How to read from a Linux serial port - linux

I am working on robot which has to control using wireless serial communication. The robot is running on a microcontroller (by burning a .hex file). I want to control it using my Linux (Ubuntu) PC. I am new to serial port programming. I am able to send the data, but I am not able to read data.
A few piece of code which is running over at the microcontroller:
Function to send data:
void TxData(unsigned char tx_data)
SBUF = tx_data; // Transmit data that is passed to this function
while(TI == 0) // Wait while data is being transmitted
I am sending data through an array of characters data_array[i]:
for (i=4; i<=6; i++)
RI = 0; // Clear receive interrupt. Must be cleared by the user.
TI = 0; // Clear transmit interrupt. Must be cleared by the user.
Now the piece of code from the C program running on Linux...
while (flag == 0) {
int res = read(fd, buf, 255);
buf[res] = 0; /* Set end of string, so we can printf */
printf(":%s:%d\n", buf, res);
if (buf[0] == '\0')
flag = 1;
It prints out value of res = 0.
Actually I want to read data character-by-character to perform calculations and take further decision. Is there another way of doing this?
Note: Is there good study material (code) for serial port programming on Linux?
How can I read from the Linux serial port...

This is a good guide: Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems
The read call may return with no data and errno set to EAGAIN. You need to check the return value and loop around to read again if you're expecting data to arrive.

First, take a look at /proc/tty/driver/serial to see that everything is set up correctly (i.e., you see the signals you should see). Then, have a look at the manual page for termios(3), you may be interested in the VMIN and VTIME explanation.


SPI linux driver

I am trying to learn how to write a basic SPI driver and below is the probe function that I wrote.
What I am trying to do here is setup the spi device for fram(datasheet) and use the spi_sync_transfer()api description to get the manufacturer's id from the chip.
When I execute this code, I can see the data on the SPI bus using logic analyzer but I am unable to read it using the rx buffer. Am I missing something here? Could someone please help me with this?
static int fram_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
int err;
unsigned char ch16[] = {0x9F,0x00,0x00,0x00};// 0x9F => 10011111
unsigned char rx16[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
printk("[FRAM DRIVER] fram_probe called \n");
spi->max_speed_hz = 1000000;
spi->bits_per_word = 8;
spi->mode = (3);
err = spi_setup(spi);
if (err < 0) {
printk("[FRAM DRIVER::fram_probe spi_setup failed!\n");
return err;
printk("[FRAM DRIVER] spi_setup ok, cs: %d\n", spi->chip_select);
spi_element[0].tx_buf = ch16;
spi_element[1].rx_buf = rx16;
err = spi_sync_transfer(spi, spi_element, ARRAY_SIZE(spi_element)/2);
printk("rx16=%x %x %x %x\n",rx16[0],rx16[1],rx16[2],rx16[3]);
if (err < 0) {
printk("[FRAM DRIVER]::fram_probe spi_sync_transfer failed!\n");
return err;
return 0;
spi_element is not declared in this example. You should show that and also how all elements of that are array are filled. But just from the code that's there I see a couple mistakes.
You need to set the len parameter of spi_transfer. You've assigned the TX or RX buffer to ch16 or rx16 but not set the length of the buffer in either case.
You should zero out all the fields not used in the spi_transfer.
If you set the length to four, you would not be sending the proper command according to the datasheet. RDID expects a one byte command after which will follow four bytes of output data. You are writing a four byte command in your first transfer and then reading four bytes of data. The tx_buf in the first transfer should just be one byte.
And finally the number of transfers specified as the last argument to spi_sync_transfer() is incorrect. It should be 2 in this case because you have defined two, spi_element[0] and spi_element[1]. You could use ARRAY_SIZE() if spi_element was declared for the purpose of this message and you want to sent all transfers in the array.
Consider this as a way to better fill in the spi_transfers. It will take care of zeroing out fields that are not used, defines the transfers in a easy to see way, and changing the buffer sizes or the number of transfers is automatically accounted for in remaining code.
const char ch16[] = { 0x8f };
char rx16[4];
struct spi_transfer rdid[] = {
{ .tx_buf = ch16, .len = sizeof(ch16) },
{ .rx_buf = rx16, .len = sizeof(rx16) },
spi_transfer(spi, rdid, ARRAY_SIZE(rdid));
Since you have a scope, be sure to check that this operation happens under a single chip select pulse. I have found more than one Linux SPI driver to have a bug that pulses chip select when it should not. In some cases switching from TX to RX (like done above) will trigger a CS pulse. In other cases a CS pulse is generated for every word (8 bits here) of data.
Another thing you should change is use dev_info(&spi->dev, "device version %d", id)' and also dev_err() to print messages. This inserts the device name in a standard way instead of your hard-coded non-standard and inconsistent "[FRAME DRIVER]::" text. And sets the level of the message as appropriate.
Also, consider supporting device tree in your driver to read device properties. Then you can do things like change the SPI bus frequency for this device without rebuilding the kernel driver.

How to use a FIFO in a Linux char device driver so that two process that uses the driver can communicate

I have a char device driver that for a virtual device. I want a FIFO in the device driver so that 2 process using the device driver can transfer characters between them. I tried kfifo but I am new to this and find it difficult to use. Can any body please suggest some other way to implement the FIFO in Linux driver.
If you are only going to allow two processes to use the driver, then you can do as this:
In your open handler, make sure that two and only two processes can enter the driver:
If access mode = READ and not alreadyreading then
alreadyreading = 1
return -EBUSY
If access mode = WRITE and not alreadywritting then
alreadywritting = 1
return -EBUSY
In the same handler, initialize your FIFO, which could be just a single global character variable, and two wait queues: one for read, and one for write. Associated with these queues will be two variables: ready_to_read and ready_to_write. At the beginning, ready_to_read = 0 and ready_to_write = 1.
Then, in the release handler:
If access mode = READ
alreadyreading = 0;
If access mode = WRITE
alreadywritting = 0
To allow a new process to open the device in read or write mode.
In the write handler:
If access mode = READ then // we only support writting if the access mode is write
return -EINVAL
res = wait_event_interruptible (write_queue, ready_to_write);
if (res)
return res; // if process received a signal, exit write
Take a single character from user space (copy_from_user() )
Copy it to the FIFO (the global character variable)
ready_to_write = 0; // no more writtings until a read is performed
ready_to_read = 1; // ready to read! wake up the reading process
wake_up_interruptible (&read_queue);
return 1; // 1 byte written
And finally, in the read handler:
If access mode = READ then // we only support reading if the access mode is read
return -EINVAL
res = wait_event_interruptible (read_queue, ready_to_read);
if (res)
return res; // if process received a signal, exit write
Take character from global variable (our FIFO) and send it to userspace (copy_to_user() )
ready_to_read = 0; // no more reads until a write is performed
ready_to_write = 1; // ready to write! wake up the writting process
wake_up_interruptible (&write_queue);
return 1; // 1 byte read
You can extend this example to allow a FIFO or more than one character: you would need an array of chars, and two indexes: one to know where to read from, and one to know where to write to.
To test your driver, you can open two xterms and do
cat /dev/mydriver
in one, and:
cat > /dev/mydriver
In the oher one. Then, every line you write in the second xterm will be shown in the first one.
You can even modify the driver so when the writting process closes the file, a flag is set so the next time the read process waits to read something, it detects that the write process is ended and then it returns 0 as well (to signal an EOF to the user), so when you press Ctrl-D in the second xterm to end input, the first one ends automatically too. Something like:
(read handler)
res = wait_event_interruptible (read_queue, ready_to_read || write_process_ended);
if (res)
return res; // -ERSTARTSYS if signal
if (write_process_ended)
ready_to_write = 1;
return 0; // if write process ended, send an EOF to the user
... get byte from FIFO, send to the user, etc.
return number_of_bytes_sent_to_user;

recv with flags MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_PEEK on TCP socket

I have a TCP stream connection used to exchange messages. This is inside Linux kernel. The consumer thread keeps processing incoming messages. After consuming one message, I want to check if there are more pending messages; in which case I would process them too. My code to achieve this looks like below. krecv is wrapper for sock_recvmsg(), passing value of flags without modification (krecv from ksocket kernel module)
With MSG_DONTWAIT, I am expecting it should not block, but apparently it blocks. With MSG_PEEK, if there is no data to be read, it should just return zero. Is this understanding correct ? Is there a better way to achieve what I need here ? I am guessing this should be a common requirement as message passing across nodes is used frequently.
int recvd = 0;
do {
recvd += krecv(*sockp, (uchar*)msg + recvd, sizeof(my_msg) - recvd, 0);
printk("recvd = %d / %lu\n", recvd, sizeof(my_msg));
} while(recvd < sizeof(my_msg));
BUG_ON(recvd != sizeof(my_msg));
/* For some reason, below line _blocks_ even with no blocking flags */
recvd = krecv(*sockp, (uchar*)tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf), MSG_PEEK | MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (recvd) {
printk("more data waiting to be read");
more_to_process = true;
} else {
printk("NO more data waiting to be read");
You might check buffer's length first :
int bytesAv = 0;
ioctl(m_Socket,FIONREAD,&bytesAv); //m_Socket is the socket client's fd
If there are data in it , then recv with MSG_PEEK should not be blocked ,
If there are no data at all , then no need to MSG_PEEK ,
that might be what you like to do .
This is a very-very old question, but
1. problem persits
2. I faced with it.
At least for me (Ubuntu 19.04 with python 2.7) this MSG_DONTWAIT has no effect, however if I set the timeout to zero (with settimeout function), it works nicely.
This can be done in c with setsockopt function.

Linux, serial port, non-buffering mode

I am trying to organize nob-blocking read-write functionality with serial port in Linux. Here is the code I have:
It all works fine, but it is buffered. That means, that if I do input to serial via console + CR symbol, select detects new input, otherwise, if I do input via simple python script, it buffers all symbols and waits until I send it carriage return symbol.
So with this input (given below) it simply buffers symbols somewhere.
I have to PCs connected via USB2Serial converter
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import serial
cmd1_state = b'\x3E\x01\x00\x01'
#Selecting serial port for commands to be sent --> /dev/ttyUSB0
serial_0 = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB2');
print("Using serial port ", serial_0.portstr);
# closing serial port
So, can anybody tell me what to do here? Do I have to change something within port opening in my C file or it's to be done with python script? I used flush() method in later, but it also did not help.
BTW, I've googled out about F_NOCACHE arg to fcntl() function. BUT! It's all about BSD and Darwin OS's, there is no such thing (F_NOACHE arg to fcntl) in Linux, as far as I could see.
Looks like I found out the solution.
/* set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,...) */
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* inter-character timer unused */
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* blocking read until 1 char received */
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
Taken from :
Looks like I found out the solution.
/* set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,...) */
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* inter-character timer unused */
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* blocking read until 1 char received */
tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
Taken from :

Linux termios VTIME not working?

We've been bashing our heads off of this one all morning. We've got some serial lines setup between an embedded linux device and an Ubuntu box. Our reads are getting screwed up because our code usually returns two (sometimes more, sometimes exactly one) message reads instead of one message read per actual message sent.
Here is the code that opens the serial port. InterCharTime is set to 4.
void COMClass::openPort()
struct termios tio;
this->fd = -1;
int tmpFD;
tempFD = open( port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
if (tempFD < 0)
cerr<< "the port is not opened"<< port <<"\n";
portOpen = 0;
tio.c_cflag = BaudRate | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD ;
tio.c_oflag = 0;
tio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = InterCharTime;
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = readBufferSize;
newtio.c_lflag = 0;
tcflush(tempFD, TCIFLUSH);
this->fd = tempFD;
portOpen = true;
The other end is configured similarly for communication, and has one small section of particular iterest:
while (1)
sprintf(out, "\r\nHello world %lu", ++ulCount);
WritePort((BYTE *)out, strlen(out)+1);
} //while
Now, when I run a read thread on the receiving machine, "hello world" is usually broken up over a couple messages. Here is some sample output:
1: Hello
2: world 1
3: Hello
4: world 2
5: Hello
6: world 3
where number followed by a colon is one message recieved. Can you see any error we are making?
Thank you.
For clarity, please view section 3.2 of the Linux Serial Programming HOWTO. To my understanding, with a VTIME of a couple seconds (meaning vtime is set anywhere between 10 and 50, trial-and-error), and a VMIN of 1, there should be no reason that the message is broken up over two separate messages.
I don't see why you are surprised.
You are asking for at least one byte. If your read() is asking for more, which seems probable since you are surprised you aren't getting the whole string in a single read, it can get whatever data is available up to the read() size. But all the data isn't available in a single read so your string is chopped up between reads.
In this scenario the timer doesn't really matter. The timer won't be set until at least one byte is available. But you have set the minimum at 1. So it just returns whatever number of bytes ( >= 1) are available up to read() size bytes.
If you are still experiencing this problem (realizing the question is old), and your code is accurate, you are setting your VTIME and VMIN in the newtio struct, and the rest of the other parameters in the tio struct.
