gcc compiled binaries give "cannot execute binary file" - linux

I compile this program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;
With this command:
gcc -c "hello.c" -o hello
And when I try to execute hello, I get
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
Because the permissions are
-rw-r--r-- 1 nathan nathan 856 2010-09-17 23:49 hello
For some reason??
But whatever... after changing the permissions and trying to execute again, I get
bash: ./hello: cannot execute binary file
I'm using gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3
What am I doing wrong here? It's gotta be obvious... it's just too late for me to keep using my tired eyes to try and figure out this simple problem....
P.S. I do (sometimes) work on programs more sophisticated than Hello World, but gcc is doing this across the board...

Take the -c out. That's for making object files, not executables.

The -c flag tells it not to link, so you have an object file, not a binary executable.
In fact, if you ran this without the -o flag, you would find that the default output file would be hello.o.
For reference (and giggles), the man entry on the -c flag:
-c Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link. The linking stage simply is not done.
The ultimate output is in the form of an object file for each source file.
By default, the object file name for a source file is made by replacing the suffix .c, .i, .s,
etc., with .o.
Unrecognized input files, not requiring compilation or assembly, are ignored.

Compile with: gcc hello.c -o hello


Linux programming: Compile code with dependencies

I am new to linux programming and learning it from The Linux Programming Interface by Michael Kerrisk.
I have to compile my first program that has dependencies.
Directory structure:
I want to compile seek_io.c program with dependencies in the lib directory, so that I can see how the program works.
I tried a few things, absolutely clueless on how they work following this stackoverflow answer. I get all sorts of errors as I am an absolute beginner to Linux programming, not to programming, linux OS and C.
gcc -I ./lib/ -c ./lib/error_functions.c and then gcc -o seek_io.c ./error_function.o gives error:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: In function _start:
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to main
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
After this run, on ls I find that my seek_io.c is not listed.
Basically the author of the book says for tlpi_hdr.h file:
This header file includes various other header files used by many of the example programs, defines a Boolean data type, and defines macros for calculating the minimum and maximum of two numeric values. Using this header file allows us to make the example programs a bit shorter.
Link to codes for files mentioned above:
The problem is with your second gcc command, where you're using the -o file to specify the output file where to store the resulting executable file, but passing it the name of the C source file seek_io.c instead...
gcc -o seek_io.c ./error_function.o
This means link file error_function.o and store the executable in seek_io.c. This fails because there is no main function, which is needed for a standalone executable, so your C source file is not overwritten by the failing link command.
You can fix this easily by passing the -o option a proper output file name, which in the case (of this link command) should be the name of the executable that you want to create, such as seek_io:
gcc -o seek_io seek_io.c ./error_function.o
(But this will fail without a -I ./lib/, since seek_io.c includes tlpi_hdr.h which is in that directory. If you add it to that command, it should work.)
You can also decide to split the compile and link steps in two separate steps (the command above will both compile seek_io.c into an object file and then link the two object files into an executable) with:
$ gcc -I ./lib/ -c ./lib/error_functions.c
$ gcc -I ./lib/ -c seek_io.c
$ gcc -o seek_io seek_io.o error_function.o
One final nitpick is that for the -I flag to specify the directories where to search for the include files, the more common usage has no space between the flag itself and the directory name, so you'll most commonly see -I./lib or even -Ilib.
$ gcc -Ilib -c ./lib/error_functions.c
$ gcc -Ilib -c seek_io.c
$ gcc -o seek_io seek_io.o error_function.o

How to make a 'makefile' in c

I can't understand how I can produce a makefile for C code
I have the following .c file which normally I execute in the following manner:
gcc server.c -o server.out -lpthread
Once compiled, I run the .out file like this:
./server.out 4000
I only need the make files to compile the program rather than running it too..
If naming your executable file server will do for you, then just
all: server
in a file called Makefile will do. The you can just type
to build it.
Ortherwise your Makefile should contain:
server.out: server.c
gcc server.c -o server.out -lpthread
Except that it is a tabulation, not spaces before the text “gcc”.
To start , you can create a project in eclipse and it would create a makefile for you. And then you can start going into the details about what all is added and this can trim out things you understand are not necessary.
Is an example of a simple make file.

Building a simple (hello-world-esque) example of using ld's option -rpath with $ORIGIN

Note: Full working example now below. Original question follows:
I'm having problems using ld's -rpath parameter with $ORIGIN.
As I couldn't find a complete example, I thought I'd try to write one myself, so that I and others can use it later. Once I get it working I'll tidy it up.
I asked about this before, but I think my post was a bit confusing.
The example project builds one shared library and one executable that links to said library.
It's very small (3 files, 22 lines incl buildscript).
You can download the project from here
File structure (before building):
int foo()
{ return 3; }
int foo();
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << foo() << std::endl;
return 0;
# Make directories:
mkdir -p -v obj
mkdir -p -v lib
mkdir -p -v run
# Build the library:
g++ -c -o obj/foo.o src/foo.cpp -fPIC
g++ -shared -o lib/foo.sh obj/foo.o
# Build the executable:
g++ -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp
g++ -o run/main.run obj/main.o -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../../lib' -Llib -l:foo.sh
From the project directory, run make.sh (make sure it's executable).
File structure (after building):
run/main.run should now load lib/foo.sh on execution, from anywhere.
Currently, this only partly works.
The files compile and link OK, but it fails to link when run from any directory except project (which is the point of the exercise).
Inspecting main.run with readelf -d shows:
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [lib/foo.sh]
0x000000000000000f (RPATH) Library rpath: [$ORIGIN/../../lib]
Which looks close (I'd rather have [foo.sh] than [lib/foo.sh] but I'll fix that later).
AFAICT the $ORIGIN in -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../../lib' means project/run/main.run so this rpath should become project/lib.
I have tried $ORIGIN/.., $ORIGIN/../lib, $ORIGIN/../.., $ORIGIN/../../lib to no avail.
Note: I'm using -l: which requires the complete library filename (amongst other reasons, it's easier to script with variables when all functions take the same name format).
Does anyone know why this isn't working?
Or alternately, does anyone have or know of a complete working example?
(I'd rather have [foo.sh] than [lib/foo.sh] but I'll fix that later).
There's most of your problem: the / in the name stops the dynamic linker from doing the rpath magic.
(Your rpath is wrong too. Think about it: from the shell, if you were currently in the directory where your executable is, how would you get to the directory where your library is? Here, you'd need to cd ../lib. So your rpath should be $ORIGIN/../lib.)
If you built your object as libfoo.so and linked with -Llib -lfoo, the linker would work out what you were intending, and do the right thing. But if you're going to use unusual naming conventions, you'll have to help it out:
Change the link line for the library to explicitly set the SONAME for your library to just foo.sh:
g++ -shared -Wl,-soname,foo.sh -o lib/foo.sh obj/foo.o
Fix the rpath:
g++ -o run/main.run obj/main.o -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../lib' -Llib -l:foo.sh
It's useful to run ldd main/main.run to see what's going on. In your original failing case, you'll see something like:
lib/foo.sh (0xNNNNNNNN)
(the lack of any => /some/resolved/path showing that it's not done any path resolution). In the fixed case, you'll see something like:
foo.sh => /your/path/to/run/../lib/foo.sh (0xNNNNNNNN)
This is a example of relative-path linking (with ld) by using $ORIGIN in an rpath.
rpath is a path (or set of paths) embedded in binary files (shared libraries (.so) and executables).
These paths are the foremost search paths for the shared libraries the binary must be linked with at runtime.
$ORIGIN is a potential start directory for an rpath path.
It resolves to the directory containing the executing file. (eg: $ORIGIN/lib)
The example project builds one shared library and one executable that links to said library using rpath and $ORIGIN.
You can download the project from here.
File structure (before building):
int foo()
{ return 3; }
int foo();
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << foo() << std::endl;
return 0;
# Make directories:
mkdir -p -v obj
mkdir -p -v lib/dir
mkdir -p -v run
# Build the library:
g++ -c -o obj/foo.o src/foo.cpp -fPIC
g++ -shared -o lib/dir/foo.so -Wl,-soname,foo.so obj/foo.o
# Build the executable:
g++ -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp
g++ -o run/main.run obj/main.o -Wl,-rpath,'$ORIGIN/../lib/dir' -Llib/dir -l:foo.so
From the project directory, run make.sh (if it won't run, ensure make.sh has execute permissions).
If all went OK, main.run should now load lib/dir/foo.so on execution, regardless of the absolute path to project (you can move it to anywhere), and regardless of the current working directory (you can run it from anywhere).
-fPIC instructs the compiler to build relocatable object files (object files build into shared libraries must be relocatable).
-Wl,-soname,<NAME> embeds <NAME> into the generated library. This should match the name you supply for the -l or -l: options when linking to this library.
-Wl,-rpath,'<PATH>' embeds <PATH> into the generated library as a runtime library search path (or rpath - see above).
-L adds a path to the build-time library search path list. (Note: rpath is irrelevant at build-time, -L is irrelevant at runtime).
-l: adds the filename (without path) of a library to link against. (Similar to -l, except -l: requires the complete filename.
File structure (after building):
Note: I'm using -l: which requires the complete library filename (amongst other reasons, it's easier to script with variables when all functions take the same name format).
It is more common to use -l, whereby -l<NAME> denotes lib.so.
As far as I'm aware (correct me if I'm wrong) there's no way to add a library inside a subdirectory within a search path (except for adding that directory as a sub-path). This is true for both build-time (-L) and run-time (-rpath) search paths.
So if you have two libraries with the same name but different locations, you won't be able to link them both. (I hope I'm wrong or that this gets fixed).

Symbols from convenience library not getting exported in executable

I have a program, myprogram, which is linked with a static convenience library, call it libconvenience.a, which contains a function, func(). The function func() isn't called anywhere in myprogram; it needs to be able to be called from a plugin library, plugin.so.
The symbol func() is not getting exported dynamically in myprogram. If I run
nm myprogram | grep func
I get nothing. However, it isn't missing from libconvenience.a:
nm libconvenience/libconvenience.a | grep func
00000000 T func
I am using automake, but if I do the last linking step by hand on the command line instead, it doesn't work either:
gcc -Wl,--export-dynamic -o myprogram *.o libconvenience/libconvenience.a `pkg-config --libs somelibraries`
However, if I link the program like this, skipping the use of a convenience library and linking the object files that would have gone into libconvenience.a directly, func() shows up in myprogram's symbols as it should:
gcc -Wl,--export-dynamic -o myprogram *.o libconvenience/*.o `pkg-config --libs somelibraries`
If I add a dummy call to func() somewhere in myprogram, then func() also shows up in myprogram's symbols. But I thought that --export-dynamic was supposed to export all symbols regardless of whether they were used in the program or not!
I am using automake 1.11.1 and gcc 4.5.1 on Fedora 14. I am also using Libtool 2.2.10 to build plugin.so (but not the convenience library.)
I didn't forget to put -Wl,--export-dynamic in myprogram_LDFLAGS, nor did I forget to put the source that contains func() in libconvenience_a_SOURCES (some Googling suggests that these are common causes of this problem.)
Can somebody help me understand what is going on here?
I managed to solve it. It was this note from John Calcote's excellent Autotools book that pointed me in the right direction:
Linkers add to the binary product every object file specified explicitly on the command line, but they only extract from archives those object files that are actually referenced in the code being linked.
To counteract this behavior, one can use the --whole-archive flag to libtool. However, this causes all the symbols from all the system libraries to be pulled in also, causing lots of double symbol definition errors. So --whole-archive needs to be right before libconvenience.a on the linker command line, and it needs to be followed by --no-whole-archive so that the other libraries aren't treated that way. This is a bit difficult since automake and libtool don't really guarantee keeping your flags in the same order on the command line, but this line in Makefile.am did the trick:
myprogram_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--export-dynamic \
If you need func to be in plugin.so, you should try and locate it there if possible. Convenience libraries are meant to be just that -- a convenience to link to an executable or lib as an intermediate step.

Unable to install Linux's rename to Mac

I read the tutorial which advises me to run at util-linux package
I get
configuring util-linux-2.12q
You don't have <scsi/scsi.h>
You don't have <linux/blkpg.h>
You don't have <linux/kd.h>
You have <locale.h>You have <langinfo.h>
You have <sys/user.h>
You have <uuid/uuid.h>
You have <rpcsvc/nfs_prot.h>
You don't have <asm/types.h>
You don't have <linux/raw.h>
You have <stdint.h>
You don't have <sys/io.h>
You have inet_aton()
You have fsync()
You have getdomainname()
You have nanosleep()
You don't have personality()
You don't have updwtmp()
You have fseeko()
You have lchown()
You don't have rpmatch()
You have <term.h>
You have ncurses. Using <ncurses.h>.
You have termcap
You don't need -lcrypt
Strange... Static compilation fails here.
You don't have native language support
You have __progname
You don't have <pty.h> and openpty()
You have wide character support
You don't have SYS_pivot_root
You have a tm_gmtoff field in struct tm
Your rpcgen output does not compile - using pregenerated code
You have zlib
You don't have blkid
It then advises me to run the following command at misc-utils
make rename
I get the following warning
cc -pipe -O2 -mtune=i386 -fomit-frame-pointer -I../lib -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -DNCH=1 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DSBINDIR=\"/sbin\" -DUSRSBINDIR=\"/usr/sbin\" -DLOGDIR=\"/var/log\" -DVARPATH=\"/var\" -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -O2 -s rename.c -o rename
ld warning: option -s is obsolete and being ignored
How can you install rename -command for Mac?
That's a warning, not an error.
I've just tried this myself and it has built a rename executable.
Easily install rename using Homebrew
brew install rename
Do compile rename from linux. There are some minor differences to the indications in the tutorial. I used version 2.22 from the file util-linux-2.22.tar.gz
Download it and uncompress it. Go to the uncompressed folder in a terminal.
Don't just run ./configure, use this command with flags instead:
./configure --disable-su --disable-sulogin --disable-login
then from that very same folder, NOT changing into misc-utils, you do make rename
That's all, in the current folder you'll have the executable and in the misc-utils the man documentation if you need it.
Can you not just use mv instead of trying to compile rename? Maybe even alias it to rename?
(EDIT: Ignore my comment about build-essentials - as pointed out by yangyang, it looks like it should have built ok anyhow)
Try this:
function rename { from=$1; to=$2; shift 2; for i in "$#"; do j=`echo $i | sed "s/$from/$to/"`; mv "$i" "$j"; done }
Paste it into your .profile or .bashrc and run it just like the Red Hat rename utility:
$rename foo bar *.txt
Turns foo1.txt, foo2.txt and foofoo.txt into bar1.txt, bar2.txt but, somewhat irritatingly, barfoo.txt. Maybe someone can tweak it to fix this.
Test it by putting 'echo' before 'mv' so that it outputs a list of all changes it will make without making them.
