Wadler, "Monads for Functional Programming," Section 2.8 - haskell

Edit II: Ah, okay: I wasn't understanding how a and b were being bound in the definition of eval! Now I do. If anyone's interested, this is a diagram tracking a and b. I'm a pretty big fan of diagrams. Drawing arrows really improved my Haskell, I swear.
A Diagram of an eval call (PDF)
Sometimes I feel really dense.
In section 2.8 of Wadler's "Monads for Functional Programming," he introduces state into a simple evaluation function. The original (non-monadic) function tracks state using a series of let expressions, and is easy to follow:
data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
deriving (Eq, Show)
type M a = State -> (a, State)
type State = Int
eval' :: Term -> M Int
eval' (Con a) x = (a, x)
eval' (Div t u) x = let (a, y) = eval' t x in
let (b, z) = eval' u y in
(a `div` b, z + 1)
The definitions of unit and bind for the monadic evaluator are similarly straightforward:
unit :: a -> M a
unit a = \x -> (a, x)
(>>=) :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
m >>= k = \x -> let (a, y) = m x in
let (b, z) = k a y in
(b, z)
Here, (>>=) accepts a monadic value m :: M a, a function k :: a -> M b, and outputs a monadic value M b. The value of m is dependent on the value substituted for x in the lambda expression.
Wadler then introduces the function tick:
tick :: M ()
tick = \x -> ((), x + 1)
Again, straightforward. What isn't straightforward, however, is how to chain these functions together to produce an evaluation function that returns the number of division operators performed. Specifically, I don't understand:
(1) How tick is implemented. For instance, the following is a valid function call:
(tick >>= \() -> unit (div 4 2)) 0
~> (2, 1)
However, I can't evaluate it correctly by hand (indicating that I misunderstand something). In particular: (a) The result of evaluating tick at 0 is ((), 0), so How does the lambda expression accept ()? (b) If a is the first element of the pair returned by calling tick at 0, how does unit get evaluated?
(2) How to combine tick and unit to track the number of division operators performed. While the non-monadic evaluator is not problematic, the use of bind is confusing me here.
Edit: Thanks, everybody. I think my misunderstanding was the role of the lambda expression, '() -> unit (div 4 2)'. If I understanding it correctly,
(tick >>= (\() -> unit (div m n)) x
expands to
(\x -> let (a, y) = tick x in
let (b, z) = (\() -> unit (div m n) a y) in
(b, z)) x
When 'a' is applied to '() -> unit (div m n) a y', no 'practical result' is yielded. The same effect could be achieved by binding any variable with a lambda operator, and substituting a value for it. The versatility of bind, in this case, is that any value M a can be passed to it. As noted, a value M a represents a computation, for instance, 'eval.' Hence:
eval (Con a) = unit a
eval (Div t u) = eval t >>= (\a ->
eval u >>= (\b ->
tick >>= (\c -> unit (a `div` b))))
If I understand correctly, 'eval t' is substituted for m and the remainder of the expression, the function
'(\a -> eval u >>= (\b -> tick >>= (\c -> unit (a `div` b))))'
is substituted for k. The result of evaluating 'eval t' is bound to (a, y), and the result of evaluating k is bound to (b, z). I have a ways to go, but this clears it up somewhat. Thanks.

You can evaluate the expression by hand like this:
(tick >>= \() -> unit (div 4 2)) 0
If you insert tick and \() -> unit (div 4 2) into the definition of >>=, this becomes:
(\x -> let (a, y) = tick x in
let (b, z) = (\() -> unit (div 4 2)) a y in
(b, z)) 0
If you now apply the function by substituting 0 for x, you get:
let (a, y) = tick 0 in
let (b, z) = (\() -> unit (div 4 2)) a y in
(b, z)
Now let's apply tick to 0:
let (a, y) = ((), 0 + 1) in
let (b, z) = (\() -> unit (div 4 2)) a y in
(b, z)
So a becomes () and y becomes 0+1 which is 1. So we have
let (b, z) = (\() -> unit (div 4 2)) () 1 in
(b, z)
If we apply the function to () we get
let (b,z) = unit (div 4 2) 1 in
If we apply unit, we get
let (b,z) = (div 4 2, 1) in
div 4 2 is 2, so the result is (2,1).

The result of evaluating tick at 0 is ((), 1) -- look at the code again, it increments the input value by one.
The lambda expression accepts () because it is the right-hand side of the bind operation, meaning its type is expected to be (() -> M b). So it takes the () as its first parameter, then uses "unit" as the M b item.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. The bind operator is defined to pass the result and state from the first operation (which is () and 1 respectively) into the second operation, so unit ends up being passed 1 as the current state (the result, (), was swallowed by the lambda expression). The current state is kept as-is by the unit function, and the result is the result of 4 div 2, i.e. 2.
Presumably you will want some function of the type:
divCounted :: Int -> Int -> M Int
Which either combines tick and unit (similar to how you have), making sure to tick once to increase the count, and use unit to give back the result.

1a) The result of evaluating tick at 0 is ((), 1), so How does the lambda expression accept ()?
The key about the state monad is that bind takes care of the second component of the pair, the state. The lambda expression only needs to handle the (), the first component of the pair, the return value.
In general, the key about the monad M is that it abstracts the whole business of threading the state away. You should think of a value of type M a as a computer program that returns a value of type a while also messing with the state. The insight is that two operations, unit and >>=, are enough to write any such program; the entire business of constructing and deconstructing pairs (a,s) can be captured in those two functions.


Is there a Pipelining Monad?

So I'm playing with the Cantor pairing function, and trying to follow the wikipedia formulas as close as possible.
type N = Int
toCantor :: (N, N) -> N
fromCantor :: N -> (N, N)
toCantor (x, y) = (x + y) * (x + y + 1) `div` 2 + y
type N so I can easily change to Integer later (some of the intermediate calcs will get big).
uncurried form, partly to follow wp, partly so (fromCantor . toCantor) === id and (toCantor . fromCantor) === id.
Again following wp:
fromCantor z = (x, y) where
x = w - y
y = z - t
t = (w * w + w) `div` 2
w = floor $ (sqrt (fromIntegral (z * 8 + 1)) - 1.0) / 2.0
This works and everything but gee that formula for w is ugly!
It needs all those parens because I've got a formula nested inside a function call and a loose-binding (-) nested inside a tight-binding (/).
(And both those operators are non-commutative, so I must be careful.)
Q 1. Is there a way to make that formula prettier/pointfree?
I see the formula starts from z and builds outwards. So I can pipeline the calculation:
(.|) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b -- pipelining
infixl 0 .|
x .| f = f x -- aka flip ($)
wP :: N -> N -- w with Pipelining
wP z = z
.| (* 8)
.| (+ 1)
.| fromIntegral
.| sqrt
.| subtract 1.0
.| (/ 2.0)
.| floor
Is this style prior art? Is (.|) a good way to spell that operation -- I think I've seen it as a Lens operator(?)
Q 2. I've (deliberately) laid that out in pseudo-monad style. Could it actually be a do block?
First I need a monad. I could use Maybe or (Either e) -- which would be a Good Thing because several of those functions are partial, and I ought to be using a safe version.
Then instead of z I'd put return z.
But the binding goes the wrong way round. Instead of Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, I want Monad m => m a -> (a -> b) -> m b. That looks like an fmap, but flipped.
I could apply some sort of lifting to the functions/operators, but that then obscures the arithmetic with monad plumbing.
Rebindable syntax?
Your operator .| already exists in Data.Function as &. To make it pointfree, you can either use >>> from Control.Arrow, or invert the order of everything and just use .. For Monad m => m a -> (a -> b) -> m b, you want <&>, from Data.Functor.

Understanding Monadic Fibonacci

I am learning haskell and learning monads. I've watched and read various tutorials and coded some simple examples for state monad, however I am not able to understand the following piece of code (taken from Haskell Wiki):
import Control.Monad.State
fib n = flip evalState (0,1) $ do
forM [0..(n-1)] $ \_ -> do
(a,b) <- get
put (b,a+b)
(a,b) <- get
return a
My question boils down to the following:
What is going inside the first statement of the inner do, i.e what does (a,b)<-get result into. What will be the values of a and b for some concrete example.
Why would you want to use the state monad over here?
In this example, the state is a pair containing the previous two numbers generated in the sequence. This is initially (0, 1) provided to evalState.
The type of get is MonadState s m => m s so in the inner do block
(a, b) <- get
fetches the state pair and binds a and b to the first and second elements respectively. The state is then updated in the following put.
The state will therefore be:
(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 5), ...
The outer
(a, b) <- get
return a
unpacks the final state value and returns the first element.
First lets make clear the Fibonacci algorithm being used. The idea is to start with the tuple (0, 1), then find the next as (1, 0 + 1), the next as (1, 1 + 1), (2, 2 + 1), (3, 3 + 2), and so on. Generally, the step is \(a, b) -> (b, a + b). You can see that in these tuples are the Fibonacci numbers.
What is going inside the first statement of the inner do, i.e what
does (a,b)<-get result into?
Haskell does not have statements, only expressions.
y <- x is not a complete expression. It is similar to x >>= \y ->.
y <- x
Is a complete expression and is equivalent to x >>= \y -> m. A line n not of the form y <- n is equivalent to _ <- n (excluding let lines and maybe some others I forget).
Using this we can desugar do-notation.
fib n =
flip evalState (0, 1)
( forM
(\_ -> get >>= (\(a, b) -> put (b, a + b)))
>>= (\_ -> get >>= (\(a, b) -> return a)))
Now it is just about understanding >>=, return, get, put, and so on.
State is actually just functions of the type s -> (s, a). They take an initial state and yield the next state plus some other value.
m >>= n a.k.a. "bind" has the type Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b. Then, if our Monad is State s, this is the same as:
m >>= n ::
( s -> (s, a))
-> (a -> s -> (s, b))
-> ( s -> (s, b))
The a returned by m has to be passed to n. What else can we guess? We expect the state to pass along as well, so the state returned by m must be passed to n as well. The function m >>= n must return the state and value that n returns. We then know how to implement bind:
m >>= n = uncurry (flip n) . m
return :: Monad m => a -> m a which is then equivalent to return :: a -> s -> (s, a):
return = flip (,)
get :: State s s is equivalent to get :: s -> (s, s):
get = join (,)
put :: s -> State s () or put :: s -> s -> (s, ()):
put s _ = (s, ())
evalState :: s -> State s a -> a or evalState :: s -> (s -> (s, a)) -> a:
evalState s f = snd (f s)
You can expand all the definitions and see exactly what is happening in the example. Just the intuitions should suffice though.
(\_ -> get >>= (\(a, b) -> put (b, a + b)))
We don't care about having the numbers 0 to n - 1 so the first argument is dropped. get retrieves the current state, then put writes the new state. We do this n times.
>>= (\_ -> get >>= (\(a, b) -> return a)))
We don't care about the accumulated value (which is unit) and so the first parameter is dropped. Then we get the current state and project just the first element of the pair. This is the final answer we're looking for.
flip evalState (0, 1) …
Finally we run starting from the initial state (0, 1).
There are some cleanups we can make to this implementation. First, we don't care about the range [0..(n-1)], we just care about repeating an action n times. A more direct way to do this is the following:
replicateM n (get >>= \(a, b) -> put (b, a + b))
The result is a list of unit which is unused, so a more efficient version is:
replicateM_ n (get >>= \(a, b) -> put (b, a + b))
There is already a function for the common pattern of get followed by put named modify, which is defined as \f -> get >>= put . f. Therefore:
replicateM_ n (modify (\(a, b) -> (b, a + b)))
Then there is the part:
>>= (\_ -> get >>= (\(a, b) -> return a)))
Any time we don't care about the previous result we can use >>.
>> get >>= (\(a, b) -> return a))
This is:
>> get >>= return . fst
m >>= return . f simplifies to fmap f m:
>> fmap fst get
Now we have, in total:
fib n =
( replicateM_ n (modify (\(a, b) -> (b, a + b)))
>> fmap fst get
(0, 1)
We might also use, for comparison:
fib n =
( evalState
( replicateM_ n (modify (\(a, b) -> (b, a + b)))
>> get
(0, 1)
And then because I am silly:
fib =
. flip evalState (0, 1)
. (>> get)
. flip replicateM_ (modify (snd &&& uncurry (+)))
Why would you want to use the state monad over here?
You wouldn't. This is clear because we only use the state value; the other value is always unit and discarded. In other words, we only need n (i.e. which Fibonacci number to find) at the beginning and afterwards we only need the accumulated tuple.
Sometimes you think to have a string of compositions like h . g . f but you want to send two arguments through instead of just one. That is when State may be applicable.
If some functions read and some write the state (the second argument), or do both, then State fits the bill. If there are only readers then use Reader and if there are only writers then use Writer.
We can alter the example to make better use of the State Monad. I will make the tuple disappear!
fib =
flip evalState 0
. foldr (=<<) (return 1)
. flip replicate (\x -> get >>= \y -> put x $> x + y)
So the docs state: get :: m s -- Return the state from the internals of the monad (see here).
But I remember very well that when I tried to wrap my head around the State Monad this didn't help me a lot.
I can only recommend playing around with :i and :t in ghci and test out different sub-expressions. Just to get a feel for it. A bit like this:
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
runState (get) 0
runState (get >>= \x -> put (x+1)) 0
:t return 1 :: State Int Int
runState (return 1) 0
runState (return 1 >>= \x -> (get >>= \y -> return (x+y))) 0
-- Keeping a pair of (predecessor/current) in the state:
let f = (get >>= (\(a,b) -> put (b,a+b))) :: State (Int, Int) ()
runState (f >> f >> f >> f >> f >> f) (0,1)
-- only keeping the predecessor in the state:
let f x = (get >>= (\y -> put x >> return (x+y))) :: State Int Int
runState (return 1 >>= f >>= f >>= f >>= f >>= f >>= f) 0
Also play around with modify, runState, evalState, execState.

Reusing patterns in pattern guards or case expressions

My Haskell project includes an expression evaluator, which for the purposes of this question can be simplified to:
data Expression a where
I :: Int -> Expression Int
B :: Bool -> Expression Bool
Add :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Mul :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Int
Eq :: Expression Int -> Expression Int -> Expression Bool
And :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
Or :: Expression Bool -> Expression Bool -> Expression Bool
If :: Expression Bool -> Expression a -> Expression a -> Expression a
-- Reduces an Expression down to the simplest representation.
reduce :: Expression a -> Expression a
-- ... implementation ...
The straightforward approach to implementing this is to write a case expression to recursively evaluate and pattern match, like so:
reduce (Add x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(I x', I y') -> I $ x' + y'
(x', y') -> Add x' y'
reduce (Mul x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(I x', I y') -> I $ x' * y'
(x', y') -> Mul x' y'
reduce (And x y) = case (reduce x, reduce y) of
(B x', B y') -> B $ x' && y'
(x', y') -> And x' y'
-- ... and similarly for other cases.
To me, that definition looks somewhat awkward, so I then rewrote the definition using pattern guards, like so:
reduce (Add x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' + y'
I think this definition looks cleaner compared to the case expression, but when defining multiple patterns for different constructors, the pattern is repeated multiple times.
reduce (Add x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' + y'
reduce (Mul x y) | I x' <- reduce x
, I y' <- reduce y
= I $ x' * y'
Noting these repeated patterns, I was hoping there would be some syntax or structure that could cut down on the repetition in the pattern matching. Is there a generally accepted method to simplify these definitions?
Edit: after reviewing the pattern guards, I've realised they don't work as a drop-in replacement here. Although they provide the same result when x and y can be reduced to I _, they do not reduce any values when the pattern guards do not match. I would still like reduce to simplify subexpressions of Add et al.
One partial solution, which I've used in a similar situation, is to extract the logic into a "lifting" function that takes a normal Haskell operation and applies it to your language's values. This abstracts over the wrappping/unwrapping and resulting error handling.
The idea is to create two typeclasses for going to and from your custom type, with appropriate error handling. Then you can use these to create a liftOp function that could look like this:
liftOp :: (Extract a, Extract b, Pack c) => (a -> b -> c) ->
(Expression a -> Expression b -> Expression c)
liftOp err op a b = case res of
Nothing -> err a' b'
Just res -> pack res
where res = do a' <- extract $ reduce' a
b' <- extract $ reduce' b
return $ a' `op` b'
Then each specific case looks like this:
Mul x y -> liftOp Mul (*) x y
Which isn't too bad: it isn't overly redundant. It encompasses the information that matters: Mul gets mapped to *, and in the error case we just apply Mul again.
You would also need instances for packing and unpacking, but these are useful anyhow. One neat trick is that these can also let you embed functions in your DSL automatically, with an instance of the form (Extract a, Pack b) => Pack (a -> b).
I'm not sure this will work exactly for your example, but I hope it gives you a good starting point. You might want to wire additional error handling through the whole thing, but the good news is that most of that gets folded into the definition of pack, unpack and liftOp, so it's still pretty centralized.
I wrote up a similar solution for a related (but somewhat different) problem. It's also a way to handle going back and forth between native Haskell values and an interpreter, but the interpreter is structured differently. Some of the same ideas should still apply though!
This answer is inspired by rampion's follow-up question, which suggests the following function:
step :: Expression a -> Expression a
step x = case x of
Add (I x) (I y) -> I $ x + y
Mul (I x) (I y) -> I $ x * y
Eq (I x) (I y) -> B $ x == y
And (B x) (B y) -> B $ x && y
Or (B x) (B y) -> B $ x || y
If (B b) x y -> if b then x else y
z -> z
step looks at a single term, and reduces it if everything needed to reduce it is present. Equiped with step, we only need a way to replace a term everywhere in the expression tree. We can start by defining a way to apply a function inside every term.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
emap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
emap f x = case x of
I a -> I a
B a -> B a
Add x y -> Add (f x) (f y)
Mul x y -> Mul (f x) (f y)
Eq x y -> Eq (f x) (f y)
And x y -> And (f x) (f y)
Or x y -> Or (f x) (f y)
If x y z -> If (f x) (f y) (f z)
Now, we need to apply a function everywhere, both to the term and everywhere inside the term. There are two basic possibilities, we could apply the function to the term before applying it inside or we could apply the function afterwards.
premap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
premap f = emap (premap f) . f
postmap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression x -> Expression x
postmap f = f . emap (postmap f)
This gives us two possibilities for how to use step, which I will call shorten and reduce.
shorten = premap step
reduce = postmap step
These behave a little differently. shorten removes the innermost level of terms, replacing them with literals, shortening the height of the expression tree by one. reduce completely evaluates the expression tree to a literal. Here's the result of iterating each of these on the same input
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul (I 2) (I 3))) (I 0)
If (And (B True) (B True)) (Add (I 1) (I 6)) (I 0)
If (B True) (I 7) (I 0)
I 7
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul (I 2) (I 3))) (I 0)
I 7
Partial reduction
Your question implies that you sometimes expect that expressions can't be reduced completely. I'll extend your example to include something to demonstrate this case, by adding a variable, Var.
data Expression a where
Var :: Expression Int
We will need to add support for Var to emap:
emap f x = case x of
Var -> Var
bind will replace the variable, and evaluateFor performs a complete evaluation, traversing the expression only once.
bind :: Int -> Expression a -> Expression a
bind a x = case x of
Var -> I a
z -> z
evaluateFor :: Int -> Expression a -> Expression a
evaluateFor a = postmap (step . bind a)
Now reduce iterated on an example containing a variable produces the following output
If (And (B True) (Or (B False) (B True))) (Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))) (I 0)
Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))
If the output expression from the reduction is evaluated for a specific value of Var, we can reduce the expression all the way to a literal.
"evaluateFor 5"
Add (I 1) (Mul Var (I 3))
I 16
emap can instead be written in terms of an Applicative Functor, and postmap can be made into a generic piece of code suitable for other data types than expressions. How to do so is described in this answer to rampion's follow-up question.

What else can `loeb` function be used for?

I am trying to understand "Löb and möb: strange loops in Haskell", but right now the meaning is sleaping away from me, I just don't see why it could be useful. Just to recall function loeb is defined as
loeb :: Functor f => f (f a -> a) -> f a
loeb x = go where go = fmap ($ go) x
or equivalently:
loeb x = go
where go = fmap (\z -> z go) x
In the article there is an example with [] functor and spreadsheets implementation, but it is bit foreign for me just as spreadsheets themselves (never used them).
While I'm understanding that spreadsheet thing, I think it would help a lot for me and others to have more examples, despite lists. Is there any application for loeb for Maybe or other functors?
The primary source (I think) for loeb is Dan Piponi's blog, A Neighborhood of Infinity. There he explains the whole concept in greater detail. I'll replicate a little bit of that as an answer and add some examples.
loeb implements a strange kind of lazy recursion
loeb :: Functor a => a (a x -> x) -> a x
loeb x = fmap (\a -> a (loeb x)) x
Let's imagine we have a type a, where Functor a, and an a-algebra (a function of type a x -> x). You might think of this as a way of computing a value from a structure of values. For instance, here are a few []-algebras:
length :: [Int] -> Int
(!! 3) :: [a] -> a
const 3 :: Num a => [a] -> a
\l -> l !! 2 + l !! 3 :: Num a => [a] -> a
We can see that these a-algebras can use both values stored in the Functor and the structure of the Functor itself.
Another way to think of d :: a x -> x is as a value of x which requires some context–a whole Functorized value a x–in order to be computed. Perhaps this interpretation is more clearly written as Reader (a x) x, emphasizing that this is just a value of x which is delayed, awaiting the a x context to be produced.
type Delay q x = q -> x
Using these ideas we can describe loeb as follows. We're given a f-structure containing some Delayed values, where f is a Functor
Functor f, f (Delay q x)
Naturally, if we were given a q then we could convert this into a not delayed form. In fact, there's only one (non-cheating) function that does this polymorphically:
force :: Functor f => f (Delay q x) -> q -> f x
force f q = fmap ($ q) f
What loeb does is handle the extra tricky case where q is actually force f q, the very result of this function. If you're familiar with fix, this is exactly how we can produce this result.
loeb :: Functor a => a (Delay (a x) x) -> a x
loeb f = fix (force f)
So to make an example, we simply must build a structure containing Delayed values. One natural example of this is to use the list examples from before
> loeb [ length :: [Int] -> Int
, const 3 :: [Int] -> Int
, const 5 :: [Int] -> Int
, (!! 2) :: [Int] -> Int
, (\l -> l !! 2 + l !! 3) :: [Int] -> Int
[5, 3, 5, 5, 10]
Here we can see that the list is full of values delayed waiting on the result of evaluating the list. This computation can proceed exactly because there are no loops in data dependency, so the whole thing can just be determined lazily. For instance, const 3 and const 5 are both immediately available as values. length requires that we know the length of the list but none of the values contained so it also proceeds immediately on our fixed-length list. The interesting ones are the values delayed waiting on other values from inside our result list, but since (!! 2) only ends up depending on the third value of the result list, which is determined by const 5 and thus can be immediately available, the computation moves forward. The same idea happens with (\l -> l !! 2 + l !! 3).
So there you have it: loeb completes this strange kind of delayed value recursion. We can use it on any kind of Functor, though. All we need to do is to think of some useful Delayed values.
Chris Kuklewicz's comment notes that there's not a lot you could do interestingly with Maybe as your functor. That's because all of the delayed values over Maybe take the form
maybe (default :: a) (f :: a -> a) :: Maybe a -> a
and all of the interesting values of Maybe (Delay (Maybe a) a) ought to be Just (maybe default f) since loeb Nothing = Nothing. So at the end of the day, the default value never even gets used---we always just have that
loeb (Just (maybe default f)) == fix f
so we may as well write that directly.
You can use it for dynamic programming. The example that comes to mind is the Smith-Waterman algorithm.
import Data.Array
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
data Base = T | C | A | G deriving (Eq,Show)
data Diff = Sub Base Base | Id Base | Del Base | Ins Base deriving (Eq,Show)
loeb x = let go = fmap ($ go) x in go
s a b = if a == b then 1 else 0
smithWaterman a' b' = let
[al,bl] = map length [a',b']
[a,b] = zipWith (\l s -> array (1,s) $ zip [1..] l) [a',b'] [al,bl]
h = loeb $ array ((0,0),(al,bl)) $
[((x,0),const 0) | x <- [0 .. al]] ++
[((0,y),const 0) | y <- [1 .. bl]] ++
[((x,y),\h' -> maximum [
(h' ! (x - 1,y - 1)) + s (a ! x) (b ! y),
(h' ! (x - 1, y)) + 1,
(h' ! (x, y - 1)) + 1
) | x <- [1 .. al], y <- [1 .. bl]]
ml l (0,0) = l
ml l (x,0) = ml (Del (a ! x): l) (x - 1, 0)
ml l (0,y) = ml (Ins (b ! y): l) (0, y - 1)
ml l (x,y) = let
(p,e) = maximumBy ((`ap` snd) . (. fst) . (const .) . (. (h !)) . compare . (h !) . fst) [
((x - 1,y),Del (a ! x)),
((y, x - 1),Ins (b ! y)),
((y - 1, x - 1),if a ! x == b ! y then Id (a ! x) else Sub (a ! x) (b ! y))
in ml (e : l) p
in ml [] (al,bl)
Here is a live example where it is used for: Map String Float
with loop detection and loop resolution.
This program calculates speed, time and space. Each one depends on the other two. Each cell has two values: his current entered value and the expression as a function of the other cell values/expressions. circularity is permitted.
The Cell recalculation code uses the famous loeb expression by Dan Piponi in the 2006. Until now by my knowledge there haven't been any materialization of this formula on a real working spreadsheet. this one is close to it. Since loeb enters in a infinite loop when circular expressions are used, the program counts the loops and reduces complexity by progressively substituting formulas by cell values until the expression has no loops
This program is configured for immediate recalculation on cell change, but that can be adapted to allow the modification of more than one cell before recalculation by triggering it by means of a button.
This is blog pos:

Why is the type of this function (a -> a) -> a?

Why is the type of this function (a -> a) -> a?
Prelude> let y f = f (y f)
Prelude> :t y
y :: (t -> t) -> t
Shouldn't it be an infinite/recursive type?
I was going to try and put into words what I think it's type should be, but I just can't do it for some reason.
y :: (t -> t) -> ?WTFIsGoingOnOnTheRHS?
I don't get how f (y f) resolves to a value. The following makes a little more sense to me:
Prelude> let y f x = f (y f) x
Prelude> :t y
y :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
But it's still ridiculously confusing. What's going on?
Well, y has to be of type (a -> b) -> c, for some a, b and c we don't know yet; after all, it takes a function, f, and applies it to an argument, so it must be a function taking a function.
Since y f = f x (again, for some x), we know that the return type of y must be the return type of f itself. So, we can refine the type of y a bit: it must be (a -> b) -> b for some a and b we don't know yet.
To figure out what a is, we just have to look at the type of the value passed to f. It's y f, which is the expression we're trying to figure out the type of right now. We're saying that the type of y is (a -> b) -> b (for some a, b, etc.), so we can say that this application of y f must be of type b itself.
So, the type of the argument to f is b. Put it all back together, and we get (b -> b) -> b — which is, of course, the same thing as (a -> a) -> a.
Here's a more intuitive, but less precise view of things: we're saying that y f = f (y f), which we can expand to the equivalent y f = f (f (y f)), y f = f (f (f (y f))), and so on. So, we know that we can always apply another f around the whole thing, and since the "whole thing" in question is the result of applying f to an argument, f has to have the type a -> a; and since we just concluded that the whole thing is the result of applying f to an argument, the return type of y must be that of f itself — coming together, again, as (a -> a) -> a.
Just two points to add to other people's answers.
The function you're defining is usually called fix, and it is a fixed-point combinator: a function that computes the fixed point of another function. In mathematics, the fixed point of a function f is an argument x such that f x = x. This already allows you to infer that the type of fix has to be (a -> a) -> a; "function that takes a function from a to a, and returns an a."
You've called your function y, which seems to be after the Y combinator, but this is an inaccurate name: the Y combinator is one specific fixed point combinator, but not the same as the one you've defined here.
I don't get how f (y f) resolves to a value.
Well, the trick is that Haskell is a non-strict (a.k.a. "lazy") language. The calculation of f (y f) can terminate if f doesn't need to evaluate its y f argument in all cases. So, if you're defining factorial (as John L illustrates), fac (y fac) 1 evaluates to 1 without evaluating y fac.
Strict languages can't do this, so in those languages you cannot define a fixed-point combinator in this way. In those languages, the textbook fixed-point combinator is the Y combinator proper.
#ehird's done a good job of explaining the type, so I'd like to show how it can resolve to a value with some examples.
f1 :: Int -> Int
f1 _ = 5
-- expansion of y applied to f1
y f1
f1 (y f1) -- definition of y
5 -- definition of f1 (the argument is ignored)
-- here's an example that uses the argument, a factorial function
fac :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
fac next 1 = 1
fac next n = n * next (n-1)
y fac :: Int -> Int
fac (y fac) -- def. of y
-- at this point, further evaluation requires the next argument
-- so let's try 3
fac (y fac) 3 :: Int
3 * (y fac) 2 -- def. of fac
3 * (fac (y fac) 2) -- def. of y
3 * (2 * (y fac) 1) -- def. of fac
3 * (2 * (fac (y fac) 1) -- def. of y
3 * (2 * 1) -- def. of fac
You can follow the same steps with any function you like to see what will happen. Both of these examples converge to values, but that doesn't always happen.
Let me tell about a combinator. It's called the "fixpoint combinator" and it has the following property:
The Property: the "fixpoint combinator" takes a function f :: (a -> a) and discovers a "fixed point" x :: a of that function such that f x == x. Some implementations of the fixpoint combinator might be better or worse at "discovering", but assuming it terminates, it will produce a fixed point of the input function. Any function that satisfies The Property can be called a "fixpoint combinator".
Call this "fixpoint combinator" y. Based on what we just said, the following are true:
-- as we said, y's input is f :: a -> a, and its output is x :: a, therefore
y :: (a -> a) -> a
-- let x be the fixed point discovered by applying f to y
y f == x -- because y discovers x, a fixed point of f, per The Property
f x == x -- the behavior of a fixed point, per The Property
-- now, per substitution of "x" with "f x" in "y f == x"
y f == f x
-- again, per substitution of "x" with "y f" in the previous line
y f == f (y f)
So there you go. You have defined y in terms of the essential property of the fixpoint combinator:
y f == f (y f). Instead of assuming that y f discovers x, you can assume that x represents a divergent computation, and still come to the same conclusion (iinm).
Since your function satisfies The Property, we can conclude that it is a fixpoint combinator, and that the other properties we have stated, including the type, are applicable to your function.
This isn't exactly a solid proof, but I hope it provides additional insight.
