Migration of 32 bit OS Vc++ application to 64 bit OS Vc++ application - visual-c++

i have an Vc++ application developed in VC6 . currently it supports 32 bit Operation systems.
My requirement to covert this application to support 64 bit Operating systems (like windows7 , Windoes 2008 server and etc..).
what are easiest way / steps / procedure to migrate such of application?

In practice, if you use every data type as it should, there shouldn't be a problem.
Typical errors that are made, are:
using [unsigned] long instead of size_t when referring to sizes
subtracting pointers and assigning the result to a long (should be ptrdiff_t or something like this)
converting pointers to long or long to pointers
The page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384198%28v=VS.85%29.aspx on Microsoft's MSDN site gives a list of important things to think about when going to 64-bit.
Hope this helps.


Visual C++ express 10 using too much memory

I use process explorer (which is a microsoft tool) on windows XP, and often the "physical memory" is being filled at max (3GB) while I use visual C++. At a point, all my programs are slow and are unresponsive, and when it returns to normal, available memory comes back by nearly half ! What is wrong ?
I'm programming some project with Ogre3D, maybe I can deactivate some options in visual, what exactly is it caching that eats that much memory ?
Apparently MSVC is designed to work on big machines, there are many settings in text editor -> C++ to remove some weight, but my guess is that windows xp + recent microsoft apps don't play nice.

What is the current status of GHC on 64 bit Windows?

My current understanding is
No 64-bit GHC, ticket #1884
The 32-bit GHC and the binaries it builds work just fine because the Windows OS loader converts OS calls and pointers to 64 bits. The same applies to DLLs
No mixing 32 bit and 64 bit code (ie. your 32 bit Haskell DLL isn't going to be friends with the 64 bit program that wants to use it)
Latest discussion is a thread started on May 2011
Is this correct? Are there any pitfalls to watch out for, particularly as an FFI user? For example, if I were to export some Haskell code as a 32 bit DLL to some Windows program, should I expect it to work?
Edit: looks like you'd need a 64 bit DLL to go with a 64 bit process
I don't know if anyone's actively working on a 64-bit codegen right now, but 32-bit haskell will work just fine as long as you're only talking to 32-bit FFI libraries (and/or being embedded in 32-bit host programs). If you want to interact with 64-bit programs, you will need to use some form of IPC, as 32-bit and 64-bit code cannot coexist in one process.
64-bit windows is supported now. There is binary a distribution of 64-bit GHC.
No 64-bit Haskell Platform yet though.

Linking 32-bit library to 64-bit program

I have a 32-bit .so binary-only library and I have to generate 64-bit program that uses it.
Is there a way to wrap or convert it, so it can be used with 64-bit program?
No. You can't directly link to 32bit code inside of a 64bit program.
The best option is to compile a 32bit (standalone) program that can run on your 64bit platform (using ia32), and then use a form of inter-process communication to communicate to it from your 64bit program.
For an example of using IPC to run 32-bit plugins from 64-bit code, look at the open source NSPluginWrapper.
It is possible, but not without some serious magic behind the scenes and you will not like the answer. Either emulate a 32 bit CPU (no I am not kidding) or switch the main process back to 32 bit. Emulating may be slow though.
This is a proof of concept of the technique.
Then keep a table of every memory access to and from the 32 bit library and keep them in sync. It is very hard to get to a theoretical completeness, but something workable should be pretty easy, but very tedious.
In most cases, I believe two processes and then IPC between the two may actually be easiest, as suggested othwerwise.

64-bit linux, Assembly Language, Issues?

I'm currently in the process of learning assembly language.
I'm using Gas on Linux Mint (32-bit). Using this book:
Programming from the Ground Up.
The machine I'm using has an AMD Turion 64 bit processor, but I'm limited to 2 GB of RAM.
I'm thinking of upgrading my Linux installation to the 64-bit version of Linux Mint, but I'm worried that because the book is targeted at 32-bit x86 architecture that the code examples won't work.
So two questions:
Is there likely to be any problems with the code samples?
Has anyone here noticed any benefits in general in using 64-bit Linux over 32-bit (I've seen some threads on Stack Overflow about this but they are mostly related to Windows Vista vs. Windows XP.)
Your code examples should all still work. 64-bit processors and operating systems can still run 32-bit code in a sort of "compatability mode". Your assembly examples are no different. You may have to provide an extra line of assembly or two (such as .BITS 32) but that's all.
In general, using a 64-bit OS will be faster than using a 32-bit OS. x86_64 has more registers than i386. Since you're working on assembly, you already know what registers are used for... Having more of them means less stuff has to be moved on and off the stack (and other temporary memory) thus your program spends less time managing data and more time working on that data.
Edit: To compile 32-bit code on 64-bit linux using gas, you just use the commandline argument "--32", as noted in the GAS manual
Even if you run Linux 64bit, it is possible to compile and run 32bit binaries on it. I don't know how good Mint's support for that is, I assume you should check.
64bit assembler however is not fully compatible to 32bit, for example you have different (more) registers. There are some specific instructions not available on either platform.
I would say the move to 64bit is not a big deal. You can still write 32bit assembly and then perhaps try to get it also running as 64bit (shouldn't be too hard), as a source of even more programming/learning fun.
Usually 32-bits is plenty so only use 64-bits or more if you really NEED IT.
Best to decide prior to programming if you want to do it as a 32-bit app or
a 64-bit app and then stick to it as mixed mode debugging ca get tricky fast.

What are the guidelines for porting a 32-bit program to a 64-bit version

What are the guidelines for porting a 32-bit program to a 64-bit version?
Apart from the obvious issues with calling 32-bit libraries:
Don't assume a pointer is the same size as an integer.
Don't assume subtracting one pointer from another yields a value that fits in an integer.
See also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384190(VS.85).aspx
Don't use hard coded registry/file system paths as some are different on a 64-Bit machine. For example, 32 bit apps get installed in 'Program Files (x86)'.
If you are developing in Windows using .NET, make sure you are using the System or Microsoft.Win32 libraries to access resources.
