Liferay : Portlets inside portlet - liferay

Is it possible to create a few portlets inside a portlet? I mean a multilevel portlet.

Yes. You can use the Nested Portlet to this purpose. This is a layout container for other portlets. You can choose the wanted layout in the configuration.

Yes, definately, you can have portlet within portlet.
Liferay provides taglib, thru which you can easily embed different util portlets (web content display, breadcrumb, navigation etc) within portlet

Assuming that you are talking about a framework, a platform or something similar, yes, it's possible. Look if your framework have a kind of Nested-portlet. I'm using the liferay platform, and they offer an implementation of Nested Portlet.

No you can't have portlet within portlet, its similar to having servlet within servlet...


How to embed navigation portlet in a jsp in Liferay 7.1?

Is there a way to embed a navigation portlet in custom JSP? I know there is a way in theme to call the portlets but I don't think the same works in JSP.
Yes, sure.
You have a taglib to embedded a portlet within your custom jsp page, using the correct portlet name.
<liferay-portlet:runtime portletName="com_liferay_site_navigation_menu_web_portlet_SiteNavigationMenuPortlet">

Liferay : How to see which portlets are composing a page?

I'm new to liferay.
I imported a big lar into my liferay instance but, for the moment, have none of the required portlets : there are a lot of portlets in the project I'm joining.
Currently, I have the site structure, but the pages display the message that the portlet is not here (logical).
For comprehension purposes, I wanted to build my portlets one after the other, on the need, to see them appear by the grace of liferay ;-)
But for that I wanted to know which portlet is missing.
This thread : How can i find - which portlets are deployed on which pages in Liferay 6.1? explain how to achieve this through the DB.
Is there really no built-in solution to do it through the liferay interface? Have we really to hack in the DB to get the info or install plugin?
In your browser console, Liferay.Portlet.list contains all portlets in the page.
This value is generated by themeDisplay.getLayoutTypePortlet().getAllPortlets() on the server.
As an alternative you can also look at the HTML code of the page and look for elements with the class portlet-boundary. For example this belongs to an instance of the Journal Content Portlet (Portlet name 56):
<div class="portlet-boundary portlet-boundary_56_ portlet-static portlet-static-end portlet-borderless portlet-journal-content full-screen" id="p_p_id_56_INSTANCE_WdRdMGe86kDa_">

Liferay portlet for creating web content

I use Liferay to manage web content. I would like my end users to create web content but I don't want them to go to back office to manage it.
So I would like a portlet that I can setup in public pages and which allows the end users to create web content directly in public pages.
Is there a simple way to do it using Liferay 6.1 or code is needed ?
Have you tried OOTB Web Content Display portlet? You can add Web Content Display portlet on any page and content can be created in that portlet itself which on publishing(if no workflow involved) will be visible on the page.
If Sandeep's answer is not what you're after (but I suspect it is) then you can write a custom portlet that uses Liferay's JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil methods to interact with Liferay Web Content. However I'd go with Sandeep's suggestion first as it doesn't involve coding! :)
If you want to develope another webcontent portlet as avaiable in control panel. You have to go for custom portlet creation and use the db tables like JournalArticle, JournalArticleImage, JournalArticleStructure and JournalArticleTemplate.

Developing a Portlet with Multiple Actions in Liferay

There is a guide on the Liferay site Developing a Portlet with Multiple Actions
Do you know where I should place the code of the MyGreetingPortlet class?
What should be the file name and in which folder I should place it?
Check out the Anatomy of a portlet in the same tutorial.

Liferay - theme across all portlets?

If I create multiple portlets with liferay, how can I have 1 theme control the look of all of them?
The Liferay's templating system consists of Velocity/Freemarker templates that renders particular html segments of portlets on a page. It is essentially one theme that styles everything.
If you choose to use JSPs on server side and Alloy UI framework on client side, even your portlet would have the same look and feel as the rest of the portal because Liferay JSP taglibs and Alloy UI both use the same CSS classes that the classic/default Liferay theme is expecting and made for.
