When should I use ACL in my application - security

I am pretty much confused as to when I should implement an ACL (access control list) system in my application though I can easily manage permissions on groups simply by fetching the session group id and restricting the access using the Auth component.
How is an ACL solution better then the approach I discussed above (restricting the group access based on group id) ?
How does implementing an ACL solution simplify things when it comes to managing access rights in your application ?
Till now I have learned that through ACL, permissions can be granted and revoked at runtime, but this functionality is also achievable without using an ACL.
I am very much confused about this, please help me understand the concept, when to use ACL and the benefits of using ACL in your web application.
I prefer to code with cakePHP v1.3 so it would be great if the explanation is given in context of cakephp but any help (language/technology independent) related to my question is greatly appreciated.

You must use ACLs (or an equivalent user permission mechanism such as literal database User and Permission tables) rather than groups if you need to control access to individual entities which vary dynamically. File systems attach ACL's to individual files since you don't want to create a separate group for each file. Database managers attach ACL's to databases, tables, views, stored procedures and whatnot for the same reason. Web servers deal with web applications in the same manner.
In a business application dealing with business entities, you may want to partition access to entities such as e.g. different sales orders, customers, products or divisions within your company, where not everybody is allowed to create/update or even read the same entities. For instance, when sales staff are in direct competition for bonuses, they don't want everybody else to see all the information on their CRM-stored prospects.
Usually, though, you want to keep your access mechanisms as coarse-grained as is humanly possible: groups are usually good enough. Fine-grained access control mechanisms have a tendency to grow complex, expensive, inaccurate and hard to use correctly. They may even decrease security, since administrative frustration encourages people to find clever workarounds...

I think that ACL technic for securising user access to ressources is usefull only for a typical or medium - sized application . for big applications like CRM or financial data warehouses , ACLs will fail to manage a very complex set of user / ressource couples , when the data increase in size , in type and in volume , the ACLs tables made for that purpose will increase too , which it make for me no sense to overload the database server with ACL Tables. There are many others technics used to install security access and permissions and privileges ... The use of ACL files instead does not sound bad but it is not a good idea as files may corrupt from time to time so data failure is over the risk to not have access to a file containing ACL rules or to access a non existing file or a lost one ... The only way to play with permission is to use the business tables used in the context or in the purpose of your application with relationships between your tables and some logic to add to your Service Side Scripts if you are under MVC Architecture or any else ... So Avoid using ACL for very big sized applications.


Is CouchDB per-user database approach feasible for users with lots of shared data?

I want to implement a webapp - a feed that integrates data from various sources and displays them to users. A user should only be able to see the feed items that he has permissions to read (e.g. because they belong to a project that he is a member of). However, a feed item might (and will) be visible by many users.
I'd really like to use CouchDB (mainly because of the cool _changes feed and map/reduce views). I was thinking about implementing the app as a pure couchapp, but I'm having trouble with the permissions model. AFAIK, there are no per-document permissions in CouchDB and this is commonly implemented using per-user databases and replication.
But when there is a lot of overlap between what various users see, that would introduce a LOT of overhead...stuff would be replicated all over the place and duplicated in many databases. I like the elegance of this approach, but the massive overhead just feels like a dealbreaker... (Let's say I have 50 users and they all see the same data...).
Any ideas how on that, please? Alternative solution?
You can enforce read permissions as described in CouchDB Authorization on a Per-Database Basis.
For write permissions you can use validation functions as described on CouchDB
The Definitive Guide - Security.
You can create a database for each project and enforce the permissions there, then all the data is shared efficiently between the users. If a user shares a feed himself and needs permissions on that as well you can make the user into a "project" so the same logic applies everywhere.
Using this design you can authorize a user or a group of users (roles) for each project.
Other than (as victorsavu3 has suggested already) handling your read auth in a proxy between your app and couch, there are only two other alternatives that I can think of.
First is to just not care, disk is cheap and having multiple copies of the data may seem like a lot of unnecessary duplication, but it massively simplifies your architecture and you get some automatic benefits like easy scaling up to handle load (by just moving some of your users' DBs off to other servers).
Second is to have the shared data split into a different DB. This will occasionally limit things you can do in views (eg. no "Linked Documents") but this is not a big deal in many situations.

More Than 32 Roles/Permissions Symfony2 Security System?

Everything in Symfony2 looks pretty good however there is one issue I can't seem to find a solution too. The issue is that Symfony2's security component is limited to 30-32 roles/permissions. One of my projects, a project management/issue tracker system, is going to need more than 32 permissions. There are a number of different components of the system that need to have there own set of permissions. Just because someone has create, read, update, or delete permissions to issues does not mean they have those permissions for projects, milestones, etc... Each component is going to need its own create, read, update, and delete permission not to mention component specific permissions and there is no doubt I will reach the 30-32 roles/permission limit.
I have questioned in IRC and the mailing list with no really direction of where to go. I would prefer to be able to just added this functionality on top of the existing security component (preferably through a bundle). I am not sure how I can achieve more than 30-32 roles/permissions with symfony2's security component.
I would really prefer not to have to development my own security system w/ ACL.
as stated before in the question comments by gilden:
But this is exactly the use case for ACL. You can start using the built-in ACL system today! It's quite easy to modify/extend as well to best suit your needs.
For beginners, I think it's best to read these articles from Symfony2 official book in the following order:
Security - Including info about: Authentication and Authorization, Users & Roles, Access Control in Templates & Controllers
Access Control Lists (ACLs) - Including info about: Bootstrapping & configuration, Creating an ACL, an ACE, Checking Access & Cumulative Permissions
Advanced ACL Concepts - Including info about: Design Concepts, Database Table Structure, Scope, Pre- & Post-Authorization Decisions, Process for Reaching Authorization Decisions
There are also some interesting question here at SO.com about Symfony2 ACLs
Good luck!
I think you kind of misunderstood the acl system you can only create 32 kind of role, but by domain object. This is done using bitmasks operations on integers ( this explaining the '32' limitation as an integer is ... well you know the answer ).
So for example the permission to delete one object would be same - 'MASK_DELETE' - for a project a milestone or a ticket. So if you used the ProblematicAclManagerBundle you would just have to do :
$aclManager->addPermission($ticket, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
$aclManager->addPermission($projet, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
to give your user permission to delete $project or $ticket for instance. It also creates the acl entry for the domain object and the entry for the user if they are not already there. What I need to know though is if you can create different masks names for a class, or every class of a bundle ?
You will find a deeper explaination on acls here
I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to share this with anyone who has a similar answer.
The key to providing a solution is in this sentence in your question:
There are a number of different components of the system that need to have there own set of permissions.
For each of these components you could create a separate voter.
Create a class that extends AclVoter.
Override the supportsClass() method to make sure the voter will only vote for classes of the component it is meant for.
Create your own PermissionMap containing the set of permissions the component needs.
Pass the PermissionMap to the AclVoter in your services configuration.
Tag the voter as security.voter so the AccessDecisionManager will start using it.
This should get you a long way.
I also recommend going thought the code of the ACL Component, there are a lot of features that unfortunately aren't documented.

Appropriate spot for security evaluations - business logic or data access

Pardon the length here...hopefully I didn't go overboard...
I'm in the process of working on my first production MVC application and I'm trying to stick to DDD principles in the process. I've run into some questions related to how to deal with the security requirements of the application and thought I'd see if the SO community could offer some best-practice suggestions.
Domain Information
To use a simplified explanation, this application will have AffiliateCompanies, Users, and Customers.
AffiliateCompanies are hierarchal, so one affiliate can sign up and be tied to the activities of another affiliate. The root is the main company providing the products/services.
Users all belong to an Affiliate entity.
Customers are organizations to which the products/services are sold. Affiliates are assigned to customers such that it is possible for two hierarchically-unrelated affiliates to split a Customer.
Security Information
Rights to perform certain actions in the application will be determined based on an ACL-type of arrangement. Each User object has a property that is a collection of SystemAccessRules that determine what actions they can perform and what the scope of their permissions are (their own objects, their affiliate's objects, or their entire hierarchy's objects). Users can also belong to roles, which themselves have that same collection of SystemAccessRules.
As a result, if a user logs in and wants to see a list of "their" customers, the list could be comprised of customers they are individually assigned to, customers anyone in their affiliate organization is assigned to, or customers anyone in their organization or any of their child affiliate organizations are assigned to.
Database Considerations
DDD aside, at some point the storage strategy has to come into play. In this simple scenario, the tables align with the objects above (including a roles table), with a few support tables to support the relationships between the objects:
AffiliateCustomers - this table allows for a many-to-many relationship between affiliates and customers by storing the PK of each entity as a pair of FKs that are themselves a composite PK for this table.
ACL - this table stores the security information, specifically the subject of the entry (either a user or a role), the action in question (e.g. "CreateCustomer"), the permission (allow or deny), and a scope (their own stuff, their organization's, or their network's).
The Question...Finally
I'm using a combination of repositories and services. I'm trying to keep business logic in the services and out of the repositories or database, but due to the security design here, a simple request for the list of "their" customers could be immensely burdensome, especially as the data set grows. I was trying to use Linq where possible, but this architecture seems not to be very suited. As I see it, here are my choices:
Accept the requesting user as an argument for service methods (or determine it by context), and have the service method populate a list through multiple queries to Linq repository. This would require pulling the list of customers, then iterating through each customer to issue another query to pull the ACL data, then using that data to filter the first list based on permissions. The hierarchy issue would require some fancy Linq footwork (like this), if it's possible at all.
Even if the hierarchy issue could be made to work, it seems like this solution won't perform very well...
Accept the requesting user as an argument, but pass it and the required permission (e.g. "View Customers") to the repository in order to retrieve appropriate data from the database through a stored procedure that would use several EXISTS clauses in a CTE query that could account for the hierarchical nature of the data and the need to check for role and user security.
This pushes a fair amount of logic to the database, which seems very anti-DDD and generally bad.
I'm leaning more toward the second option, but that may be because in my past projects that's how I've done it. I'm not even sure if my design overall is on the right track (in the past the permission declarations were done using bit flags, so it was even easier to do the DB query using bitwise operator).
Has anyone been in similar situations, and if so can you comment on the performance and maintainability of the solution you pursued? I want to stick to high-minded programming principles, but not at the expense of simplicity and common sense.
Have you considered using the specification pattern to pass your business rules down to your data access layer?
The service constructs a specification tree which it passes to the repository. The repository converts the specification into an Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> which it passes to IQueryable<Customer>.Where(...). When the repository materialises the collection, e.g. by calling ToList(), the business rules are translated into SQL and executed on the database server.
Last time I checked, LINQ to SQL didn't support CTEs, so you may need to use a view to flatten the hierarchy.

Is there anything "better" than Access Control Lists (ACLs)?

I've spent some time casually mulling over ACLs in my head. I can see the real benefit of ACLs and their flexibility. But I have some serious concerns when it comes to implementing ACLs for a project that could have hundreds of thousands of users , if not millions. All connected someway to hundreds of thousands of resources (such as images, messages, BLOBs).
It seems to me that the overhead in processing and managing the rules applied to millions of resources for hundreds of thousands of users would be obscene.
But then I haven't seen any alternatives. Are there any beyond username, password, user-level?
I would not be too scared of any performance impact of ACL.
If it turns out to be slow, profile it and optimise it.
There's nothing in it that is inherently so slow as to make it unsuitable for large projects.
Most companies end up being crushed under the weight of their RBAC and or ACL implementation. Whether they realize it or not. The future is attribute based access control. Simplifies things by going from "Johnny can access X because he is in the admin role." to "Johnny can access X because it is between 8-5 and he has clearance X as well as part of business unit Y."
Google XACML and watch this amusing presentation on Roles http://vimeo.com/2723800 . Zed nails it.
Have a google for "Role Based Access Control" and "Domain-Based Network Management".
Managing ACLs (or any equivalent) can be a bear if you don't plan ahead. The one thing that makes the biggest difference is to grant access to groups, not individuals, avoiding redundancy. This is particularly relevant when a group contains other groups.

ACL for a network device

I need to implement ACL based authentication mechanism for a device. This device can be accessed through various interfaces like web pages, TL1 (basically through some command prompt) etc.
I need to keep ACL logic centralized so that request from any interface can be authenticated.
ACL logic would basically check whether the logged in user can perform the operation he is trying to perform. For this I will create groups and add users to these groups. Each group would maintain list of operation allowed under that particular group.
Can someone suggest be the best way to implement this?
Is there any existing software/tool that allows me to achieve this? Any open source project?
I am a C/C++ programmer and a newbie to the ACL concept. Above mentioned module is to be developed for Linux OS. Web interface will be in CGI.
Thanks in advance.
Your question is misleading. What you ask, has in most cases nothing to do with the ACLs of the filesystem objects in linux.
I'm assuming your cgi is a single file, written in c++.
You will have to use some local data storage solution. In your place I used sqlite, or some other sql-based solution.
I think, your acl lists - which aren't filesystem-based ACLs - should be stored in your local database.
P.s. Furthermore, I suggest to use at least multithreaded fcgi, big cgi binaries are really highly suboptimal.
