Windows XP exposing websites in IIS in local network - iis

how can I expose my Website to other PC's in my local network? Say I my computer name is CompTest and I can access my websites deployed in IIS in my own machine in http://Comptest/ and http://localhost/. Is there anything I need to set so other computers in my local network can access http://CompTest/? Just within local network.

You need to enable HTTP (port 80) over TCP through the Windows Firewall (in the Control Panel).

try using your ip address rather the your host name. like http://[ip address]:[port no]/[site name]. for your info http port is 80. also do
disable firewall
use static ip
i hope this will help you


How do I ensure local iis access security?

I have windows 2008 R2 server. It is located behind a firewall called Fortigate.
I need to access an application on local iis from outside.
I opened a free account on cloudflare for this. I forwarded the A record of to my own ip address.
I opened a port in Firewall and forwarded it to my server.
My aim is only to be able to access the port on the server from, other than that, by typing the ip address, port scanning programs and so on. I don't want it to be accessed.
I thought of typing the cloudflare ip address from the server's firewall, but the cloudflare ip address is constantly changing. How can I do it?

Web server on Azure VM

I've installed a Windows 2012 R2 VM (free tier) and enabled all ports for external communication (including port 80).
I logged in to my VM and installed nginx webserver (I've also tried to python development server).
I can access the website internally on the VM (using or the internal address of the server 10.1....) but when trying to access it from outside, using the external IP address (which is also the IP address I used in order to login to my server using RDP) I get no response.
Can you please help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
As #evilSnobu points out from his comments, the short answer is to allow the TCP port 80 in the windows firewall on windows VM itself.
Usually, we could login to that Windows VM and run the CMD command netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off to disable the windows firewall temporarily. Then we can use telnet tool to check if TCP 80 port can be connected.
When we face the same issue no response outside of Azure VM. we can try one or more of the followings:
There is an NSG at the subnet level or NIC level as well which is not allowing data through.
There is a firewall on the VM itself (windows firewall etc.)
There is nothing listening on that port. It should be listening on instead of when you use netstat -ano in the windows CMD.
The service is not staring when you verify the port listening.
Outbound traffic with a specific port is denied from your local machines.
Hope this helps.

Access Ubuntu Server VM on Azure

I've setup an Ubuntu Server on Azure. On this server, an application is running on port 3000. I want to access this application external. Azure tells me my server has public ip 40.68.XXX.XXX.
When I ping this IP, there is no response, despite ssh works when connecting to this IP-address.
I want to access 40.68.XXX.XXX:3000 external, does somebody know how to get this work?
Yes, you need to open up a port on the Network Security Group (NSG) and open up the port on your firewall (on the VM itself).
Easiest way to open the port is using the portal:

Cannot access Neo4j browser on a Windows Server

I have a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine provisioned on Azure. I installed Neo4j server on this virtual machine and I'm accessing the Neo4j browser on localhost:7474.
However I cannot access the browser outside using my virtual machine's public IP e.g <machineIP:7474>
Here's what I have done so far:
In the Azure portal, I added inbound rules for the NSG to allow http and https ports 80 and 443 (I have done the same on a Linux virtual machine also hosted in Azure and I can access the browser just fine)
I also added an inbound rule in Windows Firewall to allow Port 80 and 443 as well
What possibly blocks me from accessing the virtual machine's IP from the outside?
You have to add TCP port 7474 to the firewall in the Azure portal:
change your
To remotely access Neo4j installed on a Windows VM in Azure, these are the changes you'll need to make:
In the Azure portal, add TCP port 7474 to the Endpoints of your Windows VM
On your Windows VM, in the Windows Firewall Advances Security, add a new Inbound Rule for port 7474
Change the conf/neo4j.conf and uncomment this line:
Note: In case you also want full access to Neo4j's browse interface including Bolt, then also add port 7687 both in the Azure Endpoints and the Windows Firewall.

Windows Azure Endpoint not working

I have a problem with my windows azure virtual machine.
I need to open the Port 443 (HTTPS) on the VM.
In the Endpoint Config. of the virtual machine, I opened it and configure the ACL with the following parameters:
It's a Windows Server 2012 VM and I created the firewall rule for the public Connection.
A Port Check from shows that the port 443 is closed.
The Location of the virtual machine is Western Europe.
I hope, you can help me.
Kind Regards
I also had this issue and it was very annoying! I thought at first I was not setting up the SSL bindings correctly or that it was a certificate issue, then moved on to firewall issues. In the end it was the Azure endpoint at fault.
I had added the 443 endpoint, disabled local firewall and got nothing nothing. I got suspicious when I added a new endpoint on 8080, bound to https and it worked fine.
I deleted the 443 endpoint, shut the Azure VM down from the webinterface after shutting down the client. Created a new 443 endpoint and restarted the VM (I had already tried restarting my win2012r2 vm). It worked.
It must be a glitch in the networking stack of azure endpoints. You are not going mad!!
Hope that helps!
Did you also configure the Endpoint Configuration through the web management portal to forward connections from the ext->int ports ?
Anything you change on the Win2k12 Virtual machine will just affect the VM itself. i.e. opening 443 in the firewall, or configuring routes etc...
But you also need to allow a connection forward from the public IP address to the internal IP of the box. See the below screenshot.
Another gotcha. In addition to setting up the Endpoint configuration, you need to enable IP Forwarding. This is disabled by default.
IP Forwarding can be found in the IP Configuration settings of the network interface.
