In Tcl, seg faults from multiple threads requiring Expect - multithreading

Now here's something interesting. When I have more than one thread in Tcl invoking package require Expect, I get a seg fault.
package require Threads
package require Expect
set t [thread::create]
thread::send {package require Expect}
puts "blarg! Damned thing crashes before I get here"
This is not a good time. Any thoughts?

Expect and Threads don't go together too well. Its the complexity you get from fork() + threads that can bite a lot there and lead to deadlocks and all kinds of uglyness. Usually not a good idea to combine the two.
If you really need Expect and the added concurrency a multi process approach with on multi threaded driver program and one single threaded expect process might work better. If you used tcllibs comm package the api's for sending commands are not that much different either (you mostly miss the tsv and tpool stuff if you used comm).
But it shouldn't segfault for sure. Which Expect/Threads/Tcl core combination did you use (e.g. ActiveStates ActiveTcl bundle or some self compiled stuff on an unusual platform?)

It's all from the latest debian packages, Ubuntu 9.0.4, 64 bit.
One alternative is to organize the code such that one thread is dedicated to handling all expect calls...which isn't the most elegant, generic solution but it might have to do.

The C code of the expect library (loaded with package require Expect) is not thread-safe (it probably uses global variables or else). I tried a lot to work around this limitation because I wanted to have a load balancing algorithm based on the Thread library which would pilot some expect code launching builds on a pool of slave machines. Unless you are very good at C and want to enhance expect, I would rather suggest to launch expect interpreters (in their own OS process) each time you need to use it from your Thread-enabled program. But of course I don't know your problem to solve, and this would only work if the "expect works" are unrelated.. Good luck anyway..


Is it possible to emulate processor cores or threads to the operation system?

First, let me say that:
I know it wont get me more performance
In fact, i know it'll get me less performance, if it is possible at all!
Basically, i want the more Threads as possible on a single machine!
I want the operation system to recognize them all, and a want a specific application to run scripts on the single threads generated... (the application is not mine, so i can't edit it directly)
1st - Is it possible?
2nd - how?
You can't change other programs, unless you have their source code or are willing to go to great lengths of disassembling it and then monkey patching the things together that you need, at which point it might just be better to write it from scratch.
Also, keep in mind that applications not specifically designed to deal with multithreading, are not only not likely to gain much or any performance from it, it will also lead to a lot of bugs and problems due to timing and atomicity issues.
In theory you can spin up as many threads as the OS lets you, and the OS will all allow them to run on the CPU. That's one of the fundamental aspects of the underlying kernel of any modern OS after all. But you can't tell the OS to just spin up more threads for a specific program, what you can do is give it a higher priority so that the existing threads the program spins up get more time on the CPU. But that's no longer a programming issue but how to use the OS you are working with.

Does mod_wsgi runs in a single python interpreter?

I have a django application which relies heavily on threading and I'm noticing no performance increment no matter how much processes or threads I add to the WSGIDaemonProcess.
I can't find a YES/NO answer out there and I'm wondering. Could it be that mod_wsgi is using the same interpreter for each request so I'm running in a bottleneck due to a GIL limitation?
If so, would you recommend something else that would help me workaround this limitation?
For a typical configuration, yes, all requests would be handle in same sub interpreter.
If in different sub interpreters of same process, you are still affected by the GIL.
Post your actual mod_wsgi configuration to confirm you have set things up right.
Consider trying New Relic to find out where real bottlenecks are.
Watch my PyCon US 2012 talk on finding bottlenecks
Short answer:
Long answer:
This ability to make good use of more than processor, even when using multithreading, is further enchanced by the fact that Apache uses multiple processes for handling requests and not just a single process. Thus, even when there is some contention for the GIL within a specific process, it doesn't stop other processes from being able to run as the GIL is only local to a process and does not extend across processes.
You haven't given enough information for anybody to recommend how to improve performance, but if you've actually written a thread-heavy program in Python, that's your first mistake.
Instead of running your program on CPython, maybe you should try Jython or IronPython instead. But then it wouldn't work with mod_wsgi, so we really need more details to understand what you're trying to do...

Use cases for ithreads (interpreter threads) in Perl and rationale for using or not using them?

If you want to learn how to use Perl interpreter threads, there's good documentation in perlthrtut (threads tutorial) and the threads pragma manpage. It's definitely good enough to write some simple scripts.
However, I have found little guidance on the web on why and what to sensibly use Perl's interpreter threads for. In fact, there's not much talk about them, and if people talk about them it's quite often to discourage people from using them.
These threads, available when perl -V:useithreads is useithreads='define'; and unleashed by use threads, are also called ithreads, and maybe more appropriately so as they are very different from threads as offered by the Linux or Windows operating systems or the Java VM in that nothing is shared by default and instead a lot of data is copied, not just the thread stack, thus significantly increasing the process size. (To see the effect, load some modules in a test script, then create threads in a loop pausing for key presses each time around, and watch memory rise in task manager or top.)
[...] every time you start a thread all data structures are copied to
the new thread. And when I say all, I mean all. This e.g. includes
package stashes, global variables, lexicals in scope. Everything!
-- Things you need to know before programming Perl ithreads (Perlmonks 2003)
When researching the subject of Perl ithreads, you'll see people discouraging you from using them ("extremely bad idea", "fundamentally flawed", or "never use ithreads for anything").
The Perl thread tutorial highlights that "Perl Threads Are Different", but it doesn't much bother to explain how they are different and what that means for the user.
A useful but very brief explanation of what ithreads really are is from the Coro manpage under the heading WINDOWS PROCESS EMULATION. The author of that module (Coro - the only real threads in perl) also discourages using Perl interpreter threads.
Somewhere I read that compiling perl with threads enabled will result in a significantly slower interpreter.
There's a Perlmonks page from 2003 (Things you need to know before programming Perl ithreads), in which the author asks: "Now you may wonder why Perl ithreads didn't use fork()? Wouldn't that have made a lot more sense?" This seems to have been written by the author of the forks pragma. Not sure the info given on that page still holds true in 2012 for newer Perls.
Here are some guidelines for usage of threads in Perl I have distilled from my readings (maybe erroneously so):
Consider using non-blocking IO instead of threads, like with HTTP::Async, or AnyEvent::Socket, or Coro::Socket.
Consider using Perl interpreter threads on Windows only, not on UNIX because on UNIX, forks are more efficient both for memory and execution speed.
Create threads at beginning of program, not when memory concumption already considerable - see "ideal way to reduce these costs" in perlthrtut.
Minimize communication between threads because it's slow (all answers on that page).
So far my research. Now, thanks for any more light you can shed on this issue of threads in Perl. What are some sensible use cases for ithreads in Perl? What is the rationale for using or not using them?
The short answer is that they're quite heavy (you can't launch 100+ of them cheaply), and they exhibit unexpected behaviours (somewhat mitigated by recent CPAN modules).
You can safely use Perl ithreads by treating them as independent Actors.
Create a Thread::Queue::Any for "work".
Launch multiple ithreads and "result" Queues passing them the ("work" + own "result") Queues by closure.
Load (require) all the remaining code your application requires (not before threads!)
Add work for the threads into the Queue as required.
In "worker" ithreads:
Bring in any common code (for any kind of job)
Blocking-dequeue a piece of work from the Queue
Demand-load any other dependencies required for this piece of work.
Do the work.
Pass the result back to the main thread via the "result" queue.
Back to 2.
If some "worker" threads start to get a little beefy, and you need to limit "worker" threads to some number then launch new ones in their place, then create a "launcher" thread first, whose job it is to launch "worker" threads and hook them up to the main thread.
What are the main problems with Perl ithreads?
They're a little inconvenient with for "shared" data as you need to explicity do the sharing (not a big issue).
You need to look out for the behaviour of objects with DESTROY methods as they go out of scope in some thread (if they're still required in another!)
The big one: Data/variables that aren't explicitly shared are CLONED into new threads. This is a performance hit and probably not at all what you intended. The work around is to launch ithreads from a pretty much "pristine" condition (not many modules loaded).
IIRC, there are modules in the Threads:: namespace that help with making dependencies explicit and/or cleaning up cloned data for new threads.
Also, IIRC, there's a slightly different model using ithreads called "Apartment" threads, implemented by Thread::Appartment which has a different usage pattern and another set of trade-offs.
The upshot:
Don't use them unless you know what you're doing :-)
Fork may be more efficient on Unix, but the IPC story is much simpler for ithreads. (This may have been mitigated by CPAN modules since I last looked :-)
They're still better than Python's threads.
There might, one day, be something much better in Perl 6.
I have used perl's "threads" on several occasions. They're most useful for launching some process and continuing on with something else. I don't have a lot of experience in the theory of how they work under the hood, but I do have a lot of practical coding experience with them.
For example, I have a server thread that listens for incoming network connections and spits out a status response when someone asks for it. I create that thread, then move on and create another thread that monitors the system, checking five items, sleeping a few seconds, and looping again. It might take 3-4 seconds to collect the monitor data, then it gets shoved into a shared variable, and the server thread can read that when needed and immediately return the last known result to whomever asks. The monitor thread, when it finds that an item is in a bad state, kicks off a separate thread to repair that item. Then it moves on, checking the other items while the bad one is repaired, and kicking off other threads for other bad items or joining finished repair threads. The main program all the while is looping every few seconds, making sure that the monitor and server threads aren't joinable/still running. All of this could be written as a bunch of separate programs utilizing some other form of IPC, but perl's threads make it simple.
Another place where I've used them is in a fractal generator. I would split up portions of the image using some algorithm and then launch as many threads as I have CPUs to do the work. They'd each stuff their results into a single GD object, which didn't cause problems because they were each working on different portions of the array, and then when done I'd write out the GD image. It was my introduction to using perl threads, and was a good introduction, but then I rewrote it in C and it was two orders of magnitude faster :-). Then I rewrote my perl threaded version to use Inline::C, and it was only 20% slower than the pure C version. Still, in most cases where you'd want to use threads due to being CPU intensive, you'd probably want to just choose another language.
As mentioned by others, fork and threads really overlap for a lot of purposes. Coro, however, doesn't really allow for multi-cpu use or parallel processing like fork and thread do, you'll only ever see your process using 100%. I'm over-simplifying this, but I think the easiest way to describe Coro is that it's a scheduler for your subroutines. If you have a subroutine that blocks you can hop to another and do something else while you wait, for example of you have an app that calculates results and writes them to a file. One block might calculate results and push them into a channel. When it runs out of work, another block starts writing them to disk. While that block is waiting on disk, the other block can start calculating results again if it gets more work. Admittedly I haven't done much with Coro; it sounds like a good way to speed some things up, but I'm a bit put off by not being able to do two things at once.
My own personal preference if I want to do multiprocessing is to use fork if I'm doing lots of small or short things, threads for a handful of large or long-lived things.

Lua :: How to write simple program that will load multiple CPUs?

I haven't been able to write a program in Lua that will load more than one CPU. Since Lua supports the concept via coroutines, I believe it's achievable.
Reason for me failing can be one of:
It's not possible in Lua
I'm not able to write it ☺ (and I hope it's the case )
Can someone more experienced (I discovered Lua two weeks ago) point me in right direction?
The point is to write a number-crunching script that does hi-load on ALL cores...
For demonstrative purposes of power of Lua.
Lua coroutines are not the same thing as threads in the operating system sense.
OS threads are preemptive. That means that they will run at arbitrary times, stealing timeslices as dictated by the OS. They will run on different processors if they are available. And they can run at the same time where possible.
Lua coroutines do not do this. Coroutines may have the type "thread", but there can only ever be a single coroutine active at once. A coroutine will run until the coroutine itself decides to stop running by issuing a coroutine.yield command. And once it yields, it will not run again until another routine issues a coroutine.resume command to that particular coroutine.
Lua coroutines provide cooperative multithreading, which is why they are called coroutines. They cooperate with each other. Only one thing runs at a time, and you only switch tasks when the tasks explicitly say to do so.
You might think that you could just create OS threads, create some coroutines in Lua, and then just resume each one in a different OS thread. This would work so long as each OS thread was executing code in a different Lua instance. The Lua API is reentrant; you are allowed to call into it from different OS threads, but only if are calling from different Lua instances. If you try to multithread through the same Lua instance, Lua will likely do unpleasant things.
All of the Lua threading modules that exist create alternate Lua instances for each thread. Lua-lltreads just makes an entirely new Lua instance for each thread; there is no API for thread-to-thread communication outside of copying parameters passed to the new thread. LuaLanes does provide some cross-connecting code.
It is not possible with the core Lua libraries (if you don't count creating multiple processes and communicating via input/output), but I think there are Lua bindings for different threading libraries out there.
The answer from jpjacobs to one of the related questions links to LuaLanes, which seems to be a multi-threading library. (I have no experience, though.)
If you embed Lua in an application, you will usually want to have the multithreading somehow linked to your applications multithreading.
In addition to LuaLanes, take a look at llthreads
In addition to already suggested LuaLanes, llthreads and other stuff mentioned here, there is a simpler way.
If you're on POSIX system, try doing it in old-fashioned way with posix.fork() (from luaposix). You know, split the task to batches, fork the same number of processes as the number of cores, crunch the numbers, collate results.
Also, make sure that you're using LuaJIT 2 to get the max speed.
It's very easy just create multiple Lua interpreters and run lua programs inside all of them.
Lua multithreading is a shared nothing model. If you need to exchange data you must serialize the data into strings and pass them from one interpreter to the other with either a c extension or sockets or any kind of IPC.
Serializing data via IPC-like transport mechanisms is not the only way to share data across threads.
If you're programming in an object-oriented language like C++ then it's quite possible for multiple threads to access shared objects across threads via object pointers, it's just not safe to do so, unless you provide some kind of guarantee that no two threads will attempt to simultaneously read and write to the same data.
There are many options for how you might do that, lock-free and wait-free mechanisms are becoming increasingly popular.

Threading run time without adding extra lines in program

Is there any thread library which can parse through code and find blocks of code which can be threaded and accordingly add the required threading instructions.
Also I want to check performance of a multithreaded program as compared to its single thread version. For this I would need to monitor the CPU usage(how much each processor is getting used). Is there any tool available to do this?
I'd say the decision whether or not a given block of code can be rewritten to be multi-threaded is way too hard for an automated process to make. To make matters worse, multi-threaded code typically accesses resources outside its own scope, such as pulling data over the network, loading large files, waiting for events, executing database queries, etc.; without detailed information about all these external factors, it is impossible to decide where to go multithreaded, simply because not all the required information is in the code.
Also, a lot of code that is multi-threadable in theory will not run faster if multi-threaded, but in fact slow down.
Some compilers (such as recent versions of the Intel compiler and gcc) can automatically parallelize simple loops, but anything beyond that is too complex. On the other hand, there are task libraries that use thread pools, and will automatically scale the number of threads to the available processors, and divide the work between them. Of course, using such a library will require rewriting your code to do so.
Structuring your application to make best use of multithreading is not a simple matter, and requires careful thought about which parts of your application can best make use of it. This is not something that can be automated.
Consider multi-threading as an approach to make full utilization of available resources. This is when it works the best. Consider an application which has multiple modules/areas which are multi-threadable. If all of them are made multi-threaded, the available resources might go down substantially. This could at times be detrimental to the application itself. Thus, multi-threading has to be used very carefully.
As Chris mentioned, there are a lot of profilers which do profiling for given combination of OS/language.
The first thing you need to do is profile your code in a single thread and see if the areas you think are good candidates for multithreading are actually a problem. It's easy to waste a lot of time multithreading working code only to end up with a buggy mess that's slower than the original implementation if you don't carefully consider the problem first.
