What are the files from the 'make' of git that I actually need to run git? - linux

I'm trying to "portablize" git, so I want to send the required executables from the make process of git to my hosted web server. Can I do that? Do you think the executables will work?

The way I do it is to:
get all Git dependencies (as listed in this Solaris package site, but this works for any Unix platform)
compile those dependencies with --prefix=/home/myuser and install them in the usr/local/lib of my home directory
then compile Git (still avoiding any reference to a system path like /usr/local/lib, but only using the lib and include within my homedir)
and install Git in the /home/myuser/git directory
I can then copy only /home/myuser/git and /home/myuser/usr/local (and $prefix/libexec/git-core as Jakub mentions in the comments) to any other similar server, knowing it will work in isolation from any existing system libraries.


How to properly build package from sources

I'm using ubuntu 18.04.
I want to modify and build a project and install it as a package. For example gstreamer1.5.
So I clone repo, modify code and use ./autogen.sh and make install in project folder. Why don't I see it in apt list then? Also there is no files in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.5/.
The reason why I want it to behave as the original package is becase I want to build another project that uses it (kurento media server). So I just want to remove some plugins I don't need that use another packages as deps I cannot use.
apt list is from the Linux distribution. You custom made things won't appear there magically.
If you make install from your custom tree your libraries and plugins will land in /usr/local/lib/.. (note the local path). You may have some control over it by setting the prefix path. Just be careful you don't break you system by overwriting with broken libraries.

How to make Cmake globally available

I just installed Cmake from git clone wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.3.tar.gz in a new folder on a Linux server. The compilation worked but cmake command is not recognized from other paths. Should I copy the entire contents of cmake-2.8.0 folder to usr/local/bin? Or is the contents of bin folder that need to be copied?
On Linux and other Unix-based systems, a common arrangement is to install packages to /opt and add relevant entries to the PATH environment variable to make them available. This is intended for packages not provided by the native package manager or distribution. By choosing an appropriate directory structure, this can be done in a way which also allows different versions to be installed simultaneously and the user can pick which one they want by adding the relevant directory to the PATH.
For the specific case of CMake asked about in the question, you can use a directory structure like /opt/cmake/<version> and then add the relevant /opt/cmake/<version>/bin directory to your PATH (e.g. /opt/cmake/3.8.2/bin for the 3.8.2 CMake release). You can even just download the official pre-built CMake tarballs, unpack them and move the top level directory into the /opt/cmake area as the particular version you downloaded. I've used this successfully on Linux, MacOS and Solaris, as I'm sure have many others.
Note that once you've run CMake on a particular source tree, the cmake executable doesn't need to be on the PATH any more. If cmake needs to be re-run, the build will do so itself and it records the full path to the cmake executable in its own cache, so the PATH isn't even consulted (this is essential in ensuring the same version of CMake continues to be used for all builds regardless of the PATH, since PATH can change between login sessions, etc.). You would only need cmake on your PATH if you intend to invoke cmake manually or for the first time you run it on a source tree, but in both of these cases you can always just use the full path to the cmake executable if you preferred.
I should also add that the entire set of files provided in the CMake package are required, not just the bin directory. CMake makes extensive use of files in its other directories, such as the various modules it comes with. If you are building CMake from source, you may want to build the package target so you get a relocatable tarball or similar which will contain everything that should be included when you provide a CMake package on your system.
After the build, use 'sudo make install'. This will make sure the correct libraries and binaries are copied to their proper places.
Usually this will install the binary to /usr/local/bin.
Make sure the PATH variable has this included.
sudo make install did not copy to /usr/local/bin/ for some reason, so I copied the content of CMAKE /bin. to usr/local/bin an it worked.
cp –a bin/. /usr/local/bin/

Using symlinks between two projects on git

There is server running under CentOS with php-fpm and nginx on aboard. Two projects are hosted, one of them is primary, the second contains half of the primary project as symlinks and part corresponding to itself. Both projects are in git repos. The primary project works correct under Linux and Windows machines after cloning the repo. But the second project contains symlinks and it doesn't work properly.
I don't know what to do. It's important to save the symlinks, but how should we work with the second project on Windows? Some hooks with git (replace symlinks with files before pull)?
git converts symlinks to text files on Windows, since symlinks are available only on *nix environments, and msysgit doesn't take care of them by default.
You can create a post-commit hook to workaround them.
Check answers on git symlinks in windows, specifically this one where a user has given steps to handle the scenario.
You are looking for git submodules: http://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule

How do I deploy Node.js applications as a single executable file? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to make exe files from a node.js app?
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Supposed I have written a Node.js application, and I now would like to distribute it. Of course, I want to make it easy for the user, hence I do not want him to install Node.js, run npm install and then manually type node app.js.
What I'd prefer was a single executable file, e.g. an .exe file on Windows.
How could I approach this?
I am aware of this thread, anyway this is only about Windows. How could I achieve this in a platform-independent manner? Any ideas? Best practices? ...?
The perfect solution was a "compiler" I can give a source folder to. The source folder contains the app itself in various .js files, the node_modules folder and some metadata, such as the package.json. The output should be binaries for various platforms, such as Windows, OS X and Linux.
Oh, and what's important: I do not want to make any changes to the source code, so calls to require with relative paths should still work, even if this relative path is now inside the packaged app.
Any ideas?
PS: I do not want the user to install Node.js independently, it should be included inside the executable as well.
Meanwhile I have found the (for me) perfect solution: nexe, which creates a single executable from a Node.js application including all of its modules.
It's the next best thing to an ideal solution.
First, we're talking about packaging a Node.js app for workshops, demos, etc. where it can be handy to have an app "just running" without the need for the end user to care about installation and dependencies.
You can try the following setup:
Get your apps source code
npm install all dependencies (via package.json) to the local node_modules directory. It is important to perform this step on each platform you want to support separately, in case of binary dependencies.
Copy the Node.js binary – node.exe on Windows, (probably) /usr/local/bin/node on OS X/Linux to your project's root folder. On OS X/Linux you can find the location of the Node.js binary with which node.
For Windows:
Create a self extracting archive, 7zip_extra supports a way to execute a command right after extraction, see: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/39048-how-to-make-a-7-zip-switchless-installer/.
For OS X/Linux:
You can use tools like makeself or unzipsfx (I don't know if this is compiled with CHEAP_SFX_AUTORUN defined by default).
These tools will extract the archive to a temporary directory, execute the given command (e.g. node app.js) and remove all files when finished.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the solution you're describing sounds a lot like Node-Webkit.
From the Git Page:
node-webkit is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write native apps in HTML and JavaScript with node-webkit. It also lets you call Node.js modules directly from the DOM and enables a new way of writing native applications with all Web technologies.
These instructions specifically detail the creation of a single file app that a user can execute, and this portion describes the external dependencies.
I'm not sure if it's the exact solution, but it seems pretty close.
Hope it helps!
JXcore will allow you to turn any nodejs application into a single executable, including all dependencies, in either Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X.
Here is a link to the installer:
And here is a link to how to set it up:
It is very easy to use and I have tested it in both Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04.
FYI: JXcore is a fork of NodeJS so it is 100% NodeJS compatible, with some extra features.
In addition to nexe, browserify can be used to bundle up all your dependencies as a single .js file. This does not bundle the actual node executable, just handles the javascript side. It too does not handle native modules. The command line options for pure node compilation would be browserify --output bundle.js --bare --dg false input.js.
There are a number of steps you have to go through to create an installer and it varies for each Operating System. For Example:
on Mac OS X you need to create a .pkg, there are instructions on how to do that here: https://coolaj86.com/articles/how-to-create-an-osx-pkg-installer.html
on Ubuntu Linux you need to create a .deb, there are instruction on how to do that here: https://coolaj86.com/articles/how-to-create-a-debian-installer.html
on Microsoft Windows you need to create a .exe or .msi, there are instruction on how do that using the innosetup installer here: https://coolaj86.com/articles/how-to-create-an-innosetup-installer.html
You could create a git repo and setup a link to the node git repo as a dependency. Then any user who clones the repo could also install node.
#git submodule [--quiet] add [-b branch] [-f|--force]
git submodule add /var/Node-repo.git common
You could easily package a script up to automatically clone the git repo you have hosted somewhere and "install" from one that one script file.
#clone git repo
git clone your-repo.git

Preferred way to build multiple projects with Jenkins, CMake and pkg-config?

I am developing two libraries A and B with B depending on A, both managed in their own Git repositories. The libraries are built with CMake and installed in standard UNIX directories. During installation a .pc file is also installed that is used by pkg-config. Library B uses pkg-config to find library A, therefore it is necessary that either library A is installed system-wide with make install or the PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set to the appropriate directory.
Now, I use Jenkins to build library A on a remote machine. Unfortunately, library B cannot be built because the dependency is not met (pkg-config cannot find library A). Setting the paths in a pre-build step is not working because the commands are run in its own shell.
The questions are
Can I somehow make install library A? Or,
can I somehow point CMake to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/libA/install_dir/lib?
Is there a better way to build projects with inter-dependent libraries?
To answer your questions in order:
To make install library A - You can configure the Jenkins job that builds library A to archive the library as a build artefact. Then the job to build library B can download the artefact from Jenkins at the start of the run – e.g. http:///job/libA/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/
Once the library B job has collected library A it can then be installed and used.
Configuring Cmake – I don't know enough about cmake so I'm afraid I can't answer that.
Is there a better way – Possibly using Rake, we use it to control a build chain with lot's of dependencies. Although I'm not sure how well it would work if library A has to be built on a remote machine. Things might be simpler to manage if both libraries are build on the same machine.
Using artifacts, as suggested by user1013341, is one of the steps that was needed to this problem. But to get it working with pkg-config we have to do a little bit more:
I setup library A's CMakeLists.txt to produce a tarball with make package_source.
After a successful build of library A, Jenkins create this tarball and stores it as an artifact.
library B uses the Copy Artifact Plugin to get the tarball and untars it. Inside of the tarball there is still built project and the .pc file pointing to the install location of library A.
In the next build step, I use the EnvInject Plugin to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the untarred library A.
Last but not least, the normal CMake build process can be started and the correct paths are picked up according to the environment variables.
