programmatically access sharepoint lists using impersonation - sharepoint

I building a console app that runs under a normal user account to access sharepoint lists programmatically. In order to access Sharepoint objects the console application impersonates the user under the context of which the Sharepoint is running. The impersonation is successful but when I try to access any share point SPWeb objects the following error is given as follows
spWeb.ID = 'spWeb.ID' threw an exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException'
base {System.Data.Common.DbException} = {"Cannot open database \"WSS_Content_92\" requested by the login. The login failed.\r\nLogin failed for user 'DOM\USER'."}
Doesnt the imepersonation should have allowed to access to the underlying database and also do i need to explicitly grant access to the current user to give access to sharepoint lists etc.
Thanks in advance

In a console or windows app when accessing the object model - when you are impersonating the user then the database connection will be made under the users account credentials - so in effect you will have to give each of your users fairly high level permissions to access the database (or better make them a member of a group that has these permissions).
This is different to the web app where the account used is the AppDomain account of the IIS site.
However - this is a very non-standard setup and is fraught with security risks - do you really want to give your users permission to access that database directly?
Instead can I suggest that you look again at your design - what are you trying to achieve?

Running the console application in the context of the same user as the application pool did the trick. So the solution would be to use the runas command.


Mail.ReadBasic equivalent Application scope

I'm trying to access email metadata via Microsoft Graph without access to the content of the emails. From the documentation, I've noticed there is a Mail.ReadBasic permission that might help but this permission only appears as a Delegated scope. My service is a backend task so I need an Application scope.
I would really appreciate some help with these issues:
Is there a way to enable this Mail.ReadBasic permission as an Application permission?
Can I create custom permission for the application?
Can I use Mail.Read and enforce selection of fields to reduce it into Mail.ReadBasic Permission (otherwise requests will be blocked)
Is there any other way to get only the email metadata from the Microsoft Graph (webhooks, access via audit logs, etc)?
1) I am actually the Program Manager in the process of getting this rolled out into Microsoft Graph right now. We are currently deploying this internally to our pre prod env. It is in the deployment process and should be there in all tenants within the next two months.
2 & 3) You cannot create your own custom permissions or reduce fields with Mail.Read.
4) Mail.ReadBasic will get you the email metadata (not body or attachments) with on behalf of flows right now. And soon app-only.

IBM Lotus java XPage rest service - does it require signing for each user?

I have made a Java ExtLib XPage custom REST service (CustomServiceBean) database basing on this solution:
I modified it though to use NotesCalendar class to create, update and delete events & resource reservations (so everything in fact is processed by the calendar, I'm only using raw documents for reading $Rooms in names.nsf and $Reservations in the reservations database). Everything works fine so far, it uses current session to open the calendar. I have some concerns regarding the permissions though.
What I want (and need):
Ability to create calendar events & reservations as SPECIFIC users, I don't want just one "main" user that will create everything. I want each IBM Lotus user to be able to login with their credentials and create or update their calendar events.
This database with XPage will be deployed on our client's servers, so I don't want to require some special configuring for each user in order to be able to access my REST service.
I set up a new local installation of Lotus Server and created a new application using my XPage database as template, and I couldn't access the API neither with admin account or other accounts:
HTTP JVM: CLFAD0229E: Security exception occurred servicing request for: /db.nsf/services.xsp/api - HTTP Code: 403. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml
As soon as I added my admin account to Server configuration -> Security -> Sign or run unrestricted methods and operations, it started working again. Not only for the admin account, but also for other accounts that were just created with an internet password and weren't assigned any specific roles or permissions. I didn't even sign the database.
So my question is, is this enough in order to get it working on client's production server? It kind of makes no sense to me, but it worked on my local server so I'm not sure, I'm new to IBM Lotus and I'm just doing an integration REST service.
If not, how could I do it, so I wouldn't really need to put the end client (Lotus server owner) into the hassle of configuring each user, while still being able to access the API as any Lotus user (providing the username and password)? I can either log-in as each indepentend user, or perform some impersonation with a "main" privileged account (create entries in someone else's calendar as him), although I think there is no way to do it in Java, because .getCalendar is a method of the Session class, I tried using createSession(), but I wasn't able to.
Every notes application needs to be signed by an administrator with an ID known to the customers environment. The Id which is used to sign the db must have the appropriate rights, through the security tab in the server document. If the app is not signed properly, the app won't run. Once the app is signed, it runs in the authorized users session with the users rights.

Oracle ADF Authorization and role-based pages

I would like to create an adf application , this web application will have different user roles like manager,normal user and admin .
First, I want to check users when they try to login into system by getting users info from database. I mean authorization should be provided by adf security from database Users table
Then according to this user's roles, specific web pages should be shown to logged users. Users should see only pages that its responsible pages.
I dont know how to do it, I need your guidance
Users and roles are Weblogic's concern (presuming you are using Weblogic), you may find a great example on how to load users and roles from the database here:
For enabling security in an ADF application, I presume you have found already enough info, but just in case:

Sitecore website: show/hide menu items based on logged in user role

I'm building a sitecore 7.2 using MVC 5.0. The site will have login and each user will be roles.
We need to show/hide the site menu items based on logged in user Roles. The user detail and roles are stored in SAP backend.
Could someone please advise what's the best way to achieve above?
Essentially you will want to map the roles stored in your backend system to Sitecore Roles. Potentially look into creating a custom Role Provider (see in document below)
Once logged in, requests are made to Sitecore are made in context of that logged in user. Therefore if the user, or their role, does not have permission to view an Item, it will not be returned in the request. This effect means that your Menu will not display items they do not have permission to access.
You and Content Editors can control what users and roles can access via the Security Editor and view their access rights via the Access Viewer in the Content Editor.
This documents will have everything you need -
Its also worth noting that Sitecore's seucirty manages roles as Ors. So if one of the user's role has permission to see an Item, then the user can see it.
If you require the roles to be Ands; every role must have permission before its displayed to the user, check this post out -
You need the roles for the current user from SAP? There is an Odata API for that:
You could query the API in real-time, but it would of course require a login to SAP for the current user.
Or - you could use another API and connect via a service user.

Sharepoint - Permissions?

Im trying to run a command on the AddUserToGroup method via webservices (UserGroup.asmx).
I set up the code as follows.
//set up the user group
userGroup = new UserGroup.UserGroup();
userGroup.Url = vtiBin + "/UserGroup.asmx";
userGroup.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
So I have my credentials being passed to the webserive. Now I run the following
userGroup.AddUserToGroup("System Group", preferedName, userLogin, email, "");
this throws an exception, my account does not have permission. however if I run this code under a different user with GOD access it works
What is the minimum required permission??
I have given my account
Full Access to the User Information List (on the sharepoint site)
Manage Analytics, Manage Audiences, Manage User Profiles, Personal Features, Personal Site, Set Permissions (sharedServices Admin, Personalization services permissions )
Couldn't this also have more to do with the permission to manage the group rather than permission to use the web service? I know I've run into similar situations via the UI before, and it turned out that I didn't have permissions to edit the group's membership. I believe there are a few situations in which you have permission to edit a group's membership:
You are the creator of the group
The creator of the group (or a site collection administrator) designated you as an owner of the group
The group was configured to allow all group members to edit its membership, and you are a member of the group
You are a site collection administrator
Is it possible that none of those conditions fit for you?
There is a permission in SharePoint to allow for web service calls. It's called "Use Remote Interfaces". Your user should have this permission to make changes via web services.
