Accessing any memory locations under Linux 2.6.x - linux

I'm using Slackware 12.2 on an x86 machine. I'm trying to debug/figure out things by dumping specific parts of memory. Unfortunately my knowledge on the Linux kernel is quite limited to what I need for programming/pentesting.
So here's my question: Is there a way to access any point in memory? I tried doing this with a char pointer so that It would only be a byte long. However the program crashed and spat out something in that nature of: "can't access memory location". Now I was pointing at the 0x00000000 location which where the system stores it's interrupt vectors (unless that changed), which shouldn't matter really.
Now my understanding is the kernel will allocate memory (data, stack, heap, etc) to a program and that program will not be able to go anywhere else. So I was thinking of using NASM to tell the CPU to go directly fetch what I need but I'm unsure if that would work (and I would need to figure out how to translate MASM to NASM).
Alright, well there's my long winded monologue. Essentially my question is: "Is there a way to achieve this?".

If your program is running in user-mode, then memory outside of your process memory won't be accessible, by hook or by crook. Using asm will not help, nor will any other method. This is simply impossible, and is a core security/stability feature of any OS that runs in protected mode (i.e. all of them, for the past 20+ years). Here's a brief overview of Linux kernel memory management.
The only way you can explore the entire memory space of your computer is by using a kernel debugger, which will allow you to access any physical address. However, even that won't let you look at the memory of every process at the same time, since some processes will have been swapped out of main memory. Furthermore, even in kernel mode, physical addresses are not necessarily the same as the addresses visible to the process.

Take a look at /dev/mem or /dev/kmem (man mem)
If you have root access you should be able to see your memory there. This is a mechanism used by kernel debuggers.
Note the warning: Examining and patching is likely to lead to unexpected results when read-only or write-only bits are present.
From the man page:
mem is a character device file that is an image of
the main memory of the computer. It may be used, for
example, to examine (and even patch) the system.
Byte addresses in mem are interpreted as physical
memory addresses. References to nonexistent locations
cause errors to be returned.
The file kmem is the same as mem, except that the
kernel virtual memory rather than physical memory is


Memory available to assembly program in Linux

For fun I am just trying to write a program in assembly for Linux on a laptop with an x86 processor to get some system information. So one of the things I am trying to find is how much memory is available to my program, and where e.g. the stack is and if and how I can allocate additional memory if needed.
Long time ago I did things like this on an Atari ST and there was just a system 'malloc' I could ask memory from and there were functions to find the available memory.
I know Linux is set up differently and I kind of have the whole address space to myself, but I guess there are some memory areas I am not allowed to touch.
And somehow a default stack seems to have been setup.
I researched quite a bit for this, but I can't find any 'assembly' system call. Most people point to linking the C malloc for memory management, but I am not looking for a memory manager. I just want to know the memory boundaries of my program.
I find things like getrlimit, setrlimit, prlimit and brk and sbrk, but those seem to be C functions and not system calls.
What am i missing?
Linux uses virtual memory (and ASLR). Atari ST doesn't use either so it did have a fixed memory map for some OS data structures and code. (Because the OS was in ROM and couldn't be easily updated, some people even documented some internal addresses.)
Linux tries to keep the boundary between kernel and user-space rigid, with a well-defined documented API / ABI for user-space to interact with the kernel via system calls. (e.g. on x86-64, via the syscall instruction). User-space doesn't need to care what's on the other side of that wall, and usually not even where its pages are in virtual memory as long as it has pointers to them.
When glibc malloc wants more pages from the OS, it uses mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS) or brk to get them, and hand out chunks of them for small calls to malloc. It keeps bookkeeping data structures in user-space (so that's per-process of course).
I know Linux is set up differently and I kind of have the whole address space to myself, but I guess there are some memory areas I am not allowed to touch.
Yeah, every process has its own virtual address space. You can only touch the parts you've allocated, otherwise the resulting page fault will be "invalid" (OS knows there isn't supposed to be a physical page for that virtual page) and will deliver a SIGSEGV signal to your process if you try to read or write it. ("valid" page faults happen because of swap space or lazy allocation / copy-on-write; the kernel updates the HW page tables and returns to user-space for it to re-run the instruction that faulted.)
Also, the kernel claims the high half of virtual address space for its own use. ( See also for Linux's x86-64 memory map layout.
I can't find any 'assembly' system call.
mmap and brk are true system calls. See the "notes" section of the brk(2) man page. Section 2 man pages are system calls, section 3 are libc functions.
Of course in C when you call mmap(...), you're actually calling a wrapper function in glibc. glibc provides wrapper functions, not inline asm macros that use the syscall instruction directly.
See also The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls which explains the asm interface, and also the VDSO pages. Linux maps some kernel memory (read-only) into your user-space process, holding code and data so getpid() and clock_gettime() can run in user-space.
Also various Q&As on Stack Overflow, including What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on i386 and x86-64
So one of the things I am trying to find is how much memory is available to my program
There isn't a system call to query the current memory map of your process. Parsing /proc/self/maps would be your best bet.
See Finding mapped memory from inside a process for some fun ideas on using system calls to scan ranges of virtual address space for mapped pages. e.g. Like Linux's mincore(2) syscall returns -ENOMEM if the specified range contains any unmapped pages.

Allocating "temporary" memory (in Linux)

I'm trying to find any system functionality that would allow a process to allocate "temporary" memory - i.e. memory that is considered discardable by the process, and can be take away by the system when memory is needed, but allowing the process to benefit from available memory when possible. In other words, the process tells the system it's OK to sacrifice the block of memory when the process is not using it. Freeing the block is also preferable to swapping it out (it's more expensive, or as expensive, to swap it out rather then re-constitute its contents).
Systems (e.g. Linux), have those things in the kernel, like F/S memory cache. I am looking for something like this, but available to the user space.
I understand there are ways to do this from the program, but it's really more of a kernel job to deal with this. To some extent, I'm asking the kernel:
if you need to reduce my, or another process residency, take these temporary pages off first
if you are taking these temporary pages off, don't swap them out, just unmap them
Specifically, I'm interested on a solution that would work on Linux, but would be interested to learn if any exist for any other O/S.
An example on how I expect this to work:
map a page (over swap). No difference to what's available right now.
tell the kernel that the page is "temporary" (for the lack of a better name), meaning that if this page goes away, I don't want it paged in.
tell the kernel that I need the temporary page "back". If the page was unmapped since I marked it "temporary", I am told that happened. If it hasn't, then it starts behaving as a regular page.
Here are the problems to have that done over existing MM:
To make pages not being paged in, I have to allocate them over nothing. But then, they can get paged out at any time, without notice. Testing with mincore() doesn't guarantee that the page will still be there by the time mincore() finishes. Using mlock() requires elevated privileges.
So, the closest I can get to this is by using mlock(), and anonymous pages. Following the expectations I outlined earlier, it would be:
map an anonymous, locked page. (MAP_ANON|MAP_LOCKED|MAP_NORESERVE). Stamp the page with magic.
for making page "temporary", unlock the page
when needing the page, lock it again. If the magic is there, it's my data, otherwise it's been lost, and I need to reconstitute it.
However, I don't really need for pages to be locked in RAM when I'm using them. Also, MAP_NORESERVE is problematic if memory is overcommitted.
This is what the VmWare ESXi server aka the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) layer implements. This is used in the Virtual Machines and is a way to reclaim memory from the virtual machine guests. Virtual machines that have more memory allocated than they actually are using/require are made to release/free it to the VMM so that it can assign it back to the Virtual Machines guests that are in need of it.
This technique of Memory Reclamation is mentioned in this paper:
On similar lines, something similar you can implement in your kernel.
I'm not sure to understand exactly your needs. Remember that processes run in virtual memory (their address space is virtual), that the kernel is dealing with virtual to physical address translation (using the MMU) and with paging. So page fault can happen at any time. The kernel will choose to page-in or page-out at arbitrary moments - and will choose which page to swap (only the kernel care about RAM, and it can page-out any physical RAM page at will). Perhaps you want the kernel to tell you when a page is genuinely discarded. How would the kernel take away temporary memory from your process without your process being notified ? The kernel could take away and later give back some RAM.... (so you want to know when the given back memory is fresh)
You might use mmap(2) with MAP_NORESERVE first, then again (on the same memory range) with MAP_FIXED|MAP_PRIVATE. See also mincore(2) and mlock(2)
You can also later use madvise(2) with MADV_WONTNEED or MADV_WILLNEED etc..
Perhaps you want to mmap some device like /dev/null, /dev/full, /dev/zero or (more likely) write your own kernel module providing a similar device.
GNU Hurd has an external pager mechanism... You cannot yet get exactly that on Linux. (Perhaps consider mmap on some FUSE mounted file).
I don't understand what you want to happen when the kernel is paging out your memory, and what you want to happen when the kernel is paging in again such a page because your process is accessing it. Do you want to get a zero-ed page, or a SIGSEGV ?

For arm Linux, could threads in user space access virtual address of Kernel space?

Virtual memory is split two parts. In tradition, 0~3GB is for user space and 3GB~4GB for kernel space.
My question:
Could the thread in user space access memory of kernel space?
For ARM datasheet, the access attribution is in the charge of domain access control register. But in kernel source code,the domain value in page table entry of user space virtual memory is same as kernel space's page table entry.
In fact, your application might access page 0xFFFF0000, as it contains the swi-handler and a couple of other userspace-helpers. So no, the 3/1 split is nothing magical, it's just very easy for the kernel to manage.
Usually the kernel will setup all memory above 3GB to be only accessible by the kernel-domain itself. If a driver needs to share memory between user and kernel-space it will usually provide an mmap interface, which then creates an aliased mapping, so you have two virtual addresses for the same physical address. This only works reliably on VIPT-Cache systems or with a LOT of careful explicit cache flushing. If you don't want this you CAN hack the kernel to make a chunk of memory ABOVE the 3G-split accessible to userspace. But then all userspace applications will share this memory. I've done this once for a special application on a armv5-system.
Userspace code getting Kernel memory? The only kernel that ever allowed that was DOS and its archaic friends.
But back to the question, look at this example C code:
char c=42;
We take one byte (a char) and assign it the numeric value 42. We then dereference this non-pointer, which will probably try to access the 42nd byte of virtual memory, which is almost definitely not your memory, and, for the sake of this example, Kernel memory. guess what happens when you run this (if you manage to hold the compiler at gunpoint):
Segmentation fault
Linux has memory protection like any modern operating system. If you try to access the memory of another process, your process will be terminated before it can do anything (other things I'm not so sure about happen with debuggers though). Even if that memory was that of another Userland process, you would still get terminated. I'm almost sure that root programs can't access other programs memory, or Kernel memory. The only way to access Kernel memory is to be part of the Kernel, or indirectly through the kernel's cooperation.

Limiting how much physical memory the kernel can manage with the "mem" environment variable

I've inherited supporting some linux kernel drivers (in which my experience is very limited). My question is as follows. It's an embedded environment and the hardware has 512MB of physical memory. However, the boot parameters that are passed to the kernel limits the memory to 256MB by using the variable linuxMem=mem=256M. In my research of this environment variable, I am of the understanding that
this limits the amount of memory that the kernel can manage to 256MB.
Yet in some application code that runs on my target, I see an open of /dev/mem and a subsequent mmap of the returned file descriptor and the offset parameter of the mmap call is in the upper 256MB of physical memory.
And things seem to be working fine. So my question is "why does it work if the kernel supposedly does not know about the upper 256MB?"
Strictly speaking, mem=256M is a kernel parameter, not an environment variable. This parameter only tells the kernel to use so much memory, but it does not make the system completely blind to the physical chip installed in the machine. It can be used to simulate a system with less physical memory than is actually available, but it is not fully equivalent to opening up your box and pulling out one of the memory chips.
Looking at the docs for this parameter, you can explicitly see that addresses outside of limited range can be used in some situations, that's why they recommend also using memmap= in some cases. So, you can't allocate memory for your app above the limit, but you can look at what is found at some physical address, and it seems some device drivers make use of this possibility.
mmap() returns virtual addresses, not physical ones.
It's perfectly possible for a device to only have 64MB of memory and for mmap() to map something around 1GB.

Is it possible to allocate a certain sector of RAM under Linux?

I have recently gotten a faulty RAM and despite already finding out this I would like to try a much easier concept - write a program that would allocate faulty regions of RAM and never release them. It might not work well if they get allocated before the program runs, but it'd be much easier to reboot on failure than to build a kernel with patches.
So the question is:
How to write a program that would allocate given sectors (or pages containing given sectors)
and (if possible) report if it was successful.
This will problematic. To understand why, you have to understand the relation between physical and virtual memory.
On any modern Operating System, programs will get a very large address space for themselves, with the remainder of the address space being used for the OS itself. Other programs are simply invisible: there's no address at which they're found. How is this possible? Simple: processes use virtual addresses. A virtual address does not correspond directly to physical RAM. Instead, there's an address translation table, managed by the OS. When your process runs, the table only contains mappings for RAM that's allocated to you.
Now, that implies that the OS decides what physical RAM is allocated to your program. It can (and will) change that at runtimke. For instance, swapping is implemented using the same mechanism. When swapping out, a page of RAM is written to disk, and its mapping deleted from the translation table. When you try to use the virtual address, the OS detects the missing mapping, restores the page from disk to RAM, and puts back a mapping. It's unlikely that you get back the same page of physical RAM, but the virtual address doesn't change during the whole swap-out/swap-in. So, even if you happened to allocate a page of bad memory, you couldn't keep it. Programs don't own RAM, they own a virtual address space.
Now, Linux does offer some specific kernel functions that allocate memory in a slightly different way, but it seems that you want to bypass the kernel entirely. You can find a much more detailed description in
Check out BadRAM: it seems to do exactly what you want.
Well, it's not an answer on how to write a program, but it fixes the issue whitout compiling a kernel:
Use memmap or mem parameters:
I will edit this answer when I get it running and give details.
The thing is write own kernel module, which can allocate physical address. And make it noswap with mlock(2).
I've never tried it. No warranty.
