CruiseControl.Net 1.5, htmlReportPlugin, how to make/keep build-specific copies of the html-files? -

I'm using NCover 3.4 (current as of 2010-06-16) to create html reports, which I wish to link to from CCNet.
This article explains how,
but my build-specific report is not stored in a way that is expected in article(?). At least it does not work for me.
I guess the question is - given a directory with files, how do I get them included in my build-log?
I get reports generated in ./src/coverage/FullCoverageReport during the build.
When I click my report link in dashboard
I get
[6:WARN] Unable to find file '74\coverage\FullCoverageReport\fullcoveragereport.html' in 'HealthMonitor'

We abandoned using NCover 3.4 and use NCover 1.5.8 instead. It produces the desired reports in xml, hence the need for html inclusion is no longer there...


When using Gauge for UI Automation is there a way to get all screenshots in the same folder as the report

I am using the Gauge framework for UI Automation.
My hope is that I am able somehow to write screenshots to the folder being made to contain the html report for an execution. The trick is that the folder and its contents for a report are not made until after execution completes so I can't write screenshots inside the reports folder as I am taking them during my tests.
Currently the screenshots that I take are written to a folder in the reports folder (root level) of the project. When trying to copy the entire html report to another location I have to also move the screenshots and then have to manually manage the screenshots in that extra screenshots folder as I delete old reports. There are a lot of after the fact steps that I could do but was hoping for a simpler solution.
I am hoping that I was missing something and there was a way to write the screenshots into each reports folder (when reports are not being overwritten) so that I don't have to mangage (move/delete) the screenshots separately and so that the links in the report to the screenshots stay consistent.
Screenshots in gauge's html-report are embedded inside the html as a base64 encoded string. So they currently don't exist as a separate file that you can manipulate.
Some options for your use case:
1) Implement a Custom Screenshot Grabber and intercept the screenshot, save it to any location you like.
2) build a custom reporting plugin (ex, build on this seed example) and collect the screenshots independent of the html report.
If you do not want the reports to be overwritten, you can set overwrite_reports=false in your properties file. See ref.
Note that you can also change the html-report's theme if you want a different report structure.

Gitlab cross-reference project

I am trying to find the best way to document my project in Gitlab. And I found two different alternatives:
Markdown in the actual repository (my-repo.git)
Wiki using markdown (my-repo/wiki.git)
Note that the suffix .git indicates that these are two different git repositories.
I like the approach to simply modify the Wiki using markdown from the webpage (for everyones simplicity), but I am missing how to link between them or any other project in Gitlab.
In the documentation is provided some information to link (issues, commits, etc...) to other projects but not link files like the and other documentation.
Is there such functionality?
I also don't know if I am 100% getting your question, but Gitlab does support special syntax for referencing other projects/commits/etc..
You can reference other project like so,
It doesn't support referencing files in other projects (as far as I can tell), but you can reference files in the same project:
And to specify a line number:
I don't know if I get your point to 100%.
Linking to other "files" is like links to any URL / URI in markdown. Use the "well-known" syntax [LinkName](LinkTarget).
A Link inside the same project
[Link to file, relative path](./
This should work in WIKIs and Project Markdown-files.
[Link to a file from other project]({{USER or COMPANY}}/{{PROJECT}}/-/blob/master/{{FOLDER}}/
You can also use the reference syntax for links [LinkName][LinkReference] and then later in your file [LinkReference]: when you want to reuse your links or collect them at the end of your file.

How can I download source code from Linux Cross Reference library (generated by LXR engine)?

I wanted to download Linux kernel module source code from Is there any tool like SVN to download the source code generated by LXR engine?
Thanks in advance!
If you're still looking for an answer, here is a procedure based on a low documented feature of LXR.
Display the file you are interested in
Modify the URL in the browser address bar, adding at the end ?_raw=1 and go there (i.e. press return key)
The file is then displayed "as is", without any decoration (it is sent as text/plain)
You can now save the file from browser menu command File->Save as
The ?_raw=1 argument can be used to have HTML files interpreted by your browser, i.e. displayed as HTML because they will be sent as text/html.
The feature has been present in LXR for ages, though in versions older than 0.10 the argument is spelled ?raw=1 (without underscore).
I checked that ?raw=1 works with free-electrons though they use 0.3.1 which was released in 2003!
The documentation on lxr states that there is a git repo.
I have never tried it, but it may be what you are looking for
Not exactly an answer, but I was looking for a related thing - the possibility to download individual C files from LXR as plain text. If it was possible to download files as text, in principle you could write some sort of a parser/automatic downloader for a whole directory.
The documentation for the LXR engine seems to be here:
LXR Cross Referencer - Browse /doc at
... and as far as I could see from the 1.0 PDF manual (note that seems to run on version 0.3.1, though), there is no mention of plain-text source files being exported (in addition) to the HTML.
So, very likely, as the plain-text source files seem not to be available in an LXR export, there will be no tool that will be able to download. (Btw, I too wish there was a tool like this, otherwise the only option is to clone the entire Linux source tree via git).
Note, however, that there is also an experimental version of LXR from ; that one generates HTML that requires JavaScript, and it will show a "download" button in its interface; then one can download the plain-text source file. As is down for me for the moment, here's a link to an annotated HTML page to another site, that seems to use the same engine (there is no note ATM for the LXR engine numeric version):
... and this is how the link looks like to obtain plain-text version:
Note that this is a different URL format than what would use:
... and there is a note on the start page ( )
once you enable JavaScript, which states that: is currently running an experimental fork of the LXR software provided by
... or, in other words: the link format for downloading plain-text source files from, will not work for the (current) installation.
Here you can browse the references and also can download the source file
On, it works by adding the argument "raw=1" in the URL. For example, this URL...
... will become this :
The resulting page can then be saved using the "file saving" feature of your browser. On Linux and Windows, this is usually mapped to the ctrl+s keyboard shortcut.

CruiseControl.Net - inclusion of html report? (I get 'Unable to find file')

I have build that produces a (NCover 3.4 Summary) html report.
I'd like to configure the Dashboard to show the html report.
The report is produced perfectly in working folder during the build - my problem is referencing the report from the Dashboard. Should I do something to store it from working folder into the ' build records'? I don't really understand the inner workings there...
My use of plugin in the Dashboard.config is shown below. I don't know what I should use actionName for and have left it with value from documentation.
The link in CC.Net resolves as: http://DummyServerName/ccnet/server/local/project/DummyProject/build/log20101221100723Lbuild.
Thanks for any comments,
Anders, Denmark
<htmlReportPlugin description="NCover Summary" actionName="viewReport" htmlFileName="coverage_summary.html" />
From the CCNET Documentation [1] :
This plug-in can display any file that
is in the build folder under artefacts
folder for the project. It cannot
display files from any other location
(for security reasons). Files can be
published to a build folder using the
File Merge Task. This will
automatically generate the correct
folder structure for the HTML reports.
Either way, you can generate an xml report, merge it into the ccnet log and use an xsl to display it in the dashboard/emails.[2]

How to generate changelog from Trac

I need to generate changelog from Trac for a specific version as XML and then process it with a custom XSL. It seems one of the default reports is the case (All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed)). However, if i request it as XML (by adding format=rss to the url) the output XML does not contain Status, Resolution, Milestone fields. How do i configure it to contain all the fields? How do you generate your changelogs from Trac to include it in release notes?
1) Please provide a copy of the Query (Click on SQL Query link at the bottom of the page)
What I find strange is that normally you get more columns in the CSV/RSS-XML reports than in the HTML version (see Wiki page TracReports and the extract below)
2) Personally I generate my changelogs directly from Trac into pdf. I personalised the SQL statement as much as possible to get what I want. I prefer to get a result quickly and economically rather than spand a lot of time to get exactly what I want.
===== TracReports extract =====
column -- Hide data. Prepending an underscore ('') to a column name instructs Trac to hide the contents from the HTML output. This is useful for information to be visible only if downloaded in other formats (like CSV or RSS/XML).
