search with startkey, endkey and array keys - couchdb

I have a view wich returns several elements with array keys.
Example :
I'm trying to search through those elements. So if I do the following request :
startkey=[15, "2"]&
endkey=[20, "3"]&
Live example :[1267686720,%22sp4%22]&endkey=[1267686725,%22sp4\u9999%22]&include_docs=true&reduce=false
This one doesn't works. It returns me all the records, even the last one, which doesn't meets the second element of the array.
Strangely enough, it works with strings only.
Example :
if I do the following request :
startkey=["15", "2"]&
endkey=["20", "3"]&
Live Example :[%22Test1%22,%22sp4%22]&endkey=[%22Test1%22,%22sp4\u9999%22]&include_docs=true&reduce=false
Here it'll work well and only return the three first elements.
Am I missing something with couchdb's search for arrays with integers and strings ? Or have I fallen on a bug ?
Note : it does the same with CouchDB 0.10 and 0.11.

This looks wrong, and there are a few things it could be. Is it possible for you to share your code with us? If the data isn't proprietary you could replicate your db to and I'll take a look at the whole thing there.
Thanks for posting the live data. This is the query that is busted?[%22Test1%22,%22sp4%22]&endkey=[%22Test1%22,%22sp4\u9999%22]&reduce=false
Because that looks fine to me. What am I missing?


flux query: filter out all records related to one matching the condition

I'm trying to filter an influx DB query (using the nodeJS influxdb-client library).
As far as I can tell, it only works with "flux" queries.
I would like to filter out all records that share a specific attribute with any record that matches a particular condition. I'm filtering using the filter-function, but I'm not sure how I can continue from there. Is this possible in a single query?
My filter looks something like this:
|> filter(fn:(r) => r["_value"] == 1 and r["button"] == "1" ) and I would like to leave out all the record that have the same r["session"] as any that match this filter.
Do I need two queries; one to get those r["session"]s and one to filter on those, or is it possible in one?
Trying the two-step process. Got the list of r["session"]s into an array, and attempting to use the contains() flux function now to filter values included in that array called sessionsExclude.
Flux query section:
|> filter(fn:(r) => contains(value: r["session"], set: ${sessionsExclude}))
Getting an error unexpected token for property key: INT ("102")'. Not sure why. Looks like flux tries to turn the values into Integers? The r["session"] is also a String (and the example in the docs also uses an array of Strings)...
Ended up doing it in two queries. Still confused about the Strings vs Integers, but casting the value as an Int and printing out the array of r["session"] within the query seems to work like this:
'|> filter(fn:(r) => not contains(value: int(v: r["session"]), set: [${sessionsExclude.join(",")}]))'
Added the "not" to exclude instead of retain the values matching the array...

How do I input a NodeJS variable as a parameter in a MongoDB Query

I've read through every stack overflow I can find and I don't understand why this still isn't working.
I'm trying to construct a NodeJS Mongo find query and very simply want to use a variable as the values, the key does not need to be dynamic.
This is the code I was working with initially :
collection.find({project_id : project_id_val})
but this simply returns :
Found the following records
I've also tried constructing my own javascript object and passing that in e.g.
Query = {}
Query["project id"] = project_id_val
But that doesn't work either, I know the key/value pair is correct because
project_id: "12345" works absolutely fine, and returns exactly what I want it to. I feel like this should be very simple so if someone could let me know where I'm going wrong that would be great.

Sum or Difference operation of two keys in document using Mongoengine

I have defined a model like
Class Orders(Document):
orderAmount = fields.FloatField()
cashbackAmount = fields.FloatField()
meta = {'strict': False}
I want to get all orders where (orderAmount - cashbackAmount value > 500). I am using Mongoengine and using that I want to perform this operation. I am not using Django Framework so I cannot use solutions of that.
Let's approach this if you had to do this without Mongoengine. You would start by dividing this problem into two steps
1) How to get the difference between two fields and output it as the new field?
2) How to filter all the documents based on that field's value?
You can see that it consists of several steps, so it looks like a great use case for the aggregation framework.
The first problem can be solved using addFields and subtract operators.
{$addFields: {difference: {$subtract: ["$a", "$b"]}}}
what can be translated into "for every document add a new field called difference where difference=a-b".
The second problem is a simple filtering:
{$match: {difference:{$gt: 500}}}
"give me all documents where difference field is greater than 500"
So the whole query in MongoDB would look like this
db.collectionName.aggregate([{$addFields: {difference: {$subtract: ["$a", "$b"]}}}, {$match: {difference:{$gt: 500}}}])
Now we have to translate it into Mongoengine. It turns out that there is aggregate method defined, so we can easily make small adjustments to make this query work.
Diff.objects.aggregate({"$addFields": {"difference": {"$subtract": ["$a", "$b"]}}}, {"$match": {"difference":{"$gt": 500}}})
As a result, you get CommandCursor. You can interact with that object or just convert it to the list, to get a list of dictionaries.

Kibana and groovy scripting

I was looking for a way to calculate a ratio on Kibana. After many researches i found this way :
Using the "JSON Input" feature in a visualisation.
I have all my informations in an index, with 2 types of documents (boots and reboots).
I am looking for the script which count the number of documents with the type boots, same for the reboots type then divide the second by the first.
It sounds really easy, but i do not find any way to get it after my researches, and i am not used to groovy enough yet to do it by myself.
I found many ways to manipulate documents values (doc['mydocname'].values etc), but nothing about the type.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT : I tried this
"aggs" : {
"boots_count" : { "value_count" : { "_type" : "boots" } }
Which is supposed to count the number of fields (here the field _type) in the index. But when i put it into "JSON Input" in a visualisation, that results in an error :
Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":"SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures {[BbXJ0O6tRxa_OcyBfYCGJQ][informationbe][0]: SearchParseException[[informationbe][0]: from[-1],size[0]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source [{\"size\":0,\"aggs\":{\"2\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"#sitePoste\",\"size\":5,\"order\":{\"1\":\"desc\"}},\"aggs\":{\"1\":{\"avg\":{\"script\":\"0\",\"lang\":\"expression\",\"ratio\":{\"boots_count\":{\"value_count\":{\"_type\":\"boots\"}}}}}}}}
I am wrong. But where ?
EDIT2 : In other hand, i am trying scripted fields, with something like this using lucene expression :
doc['_type:boots'].count / doc['_type:reboots'].count
but it doesnt work more, i am pretty confident about the "doc['_type:boots']" part, i guess the problem is on the "XXX.count" part.
After many attempts, i understand better and better how it works. Default scripted fields scope is on the document, not on the whole index, so i cant do a count action of whole values of the index from documents in it.
I am looking for a workaround, i'll post it it if find something interesting.
I finally solved my problem :
I added a scripted field, if the type of the document is boots, the scripted field = 1, else 0. Then i created a search with only boots and reboots documents (filter _type:boots _type:reboots) and calculated the average of the scripted field in a metric.
Everything works well !

Marklogic 8 nodejs queryBuilder.orderBy SEARCH-BADORDERBY

I get this
SEARCH-BADORDERBY: (err:FOER0000) Indexes are required to support element, element-attribute, json-property, or field sort specifications
everytime i try to use the orderBy. I tried in all possible ways.
qb.where(qb.value("hasGeolocation", true)).orderBy("username")
qb.where(qb.value("hasGeolocation", true)).orderBy("username"))
qb.where(qb.value("hasGeolocation", true)).orderBy(qb.sort("username"))
qb.where(qb.value("hasGeolocation", true)).orderBy(qb.sort("username")))
and for the sort i tried with 'ascending' or 'descending' direction. Nothing works. Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with the MarkLogic Node Api?
Victor, it looks to me like you haven't defined a range index on "username". Define a string range index on "username" and I think you'll be set.
