Magento - get filterable attributes by category - attributes

I have created a custom navigation module specifically for a website, but I really want to be able to list filterable attributes by a specific category. So for instance my main navigation is:
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3 etc.
I then that when a user mouses over a category, they are then presented with an expanded menu with a few filterable options e.g.:
Category 1
View by manufacturer:
Manufacturer 1
Manufacturer 2
Manufacturer 3 etc.
I am able to get all filterable attributes for the store, but I want this list to pull in only the filterable attributes per category, as for instance Category 1 may have different manufacturers to Category 2. I then need to cache these results as this will not change often.

The answer that Joe gave was a good starting point, but the attributes didn't returned any options yet. After a lot of frustrations I solved the problem with the following code. Hope it helps all of you out.
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
foreach($categories as $categoryid) {
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if ($attribute->getAttributeCode() == 'price') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_price';
} elseif ($attribute->getBackendType() == 'decimal') {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_decimal';
} else {
$filterBlockName = 'catalog/layer_filter_attribute';
$result = $this->getLayout()->createBlock($filterBlockName)->setLayer($layer)->setAttributeModel($attribute)->init();
foreach($result->getItems() as $option) {
echo $option->getLabel().'<br/>';
echo $option->getValue();
The only thing you'll need to do yourself is create the correct link using the getValue() functions.
This code has been tested in Magento 1.5

Magento uses the model Catalog_Model_Layer to accomplish this, so I'm guessing this may be your best bet. Caveat emptor, I have not tested this code yet:
$layer = Mage::getModel("catalog/layer");
foreach($categories as $categoryid) {
$category = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($categoryid);
$attributes = $layer->getFilterableAttributes();
// do something with your attributes
Each iteration here will give you an object of the class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Attribute_Collection, which you should be able to iterate over in a foreach loop to get your desired output.
For caching, try enabling block caching on your site and give the block a cache tag like the following. Magento will cache the HTML output and all will be right with the world:
protected function _construct() {
'cache_lifetime' => 3600,
'cache_tags' => array(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::CACHE_TAG),
'cache_key' => $someUniqueIdentifierYouCreate,
The cache will only be valid for the key you pass, so make sure that, if the menu is to change (w/o flushing the cache, for instance), that the cache key is different.
Hope that helps!


What is the proper way to add a Field to a custom Part in code?

There are several similar questions that sort of deal with this issue like this one or this one offering a pretty hacky solution. None of the ones out there have a clear satisfactory answer, or an answer at all, or are asking quite the same thing to begin with.
public class MyPartRecord : ContentPartRecord
public virtual Boolean Property1 { get; set; }
public virtual string Property2 { get; set; }
public class MyPart : ContentPart<MyPartRecord>
public Boolean Property1
get { return Record.Property1; }
set { Record.Property1 = value; }
public string...
Migration (generated by codegen)
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("MyPartRecord", table => table
.Column("Property1", DbType.Boolean)
.Column("Property2", DbType.String)
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("MyPart", part => part
Editor template
#model Project.Module.Models.MyPart
<!-- Property1 -->
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Property1)
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.Property1)
This is all taken from the official documentation on writing Content Parts and works fine. However, I want my custom Part to also have a MediaLibraryPickerField. Adding one through a migration is easy enough:
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("MyPart", part => part
.WithField("Image", field => field
.WithSetting("MediaLibraryFieldSettings.Required", "False")
But there are several problems I bump into using this approach.
1) I can't render the field in my template, only use placement to have it show up somewhere above or below the rest of the template, so I can't group it with the properties that it belongs to.
2) Since it's attached to MyPart and not the ContentPart of the Type that MyPart gets attached to, admins can't adjust its settings through the GUI, only remove it (is this a bug or a feature that has yet to be implemented?).
3) I'm unsure how to access the MediaLibraryField in code, since ContentItem.MyPart returns a MyPart object now, so ContentItem.MyPart.Image.FirstMediaUrl no longer works.
How do I get around these issues? Am I missing something obvious here? Is there perhaps a way to add Media as a property to my model instead of using a Field and still have Orchard persist it? I would really like to avoid modifying my HTML and copying code from the official implementation to my custom views.
1) Use and alternates to customize where you want to render the field
2) You should be able to adjust the settings in Dashboard -> Content Definition -> YourContentType -> Parts -> under the MyPart settings.
You could also attach the field to the type instead (note: it isn't really attached to the type, but to the part with the same name as the type):
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("MyType", part => part
.WithField("Image", field => field
.WithSetting("MediaLibraryFieldSettings.Required", "False")
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("MyType", type => type
3) You can either use the dynamic notation, or search the field:
// cast to dynamic
var url = ((dynamic)ContentItem).MyPart.Image.FirstMediaUrl
// or search for the field
var field = ContentItem.MyPart.Fields.OfType<MediaLibraryPickerField>().Single(f => f.Name == "Image");
// or ContentItem.MyPart.Fields.Single(f => f.Name == "Image") as MediaLibraryPickerField;
var url = field.FirstMediaUrl;

Switch vs if else

I use if else for custom menus in Wordpress, to load various location menus based on parent page. The agency I work for is adding countless amounts of cities, and it's getting out of hand. One thing I am trying to do, is come up with a more efficient way to check the items, someone suggested switch, and I just wanted to throw this out there and see what you all think. These are not complete codes, and I know the menus are bad UX, and all that, it's not my call. I just want some input on performance differences. thanks.
Here is an example of switch code:
function is_subpage() {
global $post; // load details about this page
if ( is_page() && $post->post_parent ) { // test to see if the page has a parent
return $post->post_parent; // return the ID of the parent post
} else { // there is no parent so ...
return false; // ... the answer to the question is false
$selectedMenu = "primary";
$my_page_id = is_subpage();
$my_page_id = get_the_ID();
switch ($my_page_id) {
$selectedMenu = 'columbus';
$selectedMenu = 'cumming';
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'main-menu',
'menu' => $selectedMenu,
'menu_class' => 'clearfix'
and here is an example of if else code:
if(is_page( '28' ) || '28' == $post->post_parent) { $locationMenu = 'louisville'; }
'menu' => $locationMenu,
Don't second guess or assume anything about the efficiency of an interpreter or compiler. if else might be better at one scenario and switch at another.
The problem with your code is readability and maintainability and not performance. It is hard to be specific without knowing all details about your needs, but it seems like what you need is to have at each post a custom field which indicates the menu associated with that post, and then the admin can configure them and you will have some more coffee time ;)
This is actually a worse solution in terms of performance, but if you really need the site to be fast then you are going to use a caching plugin which will make the whole php related performance discussion just a waste of time.
From a PHP perspective...
In lieu of having the page id to location table in a database, you could include a structure like this on pages you need it:
$idToLocation = array(
"489" => "columbus",
"6583" => "cumming"
// et cetera
Then to get the location:
$id = "489"; // for example
if (!array_key_exists($id, $idToLocation)) {
echo "location for id not found";
$location = $idToLocation[$id];

in a civicrm webform, create multiple 'groups' fields

In CiviCRM webform, you can 'enable tag and groups'. Configuring those allows you to create option elements in the webform.
This creates one 'widget', one dropdown or set of checkboxes. I have two field instances where I want the user to select a group - say for example
which mailing lists do you want to receive (a,b,c)
what food are you interested in (d,e,f)
a,b,c,d,e and f are all groups. I can not change that.
How could I do that ?
A technical suggestion below, but first, I'd suggest that your real solution is to not use groups for the second question. Groups are set up nicely to handle mailing lists, but if it's to track interests, you'd be better off setting those up as custom fields. It'll solve this immediate issue, and it'll make it easier to deal with tandem searches and so forth (on list b and likes food d).
Now if you must have them as groups, you can create a fake field and move checkboxes into it using jQuery. Create the fake field with one option that you don't care about, but label it "What food are you interested in", or equivalent. Then, edit the Groups field that CiviCRM generated: label it more specifically as "which mailing lists...", and choose Static Options so it doesn't start offering up just any group for someone to choose.
Now, add the following javascript:
// first remove the dummy checkboxes in your fake field
$('#yourdummyfield .form-item').each( function() { $(this).remove(); });
// now move things into the dummy field
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-d');
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-e');
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-f');
From the form processing perspective, they'll all be evaluated as the "groups" field. However, they'll look separate. For better or worse, this will have to be adjusted as you add new groups fields.
After using Andrew Hunts suggestion for a while, I finally solved this on the server side, in a custom module, using webform logic as described here
Basicly, on presave, I look for 2 custom fields containing group ids (mailing and food in the example). Then I add these to the CiviCRM groups field.
I'll add the code below, which has some more logic:
to make it flexible, I use one hidden field to contain the fieldkey
of the civicrm groups selector to add the other fields in. that
field is called 'the_groups_element' (but its not the groups element, it contains the key of the groups element)
there is only one foods group allowed, so before it adds you to a food group, it removes all other food groups from the groups selector.
You could probably make it even more generic, but since I had different logic for the different groups, this was suitable for me.
function getFoodGroups() {
// return foodgroups
function getMailGroups() {
// return mailgroups
function MYMODULE_webform_submission_presave($node, &$submission) {
$groupselm = '';
$groups_cid = false;
$foods_cid = false;
$mailings_cid = false;
foreach($node->webform['components'] as $cid=>$comp) {
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_groups_element') {
$groupselm = $comp['value'];
if ($groupselm) {
foreach($node->webform['components'] as $cid=>$comp) {
if ($comp['form_key']==$groupselm) $groups_cid = $comp['cid'];
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_foods') $foods_cid = $comp['cid'];
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_mailings') $mailings_cid = $comp['cid'];
$group_gids = $submission->data[$groups_cid];
if (!$group_gids) $group_gids=array();
if ($foods_cid!==false && $submission->data[$foods_cid]) {
// remove all current foods
foreach ($group_gids as $gidx=>$group_gid) {
foreach (getFoodGroups() as $foodgroup) {
if ($group_gid==$foodgroup['gid']) {
if ($debug) drupal_set_message('removing foodgroup '.$foodgroup['gid']);
// validate and add submitted regions
$foodsgids = $submission->data[$foods_cid];
if (!is_array($foodsgids)) $foodsgids = array($foodsgids);
foreach ($foodsgids as $foodsgid) {
foreach (getFoodGroups() as $foodgroup) {
if ($foodsgid==$foodgroup['gid']) {
break; // only one food allowed
if ($mailings_cid!==false && $submission->data[$mailings_cid]) {
// just add submitted mailings, dont remove any
$mailinggids = $submission->data[$mailings_cid];
if (!is_array($mailinggids)) $mailinggids = array($mailinggids);
foreach ($mailinggids as $mailinggid) {
foreach (getMailGroups() as $mailing) {
if ($mailinggid==$mailing['gid']) {
if ($debug) drupal_set_message('adding mailing '.$mailing['gid']);
$submission->data[$groups_cid] = array_unique($group_gids);

Orchard CMS front-end all possible content filtering by user permissions

Good day!
In my Orchard, I have several content types all with my custom part attached. This part defines to what users this content is available. For each logged user there is external service, which defines what content user can or cannot access. Now I need access restriction to apply everywhere where orchard display content lists, this includes results by specific tag from a tag cloud, or results listed from Taxonomy term. I seems can’t find any good way to do it except modifying TaxonomyServices code as well as TagCloud services, to join also my part and filter by it. Is this indeed the only way to do it or there are other solutions? I would like to avoid doing changes to built-in modules if possible but cannot find other way.
Thanks in advance.
I'm currently bumbling around with the same issue. One way I'm currently looking at is to hook into the content manager.
public class ModContentManager : DefaultContentManager, IContentManager
//private readonly Lazy<IShapeFactory> _shapeFactory;
private readonly IModAuthContext _modAuthContext;
public ModContentManager(IComponentContext context,
IRepository<ContentTypeRecord> contentTypeRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemRecord> contentItemRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemVersionRecord> contentItemVersionRepository,
IContentDefinitionManager contentDefinitionManager,
ICacheManager cacheManager,
Func<IContentManagerSession> contentManagerSession,
Lazy<IContentDisplay> contentDisplay,
Lazy<ISessionLocator> sessionLocator,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IContentHandler>> handlers,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IIdentityResolverSelector>> identityResolverSelectors,
Lazy<IEnumerable<ISqlStatementProvider>> sqlStatementProviders,
ShellSettings shellSettings,
ISignals signals,
//Lazy<IShapeFactory> shapeFactory,
IModAuthContext modAuthContext)
: base(context,
signals) {
//_shapeFactory = shapeFactory;
_modAuthContext = modAuthContext;
public new dynamic BuildDisplay(IContent content, string displayType = "", string groupId = "") {
// So you could do something like...
// var myPart = content.As<MyAuthoPart>();
// if(!myPart.IsUserAuthorized)...
// then display something else or display nothing (I think returning null works for this but
//don't quote me on that. Can always return a random empty shape)
// else return base.BuildDisplay(content, displayType, groupId);
// ever want to display a shape based on the name...
//dynamic shapes = _shapeFactory.Value;
Could also hook into the IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler, which is activated before in the main ItemController and do a check to see if you are rendering a projection or taxonomy list set a value to tell your content manager to perform checks else just let them through. Might help :)

Orchard CMS: Connect List content part to content item

I have been struggling with what I thought would be simple.
I have a content type called Supplier. This supplier has contact information containing two addresses, one for Correspondence Address and one for Visiting Address. The supplier has also several locations, like location north and location south. A location is also an address. So basically I have a content item Supplier with a lot of addresses and all of them with their own type.
public int Create() {
//Creating the Location contentrecord, contentpart and contenttype
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("LocationPartRecord", table => table
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("LocationPart", part => part
.WithField("LocationName", f => f.OfType("TextField"))
.WithField("AddressLine1", f => f.OfType("TextField"))
.WithField("AddressLine2", f => f.OfType("TextField"))
.WithField("Zipcode", f => f.OfType("TextField"))
.WithField("City", f => f.OfType("TextField"))
.WithField("Country", f => f.OfType("TextField")));
cfg => cfg
//Creating the Locations 'container' contentpart
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("LocationsPartRecord", table => table
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("LocationsPart", builder => builder.Attachable());
//Creating the supplier. Specific supplier contentfields can be added later. Doing records, so I can add
//datafields later that are not contentfields
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("SupplierPartRecord", table => table
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("SupplierPart", part => part
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("Supplier", builder => builder
.WithPart("AutoroutePart", partBuilder =>
partBuilder.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.AllowCustomPattern", "true")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.PatternDefinitions", "[{Name:'Supplier', Pattern: 'aanbieders/{Content.Slug}', Description: 'aanbieders/supplier-name'}]")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.DefaultPatternIndex", "0"))
return 1;
*LocationPartRecord and LocationPart *
public class LocationPartRecord:ContentPartRecord {
public virtual LocationsPartRecord LocationsPartRecord { get; set; }
public class LocationPart:ContentPart<LocationPartRecord> {
LocationsPartRecord LocationsPartRecord {
get { return Record.LocationsPartRecord; }
set { Record.LocationsPartRecord = value; }
LocationsPartRecord and LocationsPart (container)
public class LocationsPartRecord:ContentPartRecord {
public LocationsPartRecord()
Locations = new List<LocationPartRecord>();
public virtual IList<LocationPartRecord> Locations { get; set; }
public class LocationsPart:ContentPart<LocationsPartRecord> {
public LocationsPart() {
Locations = new List<LocationPart>();
public readonly LazyField<IList<LocationPart>> _locations = new LazyField<IList<LocationPart>>();
public IList<LocationPart> Locations {
get { return _locations.Value; }
set { _locations.Value = value; }
From here I am stuck. I would like to see when Creating a new supplier, I get a screen containing all the content item fields for supplier and a list of locations, with the ability to create, delete or update a location.
I don't need the code to be spelled out, but a direction would suffice. Which drivers, controllers and views should I create. This is only for admin console. For frontend the locations need to be displayed and not edited.
I don't think there will be any way to get the functionality you're after without custom coding. As you have suggested, the comments module could be a good example to copy. The Controllers in the comments module are only to manage all of the comments in their own admin pages, separate to the content items they belong to. The edit / display of the comments is still provided through the drivers and handlers.
Using the Comments module analogy:
CommentsPart = AddressesPart - This would be added to your Supplier content type
CommentPart = AddressPart - This would be added to your Address content type
You could strip out a lot of the extra functionality that is included for managing comments and just copy the drivers, handlers, views and models for these two parts.
I have seen some gallery modules that may allow you to build these relationships through the admin interface, however I haven't used it myself:
Address shouldn't be a part, it should be a field. This way, you can have more than one, and each can be named.
Don't know if this would be helpful (and the site appears to be down - but Google has a cached version if you are patient for it to load), but there is a good blog about exactly your situation. It's Skywalkers excellent Web Shop series. I believe Part 8 contains the code related to multiple addresses (uses Address and Addresses). This seems to involve your problem, and the code may be what you need.
In case you have trouble getting to the site, there is also a CodePlex repository for the code. Additionally, Bertrand's Nwazet Commerce module might have similar code.
