String recurring subsequences and compression - string

I'd like to do some kind of "search and replace" algorithm which will, in an efficient manner if possible, identify a substring of a string which occurs more than once and replace all occurrences of that substring with a token.
For example, given a string "AbcAdAefgAbijkAblmnAbAb", notice that "A" recurs, so reduce in pass one to "#1bc#1d#1efg#1bijk#1blmn#1b#1b" where #_ is an indexed pattern (we note the patterns in an indexed table), then notice that "#1b" recurs so reduce to "#2c#1d#1efg#2ijk#2lmn#2#2". No more patterns occur in the string so we're done.
I have found some information on "longest common subsequences" and compression algorithms, but nothing that seems to do this. They either are for comparing two string or for getting some kind of storage-optimal result.
My objective, on the other hand, is to reduce the genome to its "words" instead of "letters". ie, instead of gatcatcgatc I want to see 2c1c2c. I could do some regex afterwards to find things like "#42*#42"; it would be cool to see recurring brackets in dna.
If I could just find that online I would skip doing it myself but I can't see this question answered before in terms I could uncover. To anyone who can point me in the right direction many thanks.

The byte pair encoding does something pretty close to what you want.
Rather than searching directly for the longest repeated string (top-down),
each pass of byte pair encoding searches for repeated byte pairs (bottom-up).
But eventually it discovers the longest repeated string(*).
1=at g1c1cg1c
2=atc g22g2
3=gatc 2=atc 323
As you can see, it has found the longest repeated string "gatc".
(*) byte pair encoding either eventually finds the longest repeated string,
or else it stops early after making (2^8 - uniquechars(source) ) substitutions.
I suspect it may be possible to tweak byte pair encoding so that the early-stop condition is relaxed a little -- perhaps (2^9 - uniquechars(source) ) or 2^12 or 2^16.
Even if that hurts compression performance, perhaps it will give interesting results for applications like yours.
Wikipedia: byte pair encoding
Stack Overflow: optimizing byte-pair encoding


Make a model to identify a string

I have a string like this
The first part of the string is a random 18 digit number in base64 format and the second is a unix timestamp in base64 too, while the last is an hmac.
I want to make a model to recognize a string like this.
How may i do it?
While I did not necessarily think deeply about it, this would be what comes to my mind first.
You certainly don't need machine learning for this. In fact, machine learning would not only be inefficient for problems like this but may even be worse, depending on a given approach.
Here, an exact solution can be achieved, simply by understanding the problem.
One way people often go about matching strings with a certain structure is with so called regular expressions or RegExp.
Regular expressions allow you to match string patterns of varying complexity.
To give a simple example in Python:
import re
your_string = "ODQ1OTc3MzY0MDcyNDk3MTUy.YKoz0Q.wlST3vVZ3IN8nTtVX1tz8Vvq5O8"
regexp_pattern = r"(.+)\.(.+)\.(.+)"
re.findall(regexp_pattern, your_string)
>>> [('ODQ1OTc3MzY0MDcyNDk3MTUy', 'YKoz0Q', 'wlST3vVZ3IN8nTtVX1tz8Vvq5O8')]
Now one problem with this is how do you know where your string starts and stops. Most of the times there are certain anchors, especially in strings that were created programmatically. For instance, if we knew that prior to each string you wanted to match there is the word Token: , you could include that in your RegExp pattern r"Token: (.+)\.(.+)\.(.+)".
Other ways to avoid mismatches would be to clearer define the pattern requirements. Right now we simply match a pattern with any amount of characters and two . separating them into three sequences.
If you would know which implementation of base64 you were using, you could limit the alphabet of potential characters from . (thus any) to the alphabet used in your base64 implementation [abcdefgh1234]. In this example it would be abcdefgh1234, so the pattern could be refined like this r"([abcdefgh1234]+).([abcdefgh1234]+).(.+)"`.
The same applies to the HMAC code.
Furthermore, you could specify the allowed length of each substring.
For instance, you said you have 18 random digits. This would likely mean each is encoded as 1 byte, which would translate to 18*8 = 144 bits, which in base64, would translate to 24 tokens (where each encodes a sextet, thus 6 bits of information). The same could be done with the timestamp, assuming a 32 bit timestamp, this would likely necessitate 6 base64 tokens (representing 36 bits, 36 because you could not divide 32 into sextets).
With this information, you could further refine the pattern
In addition, the same could be applied to the HMAC code.
I leave it to you to read a bit about RegExp but I'd guess it is the easiest solution and certainly more appropriate than any kind of machine learning.

Longest common substring via suffix array: do we really need unique sentinels?

I am reading about LCP arrays and their use, in conjunction with suffix arrays, in solving the "Longest common substring" problem. This video states that the sentinels used to separate individual strings must be unique, and not be contained in any of the strings themselves.
Unless I am mistaken, the reason for this is so when we construct the LCP array (by comparing how many characters adjacent suffixes have in common) we don't count the sentinel value in the case where two sentinels happen to be at the same index in both the suffixes we are comparing.
This means we can write code like this:
for each character c in the shortest suffix
if suffix_1[c] == suffix_2[c]
increment count of common characters
However, in order to facilitate this, we need to jump through some hoops to ensure we use unique sentinels, which I asked about here.
However, would a simpler (to implement) solution not be to simply count the number of characters in common, stopping when we reach the (single, unique) sentinel character, like this:
set sentinel = '#'
for each character c in the shortest suffix
if suffix_1[c] == suffix_2[c]
if suffix_1[c] != sentinel
increment count of common characters
Or, am I missing something fundamental here?
Actually I just devised an algorithm that doesn't use sentinels at all:
When concatenating the strings, also record the boundary indexes (e.g. for 3 string of length 4, 2, 5, the boundaries 4, 6, and 11 will be recorded, so we know that concatenated_string[5] belongs to the second original string because 4<= 5 < 6).
Then, to identify which original string every suffix belongs to, just do a binary search.
The short version is "this is mostly an artifact of how suffix array construction algorithms work and has nothing to do with LCP calculations, so provided your suffix array building algorithm doesn't need those sentinels, you can safely skip them."
The longer answer:
At a high level, the basic algorithm described in the video goes like this:
Construct a generalized suffix array for the strings T1 and T2.
Construct an LCP array for that resulting suffix array.
Iterate across the LCP array, looking for adjacent pairs of suffixes that come from different strings.
Find the largest LCP between any two such strings; call it k.
Extract the first k characters from either of the two suffixes.
So, where do sentinels appear in here? They mostly come up in steps (1) and (2). The video alludes to using a linear-time suffix array construction algorithm (SACA). Most fast SACAs for generating suffix arrays for two or more strings assume, as part of their operation, that there are distinct endmarkers at the ends of those strings, and often the internal correctness of the algorithm relies on this. So in that sense, the endmarkers might need to get added in purely to use a fast SACA, completely independent of any later use you might have.
(Why do SACAs need this? Some of the fastest SACAs, such as the SA-IS algorithm, assume the last character of the string is unique, lexicographically precedes everything, and doesn't appear anywhere else. In order to use that algorithm with multiple strings, you need some sort of internal delimiter to mark where one string ends and another starts. That character needs to act as a strong "and we're now done with the first string" character, which is why it needs to lexicographically precede all the other characters.)
Assuming you're using a SACA as a black box this way, from this point forward, those sentinels are completely unnecessary. They aren't used to tell which suffix comes from which string (this should be provided by the SACA), and they can't be a part of the overlap between adjacent strings.
So in that sense, you can think of these sentinels as an implementation detail needed to use a fast SACA, which you'd need to do in order to get the fast runtime.

Important algorithm involving random access to a string?

I am implementing a different string representation where accessing a string in non-sequential manner is very costly. To avoid this I try to implement certain position caches or character blocks so one can jump to certain locations and scan from there.
In order to do so, I need a list of algorithms where scanning a string from right to left or random access of its characters is required, so I have a set of test cases to do some actual benchmarking and to create a model I can use to find a local/global optimum for my efforts.
Basically I know of:
One scenario where one needs right to left access of strings is extracting the file extension and the file name (item) of paths.
For random access i find no algorithm at all unless one has prefix tables and access the string more randomly checking all those positions for longer than prefix strings.
Does anyone know other algorithms with either right to left or random access of string characters is required?
The calculation of the hash-code of a String is calculated using every character and accessed from left to right along the value is stored in a local primary variable. So this is not something for random access.
Also the MD5 or CRC algorithm also all process the complete string. So I do not find any random access examples at all.
One interesting algorithm is Boyer-Moore searching, which involves both skipping forward by a variable number of characters and comparing backwards. If those two operations are not O(1), then KMP searching becomes more attractive, but BM searching is much faster for long search patterns (except in rare cases where the search pattern contains lots of repetitions of its own prefix). For example, BM shines for patterns which must be matched at word-boundaries.
BM can be implemented for certain variable-length encodings. In particular, it works fine with UTF-8 because misaligned false positives are impossible. With a larger class of variable-length encodings, you might still be able to implement a variant of BM which allows forward skips.
There are a number of algorithms which require the ability to reset the string pointer to a previously encountered point; one example is word-wrapping an input to a specific line length. Those won't be impeded by your encoding provided your API allows for saving a copy of an iterator.

Algorithm to un-concatenate words from string without spaces and punctuation

I've been given a problem in my data structures class to find the solution to this problem. It's similar to an interview question. If someone could explain the thinking process or solution to the problem. Pseudocode can be used. So far i've been thinking to use tries to hold the dictionary and look up words that way for efficiency.
This is the problem:
Oh, no! You have just completed a lengthy document when you have an unfortunate Find/Replace mishap. You have accidentally removed all spaces, punctuation, and capitalization in the document. A sentence like "I reset the computer. It still didn't boot!" would become "iresetthecomputeritstilldidntboot". You figure that you can add back in the punctation and capitalization later, once you get the individual words properly separated. Most of the words will be in a dictionary, but some strings, like proper names, will not.
Given a dictionary (a list of words), design an algorithm to find the optimal way of "unconcatenating" a sequence of words. In this case, "optimal" is defined to be the parsing which minimizes the number of unrecognized sequences of characters.
For example, the string "jesslookedjustliketimherbrother" would be optimally parsed as "JESS looked just like TIM her brother". This parsing has seven unrecognized characters, which we have capitalized for clarity.
For each index, n, into the string, compute the cost C(n) of the optimal solution (ie: the number of unrecognised characters in the optimal parsing) starting at that index.
Then, the solution to your problem is C(0).
There's a recurrence relation for C. At each n, either you match a word of i characters, or you skip over character n, incurring a cost of 1, and then parse the rest optimally. You just need to find which of those choices incurs the lowest cost.
Let N be the length of the string, and let W(n) be a set containing the lengths of all words starting at index n in your string. Then:
C(N) = 0
C(n) = min({C(n+1) + 1} union {C(n+i) for i in W(n)})
This can be implemented using dynamic programming by constructing a table of C(n) starting from the end backwards.
If the length of the longest word in your dictionary is L, then the algorithm runs in O(NL) time in the worst case and can be implemented to use O(L) memory if you're careful.
You could use rolling hashes of different lengths to speed up the search.
You can try a partial pattern matcher for example aho-corasick algorithm. Basically it's a special space optimized version of a suffix tree.

Fastest way to determine if a string contains a character

I have a string which consists of unicode characters. The same character can occur only once.
The length of the string is between 1 and ~50.
What is the fastest way to check if a particular character is in the string or not?
Iterating the string is not a good choice, isn't it? Is there any efficient algorithm for this purpose?
My first idea was to keep the characters in the string alphabetically sorted. It could be searched quickly, but the sorting and the comparison of unicode characters are not so trivial (using the right collation) and it has a big cost, probably bigger then iterating the whole string.
Maybe some hashing? Maybe the iteration is the fastest way?
Any idea?
If there's no preprocessing, the simplest and fastest way is to iterate through the characters.
If there's preprocessing, the previous approach might still the best, or you could try a small hashtable which stores whether a string contains that character. Storing the hash will take extra space, but could be better for memory cache (with low hash collision & assuming you don't have to access the actual string). Make sure you measure the peformance.
I have a feeling you're trying to over-engineer a really simple task. Have you verified that this is a bottleneck in your application?
A linear search through the string is O(n) with each operation being very simple. Sorting the string is O(n log n) with more complicated operations. It's pretty clear that the linear search will be faster in all cases.
If the characters are stored in UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding then there's a possibility that you'll need to search for more than one contiguous element. There are ways to speed that up, such as Boyer-Moore or Knuth-Morris-Pratt. It's unclear whether there would be an actual speedup with such short search strings.
Is it a repeated operation on the same string or 1 time task ? If it is a 1 time task, then you can't do better than going through the string after all you have to look at all characters. O(n)
If it is repeated operation then you can do some preprocessing of the strings to make the subsequent operations faster. The most space efficient and fastest would be to build bloom filters for the characters in each string. Once built which is is fast too, you can say if a character is not present in 0(1) and only do a binary search of the sorted string only if bloom filter says yes.
