Groovy 'as' keyword to implement 2+ interfaces - groovy

I would like to implement a Glazed List that has both an AdvancedTableFormat and WritableTableFormat interface.
I am reading here:
and for one interface it seems this is possible in Groovy with the "as" keyword:
# return new EventTableModel(linksList, [
# getColumnCount: {columnNames.size()},
# getColumnName: {index -> columnNames[index]},
# getColumnValue: {object, index ->
# object."${columnNames[index].toLowerCase()}"
# }] as TableFormat)
Is it somehow possible to do this for two interfaces? If so how?
Thank you!

You can create a new interface that extends the two interfaces you are interested in.
interface PersonalizedTableFormat extends AdvancedTableFormat, WriteableTableFormat {
You can cast the object you return to the new interface.
return object as PersonalizedTableFormat;

The "as" keyword is just a fancy way of invoking Groovy's asType(Class) method, which takes only a single Class as an argument. Therefore you can't directly use "as" with more than one interface (unless you take frm's approach and combine the interfaces in one super interface).

I wonder if you want to implement 2 or more interfaces on the fly, and do not prefer to 'hard code' like
interface abc extends aaa,bbb,ccc {}?
May be you can try the following code:
import static java.util.Collections.sort
def doClose(Closeable c){
def o = new Object()
compare{Object a,String b-> return a.size() - b.size()};
close{println 'Lights out - I am closing'};
o = new ProxyGenerator().instantiateDelegate([Comparator, Closeable], o)
def items = ['a', 'bbb', 'cc']
sort(items, o);
println items;
println o.class.getInterfaces();


python property referring to property/attribute of member attribute?

I'm wondering if I have:
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = 1
self._member = 2
def _get_member(self):
return self._member
def _set_member(self, member):
self._member = member
member = property(_get_member, _set_member)
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self._member = A()
def _get_a_member(self):
return self._member.member
def _set_a_member(self, member):
self._member.member = member
member = property(_get_a_member, _set_a_member)
Can I somehow avoid to write get/setters for A.member, and simply refer to the attribute or property of the A object?
Where the get/setters do logic, its of course needed, but if I simply wan't to expose the member/attributes of a member attribute, then writing get/setters seems like overhead.
I think even if I could write the get/setters inline that would help?
I find the question a bit unclear, however I try to explain some context.
Where the get/setters do logic, its of course needed, but if I simply wan't to expose the member/attributes of a member attribute
If there is no logic in getter/setters, then there is no need to define the attribute as a property, but the attribute can be used directly (in any context).
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = 1
self.member = 2
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self.member = A()
B().member.member # returns 2
B().member.member = 10
In some languages, it's considered good practice to abstract instance properties with getter/setter methods, That's not necessarily the case in Python.
Python properties are useful when you'd need more control over the attribute, for example:
when there is logic (validation, etc.)
to define a readonly attribute (so only providing a getter without a setter)
Update (after the comment)
properties are not necessarily a tool to "hide" some internal implementation. Hiding in Python is a bit different than say in Java, due to very dynamic nature of Python language. It's always possible to introspect and even change objects on the fly, you can add new attributes (even methods) to objects on runtime:
b = B() = 4 # define a new attribute on runtime # returns 4
So Python developers rely more on conventions to hint their intentions of abstractions.
About the polymorphic members, I think it's most natural for Python classes to just share an interface, that's what's meant by Duck typing. So as long as your next implementation of A supports the same interface (provides the same methods for callers), it should not be any issue to change its implementation.
So this is what I came up with - use a method to generate the properties, with the assumption that the obj has an attribute of _member:
def generate_cls_a_property(name):
"""Small helper method for generating a 'dumb' property for the A object"""
def getter(obj):
return getattr(obj._member, name)
def setter(obj, new_value):
setattr(obj._member, name, new_value)
return property(getter, setter)
This allows me to add properties like so:
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self._member = A()
member = generate_cls_a_property('member') # generates a dumb/pass-through property
I'll accept my own, unless someone tops it within a week.. :)

Preventing a particular attribute's inheritance in subclass?

If I have the following :
class A:
attrs = [...]
A_attr = [...]
class B(A):
B_attr = [...]
Is there a way to prevent my B subclass from inheriting the A_attr from the A class?
Or would this be considered a bad design and I should better subclass both A and B from a third C class containing all the attrs attributes and add the particular attribute to each subclass like this?
class C:
attrs = [...]
class A(C):
A_attr = [...]
class B(C):
B_attr = [...]
Better idea is to dump the common functionality in a class.
class Commmon:
attrs = [...]
Extend this class who want this extra functonality.
class A(Common):
# only one attribute added in this class
A_attr = [...]
attrs_B = [...]
Extend class A when that extra attribute is needed in the class, this will bring all those other attributes.
class C(A):
attrs_C = [...]
What this will allow is wherever you want an object of type Common you can provide instance of B as well as C. And wherever you want instance of class A you can provide instance of C. If you add specific instance in each of your subclasses you will not be able to do so.
From Comment
So according to you I should use the second solution I exposed in my question.
Instead of adding the attribute in each subclass, my advice is to add the attribute in a separate class and let your new classes inherit this intermediate class. So you do not have to add the specific attribute in each one of those subclass.
Example is already provided above. Lets see what is the benefit of doing this, as opposed to your suggestion. Take the following function
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure object has the specific attribute
if (isinstance(obj, A)):
pass; #do something
raise TypeError("Object is not an instance of A")
But if we add the specific attribute in each class, the method will need to be changed to something like this:
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure object has the those type which has that specific attribute
if( isinstance(obj, class1) or (isinstance(obj, class2) or ...):
pass; #do something
raise TypeError("Object does not have specific attribute")
Of course, you can perform a check using something like this:
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure obj has attribute
if hasattr(obj, 'property')
pass; # do something
raise TypeError("Object does not have necessary attribute")
Using correct inheritance relationship (as shown in 1st example) will also help your IDE (if you are using one) in inferring types, because IDE can determine which type of object it expects. You can even augment the function with type information like this:
def foo(obj : A):
pass; #do something
That A after colon is a hint to the IDE that function expects an object of type or subtype of A.

Having trouble returning through multiple classes in Python

I'm still learning and like to build things that I will eventually be doing on a regular basis in the future, to give me a better understanding on how x does this or y does that.
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet, but I set up a call that will go through multiple classes.
getattr(monster, monster_class.str().lower())(1)
Which calls this:
class monster:
def vampire(x):
monster_loot = {'Gold':75, 'Sword':50.3, 'Good Sword':40.5, 'Blood':100.0, 'Ore':.05}
if x == 1:
Which in turn calls this...
class loot_table:
def all_loot(monster_loot):
loot = ['Gold', 'Sword', 'Good Sword', 'Ore']
loot_dropped = {}
for i in monster_loot:
if i in loot:
loot_dropped[i] = monster_loot[i]
And then, finally, gets to the last class.
class drop_chance:
def chance(loot_list):
loot_gained = []
for i in loot_list:
x = random.uniform(0.0,100.0)
if loot_list[i] >= x:
return loot_gained
And it all works, except it's not returning loot_gained. I'm assuming it's just being returned to the loot_table class and I have no idea how to bypass it all the way back down to the first line posted. Could I get some insight?
Keep using return.
def foo():
return bar()
def bar():
return baz()
def baz():
return 42
print foo()
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet...
Rather informally, a class definition is a description of the object of that class (a.k.a. instance of the class) that is to be created in future. The class definition contains the code (definitions of the methods). The object (the class instance) basically contains the data. The method is a kind of function that can take arguments and that is capable to manipulate the object's data.
This way, classes should represent the behaviour of the real-world objects, the class instances simulate existence of the real-world objects. The methods represent actions that the object apply on themselves.
From that point of view, a class identifier should be a noun that describes category of objects of the class. A class instance identifier should also be a noun that names the object. A method identifier is usually a verb that describes the action.
In your case, at least the class drop_chance: is suspicious at least because of naming it this way.
If you want to print something reasonable about the object--say using the print(monster)--then define the __str__() method of the class -- see the doc.

Exhaustively walking the AST tree in Groovy

This is related to my question on intercepting all accesses to a field in a given class, rather than just those done in a manner consistent with Groovy 'property' style accesses. You can view that here: intercepting LOCAL property access in groovy.
One way I've found that will definitely resolve my issue there is to use AST at compile time re-write any non-property accesses with property accesses. For example, a if a class looks like this:
class Foo {
def x = 1
def getter() {
def getProperty(String name) {
this."$name" ++
foo = new Foo()
assert foo.getter() == 1
assert foo.x == 2
These assert statements will work out because the getter method access x directly and the foo.x goes through getProperty("x") which increments x before returning.
After some trial and error I can use an AST transformation to change the behavior of the code such that the expression 'x' in the 'getter' method is actually accessed as a Property rather than as a local field. So far so good!
Now, how do I go about getting to ALL accesses of local fields in a given class? I've been combing the internet looking for an AST tree walker helper of some kind but haven't found one. Do I really need to implement an expression walker for all 38 expression types here and all 18 statement types here That seems like something that someone must have already written (since it would be integral to building an AST tree in the first place) but I can't seem to find it.
You are looking for some sort of visitor. Groovy has a few (weakly documented) visitors defined that you could use. I don't have the exact answer for your problem, but I can provide you a few directions.
The snippet below shows how to transverse the AST of a class and print all method names:
class TypeSystemUsageVisitor extends ClassCodeVisitorSupport {
public void visitExpression(MethodNode node) {
protected SourceUnit getSourceUnit() {
// I don't know ho I should implement this, but it makes no difference
return null;
And this is how I am using the visitor defined above
def visitor = new TypeSystemUsageVisitor()
def sourceFile = new File("path/to/Class.groovy")
def ast = new AstBuilder().buildFromString(CompilePhase.CONVERSION, false, sourceFile.text).find { it.class == ClassNode.class }
Visitors take care of transversing the tree for you. They have visit* methods that you can override and do whatever you want with them. I believe the appropriate visitor for your problem is CodeVisitorSupport, which has a visitVariableExpression method.
I recommend you to read the code of the AST Browser that comes along with groovyConsole for more examples on how to use Groovy AST Visitors. Also, take a look at the api doc for CodeVisitorSupport.

Groovy way to dynamically invoke a static method

I know in Groovy you can invoke a method on a class/object using a string. For example:
/* or */
String meth = "get"
Is there a way to do this with the class? I have the name of the class as a string and would like to be able to dynamically invoke that class. For example, looking to do something like:
String clazz = "Foo"
I think I'm missing something really obvious, just am not able to figure it out.
As suggested by Guillaume Laforge on Groovy ML,
("Foo" as Class).get(i)
would give the same result.
I've tested with this code:
def name = "java.lang.Integer"
def s = ("$name" as Class).parseInt("10")
println s
Try this:
def cl = Class.forName("org.package.Foo")
A little bit longer but should work.
If you want to create "switch"-like code for static methods, I suggest to instantiate the classes (even if they have only static methods) and save the instances in a map. You can then use
to select one of them.
[EDIT] "$name" is a GString and as such a valid statement. "$name".foo() means "call the method foo() of the class GString.
[EDIT2] When using a web container (like Grails), you have to specify the classloader. There are two options:
Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass", true, Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader)
Class.forName("com.acme.MyClass", true, getClass().classLoader)
The first option will work only in a web context, the second approach also works for unit tests. It depends on the fact that you can usually use the same classloader as the class which invokes forName().
If you have problems, then use the first option and set the contextClassLoader in your unit test:
def orig = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
try {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = getClass().classLoader
... test ...
} finally {
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = orig
An augmentation to Chanwit's answer illustrating creation of an instance:
def dateClass = 'java.util.Date' as Class
def date = dateClass.newInstance()
println date
Here's another way
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder as AH
def target = application.domainClasses.find{ == 'ClassName'}
With this you don't need to specify the package name. Be careful though if you have the same class name in two different packages.
Melix on Groovy ML pointed me in the "right" direction on dynamic class method invokation awhile back, quite useful:
// define in script (not object) scope
def loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader()
// place this in some MetaUtils class, invoked on app startup
String.metaClass.toClass = {
def classPath = getPath(delegate) // your method logic to determine ''
Class.forName(classPath, true, this.loader)
// then, anywhere in your app
You could create another string metaClass method to create instances as well, refactoring as appropriate:
String.metaClass.toObject = {
def classPath = getPath(delegate)
Class.forName(classPath, true, this.loader).newInstance()
Groovy is pure fun ;--)
I'm running version 1.8.8 groovy... and the simple example works.
Import my.Foo
def myFx="myMethodToCall"
def myArg = 12
Calls Foo.myMethodToCall(12) as expected and desired. I don't know if this has always been the case though.
