c-w>h:bd<cr>
UPDATE2: My current mappings (closes diff window only!)
"vimdiff current vs git head (fugitive extension)
nnoremap <Leader>gd :Gdiff<cr>
"switch back to current file and closes fugitive buffer
nnoremap <Leader>gD <c-w>h<c-w>c
Also, please help me decide if the following should be an anwser:
You can execute windo set nodiff noscrollbind and then close the second window.
Update: there is a diffoff command. Use windo diffoff, not what I wrote in previous line.
According to:
Close the other window. The easiest way to do this if you haven't shifted focus to it is <C-W><C-O>, which means "make this Window the Only window."
I had no luck with diffoff, but I just learned that :Gedit with no argument will bring you back to the working-directory version of the file, as opposed to some earlier version you were reviewing.
And as q (no need for :q) will close the diff sidebar, you can do q followed by :Gedit to get rid of the sidebar and then go back to the current version of the file.
None of the above solutions worked for me. Ended up doing this instead:
nnoremap <Leader>D :Gedit<CR><C-w>h :q<CR><C-w>k
This works fine for me, combining some of the existing ideas here:
function! MyCloseDiff()
if (&diff == 0 || getbufvar('#', '&diff') == 0)
\ && (bufname('%') !~ '^fugitive:' && bufname('#') !~ '^fugitive:')
echom "Not in diff view."
" close current buffer if alternate is not fugitive but current one is
if bufname('#') !~ '^fugitive:' && bufname('%') =~ '^fugitive:'
if bufwinnr("#") == -1
b #
bd #
bd #
nnoremap <Leader>gD :call MyCloseDiff()<cr>
An alternative to <C-W><C-O>, if you have multiple windows, would be move to the other diff window and do <C-W>c, which close only one window.
If you close the wrong diff window do a :Gedit
Be careful and don't confuse <C-W>c with <C-W><C-C>
I've found a simple solution for this. You can check it here:
" Simple way to turn off Gdiff splitscreen
" works only when diff buffer is focused
if !exists(":Gdiffoff")
command Gdiffoff diffoff | q | Gedit
Check the vimdiff toggling between diffthis and diffoff here
at this page.
The code:
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>df :call DiffToggle()<CR>
function! DiffToggle()
if &diff
Method 1:
open a compare by:
:windo diffthis
close it by:
:windo diffoff
Method 2:
I recommend just using the most simple command: :q<CR>
when you want to do it quickly, add the mapping:
" Set mapleader
let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","
" Quickly close the current window
nnoremap <leader>q :q<CR>
It works well for me. Exit vimdiff just by ,q, because normally your cursor in the old file.
this is what I have to leave the vimdiff windows after using :Gdiff
nnoremap gD :q!<CR> :Gedit!<CR>
noremap <leader>do :diffoff \| windo if &diff \| hide \| endif<cr>
Quite diff mode and close other diff windows. (Note: fugitive will auto delete its hidden buffers.)
My function will work both from diff window and file window. But probably won't handle itself with multiple diffs opened. For that you'll need to use fugitive#buffer(n).path() to scan and match.
command! Gdiffoff call Gdiffoff()
function! Gdiffoff()
let diffbufnr = bufnr('^fugitive:')
if diffbufnr > -1 && &diff
diffoff | q
if bufnr('%') == diffbufnr | Gedit | endif
setlocal nocursorbind
echo 'Error: Not in diff or file'
Add a key binding:
nnoremap <silent> <leader>gD :Gdiffoff<CR>
Yet another way. What I have in fugitive.vim - first save some info (s:gitbufname) when diff starts:
function! s:Diff(vert,...) abort
call sy#toggle()
let s:startcol = winwidth(0)
let &columns=(winwidth(0) * 2 - 20)
if getwinvar('#', '&diff')
let s:gitbufname = bufname("%")
wincmd p
call feedkeys(winnr."\<C-W>w", 'n')
and later when leaving the buffer switch window to the saved buffer and restore:
augroup fugitive_diff
autocmd BufWinLeave *
\ if s:can_diffoff(+expand('<abuf>')) && s:diff_window_count() == 2 |
\ if exists('s:gitbufname') && winnr() != bufwinnr(s:gitbufname) |
\ let nr = bufnr("%") | exe bufwinnr(s:gitbufname).'wincmd w' | exe 'buf'.nr |
\ endif |
\ call s:diffoff_all(getbufvar(+expand('<abuf>'), 'git_dir')) |
\ call sy#toggle() |
\ call airline#load_theme() | call airline#update_statusline() |
\ let &columns=s:startcol |
\ endif
Was using the code below based on :
if !exists(":Gdiffoff")
command Gdiffoff bw! fugitive://*
but it gave me an error "E93: more than one match for ..." in a 3 way diff, so i instead used the answer from and finally have this:
function! GetBufferList()
return filter(range(1,bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
function! GetMatchingBuffers(pattern)
return filter(GetBufferList(), 'bufname(v:val) =~ a:pattern')
function! WipeMatchingBuffers(pattern)
let l:matchList = GetMatchingBuffers(a:pattern)
let l:count = len(l:matchList)
if l:count < 1
echo 'No buffers found matching pattern ' . a:pattern
if l:count == 1
let l:suffix = ''
let l:suffix = 's'
exec 'bw ' . join(l:matchList, ' ')
echo 'Wiped ' . l:count . ' buffer' . l:suffix . '.'
command! -nargs=1 Gdiffoff call WipeMatchingBuffers('fugitive://')
I just tweaked, copied and pasted the code into my .vimrc
Running :Gwrite after merging to your satisfaction will close the other two diff panes in addition to updating the git cache to mark the file as merged.
