Running cruise under different credentials -

So I have one part of my build that requires domain rights and does file copying.
Another part of my build runs some program that requires the user to interact with the desktop which seem to be only accomplish able by the system account.
What is the best way to work around these two items? At the moment it seems like I can only do one or the other...

One way is to do net use s: \\<share path> <password> /user:<domain user> /savecred, which will allow your system account to impersonate the domain user for the share connection.
Another way is to use the runas.exe /user:<your domain user> /savecred <program>. Note that this would require someone running runas to enter the domain user password form the context of your CC.Net user. You can do this by opening a console as the system account (there are numerous articles on this topic, because of CC.Net SVN integration) and manually running runas /savecred and providing the password.
An alternative is to create a separate COM service that runs as the domain account and have a command line tool that CC.Net invokes that call that service.
Yet another alternative would be to have the CC.Net schedule an immediate task running as the domain user. You can use schtasks.exe to do that. You'll need an xml file with the task definition, which will need to contain the domain user name and password.


Custom Users when using Jenkins Google Login Plugin

I am attempting to our company's Jenkins from the Jenkins user database + matrix based security to using Google Login Plugin and Role based strategy plugin to give us better control of our user accounts.
With this new set up I am wondering how I could go about creating a designated user which is used by scripts which trigger Jenkins jobs remotely. I would like to do this without having to add a user to our company's GSuite account as this costs a few $ per month. Before the switch to Google Login I could just create a user manually in the Jenkins user database and take the API token from there but since switching to Google Login there is no option to add a user (which makes sense given than the users are managed by Google now). At the moment it seems like I have to choose from:
Use the old approach and forget about authenticating through google. This is not a great result as we want to minimize the number of user accounts we have to set up for new people joining the company to overhead of onboarding.
Use Google Login Plugin and create a new dedicated "Jenkins" user in GSuite for these scripting / requirements. This costs money.
Use an existing users API Token to avoid the cost of a new Google User in our GSuite account. This seems like bad practice which I'll regret at some point.
Is there a workaround which doesn't require a designated GSuite user or repurposing an existing Google users credentials just for this purpose?
I did a similar research a while ago and it seems like there is no way to do so right now.
However, I'm using SAML plugin with GSuite instead of Google Login Plugin, but from Jenkins security perspective I assume they work in the same way.
When you're using such plugin, Jenkins creates a securityRealm in its config. In my case it is:
<securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.saml.SamlSecurityRealm" plugin="saml#1.0.7">
Therefore, to have SAML and Jenkins security matrix work simultaneously, you have to have several security realms.
Here is a ticket, which describes this issue, but it's still open
I was also looking at how to trigger builds remotely when using the Google Login Plugin.
I ended up using the "Build Token Root Plugin" which solved this problem, without any need to create a dedicated user for this.
This plugin offers an alternate URI pattern which is not subject to the usual overall or job read permissions. Just issue an Http GET or POST to buildByToken/build?job=NAME&token=SECRET. This URI is accessible to anonymous users regardless of security setup, so you only need the right token.

Use getgrnam() to only query local groups

I am attempting to integrate a standalone product into an LDAP environment.
I have a RHEL 6.7 system that is configured for ldap authentication (via sss) that I need to programmatically add local users and groups to.
The input xml file has a list of users and groups with their group membership, login shell, user id and group id that should be used.
Now comes the problem, I have a Perl script that uses the XML file to configure the users and groups, it uses the getgrnam and getpwnam to query for users and groups then makes a system call to groupmod/groupadd and usermod/useradd if the user exists or not. I found that if LDAP has a group the same name as the group I am trying to create my script will see the group as existing and jump to the groupmod instead of groupadd. Then group binaries will only perform operations on local groups, and fail because the group doesn't exist locally. NSS is setup to check files then sss, which make sense why getgrnam returns the ldap group.
Is there a way to have getgrnam and getpwnam only query the local system without having to reconfigure nsswitch.conf and possibly stop/start SSSD when I run the script?
Is there another perl function I can use to query only local users/groups?
Short answer is no - the purpose of those function calls is to make the authentication mechanisms transparent. There's a variety of things you could be using, and no one wants to hand roll their own local files/ldap/yp/nis+/arbitrary PAM authentication mechanism.
If you're specifically interested in the contents of the local passwd and group files, I'd suggest the answer is - read those directly.

Creating users in subversion?

How I can create users in Subversion.
For when people access the repository, only to see their projects or files and not those of the other people?
Answer depends on how Subversion server is setup.
If you're using httpd then it depends on how authentication is setup in httpd. See SVNBook | Authentication options.
If you're using svnserve then you can use the built in authentication setup.
And if you're using svn+ssh:// then either users log into ssh as their own user (in which case how to add users is a function of adding users to ssh) or they log into as a shared user and the --tunnel-user argument gets set.

Perl script to access all user account directories on Linux server

I have a dedicated Linux web server with many user accounts on it. The user accounts are all located in /home/[userid] directories. I am able to create Perl scripts that run within each of my users’ accounts that can access files only within their own account, but now I need to create a script that can run “above” the users’ accounts and be able to access a file within any specified user’s account.
Currently, I have a script that uses Net::FTP to retrieve the needed file from each account so I can extract the necessary data from it, but of course, it’s slow to FTP into every account. Since the accounts are merely directories on the server, I’m looking for a way to run a Perl script in a way that it can access each account directory and simply open the required file and return the requested data for the specified account.
How can I accomplish this?
You should login as a user that has access to all the user directories (e.g. root). For security reasons, it might be safer to use sftp or some other encrypted connection.

How to grant access without setup account in CentOS

I have a sudo account (not root) on several CentOS servers. We would like to share the cluster with other uses who do not have an account for research purpose. (By share I mean users can reserve a time slot to use the cluster exclusively.) But setup an account in the OS for each user is too annoying. Is there a good way to grant them authority to read/write/execute their own files during a certain period of time? I am thinking something like temporary username and password that they can use to login through some interface (like a webserver) I offered. And the username and password will expire after when their reservation. Any idea?
You can share your unix user account among several users, by using SSH key authentication.
In a nutshell, each user generates a public/private key combination. The allowed public keys are then listed in the following file on the shared unix acount:
I'm not aware of a mechanism to control when users are allowed to login. Presumably one could have a cronjob that swaps different versions of the authorized_keys file, dependent on the time of day. (Seems like over engineering the solution, users can easily over-ride this kind of restriction).
